GUKESH IS 4000 ELO!!!!

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ladies and gentlemen it's currently May 2nd 2024 and unless you've been living under a rock you must know that the person that just won the candidates tournament is gcash from India now the candidates tournament for those of you that live under a rock or simply don't know the candidate cerent crowns who's going to play for the World Chess Championship and it's going to be gukesh who 17 years old from India taking on dingly Ren a superstar player uh from China now is as I just said 17 so he's had a short career but obviously a very productive one and gukesh has a chess coach his coach is Gregor gayeski from Poland and in this video I'm going to show you the one and the only game that gukesh ever played against this coach you see in most sports the coach is like 50 or 60 and the players are 20 or 30 so it's very unlikely a player on the team played against the coach that just doesn't really make any sense but in chess that happens all the time this game was played in 2019 and at the time gukesh was 13 13 years old and he was playing against gki who was probably in his late 30s and it is one of the most absurd and Brilliant games I've ever seen in my life and I got to show it to you because gcash might be a world champion in 6 months or he already is let me know in the comments what happened in the World Chess Championship of 2024 between gukesh and dingly Ren so this was a rapid game okay so that means they played with 15 minutes on the clock it was not a classical game so 90 minutes or 120 minutes we're talking about 13-year-old gukesh the person playing with the white pieces is a 13-year-old Grandmaster and gukesh I think is the fourth ever the fourth youngest ever player to become greed master so this was before they ever knew each other and kukesh opens the game with Knight to F3 his opponent plays D5 all right normal stuff so far taking the center and so now rather than playing a traditional Queen's Pawn opening and rather than playing C4 on the second move because black can play D4 and occupy space in the center it's completely fine but it's a matter of taste ukash plays E3 this became relatively popular a few years ago uh the advantage of starting with this move order is that if you start with this move order for some reason black will just play E5 the black will get the entirety of the center and so D5 E3 and now white will go back to playing a flank Pawn opening which is an English but he will take away the opportunity of D4 so gki plays Knight F6 nobody's a genius yet we two moves into the game let's just keep going C4 if black captures white will get the bishop out and then white will have two Center pawns while black only has one which is a slight Advantage for white which is why this offering of a pawn is rejected and in this position the most natural looking move for white after let's say developing the Knight out to C3 the most natural move is PP to D4 like in general chess begins with a play for the center and all the players go for the center but if gukesh was going to play D4 on the fourth move he would have played D4 on the first or second move like he would have just played D4 now and then we could have gotten the exact same thing the reason gcash plays it like this is cuz he has no intention of playing D4 he's not going to play this move and instead he plays B3 and this is a very interesting system because the idea here is you wait for black to Castle meanwhile you develop your pieces very slowly and then kukesh uncorks a very powerful very sneaky very complicated idea against his potentially unsuspecting uh opponent and future coach so castles right nothing exciting or you know crazy yet the bishop goes to B2 and now normally what happens here is black commits more pawns to the Center um but here gski plays Rook E8 which is a weird move like he hasn't touched the bishop or a knight well his idea is that he actually wants to just very quickly attack the center so for example if Bishop E2 he might play something like C6 castles and E5 and here black is completely fine black is going to be completely fine so he plays Rook E8 preparing to potentially mobilize in the future and gcash again does not develop this bishop what is the idea well the idea I know the idea I'm going to spoil the idea to you now the idea is that let's say black just you know plays like A6 the idea for white in taking this type of setup is to sneakily Target the king and then play this move G4 and this is a gangster move the move G4 is very dangerous the computer doesn't even appreciate it fully white can very quickly open up an attack on the G file in conjunction you know with this queen and the bishop and sometimes even this bishop and it's very bad news now if you don't take the pawn and let's say you play like Knight C6 well then I'm going to go G5 and then I'm still going to remove your knight from the defense of the center and over here that is gha's idea right so Queen C2 however gki SN snuffs it out sniffs it out snuffs it out and now if G4 he's going to strike back in the center and he's not going to let white go for the attack which is why it's all the more crazy that GES in this position plays G4 anyway you are not supposed to do that because black if they if black plays like this black is going to go D4 and now your whole attack is out of whack that rhymed now like you could take take take and win a pawn but then black is going to play E5 your Bishop is blocked you're going to come back you will lose this pawn and you don't have any time to attack anybody because black is actually the one attacking you the G4 and the future coach says listen young man listen I don't know who you think you you're playing you think that you're just cuz you're 13 you're going to steamroll me cuz I'm like older than you I'm playing D4 I'm playing principal chess and as like a top five Grandmaster of Poland which is a very strong top five yeah learn some manners gukesh by the way took the pawn pawn takes D4 and he did in fact grab the pawn he grabbed the pawn he was like you know what I'm going to take the pawn I'm going to clear the pawns and then