Kay Smith: A Celebration of Life

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[Music] so [Music] thank you yes is can do to affect and bless others this was and is my grandma's legacy she consistently and faithfully pointed away from herself and she pointed others to jesus christ who was the object of her love and adoration her faith and confidence her anchor and i know that if she was here today she would want this celebration of life of her life to do the very same to point away from her and to point to the grace and goodness of jesus christ that was displayed in and through her life and so i would just like to begin by reading a liturgy a liturgy of praise for christ who conquered death you have made all things well o christ you have made all things well what once was lost you have reclaimed would have been harmed you will remake what was unwell you now restore you make all things well hear the word of the lord since the children have flesh and blood there is shoe solar available that was just released subjected to futility fettered to our fear of death but you did not abandon us you were not content to see one speck of ground the enemy of souls or to the cruel kingdom of death you were ever mindful of our plight all praise to you lord christ before it was your intention from creation to dawn not only to make all things but to make all things right when your works were despoiled and wrecked by sin and death you undertook to save and to reclaim what you had first made good you entered into this our space in time to act on our behalf you took on body blood and breath that you clothed in our condition might move in sympathy to save and shelter us for in the living temple of your flesh perfect justice and perfect mercy were met and there in the shedding of your blood they were forever reconciled in love so you subdued the sting of sin by death you conquered death you rescued us from the fear of death and from its power you have made all things well o christ you have made all things well hear the word of the lord this grace was given us in christ jesus before the beginning of time but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our savior christ jesus who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel the powers of darkness sought to swallow you in death's black waters oh christ but going under that flood you drank death down like a river you drank death's reservoir dry all praise to you lord christ you swallow death for us and by that act of willing sacrifice you push death back upon itself like the last lapping wave at the turning of the tide that high water mark now fading as death's dominion ebbs out for all time its power to terrorize god's people forever destroyed by god's own passage through it through death oh lord you gave us life you have made all things well eternal king you have made all things well o christ death dark shroud has been rent ragged and pierced through by the fierce dawning of your resurrection light and after your return after the final splintering of that dark night death will possess no lasting fame the works of death will win no glory for its name hear this promise o children of god hear and know death will surely die forever his shoddy works undone his usurped crown torn from his palsied grasp his impotence unmasked his power to harm shattered for all eternity like shards of finished glass receive the glory do your name lord christ the grip of death already slips it cannot slow the steady progress of the resurrection now advancing one day to be made visible in the full outworking of its infinite glad implications the door that led to death has been remade by christ into the door that opens into everlasting life amen you have made all things well you have made all things well o christ hear the word of the lord for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins now o king of all space and time raise your scepter declare the advent of the age of the healing and remaking of the world of the great rejoining of the realms of earth and heaven of the eternal dwelling of god with his people in this reconstructed temple of creation we who live in the shadow land of death's last stand await your appearance and command o lord everlonging of our souls every molecule of our physical bodies is crying out for yearning for reaching for tilted toward the irresistible gravity of your being and your glory come quickly lord jesus we await your speaking of the word that will roll up death like an old disintegrated scroll bind it with iron bands and cast it into flames christ alone will wear the crown christ alone is worthy of the name above all names every knee will bow and every tongue proclaim the rightness of his coronation sorrows we endure for now are but the rattling gasp that signals death's defeat christ's heel is planted on death's neck death cannot breathe and this space in which we grieve is but the long exhale of death's lasting expiring breath this age of passing sorrows is but the long death rattle of death itself the outcome bears no hint of doubt the work is done the victory is won so death will be undone all works of death will be undone and we whose lives are hid with christ and god will rise to live eternal everyone you have made all things well o christ you have made all things well i understand this first song we're going to do was requested by the family so hopefully it'll be a great memory for many of you tonight today [Music] little pilgrim walking down the road of life i find that in your heart you're just a lonely one before you see upon that very road my search for good and truth had its beginning they take a little turn to the left and you see what that path has to offer you then you gotta make it back to the main road anyhow and you have all that lost time to it's a sad thing to realize that you're all alone that you're on your own again [Music] can't you see that there are so many others they are just like you i was looking in that same direction but all i ever found were others and they were searching just like me and we didn't find the way or the answers to the questions that were buried deep down in our souls we just found that the ways of men have no answers [Music] [Music] what you're trying to do [Music] is taking you [Music] little children [Music] walking down the road of life i know the deep down in your heart that you are just like me what you're seeking is a better way you're reaching out for temporary resting places and you're glad to find a little peace of mind here and there but it won't last no no you'll have to move along someday till you're resting in the arms of the only one who can help you until you give your heart your soul your body your mind your very [Music] and it's a glad thing to realize that you're not alone no more that you found your way back home back home [Music] praise the lord and that was a lot of us right i can't imagine how chuck and kay really felt when the storm of hippies just deluged this little tiny church and you think about the patience that they had kay always struck me as a person that was just always praying about everything was very very insightful spiritually and i loved when you come around on friday morning the parking lot was always full right just as it is for you but two little moments what i had with kate once we first praised album wasn't being done and i had the mixes and pastor chuck wanted here he said come to the house i literally brought a reel to real tape recorder over and started playing this and he said that doesn't sound like a praise album to me and i went what he said he took all the fast songs off and kay walked through about that time and a lot of people were involved from our community debbie and ernie routino peter hawking and jacobs you know and sikhi first was on there with karen lafferty and peter jacobs got me to put strings on the album kay walked through on her way to bed she went oh finally something for us and i went oh yeah we've been kind of rocking and rolling your whole world here right another one was i was on a bus somewhere i think the love song guys were there and pastor chuck and kate were there and we're having a christian conversation and somebody gets on the bus we don't know everybody clams up and you can see every every eye is going like are you going to talk to this guy no i'm not talking to this guy you're going to talk to this guy oh i don't know what to say and katie just gave us kind of this exasperated look like you guys hey and she caught she didn't know the guy's name do you know jesus just boom like that right to a total stranger and one of the things that has stayed the same through all the years god has god's agenda hasn't changed he wants the lost to come home and he wants those who are home to grow up and not forget to reach out and that's what two hands is all about [Music] we're all gathered here because we all believe if there's a doubter in the crowd we ask you not to [Music] hear the message that we bring [Music] feel the faith [Music] accept him with your whole heart [Music] and use your own two hands [Music] with one reach out to jesus [Music] him well others just my name [Music] if you don't know for what [Music] with faith you can't move mountains these are common words [Music] accept him with your whole heart [Music] reach out to jesus and with the others [Music] and with the others [Music] [Music] i remember are going down harbor boulevard and seeing hippie kids and especially one day this was a final thing for me i kept saying why are they doing this why are they doing this and i saw this girl beautiful girl with a long dress all alone on the sidewalk it was evening and she was so vulnerable and she was spaced out she turned and walked like she was going to walk right in front of traffic stood on the curb just uncomprehendingly and she just turned around and she walked back against kind of a window there and that was it i just said chuck we've got to reach and we've got to reach a minute that's i think when the greatest degree of passion was born i just we have to well i was one of the dirty hippies came up from lagoon beach calvary at the time was in this little tiny uh building the middle of the bean field there were a lot of people that looked like me so i thought i was pretty safe coming in for the longest time i just kind of stayed in the background and i had a little white bible with his that was zippered it was a girl's bible but i didn't care just wanted to know jesus but i still didn't really know anyone and i think it was that summer that i went to pastor chuck's birthday party at irvine park and as i was walking down through the tables and everything kaye reached out to me and she said come sit with us and so i sat down with her and and jan had lunch with them we were friends ever since just uh one of my favorite people in the world i don't i don't have enough time to speak about all the stories and the adventures that i have traveled with kaye and chuck in the beginning when i was a young christian chuck and used to take me with him to give my testimony because it was so unbelievable and it probably was something that people had a hard time hearing and then he would preach and kaye would come with us sometimes and you could see the dynamic between these two they were they were so different so opposite but so compelling because of that that difference between their personalities but just two of the most lovely people you'd ever meet two of the most normal people that you'd ever spend time with sometimes we elevate people to this incredible pedestal because they are so anointed by god so empowered by god but they were ordinary people who gave their lives over to be become invisible so that the invisible god could be seen through them that's how i see both pastor chuck and kay now they're gone and it's it's heartbreaking i i can't believe that they're gone they're like my parents my spiritual parents kay was everything that people say she is and was always concerned about everybody else and always concerned about me as well and we used to work together on the pastor's wives conferences here i worked alongside of her for about 10 years and she was always just trying to bless everyone and she would spend her time and her energy and her entire heart finding ways to make things more wonderful for people and and draw them closer to jesus so in thinking about her and thinking about her as a person i see her with chuck but i also see her with everyone because in my eyes kay was the heart of this church if chuck was the the brains and the leader and the and the power uh he was a powerful man and a powerful man of god as well k was the heart of the church romaine was the greece of the church one day i was talking to the lord about what it would be like to see him to finally get to that place where i've crossed the threshold and i know that when i see him i shall see him as he is for i will be like him but that i can't fathom that i i fell asleep after praying about that and i woke up in the morning and i it's almost like this song just kind of came to me and it's a song about waking up from this bad dream in the kingdom of heaven the little bird wings away down from on high through quiet green valleys and blue velvet skies to yellow orange flowers a kiss from her beak away from her wings a touch from her feet she flies to your window and lands on the sill and looks ever gently and you lying still with dreams of green valleys [Music] and touches your eyes your lashes do flutter and to your surprise the world has unfolded like petals on roses to open when dawn brings the light she begins to sing she begins so [Music] she begins to see