30 Minecraft Ideas Mojang Rejected (And Why)

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from different types of dragons to Soldier villagers here are 30 Minecraft ideas Mojang projected number one pizza is very tasty in real life but sadly it looks like it won't be coming to Minecraft when requesting new foods Mojang is looking to add new crops rather than prepared foods like Pizzas number two sharks would make the oceans of Minecraft dangerous and exciting sharks would be a neutral mob and wouldn't attack you unless you got too close or attacked at first just imagine the Thrills of spotting a shark fin in the distance however Mojang says Hostile Mobs can't be based on real animals this makes perfect sense until you remember spiders and bees are in Minecraft number three are you always getting lost while mining for diamonds and gold well you would have loved this Epic feature ghost miners they were supposed to lead you through caves and help you find oars and mine shafts ghosts are banned in Chinese media so I'm not surprised this mob was rejected it'd also be a little strange seeing another player in your world when you're on single player number four fireflies were supposed to Sparkle in the dark the frogs would snap the glowing bugs right out of the air air with their long tongues however once Mojang found out fireflies are poisonous to frogs they canceled the idea rest in peace fireflies number five villagers are completely helpless in Minecraft when attacked all they can do is run to make them less useless some players requested for villagers to fight and defend themselves they'd be able to wear armor and use swords to kill mobs but Mojang has said that this is why Golems exist and villagers are just peaceful creatures who don't want to fight number six have you ever wished you could tame villagers you'd be able to have your own villager Army they'd follow you around and act as decoys for all incoming zombies sadly Mojang didn't love the idea of villager enslavement as much as we do I guess we have to stick to Village or breeders and trading halls for now number seven he ate the Raj legendary Sky Dimension to Minecraft with new Mobs ores and epic bosses the mod was so popular that the developer ended up getting hired by Mojang where he would create the opposite the nether Dimension unfortunately when asked about a Sky Dimension the developers have said that they will not be adding Community made mods to Minecraft the Aether would have been my favorite Dimension number eight this update was very controversial the combat update made attacking have a cool down so you couldn't spam hit anymore many players were Furious about this change and gave a solution a PVP game rule this way players could set if they wanted spam hitting or the cooldown system Mojang didn't want the bug fix two combat systems and also had the game as simple as possible for new players so they rejected the idea number nine if you want to create a timer you'll have to use a bunch of Hoppers and pistons but the timer block would make redstone much simpler with it we could just set how many seconds we want to wait and done however Mojang has ruled the timer block out so I still have to learn Redstone so if I place redstone here and gosh darn it number 10 emerald armor would be super cool it would be stronger than iron but weaker than Diamond although it would look very pretty it wouldn't be useful as iron armor would be way easier to craft and not too much worse but if you still want it you can always use the 1.20 trims to look snazzy number 11. Pistons can only move up to 12 blocks and it can be very frustrating players have wanted to increase this limit for years as it'll allow you to build Crazy Contraptions Mojang doesn't want Pistons to be overpowered so they have said that the limit would not be increasing number 12. in Bedrock Edition mine coins are used to buy things from Skins to Maps however the only way to get them is by paying real money but what if it wasn't what if you could get mine coins from tasks such as earning achievements or playing on servers the idea was rejected and I'm not surprised Mojang wants their money number 13. if you want to send a redstone signal upwards you have to make complex systems or Pathways like these but what if Redstone could be placed on walls this would save so much time and make redstone a lot simpler unfortunately Mojang says it's too unrealistic and it's redstone dust and not actual wires wait then how is this possible number 14 one of the most requested features is the vertical slab it'd be awesome for building roofs circles and chimneys it doesn't look like Mojang would be adding them though as they don't want to prevent natural creativity subscribe if you want vertical slabs number 15 voice chat in Minecraft would be the most insane feature letting you Trash Talk enemies to coordinate with teammates however a Mojang director has said we have no plans to add it as there are other services you can use so it seems like we'll all still use our favorite voice chat service Sky number 16 Minecraft