Minecraft, But Your Deaths = SCARY

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Minecraft's scariest Miss attacked my world so now every time I die my game terrified no way this is actually real these men can kiss my booty see guys nothing happens oh what's going on this guy why is it flashing like that no no it's just a glitch everything is okay this is totally normal what's happened to my vision why I can't see anything no no no it's not bad wait what what do you guys want please I'll do anything wait your body belongs to us no anything but that place if I don't transform into the scariest myth by midnight their cars will permanently hang my PC risking all of my private information even my credit card details but how am I going to turn into a man wait bro I have one debt do I just need to collect more I guess there's only one way to find out oh I really hope this doesn't mean the creepies back okay no wait but that that didn't do anything are you sure my cupboard you'll saw that right what just happened wait what what is what did they leave behind hot blood nose yeah bro this thing is tripping bro what am I gonna do with this unless it's supposed to help me get more deaths but how do I use the thing I can't click with it unless I have to eat the nose yeah wait no that didn't work hold up I have an idea and I know it sounds pretty stupid but it's a nose so can I just stick it onto my face what just happened to me bro I'm turning into the men wait what we're trying to do but I don't think my screen's supposed to turn red hold on wait what's up with that shape I just died at my respawn straight what is happening that that's just gonna make me die over and over again which is exactly what we're trying to do to become scary mid okay keep killing me yes it's working oh yeah wait they all just disappeared guys ah what is that quit answering no no no what just happened was that a virus no no guys I don't want to be infected what is that guys I don't know what entity throw through was there on my screen and gave me something called laser eyes that's what he was initializing so this isn't a virus oh thank goodness that was such a relief I'm so glad it's an item but what am I supposed to do because we have no choice but to try and use it okay again I can't click with it maybe I also have to put this onto my head oh my Lord my eyes just got cabbage out great I guess I'm just becoming more and more this is like evil leeway stream right here y'all but how is this gonna kill me wait did I just shoot that laser out of my eye dude ow wait I can shoot the lasers out at myself I guess that makes sense because Entity 303 is known for having laser eyes which is what we now have oh yeah baby look at this I can just Spam our lasers from my eyes holy bro I'm racking up this this is so good this is so cool like this bad shooting lasers in all directions to my screen bro I literally can't even outrun them I'm getting so many deaths right now holy bro wait wait guys I can't move what's going on wait the ground's breaking no no my eyes definitely did not do that before what is that what is that down there oh I don't want to fight that but we got it there we go okay I'm not dead please it's the brain of distorted Alex do we have to put this inside of our skull oh wait no guys look it's not working do I put it in my chest or my toes that doesn't make sense unless is it because I'm trapped inside of this rain I need a way out Hold Up Wait I can just Spam lasers of myself and kill me get me out of here baby oh yeah okay now we can try no okay so that use it as an item wait wait I have to eat a bread wait this gave me another item distorted world what does this do Dwight lick it oh no what is going on to the land wait no no it's gonna crush me wait wait my my debts guys they didn't just go up by one they went up by 12. it seems like some deaths are deadlier than others that makes absolutely no sense but makes sense because the store that Alex is a road virus that corrupts the world around you and so she can literally control the terrain that is so dope y'all okay we can literally just Spam this to get all the way up destroy the world bro I feel like Thanos right now oh except well I'm just using it to kill myself which is a little bit more than raise the world and destroy me this is actually really sad when you think about it guys oh my gosh oh wait does that hug you oh it just ripped his arm off dude was Huggy wuggy just threatening to rip my arms off oh no no no but wait why would he leave us behind with his arm what am I supposed to do with it oh I can pick it up cuddly um how do I use that oh it's on me it's on me it's on me no wonder everyone's afraid of huggy wuggy what the it's attached onto my chest I can't take it off it's slowly turning me into a scary myth this is actually crazy but what do these arms even do oh what the did y'all see that I can attach on to things with super long arms and go with them in like crazy sweets like a grappling hook and when I do I got 86 deaths hold on let's go up on that tree again whoa look at me just like spam diaper I got 272 deaths this is insane can I use it to connect onto Mouse as well dude so cool my arm just falling like stretches out I can literally just Spam this this is so dope you know other than the fact that it you know brutally murders me this is a great way to travel around your Minecraft world oh yeah yeah oh I love this this is too cool y'all bro wait what is that because I reckon that's that's heroBrine spawning summoning thing a sacrifice must be made