we're going to reopen these lines and Rook to G1 now the best move here for black was to in fact play this move E5 opening up the bishop but instead of that gvi took the pawn on G4 with the Knight basically saying uh gkes is not going to be able to attack me because I'm actually going to use the open lines and attack him first so now Kash plays Rook G1 now black must play energetically what I mean by that is black cannot just Retreat and go back because then White Castles and sooner than later white is going to go here and it's really bad news there's even a rook sacrifice and a double check and then I win the queen so it's going to be bad to worse okay so Rook G1 he plays F5 same thing by the way you can't take this Pawn it's not a free Pawn I'm going to Castle you can't take this cuz I'm going to go here good luck you know stopping my attack with just a bunch of Pawns The Rook G1 F5 all right solid defense now the best move there instead of F5 was this crazy move Bishop C5 leaving the Knight to die and then after this black takes and white is losing some attacking pieces right again this bishop is very important in the long range but F5 is played kach plays H3 and now gvi sacrifices the knight in front of the white king and now all the pandemonium absolute pandemonium 13-year-old Grandmaster with the white pieces future world chest Champion Challenger this is 2019 gets a knight sacrificed in front of his King now you can't take you can't take because then I go Queen H4 I I hit both of these if you try to defend yourself it's going to be bad to worse trust me you're going to lose you're going to lose this Knight you're going to lose all your pieces so Knight takes F2 and gesh plays the best move plays Knight back to F3 stopping Queen H4 reopening the bishop and now he has his own ideas like Knight to D5 for example A6 Knight D5 is devastating like different ideas not to mention King F2 is still a threat right so he plays Knight back to F3 keeping stability now the computer thinks that white is better gki plays E5 leaving the Knight here completely he's like take it take it take my knight still can't take it still can't go here Bishop C5 is too powerful and E4 and the queen is getting in so you can't take not possible so E5 now the best move is to put the knight in the center kukesh instead of that plays C5 he gives up the pawn completely wait how does that make any sense he gives up the pawn completely but we just said the bishop wanted to go there well yes he gives up the pawn because when it gets taken which it it should be taken now this bishop can go attack the king that was called a clearance sacrifice he clears out the C4 Square for his bishop and not just the C4 Square the queen is Al now the queen will have eyes on the bishop on C5 now check out this move Knight to G5 the idea of this move is to fight for the light squares near the black king and play Bishop to C4 check it's also to disconnect the queen from H4 now best move for black maybe play defense but he plays a perfectly reason move plays Bishop E6 what there's a very simple combination here Knight takes Rook takes Bishop C4 that pins The Rook to the king now must be winning but as it turns out as it turns out GES fell for his future coach's trap all of this happened in the game now instead of that gukesh probably should have played Knight A4 or Knight to B5 but he plays a very straightforward tactic but with his stronger much older Grandmaster opponent blunder such a thing maybe here gukesh calculated this Knight C6 Bishop check King h8 something like and and Knight D4 is coming and the major problem for White is you cannot Castle through check it's illegal and you can't Castle this way that's the major problem well gki here plays king h8 and the computer just thinks black is completely winning and I think at this point gukesh realized it as well you can't take the Rook because then I play Knight to D3 check let's say you play I don't know King E2 Knight F4 you lose your Rook you lose the bishop your king is in the open and you are losing you're just losing here there's nothing that can be done because White's King is so weak Queen H4 threatens mate threatens this queen F4 he can't stop everything Rook is hanging so kkesh has to do something desperate and he plays Pawn to D4 and now from this point forward This Bar kills the mystery of Chess sometimes so I'm going to disable it and I'm going to show you how this game progresses the idea of D4 is to basically disconnect some of Black's pieces from each other if you take with this Pawn with a discover check now I take your rook and now you don't have the eval bar to help you a moment ago I couldn't take your Rook because you would play Knight to D3 can't do that anymore so that's the point of D4 if Bishop D4 you cannot play Knight D3 anymore so I would take the Rook but the best move is Queen D4 and gki is up three points of material White's King is stranded in the center of the board gvi is threatening this he's threatening Knight D3 threatening so much stuff and at the same time he is sliding gesh his business card and says call me if you want to get better all right Queen takes on D4 gukesh comes back with the Knight the queen is under attack The Rook is under attack but White's King is in Dire Straits all right now Knight to D3 check is possible because then you can play something like Queen F2 but he plays Queen H4 very natural move the threat is created The Rook is hanging if gcash tries to get out of the way like he plays Knight G3 black simply moves The Rook like to D6 and is up three points of material so gukesh decides you know what my king is under attack a lot of pressure I got to be brave I got to be brave I'm taking the Rook I'm taking the rook and it is minus 4 the game is completely over it is plus two for white on the evaluation rather on the material count but the game is over why is it over black is too powerful here with moves like Knight C6 Knight into D4 Rook to d8 preventing White's King from escaping white is not using the extra material and then he's going to swarm like this it's nothing you can do that looks like a hanging Bishop it's not it's a fork and a discovered