bees are massive compared to real life the bees in Minecraft are as large as chicken they're more like birds at this point Mojang has said that the bee's body size is final and won't be changed so we're trapped with these terrifying creatures number 17 you should never sleep during a raid this is because when you do the raid completely restarts this means that you have to fight all the mobs again when asked to change muljack said that it's going to be left as it is so if it turns night during a raid don't sleep number 18 can you imagine riding dolphins in Minecraft we could be surfing sparkling sea waves and gliding through coral reefs it would open up a whole new world of ocean exploration Mojang said it will not happen and my best guess is that they don't want to be another Sea World Peta might come after Mojo number 19 drowned zombies could be so much scarier while swimming what if drowned zombies would try to drown you they'd grab you and take you down the ocean like a bubble column Mojang has said the drowned aren't going to drown you so we should be safe for now number 20. light blocks are the ultimate tool for insane builds in Minecraft with them you can recreate masterpiece paintings entire galaxies of possibilities are endless the only thing holding Builders back is that light is only white can you imagine how Epic Builds would be with color lighting the insane builds from it would be amazing sadly colored lighting would destroy most of our computers as lighting takes up a lot of resources but if you play Bedrock Edition you can always just turn on RTX mode and have your computer explode number 21 we all make mistakes but what if you could just undo them when using commands like slash fill you can easily delete an area you didn't mean to and Aston Reddit a Minecraft developer promptly replied nope looks like all actions are permanent unless you get the world edit mod number 22 Minecraft sun is unrealistic thick but not because it's a cube when you look straight into it nothing happens in real life you'd have permanent eye damage okay maybe it's a good thing your eyes don't burn in Minecraft I wonder what will happen if you look at the sun with a spy glass ouch number 23 Steve is the most powerful character ever he never uses the restroom which is super weird he could even eat a million cakes and nothing will happen there were rumors and jokes of adding a toilet into Minecraft but Mojang has said things like toilets are too realistic number 24. Minecraft has Spider Chicken and ravager jockeys but why not dolphin jockeys it'd be super exciting as a concept with drowned mobs riding on top of a dolphin and wielding a trident although it may be a little difficult to fight I think it'd make a great Foe for Minecraft too bad Mojang has said it's definitely not happening number 25 it's not just Steve who has to use the restroom animals too you'd be able to use the animal waste as fertilizer for your crops it'll be like bone meal except better wait Mojang was questioned about animals having waste products they stated that it was not a fit for Minecraft imagine seeing your pig eggs do this in Minecraft ew number 26 getting different types of wood can be very time consuming because if you need a lot you have to set up a farm for each tree this is why some players wanted diable or paintable wood this would let you just paint over different Woods to create beautiful builds however using a paintbrush in Minecraft isn't very mind crafty and will decrease the amount of exploring the players due to my new Woods number 27 Minecraft was supposed to have multiple dragons you've met the Ender Dragon but a secret red dragon that could land and lie around the Overworld was supposed to be added the possibilities for Dragon fights taming dragons as pets and riding them would have been endless it was not his idea but when he left Mojang the idea was scrapped forever when asked about it he even tweeted it never happened number 28 Minecraft's original name was cave game but was later changed to Minecraft in 2009 some people have suggested changing the name back to cave game but it was shut down Minecraft is a bit too iconic to change now number 29 Minecon Cape accounts are very valuable they are sold on black market it's for hundreds of dollars so what if Mojang just sold the capes they could create a shop where players purchased the capes of previous Minecon events however Mojang wants to keep capes only for special occasions so they won't be letting us get capes anytime soon number 30. imagine running through caves mining a scattered skeleton body skeleton bodies would randomly scatter throughout your world and would be a cool Easter egg whenever you found one they were determined to not be a good fit for Minecraft and won't be added well those are 30 ideas rejected by Mojang subscribe foreign
Channel: Prism
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Keywords: Prism, Prism Minecraft, 30 Minecraft Ideas Rejected By Mojang, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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