1 In A Million Minecraft Seeds

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this is a naturally spawning underground mansion and this is a Giant's gravity-defying rock formation here are some new one in a million Minecraft seeds that will completely blow your mind with the Mansions are one of the rarest and coolest structures in the game and this one is even cooler not only did this Mansion spawn in the middle of a swamp but it's also right next to this crazy drip Stone sinkhole and if that wasn't cool enough these waterfalls can even spawn axolotls talk about luxury if you like caves and caverns you'll love this next seed imagine loading up a new Minecraft world to play on and suddenly you spawn here you're placed right in the middle of this huge open Cavern with near infinite drip Stone caves to explore there's even an ancient city deep inside if you're feeling courageous but you don't have to go too far to make use of this giant cave just follow this waterfall down and you'll end up right next to one two three four five six exposed diamonds good luck mining them though and you can't craft a pickaxe with this whole cave system being underneath a giant desert with no trees in sight for miles but thankfully I of creative mode wait but if giant caves and lava pools aren't your style try out this seed that has to have one of the prettiest spawn points in the entire game in the middle of this ring of cold snow-tipped mountains lies a quiet little village complete with Farms cats and baby donkeys just next to it there's even a gorgeous flower Forest as well as pigs chickens and caves with iron in them all contained within this beautiful scenery that's even that doesn't compare to this Village which rests on a grassy plane covered in flowers right above this huge exposed Lush cave there's even a ruined portal and a bunch of food nearby to get you started in this world it doesn't get better than this isn't that right Mr villager oh why would you kill an innocent dog that's just cruel most people don't know that there's actually swamp villagers in Minecraft they look super cool but unfortunately Mojang hasn't added villagers for them to spawn in naturally yet but this seed stays otherwise slapped right in the middle of this massive swamp there's a tiny plane's biome covered almost completely by a village doesn't this thing look weird this house is actually completely in the swamp so if two villagers were to procreate then make a little cute swamp villager oh it's too bad we don't have any Dwarven Villages though because that fits so perfectly in this seed a ravine spawned right in the middle of this Village causing some of the houses to be placed on the ground in the caves check it out there's even a farm down here ah and some cave kitties too and this Iron Golem is on full-time guard down here there's zombies everywhere here I'll help you still this underground Village is nothing compared to the huge ancient cities that were added in the 1.19 update just one of these things can span for Miles underground and they feel even cooler when you have to sneak around wardens but this seat has something even crazier an underground Mega City that's right and just as one deep dark biome there are 15 ancient cities that span over thousands of blocks check out the build of this seed each one of these lanterns is one city and there's tons of them ancient cities are usually super hard to find though as they're already extremely rare and it's even harder to find them when they're so far underground that this other seed solves that problem all you've got to do is walk a few blocks from your spawn dig straight down and you're there oh crap I didn't bring any tools I guess I'm stuck down here now that's cool foreign [Music] anyone else remember when zombies and skeleton spawners were the best way to build experience Farms I sure do shut up Grandma well this is three mob spawners super close together something with a one in four million chance of happening I'm never leaving this wallet again everyone's favorite biome has got to be the Mushroom Island but they can be extremely hard to find the only problem is if you do find one mobs can't spawn there that is if you exclude mooshrooms oh yeah baby this is all we need well luckily the seed spawns you into a mushrooms lovers Paradise with four huge mushroom islands surrounding you you're welcome mushroom islands can only spawn in oceans but have you ever seen an ocean spawn in the middle of a forest this seed looks normal when you first spawn in but if you look over this hill you'll find an absolutely huge huge ice Lake and let me tell you it's not one you want to fall into if you break just a single ice block you'll end up sinking down a hundred blocks to this huge obsidian floor covered in rocks filled with exposed diamonds but you'll probably want to bring a water breathing potion or something I don't think you get him back out of your life just saying what's craziest is that this seed looks even more broken in 1.19.2 here is a gigantic sinkhole right in the middle of the lake with a massive lava pool at the bottom it's like somebody wins and dwelled at it and punched the terrain down a hundred blocks and this isn't the only one of these either a user on Reddit has found a bunch of these including this wild sinkhole with a woodland Mansion directly in the middle of it these seeds are so new and crazy that we still don't even know why they generate all we know is that it's something to do with the code and how apparently in certain places the values for what can spawn and where are totally messed up causing this Insanity to happen if you're brave enough to delve deep into one of the ancient cities you'll usually awarded with some enchantments gear maybe even some music discs but all of that is comparatively terrible compared to the best chest in Minecraft check it out four enchanted golden apples in one chest the chances of this are actually over one in 20 000 which means you'd have to search thousands of ancient cities before you ever see this again and nobody ain't got time for that let's compare to this next seed one in twenty thousand seems like a coin flip before heading to the end most people bring 12 or more Eyes of Ender to complete the portal but did you know that each individual portal block has a 10 chance to already be filled and now I know exactly what you're thinking and you're right that means portals can spawn in with none loser but they can also be spawned with 12 eyes just like this