29 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft 1.20

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Minecraft 1.20 is weird sniffers used to dig up beds pigs were used as leaves and you could craft a string pickaxe here's 29 things you didn't know about 1.20 archeology made a grand return in 1.20 that brought us new items like Pottery shirts these Pottery shirts can be found in suspicious sand or gravel within their respective structures they are also used for crafting as you can use Pottery shirts to craft decorated ports what's interesting is that these decorated ports have a total of 194 481 different crafting combinations there are many items that can be found in suspicious sand or gravel now when brushing away at a sauce block it slowly gets revealed so it takes a while for you to know which item you're going to get but when the suspicious blocks were first being developed in 1.20 they would appear transparent when they were brushed which really spoiled the surprise although I can't lie it's pretty disappointing to slowly brush away a sauce block only to to get some string I mean what's the point the new smithing template items are rather interesting as they were originally called smithing blueprints in the 1.20 Prototype however Mojang decided to rename the item as they thought the word blueprint sounded too Technical and modern for Minecraft have you ever tried to ride a horse through shallow water well my advice is don't because it is a nightmare Instead try using a camel why well because of the camel's height they are able to go through water up to two blocks tall making camels a lot more effective to get across water if only camels weren't so slow do you like crafting items in unique ways if you do then the new chisel bookshelf is the perfect blog for you this is because there is 2 billion 357 million 947 691 different possible crafting combinations for the chiseled bookshelf I'm not sure how I said all that in one go but I need a drink after that now the reason the Chisel bookshelf can have so many crafting combinations is due to the fact that each slot in the crafting grid can contain planks or slabs using all the different wood types when bamboo blogs were first introduced in the 1.20 snapshots the top of its texture was originally yellow with the rest of the book being green it's no surprise the bamboo block stood out as looking absolutely terrible and with the Minecraft Community complaining about it 50 million times Mojang changed it to Green we are all familiar with the Minecraft logo it's pretty iconic actually scratch that it's extremely iconic but what if I told you the logo has actually been changed in 1.20 that's right the Minecraft icon was updated to have a creeper face and b2d instead of being a 3D dirt block the original dirt block will always be my favorite the Creeper face just isn't it man this isn't a regular Minecraft book in fact it's not even a book at all it's actually a leather cap by using the new Arma trim feature in 1.20 you're able to make a realistic book for deca decoration now that is certainly a real page Turner please don't click off I know that was cringe I'm sorry the newest objective of Minecraft is to collect every possible armor Trim in 1.20 there are 16 different armor trims that can be found from a variety of structures but there is one armor trim that is unique as it can only be obtained from a mob and not a chest now the armor trim I'm talking about is the tide armor trim which has a 20 chance to drop from an Elder Guardian when killed but does this make the tide armor trim the rarest armor trim to find well the answer is no as the rarest armor trim is the silence armor trim which only has a 1.4 chance of spawning inside of an ancient city chest so not only is this trim rare to get it's also extremely dangerous watch out for the warden discovering Trail ruins is fun and great for Luke but it's also a good way to obtain certain blocks that weren't previously obtainable without crafting now the blocks I'm talking about are concrete and mod bricks as they generate as part of the trail ruin structure this will be helpful as prior to 1.20 these blocks could only be gathered through crafting and using water in one of the rooms of the trail ruin structure there are two cold blocks with brick stairs now to many this room probably looks like nothing but it's actually a direct reference to the archeology footage that was shown at Minecraft live in 2020. earlier in the video I mentioned you dig up suspicious sand and gravel with the new brush tool but what if I told you the brush didn't always look like this so back in Minecraft live 2020 the original brush texture used a copper handle which would slowly oxidize this meant there were two variants of the brush tool when it was first being developed during the prototype for Minecraft 1.20 when sniffers would dig up items for the player they wouldn't dig up seeds instead sniffers would actually dig up beds from the ground as a placeholder what I want to know is who buried their bed in the ground in the first place I much prefer sleep keeping on mine so sniffers stay away did you think the sniffer's digging animation looks familiar well that's because the animation was actually inspired by how corgi dogs