Pentabja:"Launch Out in Thanksgiving" (Sunday Morning) Sept. 12, 2021 - Pastor Ossain Jones

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praise the name of the lord jesus welcome to pentecostal tabernacle wildman street kingston jamaica we're here to exalt the name of the lord jesus and wherever you are we urge you to join with us as we lift up the name of the lord praise he the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the sultry and harp praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with strength instruments and organs praise him upon the loud symbols praise him upon the high sounding symbols let everything that hath breath praise the lord praise ye the lord psalms 100 verses one to five make a joyful noise unto the lord all he lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations psalm 69 verses 30 to 31 i will praise the name of god with a song and will magnify him with thanksgiving this also shall please the lord better than better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and groups israel 3 verse 11 and they sung together by by course in praying and giving thanks by praying and giving thanks unto the lord because he is good for his mercy endureth forever towards israel and all the people shouted with a great shout when they when they praise the lord because the foundation of the host of the lord was laid psalm 136 verse 1 to 4 o give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever o give thanks unto the god of gods for his mercy endureth forever o give thanks to the lord of lords for his mercy endureth forever to him who are loned with great wonders for his mercy endureth forever first thessalonians 5 16 18 rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you [Music] hallelujah [Music] god [Music] to be friends [Music] you are [Music] to be [Music] love you well is me foreign you be [Music] oh [Music] oh yes [Music] lakers hey [Music] me me me [Music] i give you [Applause] [Music] i give you i give you [Music] my soul is [Music] i am [Music] so [Music] so [Music] for you are good from hallelujah hallelujah forever hallelujah hallelujah you are good all the time all the time you are hallelujah [Music] praise the lord everybody [Music] today's hymn is him number 192 and it is praise the lord [Music] [Music] is praise the lord praise the lord let the earth praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh god to the father to jesus believers jesus praise the lord praise the lord let the earth praise the lord praise the lord let the people to jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] praise the lord oh through jesus [Music] praise the name of the lord jesus can we lift our hands and just give him some [Music] think about praise that the lord has done for you and give him some praise give him some honor give him some glory thank you jesus we worship you we honor you lord we magnify your great and holy land thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus praise the name of the lord and we are going to be going to the lord in prayer and we're going to all unite in prayer wherever we are today viewing this service and for the few of us in the sanctuary this morning we're going to talk to the lord in prayer so many needs so many challenges so many difficulties such a crisis everywhere in the world and things seem to be changing on a daily basis but we know we serve a god who never changes his power is still the same as it was yesterday and it's going to continue being the same tomorrow and the days ahead of tomorrow and so we're going to put the needs before the lord in prayer bearing that in mind we want to pray for those who are grieving so many of us have family members and friends and associates who have passed off over the last several weeks even in this week many of our brethren have experienced loss we ask that we remember them in prayer remember the families of pastor heinz pastor mitchell minister boyd pastor d deacon brown praise the lord and so many others who are grieving this morning we want to ask the lord's coverage over them and his comfort and consolation want to pray for our country the leadership that you know they will allow themselves to be guided by the lord and not just for our country but throughout the entire world that men will start looking to god for leadership and direction we are also going to pray for the remainder of this service that more than anything else the presence and the power of the lord will be experienced and we will leave here rejoicing because we can we'll be able to truly say that the lord has been with us we're going to sing just one time um chorus god answers prayer in the morning god answers prayer at noon and then we'll all unite in prayer god answers prayer in the morning [Music] [Music] so keep your hearts [Music] [Music] god [Music] so keep your [Music] let us all pray father we thank you for being so good we thank you for being such a wonderful savior we thank you for being such a friend we thank you lord for being a waymaker we thank you lord for being a healer we thank you jesus for being a deliverer we thank you lord for saving our unworthy souls lord jesus for pulling us out of sin my god and rescuing us and extending your grace and your mercy toward us lord jesus hallelujah we are so grateful we're so thankful lord jesus because you have proved yourself time and time again my god that you love us you still care for us lord jesus you have proven yourself as a provider a waymaker hallelujah adore a preserver a comforter a friend hallelujah and so much more and so lord jesus we know from your words that lord god you lord jesus are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think and right now lord jesus as we come to you lord we want to thank you for having brought those of us who are in the sanctuary to this place and lord jesus we also want to thank you for visiting with those who are in their homes maybe in their vehicles some of them at their workplaces wherever they are viewing and listening to this service you have brought it into their minds to do this god and so we look forward to hearing from you in a very very special way lord jesus we pray lord god for our country the leadership lord jesus hallelujah that you will guide that you will direct my god that you will lord jesus help them to look to you lord god hallelujah for solutions my jesus and not just to look to you lord jesus as a as a pr stoned god but to really look to you lord jesus in sincerity hallelujah so that lord jesus your will and your purpose will be worked out among us lord jesus we don't even have to tell you that we are in a crisis you know and lord jesus there are many who are grieving my god there are many lord jesus who have lost loved ones persons dear to them my god hallelujah for various