The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.20 Minecraft Speedruns…

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I'm gonna react to the funniest fake Minecraft speedrun and they keep getting worse as the video goes on when the speedrunner spawns in you can see that he's looking at the ground which means that he already joined this world before you can also see that he spawned in with one level which already means this speedrun is fake he then goes into a village and goes into a house with a chest you know just a normal run so far but when he opens the chest it contains full iron armor and some tools which would mean that he's either really lucky or he just spawned it in after that the speedrunner attacks an Iron Golem but the Golem doesn't fight back which means that it has been spawned in since naturally spawned Golems do actually fight back you can also see that there are four more Golems here which doesn't happen naturally and after that one Golem does actually fight back and then there's an obvious cut in the Run yeah sure buddy then the speedrunner makes a crafting table to craft a bucket and a flint and steel he also mined some hay bills for some bread which seems pretty normal until he starts walking in a very specific Direction and when he reaches a forest he sees a big Lin head on a tree which has obviously been placed down by him to Mark where he would need to mine down because he finds a lava pool underneath and almost dies by falling into it and after the speedrunner made the portal he went into the nether wait did you see that if you look close there's an obvious cut when he loads into The Nether meaning that he paused the video to place the portal somewhere else which happened to be in a fortress then when the speedrunner finds a blaze spawner he almost dies by the blazes and then suddenly he has a stack of blaze rods in his inventory yeah sure I mean this is a pretty convincing speed run so far after that the speedrunner saw a Bastion in the distance maybe trade with some piglands for ender pearls but after almost reaching it he finds some ender pearls in a ruined portal chest and if you look close at the chat it literally says he switched game modes now there's no way the speed run is still legit after fixing the Rune portal he spawns in a stronghold which I'm not even gonna try to explain and then almost dies by a silver fish while trying to go into the end portal oh this guy is so stupid the speed run Turner then goes into the end and realizes he forgot to take some Bets with him so out of nowhere with the help of a little cut he suddenly has his inventory filled with better then the speedrunner dies by the Ender Dragon and didn't even finish their run this next Runner responds in right next to a shipwreck of course they go inside and loot the Shipwreck and they get some pretty legit loot so a normal run so far and in one of the chests they find a brewery treasure map but anyone that knows a little speedrunning also knows that searching for a brewery treasure isn't worth your time the runner eventually finds the buried treasure and now has enough iron to make full iron armor and there's four diamonds as well what will he do with those diamonds maybe make an ax or make some boots or even make a jukebox no he uses the diamonds and armor trims he got to put diamonds on his iron armor which are entirely cosmetic and useless for a speed run then the runner gets some Flint for a flint and steel which he uses to get some food and to go into The Nether but the runner makes a mistake and turns all the lava into obsidian and he also misplaces one obsidian block which they have to mine with their iron pickaxe the runner then enters the Nether and goes over to this blue forest biome which if you didn't know has a lot of Enderman inside I mean so far this run seems pretty legit right until the runner gets 14 ender pearls from one Enderman yeah there's no way this run is still legit the runner then goes to look for a fortress but when he throws an ender pearl the Pearl lands somewhere entirely else from where he threw it at and conveniently it's at a fortress I I can't with this guy the runner then goes over to a blaze spawner and kills some blazes but he doesn't go for the usual six or seven Blaze Rod after 4 blaze rods he goes back to the overall I don't know why he wouldn't just go for those extra rods but okay the runner then makes a portal with obsidian that they didn't even have 10 seconds ago but okay I can still kinda count the speed run I guess upon entering the Overworld the runner throws an Eye of Ender to see what direction they would need to go in to find find a stronghold the runner conveniently stumbles upon a village while going to the stronghold and they collect some bats they dig down to the stronghold and then when they find the Portal it has already been lit the chances of this happening are very very slim but before entering the portal the runner puts another cosmetic armor trim on his armor like why waste his time for something useless in a speed run the runner does eventually enter the end and tries to kill the dragon with the bats he collected earlier but he filled they then get launched into the air and then there's an obvious cut so he definitely died there the runner then goes into creative and spawns a lot of Withers like dude No One's Gonna believe you now they then fly to the dragon and kill it using like strength 1000 when the next Runner spawns in you can see that it's a dream skin so that means it's already fake the runner then sees a village but decides not to go for it and then turns around and goes over to this desert temple that they didn't even see meaning that the runner already knew the location of the desert temple before starting their run the runner then drops down into the desert temple and almost dies this guy is actually so bad but of course when he opens a chest he gets a full set of netherite armor and a stack of enchanted golden apples I mean this could still be kinda realistic if the runner also has luck like dream the runner then realizes he doesn't have any blocks to get out of the desert temple so he goes to stand in the corner and then there's her cut to him having a lot of blocks the runner that makes his way over to the Village from before taking some beds with him to kill the dragon with he then also attacks this Iron Golem but isn't able to build up in time for the Golem to not be able to hit him but that doesn't matter because this guy has full netherride and a ton of God apples the runner then goes over to this tree to get some mood and make a crafting table he crafts a bucket and some stone tools to mine some habels with for food rather than get some flint and go searching for a lava pool eventually the runner just decides to randomly mine down and of course he finds a lovable yeah that's totally legit anyways he makes his portal and goes into The Nether he then just randomly Minds down three blocks and stares into the wall and then of course when he builds back up again he's at an entirely different place from where he was before and conveniently it's at a Bastion the runner that mined some gold blocks and goes to the center part of the Bastion where there is a lot more gold located and even though the runner has full netherade armor and God apples he almost dies by these biglin fruits like dude first get good at the game before trying to speedrun maybe then you wouldn't have had to cheat the runner then uses all of his gold to trade with these piglets he has about 3 stacks of gold and after trading for 5 minutes he only got two ender pearls I guess he ran out of his dream luck but then this guy goes into creative and spawns in 14 Enterprise yeah I mean this is a pretty convincing speed run so far the runner then leaves the Bastion to go look for a fortress and upon entering one the runner is having a hard time finding the blaze spawner meaning that even with all the cheated in gear he still has a bad time eventually he does find a lay spawner and gets up to 7 Blaze routes before going back to the Overworld the runner then throws an Eye of Ender to see what direction they would need to go in and eventually they make it they mine down and make their way over to the Border Room they fill up the portal with the ice vendor and make it into the end the runner then uses all of his bats on the dragon but still doesn't manage to kill him so what now I mean the runner can't do anything right he doesn't have a bow to shoot the crystals with well fortunate for him when he digs down into the End Stone a chest reveal filled with beds yeah there's no way the speed run is still real eventually the runner Waits and I'm not even kidding 10 minutes for the dragon to purge and after finally purging still doesn't manage to kill him eventually after waiting another 5 minutes and the dragon still doesn't Purge he takes the easy way out
Channel: Acorn
Views: 135,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedruns, fake minecraft speedrun, fake minecraft speedruns be like, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, fake minecraft speedruns in a nutshell, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, minecraft manhunt, minecraft 1.20, caves and cliffs update, ayundaru, linus studios, linus studios fake minecraft speedruns, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, most hilarious fake minecraft speedruns, ayundaru fake minecraft speedrun, 1.20 fake speedrun, camdeeno, acorn
Id: LlKp_Y2DwMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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