she begins to sing now you wander outside to the one sparring land the lily white lilies the golden bright sand the lamb and the lion lay down by the stream and you are the child to lead them in peace and on every tree as a gardens delight the day never ends there's never a night and walking toward you is jesus the king standing beside him in this precious thing your father and mother [Music] your sisters and brothers [Music] and i love your friends [Applause] hello i'm greg that's kathy and we're glad to be here i want to thank brian and cheryl and and the smith family for asking us to come and say a few words about kay you know we always felt we were her favorites right and uh cheryl said you know your mom really you were some of her favorite so i'm going to own that and thank god for that but you know kate loved this place she loved this church i think she always sat over there didn't she yes when chuck would speak and and she poured her heart into this and there's certain names that go together adam and eve uh abraham and sarah aquila and priscilla billy and ruth and chuck and kay right they were a team and if chuck was the father of the jesus movement then kay was clearly the mother and as it has been shared we'll hear more about this you know she just had this heart and and she would have chuck drive her down to the pier and she would look at these hippies and they were praying for a way to reach them but they didn't know a hippie and as the story goes uh one day jen brought home a genuine living breathing hippie who ultimately brought in an even hippier hippie named lonnie frisbee and uh chuck met lonnie and nitro met glycerin and it exploded and it was a genuine bonafide spiritual awakening that touched the entire planet called the jesus movement for sure and it was you know i i came to christ in 1970 and i didn't know i'd walked into a jesus movement i didn't know i was in the middle of a revival i just came to this amazing church i remember when they were singing two hands you know everybody would grab the hand of the person next to them some of you remember and hold it up with one reach out to jesus with the other bring a friend now we're too old and it's too much work to do that that's what we did back in the day but something i discovered later talking to kay and i talked to kay a lot she was so easy to talk to i'd get on the phone for an hour and a half with kay and she just was just so easy to converse with and and she interpreted chuck for me because chuck was a mystery to me you know chuck was when chuck wanted to talk he'd talk when he didn't want to he could be very quiet and he would say something he would say chuck i wanted to share this with you and he would say oh i was like okay what did chuck mean when he said that oh greg he loves you he just yeah and she would explain everything to me and reassure me many times but she told me later that she used to pray for a group of young kids that walked by her house uh they were just these lost kids that went back and forth across you know the front of her home near her home and she said i prayed for them that one or more of them would get saved and then one day it done to me i used to go over to this guy's house a block over from where chuck and kate lived i didn't know chuck and kay i didn't know who they were and this was our route we walked on every day we were using drugs we were lost and i realized later kay was praying for me and so she was just such a wonderful person and a lot's going to be said about her and it's you know she was used by god and i think odin summed it up well you know chuck was the mind he was the logic i think god the lord put someone like chuck at the at the wheel of this ship because he was such a stabilizing force in fact he even looked like the captain on the love boat remember that he looked up you know and he's just up there all right what a joy you know let's go you know that was chuck and caju's heart heart emotion pray passion perfect combination uh we were privileged to get to know them very well as friends and they were like spiritual parents so i never called chuck papa chuck i hear people say papa and i don't think we ever called kay mama kay but uh we we called them chuck and care pastor chuck and and so we're so thankful to be here kathy the last time we stood on this platform together was at our wedding almost 50 years ago and uh yep it's not wild to be here together yes and uh chuck pronounced as greg and laurie man and wife so greg says that's the secret to a happy marriage you just marry yourself greg and lori so the secret to a lung marriage is marry yourself i came to this church when it was the little church on sunflower almost 50 probably 50 years ago and um i went to hear a hippie preacher named lonnie and i had no idea about chuck smith later on i came to know there was a pastor at that church and that that pastor had a wife which absolutely fascinated me because being raised roman catholic priests don't have wives so i had no concept of what that was like to be married to a man of god a minister she still doesn't have any idea he said that but you know um k was the i was i had heard about kay but i didn't know her until um a little bit later on and uh it was so fascinating for me to sit and watch her and the closest contact that i ever had with kaye came a few years after greg and i got married when she called together a group of us to be part of a board of women pastors wives that would serve the pastor's wives of calvary chapel and um i was all of i think 24 maybe and um so never having had she still looks like she's 24. [Music] i never had any experience with um ministry whatsoever i i was a pastor's wife technically because i was married to a pastor but i had no idea what that looked like or what that would be like but it was in those early meetings that i began to see the scope and the influence and the importance of a pastor's wife and she modeled that for me and i was so grateful for those meetings that we had and we met for i don't know how many years decades together and we would spend hours together every summer planning the retreats and um kay was a perfectionist i'm telling you we would we would take four hours to write the letter to invite the pastor's wives to come to a retreat and uh she showed to me the importance of words and that words matter and she wanted everything to be just right but um what i also learned from kay was that she was willing to take a chance on a younger person i mean obviously i was very young i had no experience i was terrified and she gave me that first opportunity to speak publicly before anyone and boy that was a gamble when i look back on it now i think golly why did she do that i think because she had somewhat of a confidence in gray and thought well kathy's married to greg so maybe she knows something too but i did stand up on that platform and speak um shaking in my shoes and over the years she continued to as someone said cheryl said that we are her favorites yeah i i always have this among her face among her favorites but i had this feeling even though i was the youngest person at the time before cheryl started on the board to that she really she really did like me and she really was interested in my perspective she was she was curious she was fascinated by beauty and art and style and i think that's what intrigued her also about the hippies in the very beginning was she was just fascinated and curious and always wanting to learn and so i saw that part of her but apart from giving me my first opportunity in ministry and letting me see up close her her honoring of chuck and her love for the word and her passion to reach women i learned in her not long after those meetings started when she began really to invest in the women in this church through the joyful life bible studies and what i saw was k championing other women leading other women and she gave us and gave them the opportunity and showed us how important that small group community was in a church of thousands she recognized that accountability and discipling and loving god's word and supporting one another happened in a small group long before it became the trend for churches to do small group right kay was doing it here and she gave me the template for what i have discovered is my passion and my ministry and that is to reach women with the gospel and to recognize and i have to say kudos to chuck who not only permitted kay to do this but really championed her by giving her the resources and the platform and the encouragement and the support that she needed and i'm so grateful for that because i was able to build and stand kind of what they say standing on shoulders of giants i was able to follow in the wake that she carved for our ministry and for me in particular so thank you so much for letting us share today there's so many more things i could say how fun she was and her sense of humor i think you're gonna be a nerd here we'll let them do that that's yeah absolutely i don't know where they are but let's uh let's pray for a moment father we want to thank you for a life well lived what else could be said but she fought the good fight she kept the faith she finished the course and now there is that crown of righteousness which you the righteous judge have given to her and to pastor chuck thank you for the faith of this couple that left their comfort zone that took risks that were open to the leading of the spirit and they touched thousands of people and a genuine spiritual awakening happened through them and i know lord they're in heaven now and they're before your throne and i know what they would want above everything else is to give the glory to you so we give the glory to you lord thank you for the life of k smith and thank you for this time in jesus name we pray amen thank you guys god bless [Applause] hello we are debbie and ernie you know bretino this were the old uh chapel i would have been sitting about 15 rows back about 1969 the end of 1969 and chuck was preaching and at the end he said and if you want to accept christ i was there with sandy mcintosh and she was holding my hand and and well she grabbed my hand because she saw me raise my hand and uh it was kind of cool but anyway there you go we're old too in the old days he used to say i was singing that night when he got saved and now he doesn't remember it but oh yes i do okay i had a healing um we are so thankful to be here to honor kaye you know um some people knew her as mom mama kay and i heard that from other people but like greg and kathy we never called her mama k we called her kay and one time i think i introduced chris mrs smith because i was trying to be so proper but um she was a phenomenal person inside and out k was a gigantic force in the jesus movement some people didn't have a clue how big a force she was she had thousands of hippies showing up that she literally had prayed in her gift above even her word of wisdom her word of knowledge her gift was prayer and i have stood shoulder shoulder with her when she was storming heaven for something and i'm telling you there was there was an anointing on kay that changed the world she doesn't get the same credit that a lot of the people that were on stage all the time but i know what it was like backstage i know what it was like on the phone with her i know what it was like when she would even one time standing outside i had a headache and she goes we're going to pray for your headache and i'm going well that's a little eccentric or something you know but it wasn't at all she just dove into it and with her whole heart before the lord so i think that we can't really underestimate the number of people who are going to they're saying it now to her in heaven they're saying thank you thank you for obeying the lord thank you for serving him thank you for praying for me would that be cool to be in heaven and get to meet the people that were praying oh my gosh that or that you prayed for i mean i i i think it's exciting anyway um kate was gifted beyond anything that we had seen before and what blows the mind in terms of geometric progression is how many people came to christ not just here but how many people did they lead christ and that they led to christ and how many churches were formed just from calvary alone and then all the churches in addition to calvary that were bolstered and encouraged to grow and this didn't stop in the united states it was not just a west coast phenomenon i was on tour all over the place i saw what was going on all over the united states i saw what was happening in england i saw what was happening through scandinavia and russia and it just was all this and i tied this back to her faithfulness in prayer she was a woman of great influence and she was not the type to push herself forward but she was a person who would pick up the mantle of leadership that god had for her it takes courage to do that because you can't really wear that mantle without sacrificing something else and when she had that mantle on her women all over the world sat at her teaching she formed the joyful life uh bible study for women and like kathy said that was um something that she was pulling women in women pastors that and not women pastors women that were married to pastors to be on the board now that set a model that really was quite phenomenal i actually was on tour one day and found a book that is a thesis a thesis that someone made a doctorate about and it was about how the wives of the pastors at calvary chapel usually would handle the women's ministry and they did it modeling after k and what showed the effectiveness of calvary chapel wherever they were positioned was the