reasons and lord jesus we ask that wherever they are right now jesus that you will just visit with them my jesus that you will just console that you will just lift them up oh god oh hallelujah that you will just watch them lord jesus hallelujah comfort them and help them lord jesus to feel hallelujah your hands lord jesus hallelujah resting upon them let them to see you making a way for them to work through their grief and their pain lord jesus not to see you in all of it lord jesus those who are sick lord god hallelujah we put them before you we put sister eunice mitchell very special into your hand god at a very difficult time of illness lord god jesus hallelujah but we believe you that you are still able lord jesus to stretch forth your hand of healing upon your daughter hallelujah hallelujah torture we pray for sister walters hallelujah hallelujah we pray for sister sharon lewis and the members of her family my god we pray lord jesus for whoever else lord god whose names we may not know but you know them you know everything about them you know the nature of their illness you know where they live you know what is in their mind right now lord we ask that you touch them hallelujah hallelujah heal and deliver my god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we pray for our church community we put every household into your hand my jesus because lord god with you in our vessels then we are able lord jesus to sail through safely and when the storms come to rock us we can know that you are able to say peace be still and it is done lord jesus and lord jesus there's so much tension around my god but we know that you are well able and lord jesus those who would seek to do evil god touch their hearts give them a damascus road experience lord jesus that they will turn from their evil ways god and run to you jesus hallelujah and surrender their lives to you oh jesus we put this service before you my god we ask that lord jesus you will just guide us we'll you'll direct us lord jesus we have made a plan for this service but we put it before your lord jesus change it if you must lord jesus but more than anything else just let your will and your purpose be worked out lord jesus we ask for your blessing upon those who are responsible for the sound and the streaming of the service hallelujah we pronounce a blessing upon them lord jesus such hard work such dedication god hallelujah strengthen them guide them continue to direct them oh god open doors for them jesus make ways for them oh god our musicians our singers do the same by jesus hallelujah our pastor is family lord jesus bless them in our wonderful way the leadership here at pentecostal the entire team lord jesus touch guide and direct every member every shot in my god everyone who is forced to stay at home because of the restrictions just visit lord jesus and have your way bless our country jamaica have your way among us lord jesus we give you all the praise we give you all the honor we magnify your lord jesus for those who even right now are being touched by the power of your holy spirit those lord jesus who are without your spirit right no god but lord they recognize that they need you lord jesus we're giving you thanks lord jesus in advance for touching them fulfilling them wherever they are for the backsliders who will come under the sound of this service lord jesus that they may see their condition and turn back to you god have your way among us lord jesus help us to be united as we praise and magnify your name have your way lord jesus we thank you for hearing we thank you for answering and we say thanks one more time in the name of jesus christ praise god sister carla will be coming to share the announcements hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord everybody praise the lord everyone thank you jesus god is good amen i just want to welcome everyone to our service this morning those who are joining us on youtube welcome to the service i pray that you are blessed that you'll be blessed worship with us praise god um for the announcements for this week this month is september to remember and the theme for this month is launch out in thanksgiving we're inviting everyone watching to invite others invite your neighbors your friends to join us in the services throughout this month join us on our bible studies on wednesdays or sunday morning and sunday evening services as we focus on our theme to give to launch out in thanksgiving praise god today is september 12th at 6 pm to 8 p.m will be a special evening service you can join us on zoom or on youtube youtube sorry the zoom meeting id is 842-344-27384 and the passcode is 999-690 on wednesday september 15 from 5 30 a.m to 7 a.m we'll be having morning manner and at 11 a.m to 1 p.m is our fasting service all these sessions will be held on zoom the meeting id is zero 853-667-8354-32104 five continuing on wednesday at 3 p.m will be our students prior meeting we're inviting all students to come out and join this will be via zoom as well the meeting id is 882 882-3291-8196 and the passcode is 840-641 still on wednesday september 15th at 6 pm to 8 pm will be a special bible study by youtube at penta ja where the theme will be continuing launch out in thanksgiving on thursday september 16th at september 16th at 4 p.m to 6 p.m will be pastoral installation service for minister o'neal and sharing nem hard at burn shop upc assembly in region 1 via zoom and youtube the youtube pages at united pentecostal church of jamaica on friday september 17 at 6 30 pm to 8 pm will be a special prior meeting via zoom meeting id is zero two 821-2034-8023 and the passcode is five one two seven seven eight on saturday september 18 at five pm to 6 15 pm we'll be having sunday school this is for all persons ages four years to adults and the meeting id is 918-215-605 and the passcode is 018-593 on sunday september 19th at 6 00 a.m we'll be right we'll be having rightly dividing the word on upc j radio broadcasting sorry upcj rated broadcasting on rjr fame fm continuing on sunday at 7 00 am to 8 am is morning prior and at 8 15 a.m to 9 00 am is pre-session and new converse class these will all be on zoom the meeting id is 918-215-605 and the passcode 018-593 continuing on sunday september 19th and 9 30 a.m we'll be having our worship service and you can join us again on youtube and on sunday september 19th we'll be having a special evening service at 6 00 p.m to 8 pm on zoom and you and youtube the meeting id is 842-344-27381 and the passcode is 999-690 for persons celebrating birthdays this week we would like to wish a happy birthday to sister nathesha allwood celebrating on the 13th sister yvonne stewart on the 13th as well and sister davine walters also on the 13th and sister faith and clueless on the 14th of september continuing with