spread their legs when they lie down so now whenever you see a corgi in real life you're just going to think of the sniffer I bet a corgi won't dig up a bed for you though seriously why was that a placeholder man dandelion flowers have always been yellow but in the development phase for 1.20 they were also pink this is because the dandelion flowers were used as a placeholder for the pink petals that generate in the Cherry Grove biome and in order for the dandelion to blend in they had to be pink with that said I much prefer the pink petals we have now another odd placeholder in the early days of 1.20 was Mojang's decision to use the pig texture as leaves for the cherry blossom trees could you imagine wandering around a Cherry Grove biome and just seeing all the tree leaves as Pig faces yeah I can't lie I'd be pretty creeped out what is the tallest passive mob in Minecraft craft well as of 1.20 it's now the camel that's right camels are 2.375 blocks tall and due to their height they can walk over fences and walls they're also so tall that players are invulnerable to nearly every hostile mob when they're riding it camels have also set a world record as they're the only passive mob that is greater than two blocks tall in Minecraft for the last 10 years desert Wells were always considered a pointless structure with no real purpose I mean you'd stumble across one find nothing but a drop of water and move on but that all changed in 1.20 as you can now find suspicious sand blocks in desert rose wait you mean there's actually a reason to seek out a desert well now I love it the original crafting recipe for the new brush tool in 1.20 might be the strangest crafting decision Mojang has ever made so the brush is currently crafted with one feather one copper Ingot and one stick a fairly normal recipe but in the snapshots for 1.20 the brush was crafted with two sticks and three string but in the shape of a pickaxe I mean what is this yeah I'm sure it'd be very easy to brush away a piece of suspicious gravel with some string I mean that makes sense to be fair a lot of things in Minecraft don't make sense comment if I should make a video on it Pottery shirts were originally called ceramic shards but Mojang realized that the terminology was incorrect as a Shard describes things like broken glass and not ancient Pottery back in the earlier days of Minecraft in Minecraft live 2020 the textures for pottery shards were very different these shirt textures were much more vibrant and colorful and also used much different designs the shirt textures depicted what looks to be a cave entrance Alex a Vindicator a skeleton a tree and a cow Pottery shirts weren't the only texture that was different as the decorated ports had a completely different shape these ports were wider and came in two variants a clay port and a Painted Clay Port the clay Port would also share the same texture as the clay block before the pottery shirts were added to the port this was part of a gameplay mechanic the archeology update was originally supposed to have placing leaves in desert biomes has always been a bit disappointing this is because placing leaves in desert prevents you from adding a splash of color as the leaf just gets dried out and brittle however in 1.20 you are able to place Cherry leaves in desert biomes without its color being altered a cool fact about 1.20 is that Mojang released trails and Tails exactly one year after the 1.19 wild obtained what's even cooler is that 1.20 was released exactly six years after the 1.12 World of Color update either Mojang did this on purpose or it's a really strange coincidence the trail ruin structure allows you to find loads of different items through suspicious gravel but how many items are there in total this ancient structure allows you to find 42 possible items ranging from great to absolutely terrible I mean you can find the new Pottery shirts emeralds or even the rare music discs but you can also find a yellow glass pane I mean what even is this in 1.20 the Minecraft title screen logo has been updated to look more HD the old logo will always be more iconic but the new one is definitely more modern this also means the iconic mints wrath Easter egg logo has also been changed it hasn't been removed or anything but it has been updated to look more HD which could mean it'll be a bit easier to find then again it's still a one in ten thousand chance to find the mince Roth logo so good luck with that when using the slash kill command it would always say the player fell out of the world which didn't make a lot of sense however in 1.20 this was changed as when you use the slash kill command now it says the player was killed want to know the differences between Java and Bedrock where you can do so by watching the video right here foreign [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 692,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1.20, update, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft trails & tales update, minecraft 1.20 trails and tales, minecraft 29 things, 29 things you didn't know about minecraft, 29 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 facts
Id: uM58z3o4j6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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