women's ministry was the fuel that was amazing and now i tie back to her and just think about all those engines going all over the world in every tribe every nation everybody related to one another with the spiritual dna that came from the prayer that she had but kaye was not just a minister kay was a mom and that's mom spelled capital m capital o capital m um i taught music and drama the first year that uh mca existed and ernie would come in and help me stage shows and uh we used to i'm sorry what did you say oh you did something insane okay um jan smith was on staff with me i think she taught kindergarten yeah it was great uh and i taught music and drama and had all the kids 800 students in the entire school it's crazy and we i loved it i just loved it but ernie would show up and we would would staged these shows and we used to rehearse at word for today and that was where jeff was and chuck jr i thought i thought he was kind of gorgeous actually so i've never actually said that before but but now i i hate you this is my image of the epitome of beauty and handsomeness my husband is plenty gorgeous anyway but that kind of rounds out the kids except for cheryl and cheryl was 13 years old and she was my student so i think it's ernie's turn oh it is my journey as well okay uh yeah you know i have to say set this up a little bit that um i was young young baby christian really and and uh when uh i was here and but somehow earlier i got involved very quickly because i was a singer and leading worship and all and uh you are cute yeah thank you chuck and kay uh uh as most of the people here have said already were role models for us uh but they were role models for us in our marriage yeah and we didn't even know it at that time but they were because we were watching them and my concept my concept of who chuck and kay were is that they were perfect they just simply were perfect they never made any mistakes everything was right and it was clean and they were just good and that's the way it was and and then um and then one day uh cheryl was out she was in school and i guess she was probably about in the eighth grade or so and she was crying just hysterically sobbing and i was walking around the camera so i went up to her and i decided i was going to counsel her and in my counseling i had said to her well you know you are you're the the pastor's daughter and there's a lot of pressure uh that comes and i went on about with that and that you know you really shouldn't have that i carry that kind of pressure you need to put it on on the lord well the phrase you are the pastor's daughter and there is pressure happened to be a buzz phrase for kay she did not want her kids under the pressure of being the pastor's children did not well i didn't know that and i happened to use that phrase and cheryl shared the story with her mom [Applause] now i was golden boy at that time and uh i you know i could walk into the office and chuck i needed blah blah and come on in and anyway i i'm thinking i also i had a great problem with pride and i and i know that i'm thinking i'm going to walk into this office now and someone is going to be there and say oh that was so nice of you to counsel cheryl you did such a good job well i walked in and there was kay standing behind the counter and you know she had sparkling eyes anyway but she's looking now straight at me and uh i i don't know if i opened my mouth and said something did you hear about me like counseling cheryl and the pastors and i said that phrase and i'm looking and i suddenly saw eyes that were like fire just fire coming out of those eyes and suddenly it was like she had claws and she was she was at least mama there at the top of the mountain and she didn't take her eyes for me and she i felt she was going to just leap over that counter and bite my head off and he went oh i mean that was really exciting to say the least and but after that i mean i i had to tell you that um i actually learned through that experience first of all it just scared the death out of me i learned that women in the church are are not necessarily demure [Laughter] and and you know ray what are they uh [Music] in the wind what's that thing the the uh reeds a reed in the wind they're not a reed in the wind anyway i am 73. all right so but anyway so uh it was it's just exciting just seeing how this all uh was going to turn out for me but i did learn lessons from it about uh just maybe that was like a main one let's just call it that well in spite of kaye's reaction because she did the exact same thing to me on a different occasion and uh in spite of kay's reaction we recognized anointing on cheryl we knew that god had something very special in store for her and really they couldn't stop us from coaching her because god had put her right in our lap she was in our class and we had the opportunity to help her step up into what we knew was coming because we could see that that's a gifting that i have personally and we were doing the spring recital i'm going to tell this story and she's already got her head down you know but i wrote a song called hallelujah hallelujah jesus christ is risen it's the one if you really look for it on the youtube you can find me singing that song well it's five minutes long it's just ridiculously long but cheryl chose that song to sing for the spring recital and i was excited about it because she has a beautiful voice don't ever let her tell you that she can't sing that is not true because i have heard her sing and she sang that song in the spring recital absolutely perfectly she hit every note i did not notice that she had inverted or something like that two of the lines it just never occurred to me i was so thrilled that she had hit the night hi the high notes it was just gorgeous i'm like oh this is great well the thing that i saw though was she was upset about it and her parents cared for her not like they were in public and being pastors or being ministers whatever they were parents that just wanted to put their arms around her and hug her and give her oh gosh we're so sorry she muffed it on oh wow no and it was like this tragedy and i'm looking at this and i'm going they're the best parents ever i just like that heart that i was able to see and i'm sure it wasn't like that all the time uh because there's always challenges in a marriage but we started our marriage here that was just one of many challenges wait it's my turn it's my journey that was your cue yeah that's my cue all right well anyway we actually got married here in this church um we had a jewish let's put it this way we had a judeo-christian wedding and we had a hoopa you know canopy kind of a deal and uh both you know debbie and i have jewish heritage and so that made sense and chuck allowed it to happen which is kind of cool and all the guys wore yarmulkes even chuck had a little deal and and i've never told this but the when the ladies were coming down the aisle and we were all looking and this was the thing that blew my mind because don't say anything anti-semitic it's not no oh no he's not that please no but he chuck was standing here next to me and i don't know he i guess he thought maybe i was nervous and he just kind of wanted to sort of break the eyes or whatever and he's he just turns and he looks over at me and he goes hello cute little jewish boy i like your little beanie there's that and i just i just cracked i mean it just cracked me up it was really funny but i had never seen him he was always yes but and and then was that i just was like oh this was crazy but anyway uh so we had this jewish wedding and uh the jewish weddings have a thing that's kind of like a communion service and we had a really pretty bottle uh it should be like a bottle of wine and two bottles of wine one would be red and one would be white and um anyway it was uh i think it was when we had the rehearsal that kaye suddenly comes up to us and you know kay was just a non-drinker and alcohol was not going to pass her lips and but she saw those bottles of wine on the stage and she comes up and she says to us those are you are you going to put real wine in those and the truth was i'm so dumb i didn't know i and i looked at debbie and i saw her forming the n and i and we both went no no no no no that's going to be cranberry juice for the red and white grape juice for the white and then kay goes oh i'm so relieved yeah go ahead well chuck and kay were they were supportive of everything that we did uh we taught the kids at mca all the stuff that we did with shows and anything that we wanted to do they just rolled out the red carpet for us they made it possible and we started writing our own shows ernie started making up puppet shows that he did for the primary grades in their chapel time and that led to us producing the first kids praise album and ernie played salty so i don't know if any of you know that but but say something in your voice again uh okay well if this embarrasses you it embarrasses me too so uh here we go uh human salty would say um hi kids it's me salty the singing songbook praise the lord [Applause] i am red already it's just like the thing was that chuck and kay encouraged every idea that we had yeah they did and uh if without them we wouldn't have had the space or platform to be able to do what we did and for god to take the silly little blue book character with a high voice and take it all around the world and that's mind-boggling how to reach children they just gave us the place and said go have fun anything you want just do it because they they just i always expected a full house here we usually had to do three shows in a row with people wound winding around the building anyway um one of the most important things that happened though was i couldn't get the high tops show i don't know if any of you remember that but it's a show that we wrote for high school i couldn't get it off the ground it just wasn't moving anywhere there was no traction i couldn't get anybody to look at i gave it to kaye and i said please look at this we're we can't get it going and she didn't respond very well she didn't call me back for like two months and when she called back she said debbie this is really good and i'm taking it to chuck and chuck read it and then we were as soon as chuck said yes this is it that thing got went all over the united states other churches have produced it um it's done in europe even they have done it uh we did irvine meadows we did specifically applicator all these crazy things from this little show and we when i we were on tour we even got to go to the grand old opry and i was looking at this and watching how many people were coming to christ through this this show was even produced off-broadway in times square last summer and it just was amazing i just went wow what an opportunity they had an open casting call for people to of all different backgrounds to be able to come in and it was beyond amazing you know it's hard to be a mom and a minister and pastor's wife because i've done it i know and i manage it sometimes but sometimes i made some mistakes and there's bound to be pressures that get in the way but i wish i'd had a manual for how to do everything right and i remember one day getting out of the the car at my job at saddleback church i was director of worship leadership there and i had to hit the ground running and be greeting people and you know loving on people and all those that kind of stuff which is just not my nature and after that my kids came up to me and said you are such a hypocrite and i went really and i said yes you're not like that at home i said isn't it a miracle that i can do that at church no that was the big deal but um i know that sometimes we don't always get along with our moms exactly and i'm sure that cheryl had challenges because cheryl is so full of fire and so is her mom and i know that i had challenges my own mom and but it seemed to ease off as she got older and when she was 92 she asked me to perform her wedding to a young gentleman who was 86 and i said okay and so we did it in the backyard all the grandkids came was very family they all participated and everything but when she was getting dressed she dropped an earring and the earring fell on the carpet and we couldn't find it it was a little pearl earring and i was looking and looking and looking for that earring and shortly after the wedding she passed away and i found that earring after she passed away and that earring meant so much to me to be able to hold and just to think about my mom being close to me i keep it right next to my bed at night and i know that sometimes we hear their voices of our parents in our head we hear our loved ones you know it's memories and echoes come back to us and it's almost like we can see them and it's like looking through cheese cloth and we want to be able to push through and just touch them but it doesn't work that way we get to see them again fully in heaven but here we are and i take what i can get when i look in the mirror and i see my own mother looking back at me because we look like each other and that's exciting but and i what the big thing was is that anything i disagreed with her on seemed to disappear that was something i wanted to share with you guys today because i know that everybody can have that issue you know like what's it like once your parents pass and it's big and i would like for us to take that moment and recognize that sometimes when you remember the things that they said can become like little ripples and hold on to the things that they said that were loving and that can be very good so um ernie yeah and you're going to close this let me close this up here that um it's kind of been