birthday celebration sister mary jackson on the 15th sister petelin white on the 15th sister faith hall on the 17th and brother joshua allen on the 18th upcoming events mission convention 2021 this will be during the period november 17 to 21 and the theme is jesus the only hope for the crisis i repeat that missions convention 2021 november 17 to 21 the theme jesus the only hope for the crisis put that in your calendars you don't want to miss this if you want to give your tithes an offering or other donations you may do so using the account information account name pentecostal tabernacle the account number is one zero zero two eight nine one six the account type is checking it's a checking account bank name scotia bank branch scotia bank center bank address corner duke and portwell street and the transit number 50765 or you can come to the church office during the week on the movement days to give your tithes and your offerings we want to thank you for your generosity for those who have been giving and those who have not yet given it's not too late do you want to be baptized in jesus name please call us at 876-922-6978-922-43516 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost bless the lord thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought of me thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought of me many of the blessings that you give up to me there's an overflowing like a mind to see lord i want to thank you for your love to me thank you lord thank you lord thank i want to you you lord thank you lord that you ever caught on the blessing that you give on to want to me you for your love to me thank you lord thank you lord thank you that you give off to me lord i want to thank you for your love for me thank i want to you you lord thank you lord that you ever followed me i wanna thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought thank you thank you praise the lord and can we all shout to praise the lord praise the lord to hallelujah jesus thank you jesus you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be honored worthy to be magnified worthy to be exalted hallelujah glory to your holy name we praise you we honor you jesus thank you lord hallelujah praise god praise god praise god praise god that we're going to be having one of our precious young ladies sister brandi and harris and she's coming to share a testimony with us god bless you sister brandy praise the lord praise the lord the lord has been very very good to me personally i know he's been good to everyone because he's king he's our father but for me personally it's he's so amazing there's so much that he has done for me that i can't follow him like i'm not going to stand here and lie or fake anything and say you know but when i was younger i used to like some thoughts would come to my head i'll be like supposed to just pray for like no reason you know like suppose the world is just the world and i'm just going to grow old and die and let everybody grow old and grow older and you know it's continuing forever and ever and suppose god doesn't really exist and we're just praying and the bible is just there and that used to come to mind when i was younger but god has proven to me time and time and time again that he truly does exist it's so amazing to see and to look back i have been through a lot and so has many other teenagers as well and we as teenagers we will need your prayer you know to go through to try and find ourselves and to just to keep our faith because there are a lot of distractions out in the world and we might get swayed here and there but it's always your decision if you want to stay down or if you want to serve the lord it is always your decision he gave us a choice and it's your choice and i have chosen they have chosen so anyone out there who's watching this is also your time to choose because the ending is coming god is coming very very soon and don't wait and be like oh no metoo young oh no god now come for no blah blah you have to get right with god you have to build your relationships and to all the people out there who have the holy ghost and just sitting down with it you have to spread the word so people can also know about the goodness of god thank you praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord god still saves young people he still saves middle aged people he still saves old people and our praise team is coming to bless our hearts in song god bless you [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] i'm not forgotten [Music] [Music] i am not forgotten i am not forgotten he knows my name [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign he [Music] strength of a weakness [Music] [Music] i am not [Music] comes forgotten [Music] [Music] [Music] praise god and it is with a heart of gratitude we can say that i am not forgotten i am not forgotten at all i am not forgotten because when nobody else knows my name when everybody else thinks that i am a nobody the king of kings and the lord of lords he knows my name and he doesn't just know my name his words say the very ears of my head are numbered he knows the number of the hair on my head he knows when i rise up he knows when i go to sleep he's there with me all the time i am never forgotten because god knows my name can he praise the lord thank you jesus glory to your holy name glory to your holy name glory to your holy name thank you jesus thank you jesus and while our praise team makes their way back to minister in song before a speaker just want to remind us that this month is very very special in the life of pentecostal tabernacle traditionally we celebrate september to remember and the pandemic is not stopping us from doing that we are still having special services and special speakers in this september to remember and you heard from your we heard from our national superintendent last wednesday in our bible study and um he's going to be with us another time this week and we will continue to have various speakers sharing with us during september to remember we have already been blessed and we will continue to be blessed in by the spirit and the presence of god god bless you praise steve as you just exalt the name of jesus together foreign oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah is [Music] great i am [Music] [Music] loving the world is hallelujah is great i am [Music] where i am king of majesty i am am is holy [Music] worthy where i am the demons [Music] there is i am me hallelujah is i am down [Music] oh is me oh hallelujah is oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] bless your holy name hallelujah hallelujah worthy are you lord there's no one like you lord no one like you jesus give this prayer god some praise let's magnify this great savior hallelujah the incapable christ there's just no