what kind of sacrifice like a like a sheep or a cow or does it mean me oh I don't know but since we're trying to get more debts I guess we're the best sacrifice here guys nothing ah what just happened why am I in a desert what am I doing here wait what's that thing in my inventory Brian's Soul wait but Herobrine is supposed to take away other people's Souls this my soul what what does this mean this is the only one way to find out and that's why splashing this thing down wait what what did it do oh the sand is alive the sand is alive this is great look at how many deaths these things give me every time I die is 113 extra death wait we can bring an entire Army of these things give me more than the monsters these are actually menaces these are little medicines imagine you're just like sleeping in your Minecraft world or like trying to build or something and all the blocks just came alive like this dude look at them chase me dude look at this sand oh my gosh this is the stuff of nightmares right here I would never ever in my wildest dreams think of this holy bro bro bro I can't even move anymore I'm trying to Splash more but I can't they just kill me too fast holy these little sad demon Goblin things what the ah you know what after a while these guys end up being super low-key cute I love you guys you can follow me until the ends of the Earth come my little sand minions these are my new best friends y'all I love them [Music] they're following me they're following me but they don't seem to be attacking me wait what how are you guys gonna help me get more debt what is wrong with you I can't even guys I can't even punch them what I guess we just got a Huggy wuggy hand out of here baby what bam wait oh my gosh that's me without a head wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up do you two do this was that YouTube wait wait if I kill myself now bro did y'all see that and I got more clones when I die look at this they all die and respawn and I get two more and then that gives me even more death I get 153 deaths for each of them so I can just create more and more clones and keep farming deaths that's absolutely insane and so each time I get double the amount of debts I've already got 17 000. bro this is insane okay I'm gonna command laser eyes oh man give me more oh wait what was that okay the cactus was turning to cross this that's absolutely fine the world's just getting more scary it's okay wait six hold up it's everywhere it's everywhere oh my God bro it's literally in the ground too okay that's fine that's fine we just need to get more depth we just need to get more depth that's all we need to do so that we can stop this virus from infecting our PC please kill me more what do you think happens when we reach a hundred thousand deaths holy kill me give me more there's nothing you can do to stop me oh my gosh what's going on why is my screen shaking What's Happening guys I can't I literally can't control my screen is freaking out right now uh-huh oh no hi giant Steve how are you going are you coming in peace no no he's coming wait what is he doing he's gonna squash me uh let's respawn back into his home oh no no no no no no no wait we're on Bedrock no no no you can't break better he can break bedrock no no no no no no wait wait this is genius this is genius holy guys look at this I'm just infinitely dying over and over again and all my clothes are dark as well my dad counter is going Sky High baby uh well this is great and all guys but we have one small issue nothing is happening I'm not gaining debt faster which is bad because my piece is gonna get hacked and there's no way up nothing wait guys what just happened where am I wait I have a hundred thousand deaths hold up what is this thing that I'm in guys what is happening to me is there the souls are coming in no no no no they're affecting me the souls are entering me what do we do guys I don't know where do we go from here guys wait what why are we in the nether why why why why why why what is that the end portal button I have never seen him guys why is it red do we go in it I don't know do we just run or do we go inside I don't know what the right call to do is here guys what do we do wait what's that sound no no no no no guys guys oh no they're all coming guys I can explain I I got a hundred thousand deaths is that not good enough hey we're friends oh my gosh there's headless saved and that thing um guys come on come on come on let's chat a blood villager oh quite intimate oh hey giant Steve huh um um guys oh no guys we don't stand a chance against it it's gonna hack us there's no way we're fighting here I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know what to do wait no no that portal was supposed to take me somewhere else Notch here why am I floating up you were one of us now I don't know guys guys come on stop stop please you promised you wanted to hack my PC no no we did not want the PC ride thank you to all of these guys for making today's video possible you're my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 9,339,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but your deaths = scary, minecraft but your deaths, minecraft but, minecraft deaths, minecraft but your deaths equal money, minecraft but your deaths equal scary, minecraft but your deaths equal size, minecraft but your xp = scary, minecraft but scary, minecraft but scary myths beat the game, minecraft scary, minecraft scary myths
Id: FAUHk9M2D_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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