said already but chuck and kay uh were and are still both pillars of the church of this church but not just this church the church as it's been said they are pillars of that church and when we were i was praying about what we were going to share about 30 seconds into the prayer this scripture came to mind and i hadn't thought about it maybe 15 years but it was proverbs 25 12. and it in the king james i haven't memorized in the king james it's as as an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear so you picture this beautiful gold earring it's just adorning this person and it's making this uh a simile that the person who is wise in their counsel is like that but the person who is uh listening i mean that's better the person who is listening to the wise counsel is like the one who is adorned with the gold earring listening to that counsel taking it into heart and then following through and k was that she was the person who who was the gold earring and hopefully we all were the ones who were listening and being adorned and taking the wisdom that she had and applying it because if you did that you're probably sitting here and that's why god bless you guys [Applause] kay had evidence in her life of joy fun laughter jesus she was funny and she loved good coffee and she loved chocolate and haagen-dazs ice cream she's the brunette to my mom's blonde she had a unique ability to just be herself kaye was the same privately as she was up in front of the ladies one of the more real people that i've ever known she had endless fascination regarding people and where they were coming from people that looked like they were lost or in need she would always be attracted to them she would always reach out to them it didn't matter who you were with her it didn't matter if you know if you were a person of importance or whatever she just cared so she has a way of making everybody feel special you felt like you were the only person in the room and you were having a cup of coffee together i'd call even sometimes at late at night and she'd talk to me we could talk it out she was like the sister i never had she's my friend she's my friend who lived next door and if i needed some sugar i'd go borrow sugar from k she had her fingers on the pulse and the heart of the women especially hurting women and during the time when we started joyful life there were a lot of hurting women she really wanted to encourage them she was extremely sensitive to trends extremely sensitive to people but above all she was extremely sensitive to the lord i believe she was the matriarch of the jesus people movement i don't know that i would have had a ministry had kaye not modeled it and included me in the ministry that she had we stormed the gates and we really prayed and we battled and and we saw god work she loved the lord she loved her husband she loved her children and then she loved all of us that's why so many called her mama came when you have a mother who loves you and who nurtures you her impact goes way beyond where you can possibly imagine she was she was happy in her last days she was content content in life [Music] and it's so easy to be discontent but when we choose joy oh what a difference it makes in our own life and all of those around us i want to be content and i'm finding the older i grow the more i am sensing at contentment things that used to just make me crazy now the lord has a way of mellowing us out as we walk with him [Music] first of all calvary chapel was in existence for four years before chuck n k ever came the board hired pastor chuck and kay to come on board in 1965. the first time i saw her walk through the doors of calvary chapel she was this tall elegant sophisticated looking woman okay wore black red or blue she did not wear pastels she she was so good in red she wasn't afraid to wear a red she had an air about her that reminded me of jacqueline kennedy actually one of my first memories of k is when i was four years old and she was playing a piano across from my mom who was on the organ and they were practicing for that sunday morning's hymns and i would just listen to them play play play while i would color on the bulletins when i heard chuck had a wife i was intrigued that there was this woman in the background and um calvary chapel on sunday morning kay was there playing the piano accompanied by an organ and leading them in hymns kaye was a girl she was a very inquisitive girl she was interested she was fascinated she was a learner between my mom and kay they were always kind of getting into things in a good way i don't know who kept who in line i think you have to understand how much fun we had in those early days she would go oh choice and she would just get so excited about something or oh kim cheryl you know we just had this and it was so much fun but she would speak her mind too she's like cheryl in this way where if she thought something she would just say it kay took one look at my skirt and went oh oh girls oh you shouldn't do that that was a reprimand it was just like me walking her back in the office you know shoe shoe little boy get behind me paulie then she began laughing and she would laugh and giggle with it as we would do those things one time we were talking after a harvest crusade kay said i don't know i don't trust greg laurie and i go why and she said he rides a harley i think anyone who rides a harley is a sociopath and chuck was choking back the laughter because he knew i had a harley but i wasn't gonna tell kay that because she was bagging on greg and so i just agreed with her yeah you're probably right she she loved greg and loved listening to him but at the same time she wasn't sure about that harley thing you know people think she was outgoing she was not outgoing she was extremely shy she was not on the platform front and center kay was not a show-off type of person at all she wanted to be in the background a little more she didn't want people making a big deal out of her she would sneak into the study i would watch her sneak in you know i mean she didn't want people making a big deal about it she relished in that being in the background and i think she had to be encouraged to go out and to be the teacher of all the women that flocked to the church it was an interesting time though culturally because there were more people than than ever before maybe in history and it was just a massive young people who were desperate to find some stability uh my mom would come home all of a sudden she'd say this hippie's going to be living with us for a while and there'd be hippie on the couch for a while here i was moved down from from oregon from shiloh and i was what i would call um oregon mountain woman i did not fit into the the southern california scene and i knew it and i was just like so unhappy and didn't know what to do about it so i began to pray and god just said look okay and i looked at kaye and here's this woman he was so beautiful on the inside but she was so beautiful on the outside i just loved it and i loved her and she loved me because she loved outsiders there was some issues about the long hair and the appearance coming in and influencing the children that's when you got to see the lioness with kaye and she said they will come they are coming to church kay was fascinated by these hippies she was fascinated by the kids she would see walking by what's making them be that way why or or there's something going on there we got to figure it out she had to investigate it why are they that way and that curiosity was because she wanted to understand them and she wanted to reach them with the gospel she would ask chuck to drive her into laguna beach and and doctor the beach she would pray for these kids i think she saw them as lost children and and yet saw how they responded because they were looking for love and they did see chuck as papa chuck and so you find someone who's older who just accepts you the way that you are and it's a powerful magnet it's exactly what the kids were looking for and they found it in chuck and kay both watching god work in just marvelous ways and providing our needs there will be many times that we wouldn't have money for dinner usually there would be a letter in the mail and there would be a check or a five dollar bill or ten dollar bill in the litter and just over and over and over so consistently he taught me trust in him no matter what in fact this my life scripture is proverbs 3 5 and 6. trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he'll direct your path kay really to me was almost like the heart and soul of calvary chapel she was a backbone i think to chuck and uh you know there it was things that he couldn't do that she could do so there's nothing that you could say about kay that would make you doubt where she stood with the lord kay was very much attuned to the working of the holy spirit and gave great place to the moving of the holy spirit within her ministry she can unpack the word of god and show how it applied to our everyday lives through her teaching you learned that you were more than enough and through the difficulties god's giving you compassion and strength and building a warrior in you and it's true her teaching was really amazing but her life came through in her teaching and then when you talk to her she was the same person her her teaching wasn't a performance it was just an expression of of who she was she was just another person and we looked for rock stars in the church i think kaye would be really upset if she knew we were all talking about her right now that wouldn't be her at all chuck was the same way you know she met some very famous people in the christian world and in the secular world and yet she was she was such a lady she had such dignity about her she was a daughter like a pillar sculptured in palace style and she did have an air of being a regal she was regal and she was comfortable with probably the highest of the high and the lowest of the low both and and all of us in between she was open to to be a friend you could go up and talk to her and and she cared about what we were doing and enthused over everything i don't think we could ever think of kay without thinking of how compassionate she was she felt what you felt and that that relieved you because the burden got lighter because two were carrying it and she raised up women who could pray i don't think you can just have a conversation with kay and that doesn't turn into prayer in difficult times you didn't want anybody to pray a nice quiet prayer you wanted hey to pray for you because you knew heaven would come down and the answer would come forth she was intense she was passionate she was very persistent and she was very perceptive she raised up so many to love and to know the lord i think that that desire to please the lord was first and foremost in her heart and mind and that's what made her that special unique vessel that god could use was that she was holy devoted and committed to doing his will his way grandma kane was the purest woman i've ever known she was sweet and beautiful and kind and she loved helping people my favorite memory with her is when she asked grandpa to start seeing their love song and he started singing and she started singing along it was just so beautiful and sweet that he teared up our favorite memory or story about greek roman k is how good of a leader she was to the women's bible study we love you we love you grandma cray i will forever be grateful to the lord for giving me the pleasure and the opportunity to know kay to work with her to serve with her to pray with her we spent some fun times together because i loved her laughter her her sense of humor and her transparency for a number of years right after friday morning bible study i would ask lord lord could you send me a best friend someone older and wiser than me this went on for quite a while until one day after bible study asking the lord the same thing he spoke right into my heart and said you have one it's k oh she may not know it but she is and i remember thinking yes she is my best friend thank you lord i never asked the lord again for a best friend k was it my granddaughter brittany is three years old she's our oldest daughter's our eldest daughter's child and brittany was in a clothing store with her mama one of the discount clothing stores just as they were ready to leave the sales um checkout area brittany leveled that sales girl right in the eye and she just looked right at her and she said is that allowable to spit in this store is that naughty so grandpa anytime anything bothers him now he says is it allowable to spit in here when i think back to my earliest memories of my grandma i see long red nails and these bangle bracelets that she used to wear she would usually let me wear a few and i just felt so special every time i got to wear them she was the most beautiful woman in the world she loved black coffee and dark chocolate most of all she loved people she loved the people that others look down on i think the church can get it wrong sometimes and be unkind but my grandma represented the love of jesus in its most pure and true form she was also bold and demanding and argumentative she called out injustices and took action she didn't make herself small and she didn't get lost in my grandpa's shadow she was her own beaming light and i will forever love that about her we do celebrate with kaye that she's getting [Music] what she's hoped for for all her life she's always wanted to go be with jesus and and now she is kay is just basking in the glory she doesn't have to worry about anybody anymore it's all finished she's left a legacy in the lives of so many people and the