one like him thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord we bless your holy name thank you god hallelujah hallelujah truly the presence of the lord is in this place thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god praise god praise god hallelujah bless your holy name thank you jesus and we've come to the time in the service where some the one who has been chosen will break the bread of the word of god among us let's open our hearts let's be ready to hear what the lord has to say to each and every one of us and coming to share the word with us this morning is our national youth president pastor hussein jones god bless you sir as you come and share the word of god with us praise the lord everyone god is indeed a good god let's just lift our hands just to worship the lord hallelujah jesus you're worthy you're worthy of all praise oh god you're worthy of all glory you're worthy of all honor lord jesus you are the great i am you are the great i am you are the everlasting father you are the prince of peace you are the great eternal wonder god you are the holy counselor zion's righteous governor you are the great i am what almighty god we serve praise the lord everyone what almighty god we serve what mighty god we serve angels about before him heaven and earth adore him praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus amen praise god i'm happy to be here today praise the lord and with all of god's wonderful people praise the lord jesus amen i'm going to the book of luke chapter number 17 and of course special greetings to us pasta pasta lear oh my pastor pastor leroy ling and sister leg praise the lord jesus all the other leaders all the other laborers mr lorna senior god richly bless you amen unto the praise team that was a lovely song a while i got a great i am lord you're worthy that's just wonderful amen praise the lord jesus and um i see they are very young is it a youth group amen we're going somewhere praise the lord amen of course those who are joining us online i think that's where we have most of our membership with us today praise the lord jesus but we're just delighted that god has enabled us in such a time as this to exalt his name amen regardless of what is happening around us praise the lord we are convinced that it's an opportunity to declare the doings of god amen regardless of where we are and what we are facing is an opportunity to worship god it's an opportunity to exalt his wonderful name and let somebody know that our god is alive and well praise the lord jesus amen praise god luke chapter number 17 from verse 11 and it came to pass as he went to jerusalem that he passed through the midst of samaria and galilee and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers which stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us and when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves unto the priests and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a lord voice glorified god and fell down at his feet giving him thanks and he was a samaritan and jesus answered said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine they are not found that one that returned to give glory save this same strain this stranger and he said unto him arise go thy way thy faith have made thee whole let's lift our hands to the lord lord jesus as we look into your words today we ask our god for your direction we ask for your inspiration right now jesus touch us direct us glorify yourself in this house here today let your perfect will be done let somebody be impacted somebody or god be encouraged and motivated take full control right now in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord everyone never forget to say thanks never forget to say thanks never forget to say thanks praise the lord everyone there are some courtesies that at times elude us or we may forget or we ignore such as please you know i am sorry and and thank you to say thank you is an expression of gratitude to someone who has performed a worthy deed on our behalf to say thank you is not just to recognize but to also express appreciation the expression of thank you is also mentioned repeatedly for the same deed as an index of how much it means to the recipient so sometimes we are constantly telling the person thank you for giving me this and thank you for it repeatedly because we are so appreciative of what was done for us praise the lord and oftentimes i think of this great salvation and the sacrifices that jesus has made for us we can never ever get uh find ourselves in a position not to tell god thank you for a suffering on calvary and though i told him thank you yesterday i have to tell him thank you today hallelujah because his mercies are new every morning and every time i think about his goodness i have to tell him thank you i may not have all that i want but when i think of who he is i have to tell him thank you praise the lord jesus it is something that many of us were taught from a tender age amen to acknowledge kindness that was has been expressed so we were taught to say thank you when when we recognize that some form of kindness is amen is extended towards us but sadly at times we forget to say thank you oh lord have mercy this expression we may think should be automatic in response to kindness amen but sometimes we forget to do it i wonder sometimes it is a situation when we have become so distracted by the blessings and the goodness of god that we amen forget to say thank you lord for what you have done for me praise the lord jesus and so in this particular story which you have read and the verses praise god why they say he came to pass that as jesus was was going to jerusalem he passed he passed through the midst of samaria and galilee and as he entered into a certain thick city there he met ten men that were lepers can i tell you something amen jesus ought when jesus passed through it is always for a reason oh hallelujah whenever time jesus show up in our situation it is for a reason and i want to encourage somebody today it doesn't matter how bad things are just ensure jesus passed through hallelujah it doesn't matter how much amen they see get rough praise the lord just ask jesus to pass through because when jesus passed through even the very devils are subjected to him amen praise god when jesus was passing through the demon grunted jesus and said jesus have you come to torment us before our time amen anytime jesus passed through something miraculous is going to happen and every time jesus brought through there's going to be a blessing there's going to be deliverance i don't care what you're going through today just ask jesus to pass through and so amen praise god there were these 10 lepers and the bible said that they were lepers and they stood afar off now let's work on this for a