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ladies and gentlemen the subject of cheating is plaguing the Chess World at the moment here in the middle of 2024 and yesterday something insane happened a very public profile of a Grandmaster on was closed for cheating this person played a nearly 100 game Blitz match against none other than Grandmaster Daniel nitzki fantastic commentator and content creator and in those games this grandmas sacrificed to peace on the second move of the game for 70 straight games and beat Daniel naroditsky in a match people thought it's got to be Hikaru it's got to be Magnus it's got to be somebody on an ALT account but today that account was closed for cheating and in this video I'm going to take you through some of these absolutely insane games and nitzki actually beat this person who was allegedly cheating several times in fact many times before I jump into these games I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video surf shark surf shark is a VPN or a virtual private Network which allows you to 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something but if you click on this profile these two accounts have apparently played something like 500 50 games against each other not the other night and lifetime this account has lost 400 games to nitzki while winning 155 now a lot of those games were 32 chess games which is less chess and more you know Mouse speed and craziness but what made this match so ridiculous before knowing that this account was banned is that every single game for 70 straight games the person playing with the account with the Brazilian flag which of course you can change we have no idea if it's a Brazilian player or not would play like this the person playing on that account was voluntarily giving up its Rook on the third move of the game playing this idiotic opening which sometimes we play as beginners and three-year-olds play because they think you're supposed to bring the Rooks out and for 70 straight games Daniel nitki was being given a rook for a bishop to start the game and losing now originally before I saw that this account was banned I thought that this must have been some sort of top player like Magnus just got drunk and decided to play nitki and lose his Rook to him 70 times in a row now what makes this really interesting is if this really is a Grandmaster logging in and ultimately getting banned are they smurfing is The Grandmaster cheating for the memes is the grandmaster's account compromised right like is this a hacker like somebody just hacked this account or maybe took their friend's phone and decided to cheat I have so many questions but some of these games were so absolutely ridiculous and the thing is we don't actually know like I'm I think it's stockfish but there is a you know it could not be so Knight C3 B6 Knight to F3 Bishop to B7 and you basically give up the rook in the corner and you start consolidating and you know that white is going to get the big Center you know that white is going to Castle and you'll actually notice that the players have not lost any time that's because they pre-move the entire opening so both players knew exactly what was going to happen in the early stage of the game because they played this position so many times naroditsky would take his two pawns take his two knights and take space in the center of the board so that black can't really move any of the pieces black would then proceed to play a move like E6 right and after E6 nitki would take the center yet again he would try to take space away from his opponent and try to play moves like Pawn to D6 capturing winning space playing something something like Bishop to G5 Knight E4 and Knight into F6 meanwhile The Grandmaster or the cheater we will never know what exactly happened there would just try to develop their pieces and as it so happens the move D6 loses a bit of advantage for white the better move for white is to play Bishop to G5 take and then wait leave these two Pawns in the center after D6 Pawn takes nitzki would play Knight to B5 trying to get this and Knight D6 on the board now the other person is either a Grandmaster or a cheater and it seems as though they are a cheater so they would allow in nitz's pieces and then they would start a Counterattack now notice nitzki has played 14 moves 15 moves in 14 in in 4 seconds so he's barely thinking right and if he backs up in this position with a move like Bishop to G3 black is going to play Knight G6 and yes white is up two points I mean white has been up two points for a very long time white was up a rook for a bishop you know as early as literally the third move the second move so obviously there are possibilities there um and uh he has to convert this Advantage how is he going to do that well he's going to do that by sacrificing the bishop and creating a checkmating attack and white is still doing well white is only up one point now and White's got Queen H5 on the cards Queen D3 on the cards I mean that's just the fork Queen D3 is a fork of this Knight and checkmate Rook E3 Rook G3 Rook H3 are possibilities and here The Grandmaster and or the cheater plays F6 in 3 seconds which is the top engine move so the thing is the whoever is playing with the black pieces uh and I'm I will call them a cheater because they are banned although every now and then does say they have false positives um but you know again it's a very weird case I don't know what to make of this situation um basically this person would uh with the black piece in this game would defend very well for a while and then ultimately completely punish da so F6 is played da captures and then here he plays Queen H5 which is the best move