families of those people are are looking to to jesus and she lived that out in front of us in such a dramatic way that i think that legacy is going to carry us forward um into the next generations because it is so powerful to have that in your life and to have experienced it through kay she raised up so many to love and to know the lord and i have a lot of children and i have 16 grandchildren and i want them all to know jesus and that's what kay wanted i think that to me she represents a whole person and i think sometimes we want to isolate our heroes and saints and women of scripture and put them as almost untouchable and unreachable um but kay was a great model of just a love for her family a love for the lord for the church it's really important that we don't separate the saint that kay was from the human being and the unique and beautiful woman that god made her to be in every sense of the word she just there was a lot of love there for the lord and for his children and she wore it well and she showed it well and i look forward [Music] to seeing her again these things are deeply ingrained in us by the way we were taught by the way we were loved by the way we were prayed for when you talk about what what legacy has k smith left for us she would hate that question and kay would be the first one to tell you you need to hear from the holy spirit as to what god wants you to do you don't need to think well what would kay do she said that'll get you into trouble her legacy would be you do the best you can you remain faithful but you have to move forward it's your turn kay's legacy i think would be to hand the baton to the next generation and say okay it's yours now oh beloved sisters in christ you are so precious to me i don't speak because i'm a great speaker i'm not at all i speak because through these years i found answers in god's word for my life and for the trials and the tests and the temptations and they work put god to the test in these things know that he is a god who always triumphs [Music] [Applause] when i was in high school i found i had a secret power my mom's friends would call to share their confidences and if i didn't say it was me they thought they were talking to her and so i learned some things so my mother insisted that from that point forward i would answer the phone smith residence cheryl speaking i want to read these excerpts from some of the things that my mom shared with the joyful life bible study so this is kay smith in her own words i was adopted as an infant and over the years i thought so many times of what could have happened to me had god not placed me in a christian home my life would have been completely different but he had a plan for me and that plan was for my life to bring in pleasure what an amazing thought i was made for god's pleasure my mother decided to open her home to minister to babies and little children when their own parents couldn't keep them she thought oh what an opportunity to pray over each baby each little child my biological mother dropped me off one day and just never came back my parents had brought me up in the things of the lord i had the sweetest earthly father possible daddy and i were very close he was the one i went to when i needed a heart heart-to-heart talk when i was 13 they bought a ranch and we would visit on the weekends at first we still attended church very regularly we drive out to the ranch on saturday morning stay all day but come back saturday night so we could be in church on sunday of course it wasn't too long before we began going up and staying the entire weekend and missing church all together for seven years that was our lifestyle at 18 i started college and that's all i needed to push me over the edge my teachers all embraced humanistic philosophies as they would stand before a class laughing at god and tearing down the things of god i'd think they're right there's nothing to christianity i remember visiting a church around that time and just crying because i wanted to believe so badly but i just couldn't get past my parents lifestyle all the things they had always taught me to be evil they were now doing when i was 20 we were involved in a horrible horrible accident on the way home i believe god permitted that accident as a wake-up call it was his chastening hand upon my parents because they completely crowded him out of their lives i had only been back with the lord nine months when i met the man who would become my husband i just come out of college and dated a few of the boys i knew there but i'd never met anyone before who compared with chuck smith on our first date he talked about the sermon he was planning to teach in santa barbara that coming weekend i fell for him right then and there i listened to him and thought at last a godly man neither of us really wanted to get married and we made our feelings about that clear to each other on our second date on our third date chuck asked me to marry him and i did just two months after we have met we've been in ministry together just as long as we've been married because chuck took his first pastorate within weeks of our marriage and let me tell you i was woefully aware of my own inadequacy on that first day of my new position as wife of the pastor i was excited naturally and curious about what was to come but i didn't have any idea what i was supposed to do as a pastor's wife i sure knew what they looked like though they were kind of severe and they dressed just right and of course their every movement was marvelous perfect and godly so i was a bit daunted because i knew i didn't have any of that going for me all i had was a little bravery our first church was a small congregation in prescott arizona chuck and i were barely 21 and the first thing i noticed when we walked in that sunday morning was that almost everyone in the room was over 50. [Applause] before i could let that information really sink in a lady walked up to me and said i am the adult sunday school class teacher then she handed me her quarterly and added and now you are how's that for an introduction to ministry i had never taught a sunday school class in my life i hadn't even read through the entire bible i'd only been back with the lord for nine months and married for only three weeks in the beginning of our ministry we used to love helping people so much that chuck actually put an ad in the newspaper saying if you need counseling come to us it included our home phone number i used to call people to ask how are you doing hoping they weren't doing well so i could then tell them how to live i was 22 years old and had two years of psychology under my belt and i thought i had all the answers now i think oh lord unless you give it to me i don't have answers for anybody but he is always faithful to provide what i need i simply waited on the lord and did what seemed to come most naturally i tried to be conscientious in my dress and i loved the people i still loved them to this day there was something so homespun and sweet about them the whole thing was an experience and joy i can hardly remember anything that went wrong i think that's a gift from god it isn't that things didn't go wrong they did but there was something about being in the ministry and being a pastor's wife that i love so deeply i always have and i still do chuck and i have learned to walk in brokenness with each other and it has made all the difference in our marriage whenever we have to be a part whether he's flying off to another country or we're just leaving each other for the day we like to leave little notes for each other he calls me casey and i call him captain zoom zoom [Applause] because he's always zooming everywhere isn't that the most romantic name you've ever heard but he's my dear captain zoom zoom chuck and i first went to london in the early 70s and then we went quite regularly we've been all over england but the very first time we went i felt an intense burden for the country especially for london that burden just grew and grew with every visit to england chuck would be at one of the pastors conferences with all the men well i'd stay in our room and cry out to god for london asking him to send someone to reach them i don't know how i've been thrown under the bus at my mom's celebration but so when cheryl and brian told us what god was asking them to do i said through tears i have prayed for england for so many years i have yearned for their salvation i just didn't know what the cost would be when we arrived at the airport and began to say our goodbyes we were of course crying and hugging each other i stood watching them disappear through the door and i thought oh how grateful i am that my bundle of love that just got on the plane loves jesus all of them and they've got a better solution by far and so have we amen oh you know from from the moment when when kate passed i was in i was i was in europe at the time and um cheryl and chuck had had been with her the week before and it was more or less anticipated that it wouldn't be long and from the moment that i heard that she had passed i was relieved and and i was rejoicing with her and i found myself i was alone i was quarantined in my room in england and i found that i was i was thinking about what it must have been like for that moment for her for all of her life from the time she was 20 years old loving following serving jesus to now emerge out of the the illness and and all that she'd been living through for these past several years into the presence of jesus so all that to say i haven't had any sad emotion at all i've just rejoiced with her and i haven't had any sad emotion today but i've really been i've really been touched by all of the stories and of course you know knowing many of those stories myself but cheryl and i we traveled extensively with chuck and kay we spent a lot of our lives with them especially in the years when we lived down in vista tuesday was chuck's day off and every tuesday grandma and grandpa were there you know to see the kids spend the day cheryl and kay would end up at the mall and chuck and i would end up with the kids at toys r us or chuck e cheese or you know wherever and you know he was just so amazing as a grandpa like that um but in all of our you know traveling together and driving around together and just all the times that we spent together um there were so many moments that were absolutely humorous and uh and and you know anybody who knows cheryl knows that cheryl is very much like her mother and i mean sometimes you know we're in the midst of something and i will just call her k it's like okay because you know she's just being her mother at that moment but um and and you know um kay was uh she she was definitely a backseat driver and she always wanted to give chuck instruction on you know how to get there and when to stop and when to start when to go cheryl does all of those things and um but but one day we were driving we we ended up talking about something and um and people were driving recklessly or something like that and i i said something like well you know and you know cheryl of course she knows that they're all on drugs and that's why they're doing that and she knows all these details about their life you know and chuck's listening and when i finished he said well i can do you one better than that kate not only knows they're on drugs he knows the kind of drug or she knows the kind of drug that they're on so i said okay well you beat me on that one because but my my memories of kay what i i was thinking about just a couple of words to sum her up and uh classy would be probably one of the first words i would think of she was just extremely classy and another word would be brilliant she was a very bright person and she loved learning and she loved to know things and she you know she was curious about so many things and and she didn't know numbers of things and uh like greg said i had many long long conversations with her on the phone and we had a really wonderful relationship all of our lives but one final thing i would say is that when i was really young and here on staff there was an elderly woman who was probably about 80 at the time and i was in my 20s and somehow i don't even remember the details of how i got connected with her but she referred to me as reverend bryant and kaye found out about that and she just thought that that was the most adorable and sort of the funniest thing that i would be called reverend brian so on these certain occasions just at the right moment she would look at me and say well reverend bryant what do you think so she just you know adopted that and i mean almost all the way um you know through her life she would occasionally go back to that so um but personally i'm just so thankful to have had so many opportunities to be with her and to know her and to enjoy her as a person and the final thing beside classy and brilliant of course she was godly she loved jesus intensely and i was the recipient of some of those intense prayers and i heard some of those prayers also toward other people and yes indeed she could pray one day my dad came home from um the calvary that was on greenfield and sunflower and he said okay somebody shot out all the windows and i'll just tell you i don't want to be that person once i heard my mom start praying their teeth broke in their mouth they went to jail for life and then they went to hell in a hand basket i just [Applause] didn't want to be them my mom is what i would call a reactor she reacted to things and she hated that about herself she absolutely hated that she reacted my brothers took a little bit of advantage of that they loved to hear her scream and i remember sorry chuck but i remember