minute these individuals were going through a rough time the bible said that they met jesus as he entered amen this city and you wonder amen if there's a situation where they had to remain at the entrance of the city so everyone that enters the city would have seen them and seen their condition can somebody praise him and so amen these individuals amen they were suffering physically they were suffering emotionally they were suffering psychologically and because of the law amen they had to make a public declaration unclean if anyone get close to them there is some speculation as to whether the illness this illness recorded in scripture as leprosy is now called a handsome disease it says that this disease it progresses amen there is pain there is pain which turned into numbness and the skin loses its original color and it becomes thick and glossy and scaly as well it says when you have leprosy praise god soars and ulcers developed amen especially around the eyes and the ears and the skin begins to bunch up a man with deep furrows between the swelling so the face amen praise god of an individual with leprosy look like the face of a lion and then it says since this disease a man attacks the body it also attacks the voice so your voice amen will sound a bit hoarse when you begin to speak this was this was amen this sickness the disease of leprosy and so these individuals amen praise god it was not comforting and then they had to declare unclean they were already struggling with their with their look with these speakers faces they were struggling amen with the pain they were feeling amen they were struggling because they were outcasts they were ostracized amen these lepers individuals could not aim and go into the common crowd these individuals could not go to the finest restaurants they couldn't a man commune with any with individuals unless they also had leprosy so amen these individuals were sick and were reduced to staying with sick people amen so they were not even allowed to see people who are well to feel encouraged oh god these individuals they were in a serious sad situation and to make things worse they had to be clear and clean so there's one thing when you know you are unclean and people see you're unclean but connecting when you know how to tell people you are unclean lord have mercy so when they entered the city they had to be clear unclean to people who don't even know them they had to come and confess their situations and to say who they are oh hallelujah what a sad state what a sad day to be in amen in the book of leviticus 13 it outlines praise god's specific procedures for dealing with persons amen suspected of having leprosy he said the priests would inspect the individual and will monitor the individual he said that leprosy was considered a curse from god of profound impurity amen to the clear unclean because of leprosy it meant that this individual praise god this person had to also tear their clothes and put covering up on their upper lip and cry unclean as the jews were concerned amen they were very concerned with this condition because amen like kobe 19 it was very contagious lord have mercy amen and if you have this disease you are put outside the camp amen so even though you have a nice two-story house you are put outside the camp because we can't allow you amen to come and spread your disease so you are no homeless with all the support structure and family of family and friends amen praise god one person said this oh god's purge and says he says amen like the condition to a person afflicted with leprosy it represents a state of sinfulness leprosy symbolizes defilement of sin which result in separation from god so this leprosy that they had it said that they were sinners and that they were separated from god oh hallelujah in the bible we saw with miriam amen because she was talking behind moses's backer amen praise god she was struck with leprosy we saw where king usa praise god when he decided to do what he should not do even though they tried to stop him he was struck by leprosy we saw where elijah's servants get his eye was struck with leprosy because he was confusious and trying to extort not naman which was healed from leprosy so elijah said the leprosy that name and heart will be transferred to gehazar because he was being an extortionist can somebody praise god and so leprosy amen define or suggest sin in a person's life and so these persons were also seen as religious failures amen those who had leprosy were seen as religious failures amen and maybe they were isolated and now have low self-esteem but here comes jesus oh hallelujah after these individuals have been written off here comes jesus i don't care what your situation is and what you are going through just call on the name of the lord if you call on him he will answer oh hallelujah to the lamb of god so these leprous individuals they might have heard that jesus was coming and no matter how bad your situation is as long as jesus commonly seen there is hope for you i don't care what you're going through as long as jesus come on the scene there is hope for you can somebody glorify god and so the bible said amen in approaching jesus he says in approaching jesus amen the men amen would have violated the levitical law and jesus would also violated the levitical law by speaking to these individuals the bible said they saw jesus and they littered up their voices and said jesus master have mercy upon us and he saw them and said go and show thyself unto the priests and it came to pass that as they went they realized that they were cleansed with this experience we would think that all ten would return to give god thanks after being in such a terrible position if anybody should have a testimony it should have been these leprous individuals hallelujah to god can i talk to you for a minute if anybody should have had a hallelujah it should have been these leprous individuals come and talk to me if anybody should say thank you jesus it should have been these individuals but maybe they got ungrateful maybe they were caught up in the miracle and forgot about forget about the miracle worker maybe they were rejoicing over the healing and they forget about the healer maybe they were happy for the deliverance but they forget about the deliverer but oh my god it's a sad situation because if anybody should say thank you it should have been these 10 men if anybody should glorify god it should have been these ten men because before jesus came they were a nobody before jesus came they were hopeless i don't know about you but when i look back over my life and i think things over i could i got to have a testimony hallelujah to god because before jesus came i was hopeless before jesus came i was on my way to a devil's hell before jesus came i had no ambition before