attack with the queen so it's winning gski plays Knight to D3 check which is a discovered attack and a double check now White's King has to move forward the best move is played Again by gvi Queen H6 check the white king cannot go back if you go back to D1 here trying to be safe I take the bishop I take the bishop again and I play Knight C6 and d8 and your king is stuck forever and by the way as a bonus your Rook is hanging so Queen H6 check and my man gesh my man gash takes the Knight and walks the king forward now kukes is up Five Points of material that is a lot he is up a lot of material he's up a rook and he's up a bishop but he's down a few Pawns in this position gski continues the merciless King hunt Queen to E3 check and gukesh has to walk his King forward again if the king survives the storm he will rejoice he will bring the victory to his pieces he will bring back hope to the Army but we are far away from that and in this position gvi plays Knight to C6 how will the king survive let me just show you something very simple let's say I try to go for a queen trade B5 disconnects my king from the defense of my queen if King C3 Bishop D4 check Knight takes Pawn takes here Fork you lose everything everything it is a very difficult position which is why it's all the more impressive that here GES finds the best offensive and defensive move at the exact same time he plays to G3 hitting the queen and covering the third rank gavi plays Knight A5 check white has a fork in the road do you go to B5 toward the pawns do you go to D5 in the center you cannot go to D5 or can you because if King D5 Rook d8 the bishop sacrifices itself the king makes an escape well as it turns out this is losing after Rook D6 King f G6 Rook G6 H G6 and the king is just stranded over here and is probably going to get mated momentarily so after Knight A5 check Believe It or Not counterintuitive you've got to go to [Music] B5 because after A6 you grab the Knight and the King ate both horses on way to staying on A5 and going oh I can't believe I survived that oh my goodness and the crazy part is after B6 King A4 B5 King A5 again there's no mate if the queen could teleport to B6 it would be mate or C7 or d8 or B4 but the queen can't do that black plays Queen F2 but he's down eight points of material and white goes Knight to D4 and black resigns resigns the game because yes you can take the Rook for free but I'm I'm threatening a queen trade you take the Rook I grab the bishop black ran out of pieces you can't give any more checks oh my goodness what was that how did that happen how did we go from a position that was completely winning to completely lost well gukesh was Brave gukesh marched out over here and accurately calculated this whole sequence for gski after Bishop takes E6 the most accurate move for him was waiting it was waiting and not actually checking the king bringing another piece to the party now after something like I'm not even sure what white would play here let's say white takes on F5 now you start the series of discovered attacks King to D1 there is a rook coming to help King to C1 there's Bishop E3 and then there's Knight D2 and white is just going to lose everything here all his pieces you're going to take on B3 you're going to come back you're going to take so gki had to be patient he wasn't patient there for a moment and he gave the check right away but even so it was winning it was winning but in this position down Five Points of material he had to play the unfathomable Knight A6 in the other version he had to put his Knight to the center but once he gave a few checks he had to play Knight A6 because if Knight C6 you lose the bishop that's the most important thing Knight A6 defends the bishop and threatens a fork and this bishop is not important you need to bring the Rook so gayavi needed to utilize his entire Squadron he had to play Knight A6 paus down Five Points of material and he had to find this move with Rook to d8 and after A3 stopping Knight to B4 again black doesn't take this because then the king runs away but instead of that after A3 you play E4 check you force the king to go here and that is when you start the hunt Bishop takes Queen takes Queen into E3 Rook coming in in a moment and white is stuck white can't get back he can't sneak behind his pieces but because he went Queen E3 by the time the king arrived on C4 believe it or not in a cruel turn of events it is now winning for white the only move here that doesn't lose immediately gayeski played Knight C6 and went on to lose the only move that doesn't lose immediately is the unthinkable Bishop f8 which is absurdity and the idea of Bishop f8 is that Queen C5 is a threat and you can't really stop it the best move again is Rook G3 and now we would get Queen C5 King D3 Queen D6 winning the bishop and then F4 check winning The Rook King F3 Queen E6 The Rook would go to safety the Knight would try to continue hunting The Rook would slide over to H4 and now white would be threatening a mate and black would have to respect that but instead of that this is what happened and gukesh walked his King to the opposite side of the board and he defeated gvi uh in a very very very very daring game here gki resigned what a game and this was the first time gesh met his coach in 2019 in the world rapid championship and he took that business card that I said that gki handed him earlier and said all right old man let's give this a shot none of that actually happened but it is very rare that players get to play their coaches and this is the only time gkes has ever played his coach in a game and gki himself posted this game came on a social media channel so uh that was very cool and you're watching this now before the candidates uh but it also could be now end of 2024 maybe 2025 and GES very well could be the world champion and it all started here uh in 2019 when he played his future coach in a chess game so hope you enjoyed this insane game and uh I'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 572,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: wE0LxkYpBjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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