you jumping off the balcony at 7 31 st james road and my mom just started screaming she was sure chuck was dead and he peeked over the the balcony said gotcha and i wouldn't have wanted to be him at that moment either but her lifelong struggle was to become a responder rather than a reactor and she reacted as a mother quite a bit to all of us but she would take that reaction to the throne of god and she would come back to us as a responder and one of the things i appreciated is that my mom would say she was sorry with all the sincerity um that she had in her heart and she meant it and she was one of those people who wanted to be so much more than what she was it was never enough to just be k she never felt like she prayed intensely enough she never felt like she told you she loved you enough she never felt like she affirmed you enough she never felt like anything she did whether she played the piano that it was good enough nothing in her life did she ever feel like she measured up and i just think that wonderful perfectionist is now perfect in the presence of jesus christ now my mom left to call herself um an initiator and so i remember one of those times that we're at the mall there was a man that was reading a ron hubbard's book and my mother we were having coffee and my mother kept looking over at him and he would look back at her and she'd be like and he said finally may i help you and she said oh no not really but my daughter wants to tell you all about jesus christ and i'm going to leave her here with you and i'm just going to walk around and he looked at me and he said yes i'm like hi and so later when i joined my mom she said do you know cheryl you just don't witness enough you just don't i've noticed this just this apprehension about and i'm sorry honey but you needed that and go over to that sales girl right there because um i told her that you had something to say to her [Applause] another time we were walking in the mall and she was intrepid and every time i would get afraid she would say cheryl i was born in l.a and that seemed to be the answer to everything she was born in l.a so she did not have fear uh one time we were at the damascus gate we had left the rest of the group where my dad is feeling no fear feeling actually nothing that was kind of my dad he he just didn't feel my mom had all the feelings and my dad was always great my mom felt the pain you know you kicked chuck she felt it and he just agreed but i remember being at the damascus gate and my mom said sure i was born in l.a there was a riot at the damascus gate and the u.n soldiers started pouring through the gate and there were these you know it was a riot they're coming out everyone you could feel it in the crowd and i said mom we need to get out of here she said sure just stay behind the cnn crew because they were there filming and so my mom just she brings me in and herself and we're behind the cnn you know guys that are filming this whole thing and i'm like mom this is shut up i was born in l.a i'm like i know but mom and then all of a sudden a tear gas bomb dropped in the middle of the crowd you know and she turns to she goes run i'm running after her watching her red jacket go through the damascus gates as they close and there i am and i'm smashed up against the wall and i made my way to a u.n soldier and i said i am an american i need help and he said just a minute and he takes me back where these guys are just drinking turkish coffee and sitting down and i'm like oh okay so just a little ways away and all of a sudden two u.n soldiers come in and go bro where's cheryl and there's my mom that's her right there right there she had gone and gotten the u.n soldiers to come in and save me and she didn't let them go alone she came with them [Applause] another time because my mom was hilarious she had a great sense of humor we were doing the pastor's wives routine she said cheryl they're doing one of those panels do you like those panels and i said no mom i am so uncomfortable on those panels just me too let's make up our own questions and see what the other girls do with them so my mom says write this because you'll recognize my handwriting who is the leviathan mentioned in the book of job and how does that relate to being a pastor's wife [Music] she was a rascal and she knew how to have fun and she she brought that element every christmas my mother had these presents that were um like what jokes or they were just like i remember the year chuck jr got katherine coleman's weights i know you wonder what that looked like it was interesting but my mom would pull out these things and say the person who has this will be blessed by god and the mantle of catherine coleman will fall and you know one year she uh we had this angel that someone had given my dad it was a naked i hope it wasn't you it was a naked angel made out of bread dough and it was it was pretty ugly and so my mom decided that she would give it each year to one of us you never knew who that recipient was going to be and every year it was missing a limb until it was just a torso that was going from family to family there was this wonderful side of her if she was playing a game with the family she shouted out all the answers or if you were winning she threw the board across the room you remember she was magical and she was wonderful and she was also terrifying and she's the reason i never wanted to disobey jesus or walk away from jesus and my teeth are still intact i'll end with this story before i read my daughter's description of their grandmother but one time we were at the mall down in vista and she had taken me over to this dark corner and i said mom nobody's supposed to be over here this is not a good place and again cheryl i was born in l.a and so this a sketchy person was walking and you know again my mom had been the pastor's wife to the hippies so she was not afraid so she looked at him and she said hello there and he looked at her and he said wow most people won't talk to me and my mom said well why is that well i just got out of prison and i'm like mom let's go i was born in nelly well what were you in prison for murder and she said no wonder no one wants to talk to you you shouldn't murder anyone cheryl come on wait there's one classic story that you should tell we were just in santa barbara a couple days ago every time we're in santa barbara cheryl's reminded of this story and we were there a couple days ago with our oldest daughter kristen and you showed us the place where the tree was where your mother had another encounter with a so interesting person my first first day of college was the next day and my parents had come up with my sister and brother-in-law and niece caitlin to see me off for college it was a family event i was going to be living at westmont college and so we were eating at the good earth and we came out and there was a homeless man and he was holding a typewriter and he said i want to buy a typewriter and my mom said you don't own that and i'm thinking do not talk to this man do not talk to this man i've got to get to my college i'm this is stressful but my mom engaged him in conversation yes i did i found it my mom said you did not find that you stole that and he said nope i found it and she said where and he said in a tree and my mom said show me and so it says don't hear so there we are following a homeless man through the streets of santa barbara on the day before my first day of college you all thought she was so normal [Applause] life really was a continual adventure he did take us to the tree he pointed to the branch where he found the typewriter and she said you are not telling the truth you need to receive jesus and then he will help you tell the truth and uh he said okay and so my mom and dad prayed for him and then we left and that was pretty much uh this story um any boy that i brought home from school i'll just bring this she'd be like you go to church where how many times i mean they were grilled brian was able to answer yes calvary chapel costa mesa chuck is my pastor so he passed this is my daughter kristen smith she married michael smith um this so she got the name smith back but she wrote this my grandmother was an extraordinary person she had a deep tenderness and was probably the most empathetic person i have ever known i made a precious discovery some time ago when i picked up an old book of hers and found several handwritten letters from a young man who had just become a christian he actually ended up becoming a close family friend but at the time of letter writing he was unknown to our family his mother suffered from ms and he had reached out to my grandmother just to let her know how much her ministry had blessed him as he went through this season this initial letter led to a sweet and encouraging correspondence between the two of them and 30 years later the letters were still with her i actually shared them with that very friend he had he had even included a hilarious little yearbook picture of himself we all teared up as we talked about the way she acknowledged encouraged all people believing that every person was worth her time and attention my grandmother was also the first person i ever knew who sponsored children she had the pictures on her nightstand so she could pray for them daily and she'd show me their images and take me through each child's name and story each one was so unique and dear to her these are just a few examples of the kind of woman she was there are many more she was loving she was caring she was authentic and she was someone who could never turn away from a sincere soul especially one seeking after her wonderful savior this is from my daughter kelsey those brave girls my grandmother to me was always grace and perfection she added elegance and precision to everything she did from her delicate but powerful strike of a piano chord to the way she met methodically applied her lipstick it took many years for me to realize my grandmother was a mere mortal to me she was the gracious queen out of a fairy tale beautiful and elegant but filled with compassion and tenderness to those in need as i grew up i saw that although she was perfect to me she was very aware of her own shortcomings and humanity but in her weakness and vulnerability she threw herself even deeper into the arms of her savior and it lent to a heart that was deeply compassionate and caring for anyone in need how quickly she turned a conversation to prayer how heart felt she sang at him her identity was rooted in jesus there are so many ways in which i hope to emulate my grandma but most of all i hope to cling to my savior the way she did and i am so sure she is doing this now and forever my mom entered heaven on august 13 2021 and there she found her cohorts betty willens and carolyn lamb her prayer partners she saw my dad and he looked just like captain zoom zoom she saw her beloved sister my aunt easy she saw her mother and father whom she loved and missed she's in glory and i can't wait to see her oh family is of course very important when i proposed to kay i told her that i wasn't looking for an assistant pastor i was looking for a mother that i wanted a family i wanted children because i've loved children always have loved children and that i wanted a mother who would raise our children and of course she was very faithful in that and once the children were raised then she felt the liberty to begin a ministry herself to the women of the church using paul's exhortation to titus that the older women should teach the younger women the basic how to be a wife how to be a godly mother and how to take care of their families and all chuck how much is kay's support meant to your ministry or without her support it would never have been what it has become so it's just a real blessing so quite a few people just talked about kate's legacy and just so many aspects of her and um even though she was very classy has been mentioned she also is very funny and i know that that's been mentioned as well but i was reminded as the stories were being told of one time when we were living in england and my mom had decided to book us a high tea at herod's and this is a very classy event but they decided to bring me and at that time i wore a baseball cap constantly and had terrible hair and so we got to the event my mom would coach me beforehand you know this is what you have to do and you have to be nice and proper and sit up and you can't burp and all these things and i think she was really coaching me like don't embarrass grandma grandma's really classy and so he got there and she kept on kind of like looking at me and giving me like the eye like don't do it and and my grandma's kind of confused as to what's going on and then she's like take off your hat so i take off my hat and i set it on the table and my hair is just wild you know and my mom's like put on your hat so i put on my hat and i'm doing everything wrong i'm spilling things i'm trying to be as proper as i possibly can and my grandma just starts giggling and she can't hold it in and all of a sudden she's just throwing her head back laughing in the middle of harrods and we all just start dying laughing because i was just such a scene such an embarrassment so she just loved to have a good time and she'd love to laugh and for many of you you know she loved to sing she loved to sing and hannah colt was actually reminding me i think it was yesterday the day before she said was it your mom or was it k that would make the women sing go out with joy and be led forth in peace after every joyful life i said that was definitely my grandma and she just loved to sing she had a piano in her house and she'd love to sit