jesus came i didn't know where i was going now but look at me now every time i look at myself i got to glorify jesus when i look at my body no more do i have leprosy i have to glorify him and that's why these men should have a hallelujah can i talk to somebody i know you might not have all that you want but god has given you all that you need i know you might not be rich and have a house and people hears but god has given you all that you need i heard this song man i've got a rule for her up above me i've got a good place sleep i got food on my table and shoes on my feet you gave me your love lord and a fine family thank you lord thank you lord for your blessings on me i should have been written off but thank you lord for your blessings on me never forget to tell god thanks never forget her to give god glory never forget her to rejoice [Music] and every time things get wrong look back over your life i heard somebody said if you could see where jesus brought me from to where i am today that's then you understand the reason why i love him so well is that you can take this world and all these riches i don't need those things because god has been too good for me not to be thankful god has been too kind for me not to worship him get somebody praised oh lord lord oh lord it seemed that they were ungrateful they were unthankful and forgetful they had short-term memory and that's why the song man said lord rule by the curtains of memories lord have mercy someday you have to go to god and say god ruled by the curtains of memories no one thing show me where you brought me from and where i could have been lord remember i'm human and human forgetter so remind me every now and then that game i want god to remind me remind me of the night that god baptized remind me of the first time i heard the gospel remind me of when i got the holy ghost remind me when i was in the hospital shook up in the bed strings all around me here the doctor wrote me off but to step in the room and your healed my sick body remind the lord every now and again we need a reminder remind me lord of what i used to be remind me lord at the place i used to go remind me remind me god because you have been too good for me not to tell you thank you you are being too good for me not to tell you thank you [Applause] hallelujah to god [Music] go to the priests because in those days the priests are to inspect you the priests have to check you out allah only the priest said you can't go back you just can't go back hallelujah what is my concern as i examine the scripture persons were healed but out of the ten person one return to say thank you ten percent responded to say thank you i wonder in the church if only 10 percent saying thank you i'm not going to debate that but if it comes down that is only 10 saying thank you i'm in the 10 percent because your experience is different from my experience and you can't tell god thank you for me i have to tell god thank you for myself hallelujah to god let me tell you something something we come to church looking for the fire but we should take the fire to church hallelujah hallelujah to god i'm never gonna lean on your hallelujah i come with my own hallelujah because god has been too good even though we are all we were all sinners saved by grace we all have different experiences and so my thank you might not be the same as yours because what god delivered me from he never delivered you from it because you never had the struggles i had so many thank you is for what god did for me your thank you must be what god did for you and sometimes i have to praise him in advance lord i don't see the blessing yet but that will praise him in advance and to say thanks in advance [Music] glory be to god we were sinners we were sinners but now we are being set free never forget to say thank you we were not a people we were not considered we were not loved we were not contempt we were far from the commonwealth of israel but jesus came and he tore down the midwall of partition and to both jews and gentiles of access to the grace of god so we were far off we are brought into the kingdom of god so i want to have leprosy but i'm like naman naman went down to the jordan and he dipped and he dipped seven times and when he came up he was clean that's what god did to us when we dip in his blood we came up clean all our sins were washed away all our sins are washed away and you want to tell me and i can't say thank you you want to tell me that i forget somebody to go back in the past and look over your life and see what the lord has done [Music] why this place why the church must be a place of praise and worship is because when we think of the goodness of jesus we can't help ourselves but to worship him i never want to forget god's goodness and my life yes there have been some rough days there have been some hill to climb there have been some lonely days there being some luck can i talk to the church here i got to go to people let me talk first for a minute there have been some hard situations there have been some difficult times you have invested your time and effort in some things and you are disappointed some things that you thought would have worked out did it work out for you but glory be to god in the highest even though there were disappointments even though there was some closed door lord have mercy even though there was some closed door god knows how to shut some doors to open the right doors and so that's why at the church of the living god we are called between praise and thanksgiving so while i'm going to a difficult time i'm praising him while my back is against the wall i'm praising him while i can't pay my bills i'm praising him why sickness rocking the body i'm praising him the children giving problems i'm praising him can't pay the school fee i'm praising him so i'm caught between her praise her and thanksgiving i praise him when i'm going to my situation but i thank him when i come out of it i'm in the right church i praise him when the battle gets rougher but i thank him when i get older so i'm eating so while i'm in the church i'm either praising him or thanking him i'm praising him or thanking him but i can't tip the owner and be quiet in the hose of god with either praising him or i'm thanking him we must have a praise and thanksgiving because god has been too good i think this is as i i was on my way here this morning i remember yesterday evening we were in the community we were doing so having our outreach and mobile church now it's a saturday evening so go out and we preach and we teach on the road i was going to a community and somebody called me by name and under the mask i could not well even without the mask i don't know who the person is and the person said to me i know you so i say oh lord that's all right that's nice and we started