347,995 Players Fell For This Trap 😮

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if you're rated between 1 000 and 1600 there's a very good chance you've seen this move a lot this is the start of What's called the fried liver attack there's all kinds of videos on YouTube about why this is such an amazing opening for white and that's why you see it all the time everybody is trying to play the fried liver attack but today I'm going to show you a trap that you can play in response to this that over 300 000 people have fallen for it's going to get you a lot of quick wins but the nice thing is even if they don't fall for the Trap it's still a solid opening that leaves you in a good position let's go ahead and see how you can punish this move all right so E4 E5 the most common response is Knight to F3 Knight to C6 and Bishop to C4 this is the Italian game and you really have two main options Knight to F6 and Bishop to C5 I personally prefer the two knights defense Knight to F6 and if that's what you play and you're rated between 1 000 and 1600 there's a very very high probability that your opponent is going to play the move Knight to G5 it's threatening a fork on F7 and it's setting up to go into the fried liver attack now if you're unfamiliar with that if you play the move D5 what white is hoping for is that after they take you'll recapture here and they will sacrifice their Knight on F7 trying to lure your king out they'll play Queen to F3 check forking these guys the only way you can defend is if you go up here and you end up with your king in the center of the board and they get to attack you and it's a lot of fun for white and not a lot of fun for black so I don't recommend that you play that although I do have a video on the Channel showing that you can play it if you want but today we're going to be looking at a different response so when they play Knight to G5 we're still playing D5 everybody's going to take you with the pawn that's really the only move here for white but now instead of recapturing with your knight here you're gonna play the surprising move Knight to D4 now this is not a very common move okay the the common line here if you're not going to go for the fried liver is Knight to A5 so this probably some of your opponents have seen before but Knight to D4 it's a very rare move and it has an incredible idea behind it so I want to flip the board for a second here to White's perspective and the most common move okay between 1 000 and 1600 rated players in this position is the move D6 now why would they play this move well it's really quite obvious they you know the whole game they've been going for this attack on F7 the Pawn's in their way so they think well I'll just push it Forward let black capture it somehow and then I'll have my follow-up fork okay so that's kind of the idea that's why you see this move all the time so what do we do against this we play the move Queen takes D6 now you might be thinking Nelson we're still getting forked like did we miss this what are we doing right and this is exactly what we are hoping our opponents will do now there's really two moves that have been played here with any kind of regularity Knight takes and Bishop takes if they take with the bishop this is the better option for white but it's still okay for us and I'm going to show you a little trap here if they do this one as well so King to E7 we move and they have to save their Bishop because if they don't move their Bishop let's just say the castle what we're going to do is play the move H6 and now when they move the Knight their Bishop is no longer defended and we simply can take their you know their Bishop for free so that's kind of the problem for white so they have to move this bishop and going back to B3 is really the only safe Square for them and when they do that we simply take it and we kick the Knight away and watch what happens to this Knight there's really not a lot of options because our Knight's controlling here Bishop's controlling here this is these are all controlled so they have to go back to F3 we attack it again and most players at this point are going to say well I don't want to move my knight I'll pin your Pawn so that I don't have to move it but we just slide our King over and guess what now they have to move their Knight and if you look carefully the Knight can't go here it can't go here it can't go here it can't go here here because of our Queen it can't go here because of our pawn it only has two options and they're both bad for white if it goes here guess what G5 traps the Knight the Knight is gone you can't go here you can't go here because our Bishop and you can't go here because our King goodbye to the Knight okay so if they don't want to lose their Knight they have to go back to G1 but that's a terrible move because now they can't castle look at their pieces they're all in the back Rank and we can simply just keep up the pressure Bishop to G4 attacks the queen and if they try to block guess what we take it doesn't matter how they recapture bam Rook to E1 we pin the king and the queen you can see how much fun this is for us right so even if okay even if they take with the bishop going back to this position after we take with the queen even if they do this we're in good shape bring the king up trade the knife for the bishop and just go attack the Knight that's all you have to remember all right now most people are not going to do that they're going to take with the Knight and they're gonna go for the fork I mean they spend all this time setting it up right sacrificing the pawn this is what they're gonna do and that's exactly what we want because we have the move Queen to C6 and a lot of people think oh we're attacking the bishop but I'm gonna get a rook okay it's not a big deal and they're gonna take your Rook again they've put all this time and effort into this they're kind of committed to this plan right so they take the Rook but we don't take the bishop we have bigger fish to fry Queen takes G2 which is attacking The Rook with a check now how do they save The Rook there's only one move Rook to F1 and now what do we do queen to E4 check and the King cannot move white has a choice between giving up their Queen which nobody's going to want to do or blocking with the bishop but if they go here do you see how we're going to follow up well that's correct Knight to F3 is Checkmate that's a smothered Checkmate the bishop can't take because the queen is pinning it and the game is over in just 10 moves incredible right and like I said this is pretty common okay going back here 300 000 people um sorry after this move 300 000 people have played the move D6 okay going for this so um that's the basic trap okay we take with the queen they Fork us we go Queen C6 they take here we take here we go back with the check and we win the game like this now some of you are thinking but Nelson what if I'm playing a smart opponent who doesn't fall for the Trap what do I do all right let's take a look but let's say um they take you play Knight to D4 and they don't play D6 the other move that some people will actually the most common second move is C3 they say okay putting his Knight there I'm just gonna attack it with my Pawn and what we're gonna do here is play the move beat five so we're counter attacking the bishop so that when they take our Knight we take their Bishop okay so usually you're gonna get this trade and then most players with white are going to notice that they can just take this pawn and get both Pawns in the center so they're going to take and now we are going to take D5 and by the way I'm going to put a PGN uh in the description you can copy and paste that into like leeches or chess.com so you don't have to try to like memorize all this stuff and it's going to be down there for you but we're going to take with the queen and yes our Knight is hanging but watch what happens when they take we take their Knight so it was just a trade and you might think oh but they're going to take here but Watch What Happens we take back and it might look like our position is is kind of open like we're missing some pawns we got some bad Pawn structure but actually white is the one in trouble because we have a thread here and they're not developed they haven't developed a single piece we already have our Bishop ready to go this bishop is about to come out the Queen's in a good active place and so Watch What Happens most players will Castle to defend this and you simply played Bishop B7 and we're threatening Checkmate here and it's not an easy Checkmate to deal with there's a lot of ways that white can go wrong here for example if they play G3 they've totally weakened these squares long term and we simply Castle and just take a moment and look at how many squares we are controlling look at this this look at this bishop look at our Rook controlling all of these look at our Queen controlling this and this and this and this and this I mean we're like controlling almost the entire board and look at White's pieces nothing okay this is great you've got ideas of bringing the queen here to go for a Checkmate you can push this Pawn up too and trade here to open up the Rook for a Checkmate you can also just bring the Rook over and play in the center so many good moves okay the other option is that they can play F3 trying to shut down your Bishop like this but then you come in with Bishop to D4 check forces the king over Rook to G8 piling on threatening Checkmate yes there's a little check but we don't care just slide the king to D7 you're totally safe this rook's coming over here to E1 to E8 you've got the Checkmate threats you've got both Bishops laser beaming at the King Fantastic okay so that's just kind of an example even if they don't fall for your trap it's not a bad line okay and so I highly recommend this trust me when I say if you're rated between 1 000 and 1600 you are going to see this from time to time and if you are ready for it play D5 and when they take you hop the Knight into D4 review the lines that we just covered and you are going to get a lot of quick wins hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thanks for watching stay sharp play smart and take care [Music]
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 1,325,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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