down and play and she'd love to sing the hymns and so we've been just talking about her legacy talking about her life and so just wanted to honor her by singing one of her favorite hymns and just being reminded she loved to talk about jesus she i can even hear the way she would say his name in my head when i think about her jesus was a close friend of hers that walked with her that talked with her and now she is truly walking and talking with them i come to the garden alone [Music] falling on my ear the son of god discloses and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own [Music] and the joy we share as we [Music] is ever known [Music] he speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds hushed their singing and the melody that he gave to me within my heart is ringing and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we carry there none other is ever known [Music] i'd stay in the garden with him [Music] though the night around me [Music] his voice to me is called [Music] i am his own and the joys we share as we take [Music] will you please stand up okay you can sit down now please and you know why my dad always said the mind cannot retain more than the seat can endure almost 30 years ago i asked dad if my son mike and i could join him on his israel tour that year and he said sure so a few weeks later we were there and one morning someone found me on the bus and said your dad wants you and so i made my way down the aisle to the front of the bus and he said chuck we're on our way to shiloh and i'd like for you to speak there i had never been to shiloh and i didn't know what to expect but i immediately thought of jeremiah chapter 7 one of my favorite passages and i turned to return to my seat and my mom said remember hannah and instead of jeremiah i real quickly turn to the first couple of chapters of isaiah a permeate first samuel and it tells the story of el cana who had two wives the name one of one was hannah and the other was inanna and hannah had no children pinana however had children she had sons and daughters this man went up from his city yearly to worship and sacrifice to the lord of hosts in shiloh also the two sons of eli were there and whenever the time came for elkanah to make an offering he would give portions to pinana his wife and to all her sons and daughters but to hannah he would give a double portion for he loved hannah although the lord had closed her womb and her rival also provoked her severely to make her miserable because the lord had closed her womb so it was year by year when she went up to the house of the lord that she she provoked her therefore hannah wept and did not eat then elkanah her husband said to her hannah why do you weep why do you not eat and why is your heart grieved am i not better to you than ten sons so hannah arose after they had finished eating and drinking in shiloh now eli the priest was sitting by the seat of the doorpost of the tabernacle of the lord and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed to the lord and wept in anguish then she made a vow and said o lord of hosts if you will indeed look upon the affliction of your maidservant and remember me and not forget your maidservant but will give your maidservant a male child then i will give him to the lord all the days of his life and no razor to come upon his head and it happened as she continued praying before the lord that eli watched her mouth now hannah spoke in her heart only her lips moved but her voice was not heard therefore eli thought she was drunk eli said to her how long will you be drunk put your wine away from you debbie and ernie [Applause] but hannah answered and said no my lord i am a woman of sorrow sorrowful spirit i have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink but have poured out my soul before the lord do not consider your maidservant a wicked woman for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have i spoken now then eli answered and said go in peace and the god of israel grant your petition which you have asked of him and she said let your maidservant find favor in your sight so the woman went her way and ate and her face was no longer sad in honoring my mother today i am going to remember hannah mom journeyed with all of the important woman women in the bible especially those who found god's grace in hardship i think that it's possible mom felt a special connection to hannah that it was you know it's not just because she knew of hannah's story there in shiloh but i think that she could relate to hannah mom had experienced bitter anguish and bitterness of soul and anguish she knew the emotional state of hannah in fact i inherited my mom's melancholy temperament dad however never knew a day of depression in his life he knew sadness he knew bitter grief but it never lasted long with dad dad was a born optimist mom and i were realists dad could immediately dismiss negative thoughts he could encourage himself you know del would say chuck we need to give people the perspective of the eternal the perspective of the temporal of right now it doesn't make sense life doesn't make sense and we get all caught up in that but if people see the perspective of the eternal all this other stuff just fades away and he really could encourage himself with a thought like that a verse like that and not stay down well beginning probably in junior high school but especially as a junior in high school i had the onset of a major depression that lasted like 40 years it was it was typically uh uh oh like a a mild state of depression what do you say when uh a low grade depression that was it uh with occur occasional flare-ups of clinical depression but around 17 or 18 you know dad saw it he'd had no idea what to do with it and he said you know chuck if you're down all the time you're not going to have many friends and i want to say wow dad that changes everything i want friends okay so one time in a sermon i happened to say that my prayer in life was please lord more like dad less like mom and that got back to mom okay there's a lot of tattletails around but my whole life but so mom would tease me with that she'd say i heard that you said more like dad less like mom oh mom let me explain it she just kind of laugh but she did this all the time uh i heard you say more like dad less like mom and i told her no mom that was jeff who said that one day reading first samuel it occurred to me dad is elkanah it makes total sense elkanah doesn't gut his wife at all what's with this sadness what's with this grief which am i not better to you than ten sons doesn't that change everything but not to a woman whose the the trajectory of her whole life has been family to give her husband an heir to give him children and and that there's some sense of failure some sense of wrongness with her own body her own self she can't do this for him and some loss of meaning in her life and yes my dear your wonderful provider you are better than 10 sons but i i'd settle for one if it would bring me that fulfillment that i'm missing in my life and and [Music] my dad did not know what to do with mom's moods so i taught bible studies every night look my dad didn't get it because god did not want him to get it if my dad parked over every heartache in his life he would have never done the work for god that god had for him he had to be the man he was even if he did not fully understood understand the woman that god gave him to be at his side others of us unlike my dad are allowed to know depression unfortunately many christians who experience it feel like they're failed christians and i'd like to tell you you're not in fact i found it consoling that one of my favorite preachers charles spurgeon wrote this knowing by most painful experience what deep depression of spirit means being visited there with at seasons by no means few are far between i thought it might be consolatory to some of my brethren if i gave my thoughts thereon the younger men might not fancy that some strange thing had happened to them when they became for a season possessed by melancholy and that saturn man might know that one upon whom the son has shone right joyously did not always walk in the light he talks about feeling down for no good reason and that's depression i mean when you're sad you typically have a reason when you grieve you have a reason but depression sometimes you just can't locate what's causing it he says causeless depression is not to be reasoned with nor can david's harp charm it away by sweet conversation as well fight with the mist as with this shapeless undefinable yet all beclouding hopelessness if those who laugh at such melancholy did but feel the grief of it for one hour their laughter would be sobered by compassion a woman one time was telling me about the death of her mother and she said the grief is worse than i knew it would be you know sometimes you don't know how deep your soul goes until you experience severe grief you feel you can't breathe she said i don't think i can go on living with this kind of pain so i explained to her what i knew and i said it won't always be this kind of pain there will be waves there will be moments when you laugh again and and what will happen is the waves will even out with time and your body and your mind will become used to the pain and once you become used to the pain there will be changes and what feels bitter and breaks your heart now will become sweet to you as you remember and and somewhat consoled she said thank you that helps i think i said think about this suppose this kind of pain never left you there was no hope of it going away that you woke up under this dark cloud every day of your life and her eyes got big as she realized that she said that would be hell i said that is a depression many people don't know that they don't understand that my mom did i did not know this aspect of my mom i'm going to share some things discreetly but unlike what you've heard about my mom today one day we had an intense heart to heart i was trying to make sense of my own childhood and adolescence mom told me that when i was a small child i was a happiest child on earth she said something happened when i was elementary school age and i became morose and she said i've never been able to figure that out so one day we're talking she said is there anything that you need because i was going through a tough time i said no i'm good she said anything at all and i said well okay i'd like to ask you a question and it's personal so you don't have to answer but if you answer answer honestly and she said okay she wasn't enthused about divulging her upbringing to me but she did want to help so she opened up and she told me stories i had never heard i knew that she was adopted that her mother her adopted mother was a nurse that her dad was an accountant and that her mother used her strings as a nurse to adopt her when she became available and all i'm going to say about her mom is that she abused my mother in bizarre ways the stories my mom told her hair-raising and tragic and as a result my mom lived terrified of setting her mother off and she lived in that terror the whole time she lived at home what mom did not know growing up was that her mother was not normal she was not a normally mentally healthy person mom had a sister about 20 years older than her and one day they were having a conversation and her sister said to her well mom was schizophrenic you know my mom was in her 50s when she learned this she had no clue as to how to understand her mom and like most children she carried the burden of her mom's bizarre behavior it's my fault i'm a bad girl i'm not trying hard enough when cheryl talked about mom never feeling good enough she came that by that honestly she was given that impression her entire life it's all your fault that her mom is behaving this way until then she never fully understood her mom's irrational behavior now because you love my mom i want you to know this that she experienced a life of suffering from her childhood on and that her suffering became internalized in her patterns of thinking her dark moods that visited her often that she struggled with acute anxiety and depression i remember days when she did not get out of bed for the entire day i remember evenings when right after dinner she went to bed unhappy and we did not see her for the rest of the night when i heard from my older sister jeanette my younger brother jeff that mom had passed i immediately felt a sense of deep sadness and it wasn't grief i know grief i had lost my mom months before she passed away you understand that if you've had a parent or a friend with dementia and and her death was a release from a body that could not contain a life so brilliant and vibrant my dad would say she moved out of her earthly tent into her heavenly building no it wasn't it wasn't grief i felt sad for the little girl whose life was so painfully hard and who carried that hardness of life into adulthood and all the way through of course mom had many bright memories god did plant good in her life the brightest for her was knowing jesus from a young age her love for jesus was fed to her by her older sister cheryl said or aunt easy whom my dad described as a magical worm woman imagine my dad using a term like magical but he said easy was a magical woman because when she came everything brightened up she really was a source of hope for mom and mom loved every visit and every conversation she had with her sister my aunt easy by the way some calvary chapel passengers may not like this she was the senior pastor of the first foursquare church in phoenix arizona and my dad adored her and felt that her partner mary jane may was a