talking and the lady began to give her history she said that she helped to build a church in helsha spoke about pastor brown was the clement brown and then she went down to say i got baptized pentecostal tabernacle wildman street got the holy ghost i was a member down there i said lord have mercy can i tell you something pentecostal tabernacle man street those who are physically or online i know that maybe you have gone through a rough patch lord have mercy but i want to tell you that the greatness that god has done through you you have to be thankful for that lord god almighty the lies that god have impacted through this church it doesn't matter what you're going through you don't have no reason to complain lord can i talk you to have the reason to look and feel despondent you don't have the reason to feel like you're not doing anything good the devil is a liar you have planted some seed out here and it's about to germinate and bring forth your wings have spread far and wide you have sword like the eagle you have impacted life when you think about that you should tell god thank you you're not here making up numbers you are impacting this world you are impacting jamaica so you must say thank you it may not look like we're doing it but you're doing it so say thank you hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah i'm so david the evening many was credited amen a number of psalm i think about seven to three david amen ceased not to give the lord thanks when david looked back over his life and he saw oh saul was trying to kill him he recognized even how god protected him he saw and he remembered oh god used him to destroy goliath and the lion and the bear before that when david looked over his life and he saw that he messed up with adultery and murder but god's spirit is life no wonder david is not a praise addict no wonder david is always telling the lord thank you he said oh give thanks to the lord for he is good he steadfast love endures forever he said enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise and bless his name but we your people the sheep of your pastors will give thanks to you forever from generation to generation we shall recount your praise oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people let them that thank the lord for his steadfast love and his wondrous work for the children of men it is good to give thanks to the lord to sing praises to your name almost i to declare your steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness by night who give thanks to the lord for he is good and his mercies forever give him thanks never forget to give him thanks don't be caught up in what god gave you to forget her who give it to you so give him thanks when you wake up in the morning give him thanks to her at noon time give him thanks in the evening give him thanks at night give him thanks give him thanks give thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks you were once blind but no you can see give him thanks i was once wrapped up in in sin but no i am free give him thanks thank you for the cross thank you for the price he paid thank you for oh god be in all our sin and shame come on give him thanks yo god no wonder when i come to this pentacles are ultra for the holy ghost you repent of your sins you confess your sins you are sorrowful for your sins but to get the holy ghost you begin to believe him i begin to praise him for forgiveness for your sins and so we thank him for his goodness so to get the holy ghost yes we confess and yes we turn away but we believe god for forgiveness and we are giving him thanks we're not waiting until we get the holy ghost but by faith we are saying thank you and somebody need to tell god thanks by faith somebody while you're going through your dark situation right now and you don't see no way out you need to say thanks you don't see a way to be delivered you need you need to say thanks you don't know how you're going to make it you need to say thanks god has been too good to us god has been too good to us god has been too good to us i don't want to be let the nine i want to be like this one the bible says while they were on the way they realized that they were healed so they were happy so imagine they went to meet their friends and say look at me i am nowhere but they forget over the healer the song i was trying to remember the other day when it was one of those jamaican songs gospel songs talk about a man that things were rough in his life never had a job never a car never a house and he prayed to god sang writer said god bless him with a job he's not qualified for he got blessed with a house blessed with wife and children and all of a sudden him stopped coming to church it means a priest a prayer three times a day all of a sudden can't find time to pray because he was caught up in the gift and the blessing and not the blesser appreciate the blessing but never forget to bless her the blessing may go and the blessing is limited to that particular thing but the blesser is able to bless you with more so don't get caught up in the gift and the blessing and forget the blesser i'm happy for the blessing but i'm never going to forget the blesser because with the blesser there's a lot more where that blessing came from and if he did it before he can do it again my glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah because this was the sickness of leprosy but maybe another sickness may come upon you so if you never praise him and thank him for leprosy are you brave enough to go to him to ask him to deliver you for some time something else almighty god god is merciful say may just bless you again but god god would have a right to say when i hit you the first time you never remembered me so you really expect me to heal you now again hallelujah never forget to say thanks never forget to show your appreciation never forget to let god know you're grateful never forget to let god know amen that you are thankful for what he has done never forget the difference with this man and i'm closing and the others when he returned to say thank you the lord said go thy way thy faith have made thee whole somebody said that we can be healed but not delivered they were healed but the word made whole lord have mercy but the one that went back to say thank you was not just healed but he was made whole that means the root of the problem has been addressed lord have mercy all because he went back to say thank you oh glory hallelujah in a spiritual blessing there's a spiritual connection where we tell god thank you you will tell god thank you it refers to completion in the work so when they went back when he went back to say thank you the lord go thy way not only are you healed but you have now been made whole and he received that because he went back to say thank