one however it is insanely rare one in a trillion to be exact that's a million Millions my brain can't even handle that number talking about end frames some seeds have something a little bit more common but just as weird instead of all the frames being filled only a few of them will be but the portal will still be lit this one is just nine eyes and a full portal but you can get portals with only two eyes which still work there's some glitchy mechanics with chunk borders that make this work when you load the World the game checks one chunk at a time for a finished puzzle and if it thinks one part of the frame is complete it'll spawn the portal before it even looks at the rest I don't even know what I just said cool but let's head back above ground for a second look at some crazy world generation Mojang recently changed how terrain has made to make it seem more realistic but when you look at this Scene It Feels as though they completely messed it up I promise you I'm not in an amplified world this is just how it looks around here complete with crazy Cliff faces floating islands and awesome overhangs this area has it all it even has a lava stream burning all the plants near It To The Ground I'll admit it does look cool when it breaks the bamboo though sorry pandas first this next one takes the cake for my favorite seed in Minecraft take a look at this it's like something of a sci-fi movie it looks like some sort of crazy asteroid belts or maybe the Rings surrounding a planet I guess because this is a Stony Pig's biome in the middle of an ocean a game tried to make huge mountains and rocks but it glitched out in a major way I could totally imagine someone building a mysterious orb or machine they're supposed to make all of these rocks some Precious Minerals float in the air like this I do it myself but uh the building isn't really my strong suit now you're gonna have to trust me when I say that Mojang really did update the world generation recently because Wells like this one make me question it myself this seed spawns you right in the middle of the ocean with no land anywhere to be seen how does that even happen the best part about this seed is that there's also tons of dangerous structures nearby like a drowned ruin here and even an ocean Temple right next to spawn over there I mean I can't even make a sword to fight these things off but apparently it's not just players that can spawn floating above the water because this seed has a woodland Mansion doing exactly the same thing this tiny Island next to it is the only piece of land for miles around and the F3 screen says it's still part of the ocean biome the wildest part of this is that the game says his Mansion actually spawns at the coordinates zero zero right in the center of the map now these coordinates aren't even a dark oak forest if I had to guess the generation glitched out and thought there was just one block in a dark oak biome but that would be crazy lucky but if a floating Mansion is too boring for you how about a mansion buried underground and if that's still not enough why not put a village on top of it too this seed is truly one in a million there's houses inside roofs roofs inside houses and even a house just hanging out on its own in the middle of the Mansion but my favorite part is to be these random sprinkles of grass and huge blocks of stone in the roof of the Mansion I wonder what would happen if you started a raid here spawning right next to a village is great allowing you to loot up and get food and set yourself up for the nether but for this seed that's not exactly the case here you spawn right next to an abandoned zombie village sure there's a couple of hay bales but don't try going in any of the houses around any Corner could be a zombie just waiting to ah gosh I should have seen that coming when you spawn into this seat you might be tempted to check out the beautiful coral reef in the ocean right next to you but as soon as you turn around you'll be met with a Trudy gigantic Badlands mountain range as Badland stretches from sea level to far above the clouds the rocky paths high up are covered in iron and emeralds and there's masses of long winding caves that stretch for Miles underneath a huge pile of terracotta and stone up top and we're not even talking about the crazy spiky rock formations found all over this area and the truly massive Cliffs that open up to reveal caves with mine shafts lakes and even an ancient city below so if you're looking for a sea to explore this is your best bet but let's talk about a different kind of seed for a moment speed running is a crazy way of playing Minecraft where you simply just try and beat the game as fast as possible and if you want the cheat code we got you this currency spawns you in a village with beds for the dragon chat with obsidian a ruined portal Giving You Everything to light the nether portal in minutes but once you're in the nether you don't need to stop for Blazers or Enderman because the end portal in the stronghold is one of the one in a trillion glitched ones I mentioned earlier and let you enter as soon as you're back in the Overworld taking this seed even rarer than one in a trillion it's literally the best seed in the world but the most popular form of Minecraft speedrunning doesn't let you pick the seed you have to make a random world every single time this means that if you even want a chance at the world record you need to get lucky enough to have everything you need to beat the game nearby and that's exactly what Duke did in his current world record Duke spawned into this one in a million seeds totally random you spawn near a buried treasure with all the valuable items you needed for tools as well as an underwater lava pool to make a portal with and another was a Bastion you can use to trade with piglets as well as another Fortress Super close with a blaze Spawner in it finally the stronghold he got had a super easy route to the end portal which saved him a ton of time from there he used the wall he got from Trading with piglens to make beds and kill the Ender Dragon in literally record time but you know what I think I can beat this with ease check this out okay okay come on come on Grandma crash back Gerald as shiny gym dad subscribe
Channel: Mallow
Views: 2,749,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mallow, minecraft facts, minecraft things you didn't know
Id: DpvLxLsJ8H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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