very gifted preacher and he enjoyed listening to her preach dirty little secrets of calvary chapel okay so um mom mom's love for jesus was also nurtured by the church of her youth and there she learned the bible from this most flamboyant woman preacher amy temple mcpherson who would write would script and produce plays based on the bible also musicals she was there before debbie and ernie were you know doing this kind of thing or pete and hanukkah or and not just bible stories she made the bible come alive on stage angela's temple was built like a theater uh with a big proscenium arch and a big staging area my mom one of my mom's favorite memories was seeing snow white and the seven dwarves and each of the dwarf with some spiritual lesson that amy simple mcpherson brought out if you've ever heard a sermon by amy simple or or read sister amy it's very flowery very um over the top okay so later on mom played the clarinet in the church orchestra there and later on she was a secretary in the office there in fact i remember as a small child uh going up there with my mom and i'd go across the street into echo park i think it wasn't feed the ducks she she was held by god through her life other bright memories that she had were of her father she adored her father cheryl said that was the close connection and that family and she would tell me stories every once in a while my mom and dad's caregiver would want some time off and she'd call me and she'd say can you come spend the weekend can you can you come and be here thursday night so i can go to bible study can can you spend a week here while i'm gone visiting family and so i took those opportunities to be with my parents make sure they both had their medications that my dad's open sore was you know being treated that you know all this the stuff that caregiver does and my mom after dad would be off to work would uh i'd get her breakfast and then she would tell me stories and typically the same story again and again but that were there in the well of her soul and she tell me stories about her dad like when he was an accountant for the doheny family in beverly hills and took her with him to visit the mansion there and oh chuck you should have seen it and then her wedding day mom woke up on her wedding day opened her eyes and there was her father sitting on the floor staring at her in bed and she said daddy what are you doing and he said i just want one last look at my little girl before she goes off with him it was so precious to her that same day god gave mom a gift that he'd been saving for her my dad he was her hero he was her knight in shining armor he saved her from the tower where she had been imprisoned that was her rock a stable center in the midst of a chaotic world and she always came back to that center for consolation and solace as well as perspective you know some people who who suffered give up on god not mom her pain did not turn her away from god it drove her to him suffering can do that you know suffering can energize prayers luke tells us that jesus in the garden being in agony he prayed more earnestly a familiar sight for me was to get up in the morning head into the kitchen and see my mom in the family room sitting on the couch with a bible open on her lap and her bent over it praying there's a is there's just a sense of the sacred about that in my mind it was a familiar sight and i knew what was going on it was incredibly private it's like when she she wrote in her journal and shorthand so that it was just between her and god no one else could you know could spy on that that was her private moment she could pray but whatever she she prayed in public the seeds of it were in her private prayer time she would say to me in the time that i spent with her caregiving she'd say you know i gave the ministry of the women's ministry at calvary chapel to cheryl because i just noticed that the younger women you know had issues and and and needed help that related directly to them and that that cheryl could do a better job she says but now i'm not raising children i don't have a ministry and i keep asking god why am i still here what is it that i can be doing and she said i realize it's to be praying for my children my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren and then there are others who had come to mind and whenever anyone came along into her mind well they got in the crosshairs of her prayers also i'm sharing my mother with you in this way because this beautiful woman that you saw graceful and brilliant and when you heard her teach scriptures with passion and sincerity when you observe this faithful pastor's wife who for years played the piano in the organ she would play the piano and my dad was singing solos uh sometimes duets she would not sing this woman who taught sunday school and led the choir you would not know that behind this lovely persona was a bird with a broken wing who struggled every day to overcome her disabilities you know when you are struggling you try to share it the another person will often say i understand and you know they don't it's the look in the eyes it's a tone of voice or if if you have known depression and you try to explain that to someone and they say i understand i've been disappointed too i found out a lot about that regarding jesus who in the garden suffered agony when he looks into your eyes and he says i understand you know he's he's been there you know that he really does understand if you ever shared your heartache with my i know you shared lovely stories with her god did this for you he answered that prayer for you but if you ever shared a heartache with my mom then you know how she instantly reacted that her face tightened into pure compassion and concern you could see it in her eyes she might even have drawn a quick breath like that she's shocked she's horrified to hear that you've suffered such a blow and her vocal intonation would resonate with concern many times my mom was on the phone and she'd pray on the phone i mean those of you who said you had an hour conversation with my mom on the phone hour and a half i'm sure some of that was prayer and she could pray long prayers on the phone it's like okay but um but in passion prayers i mean there was such fervency in her prayers i mean i just got the impression the lord was in trouble if he did not do it she said many times i heard her weep when she prayed with people on the phone if my mom made you feel special here's the reason that you knew when you talked to her she connected with you you felt heard you felt that she felt your pain my mom was like pure empathy embodied in this delicate person to the wounded soul that kind of response means everything if my mom knew hannah's sorrow she also knew hannah's you know that hannah wrote a psalm and part of it is quoted later on in the psalms she left the old priest eli that day transformed mom would have been the last person in the world i would have pegged for a ministry called joyful life but that is what she always looked for in the scripture and believed was there and believed that she had it in a transcendent way if not in the life of her mind and body and that's what she wanted to give to you she wanted to guarantee to the women of her ministry a joyful life greater than what she had ever known herself because she knew it was possible she knew that there was light after darkness that there was a waking up to jesus in the midst of sorrow that enabled her to keep on going as intense as mom's hardships and heartaches were they did not break her but by god's grace all that agony is what made her wonderful is where we can enter in by the blood of jesus christ he has given us atonement for our sins [Music] and the love gives sacrifice now let's see [Music] as we praise his holy land [Music] as we lift our hands in this holy place [Music] in the holy place where we can enter in by the blood of jesus christ he has given us atonement for our sins the love you sacrifice now let's sing to the one as we praise his holy land as we lift our hands in this [Music] holy place hey now let's sing to the one who's called i am as we praise his holy land [Music] as we lift our hands in this holy place [Applause] in this holy place in this holy place [Music] sing to the father with words of praise counting us worthy to bear his name sing to the father with words of love filled with his spirit of life from above [Music] thank you lord [Music] sing to the savior with words of praise counting us worthy to bear his shame sing to the savior with words of love [Music] [Laughter] thank you [Music] you lord [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i just want to thank the family for allowing me to sing i was with i think six other women for joyful life services for several years and we led the worship uh before kay would speak and there's one thing that i remember i remember a lot of things but one thing that sticks out my mind that she said one day that actually almost affects my life every single day that is one day she came out and she said you know i just don't like how people use the word awesome so casually she said we shouldn't use that word for anything else but god god is awesome so for years i never would even use that word and then you know kind of became more prevalent and i catch myself everyone's going oh that's awesome nope it's not awesome god is awesome and only he is awesome so i'd like you to stand and sing this next song with us [Music] oh lord your beautiful your face is all i see and when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me oh lord please light a fire [Music] we knew of my first love that burns with holy fear [Music] and when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me we want to thank you so much for joining us for the celebration of life my grandma k smith and just as we continue to spend time together in the courtyard we just have a few things and i would just encourage you to share your story uh with one another as we fellowship together but we just have a few things in the courtyards these are some things that were my grandma's favorite now she considered herself a coffee snob but she loved you band coffee so we have eubank coffee and she loves sea's candy and she'd love to cut them up and she savored every bite so we have some seas candy for you and we've got some vanilla ice cream and chocolate fudge to go on top because she loved a sundae and then also one of her favorite things to eat was an in-n-out cheeseburger and so we have an in and out truck it's out there waiting yeah and so we just invite you guys to spend time together fellowshipping i imagine there's a lot of catching up to do uh with our calvary chapel family here today so uh but as you leave we have a guest book we would love you to sign it and also we have a gift for you we have uh kay's pleasing god series on cd or also a card that has a website that you can go to to download that series and we want to give that to you as a gift we have one more thing so bear with us we have a last slide show that we're going to do with a favorite song my grandma loved to have sung at the retreats by sandy patty but before we do that greg is going to come up and just close us in a word of prayer thank you i learned a lot about kay i didn't know today [Applause] chuck thank you for those amazing insights about your mom i don't think many of us realized how much she suffered in her childhood and that just makes her story so much more extraordinary but it also helps us to understand her empathy and compassion because she was there i was also shocked to find out that he thought i was a sociopath [Applause] because i write a harley and dave rolfe wouldn't even own it so dave wherever you are hey hi anyone let me just pray and we'll i'll go out there and enjoy some fellowship and i think we should sing a closing song you'll know it father blessed now each one as we leave we thank you for these memories we have of this remarkable life a woman you chose to be your own for such a time as this to touch her generation and other generations have been touched as well we pray for your hand of blessing to be upon all of her children and chuck on jeff on jan on cheryl all the grandchildren and the great grandchildren thank you for this family thank you that they loaned their parents to us and because their parents were ministering to us many times they weren't home with them because captain zoom zoom was so busy so we thank you for casey and captain zoom zoom chuck and kay and we thank you for this time to be together in jesus name we pray amen are you ready the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace god bless you [Music] the sky shall unfold [Music] preparing him [Music] the stars shall applaud [Music] our praise the sweet light in his eyes [Music] and we shall behold here [Music] then face to face [Music] we shall [Music] be home [Music] yes we shall be [Applause] [Music] in all of his glory we shall [Music] behold here we shall be hold him fast [Music] to face [Music] our savior and lord [Music] and the angels [Music] shall sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the sleeping shall rise [Music] we shall be changed [Music] that we shall be [Music] we shall yes [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] face to face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign changes salvation you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Views: 3,096
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Id: L8ddoZS1L1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 18sec (10698 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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