you yes amen because he said thank you he was made whole so some of us maybe we need to inspect our lives today and say lord have i been ungrateful have i been caught up in this new blessing that i forget that you are the one that blessed me hallelujah i don't want to encourage anyone out there today if you have not your presence of your sins have not yet been baptized in your lord jesus christ for the remission and removal of his sins today it can be done hallelujah today it can be done just as though jesus walked up and entered the city and brought hope to these men jesus wanted to walk up in your life and in your situation and bring hope to you and if you are without the holy ghost once you repent you confess you paint you're broke and you're sorry are you beginning to worship you begin to praise him you're beginning to amen call upon his name and believe him in no time you'll be speaking in tongues as the spirit of god give the utterance somebody need to thank him alabashai hallelujah some money to praise him thank him and exalt his great name god bless you all today god bless you i'll never forget to say thank you never forget to say thank you never forget to say thank you i don't care look never forget to say thank you god bless you all in jesus name praise god thanks thanks i give you thanks for all you have done is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i am so blessed my soul is [Music] and we've heard the word of god it's so important for us to have thankful hearts and we thank people for all sorts of things but let us look to the giver of every good gift today the lord jesus christ and wherever you are and you are thankful for what god has done you may not be saved but god has spared your life he has kept you he has opened doors he has provided for you but still you have not turned over your life into his hand i urge you wherever you are to repent of your sins ask for his forgiveness as for his cleansing upon your life and ask him to fill you with a gift of his holy spirit his arms are not short that they cannot reach you his ears are not deaf so they cannot hear you our god is wherever you are because he's omnipresent he can save you right now he can fill you with his spirit you can begin to speak in another language as the spirit of god gives you utterance you can experience your personal pentecost today wherever you are if you're a backslider god can revive you today he can restore unto you the joy of his salvation in your life hallelujah so maybe you're in your living room or you're sitting on your bed or you're somewhere outside just make it an altar and allow the lord to work in a mighty way today this moment can be the start of something wonderful in your life hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands give him thanks give him praise give him honor hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus oh thanks [Music] i am so blessed my story is [Music] oh my soul is you lord thank you lord that you ever thought of me thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought thank you for your love to me thank you [Music] see thank you you i want to thank you lord thank you oh i wanna thank you lord thank you lord that you will praise god praise god god has been good we have heard his words we have been encouraged we have been blessed and we want to live here with an attitude of gratitude a heart of thanksgiving because god is working in our lives and for his children he works out the best let us leave here just blessing the name of the lord jesus can we lift our hands and thank god for his words thank you for his servant thank you lord jesus hallelujah for his presence that we have felt in this place and let us thank him in advance for those who are going to call us and ask to take on the name of jesus christ in baptism but those who are going to testify that they were touched by the ministry today hallelujah hallelujah glory to your holy name glory to your holy name glory to your holy name lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus and we are going to close our service today could be all more heads in prayer as i ask sister my color just to pray god's blessing bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me blesses holy name hallelujah jesus will not forget your benefits towards us jesus and all you have healed us from all our disease you have saved us from destruction mighty god and for that we want to say thank you thank you for allowing us to come out this morning for worship lord god thank you lord jesus for the live stream where we are able to share your words with others thank you for the singing lord god thank you for your word hallelujah hallelujah telling us and reminding us that we ought always to give thanks hallelujah because it's in our thanksgiving that hallelujah we get other benefit additional benefit lord jesus maybe healing hallelujah forgiveness of our sins hallelujah jesus hallelujah so we don't want to just stop and and at what you have done for us we ask for a blessing and then we get it and move on lord god we want to have a heart of thanksgiving so suffer the groans of our heart today touch our minds that we always remember to give thanks sweet jesus touched those that are on the air listening to us and maybe they are praying lord jesus touch them wherever they are in their home fill them with the holy ghost and as sister lorna cena said give them the courage to call lord god and we will do the needful to baptize them in your name jesus mighty god bless us those that are here as you are about to leave give us safe passage on the road lord god and that will continue to worship your sweet name jesus because that's what we were made for might to god to communicate with you to worship to live for you to spread your word hallelujah help us as we go throughout the week lord jesus as we give you praise and honor for this is the kingdom the power and the glory are yours also in jesus name thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah lift our hands and praise the lord one more time thank you jesus glory to your holy name glory to your holy name hallelujah hallelujah the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his faces shine upon you and be gracious unto you may lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace god bless you god bless you you are dismissed in the name of the lord jesus christ praise god [Music] you
Channel: Pentabja
Views: 695
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wildman street, pentab, jamaica, jesus, pentecostal tabernacle, Christianity, worship, evangelism, teaching, bible study
Id: fK_b5aNrYu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 6sec (7446 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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