he's threatening Queen H7 Knight F7 he's threatening to bring his Rook up and over uh black plays Knight to G6 which is one of the best defensive moves again the best defensive move is Knight D5 and then Knight here so like the cheater wasn't always playing the top engine moves but enough of them Queen and now Knight H7 so in this position uh the best move is Queen H7 check followed by the simple Rook D1 just keeping the pieces involved applying pressure however naroditsky plays Knight H7 and now immediately gets countered with Knight so you threaten The Rook which cannot move because the Knight is hanging so you move the Knight instead lose the Rook you you actually lose the Rook with a check but you get into a position where black has a bishop of bishop and the Knight for two Rooks and it's actually surprisingly difficult to make a move here with white in fact you might just be worse soon because I'm going to take on G2 and pose you all sorts of problems I'm going to bring my knight I'm going to take I'm going to threaten the fork so a very dangerous position for white and that's why niski plays this move they trade and he gets here Bishop B2 Bishop C3 and the material is Rook Rook Pawn for Bishop Bishop Knight so white is still up two points of material but worse and around here theories were circulating this has to be Magnus because only Magnus would play an end game like this and by the way Knight D6 very interesting idea if you take take uh and then move your knight let's say Knight E2 Knight C3 there is Rook B6 and white is uh winning some pawns and going to a better end game so after Knight to D6 uh the M the machine likely this player who is cheating um plays King f8 which is kind of a crazy move I mean King f8 is really wild I I don't understand the idea I think the idea is that Rook G3 is no longer a check and has now met with knight2 like there's a reason that the bot couldn't play like let's say Knight C7 because then Rook G3 check would come with a check and then you would play Rook E1 so it plays King f8 which is like a super mysterious move and um yeah I mean crazy stuff King f8 Knight C4 it's still not taking his Rook Bishop D5 it's still not taking his Rook I mean it's just letting his Rook sit there it's still not taking his Rook Knight Knight Bishop Bishop completely dominating Rook Rook Knight and I mean again like I said at this point I was seeing theories like this has to be Magnus playing with black because only Magnus has this level of control in the end game my friends I'm going to fast forward through this game um please watch what happens to DA's pieces at some point the moves will run out I'm going to start clicking there's going to be no moves remaining um every single piece was cleaned up and if you open your eyes Daniel nitki da had nothing remaining nothing all right absolutely nothing uh crazy absolutely nuts and um this is what we're dealing with I mean it th this Terminator of a grandmas literally captured every single one of his pieces it won every single piece and then it went here and that was it um there was other games that were that were I mean and I just want to say how unbelievably impressive it is to do this first of all uh it's not impressive if you're cheating but let's just say you know um it's it's ridiculous to do this with the black pieces now doing it with the white pieces is also bad but it's slightly less bad because white gets the move first um and it it I mean he literally played the same opening every single time so with black it was the same opening and you know when Da had the black pieces he was also again taking the center it is the most principled approach by far uh now with white this dude was just playing like this he was giving up the rook in the corner he was playing like this he was ready ready to Castle he was ready to break at the center it's kind of insane that the meta strategy of this position for black is not to play E4 like this move cuts the advantage quite a bit and already you know black is uh is actually already dropping their advantage nearly to 6 which is bewildering uh but that is not the critical approach and and this guy was moving his Queen to replace the rook in the corner of the board I mean can you believe it look at this he was using the queen in the diagonal with the bishop I mean the the the the strategy here of losing your pieces like this is is nuts and somehow he was winning back material da was playing too quickly and he was trying to just you know bash open the position um and he was getting somewhere and the thing is this is why people thought this wasn't a cheater because you just went from minus. 6 to to minus 3 again so it's like is this person cheating or not are they cheating every other move how are they cheating how are they playing so fast and cheating and if cheating is possible while playing this quickly and masking your moves as being a human I mean I can't even imagine what we're up against um so da opened up the position here for White Knight C4 he traded and he took on F2 nitki is up three points of material he's also up 25 seconds because he's a ridiculously fast player and he is threatening moves like Rook to E1 because of the Pawn on F2 he's just going to trade off a few of his opponent pieces and he's going to go on to win the end game right but now Knight to E6 came and this is a Counterattack now the narrow here by the way for the record could take the Knight could lose the the queen and just could bring the Rooks down here and cause Havoc uh but instead of that he plays Queen E7 and now now again punishing him for his mistakes Knight takes G7 what what yeah well practically speaking this is probably the best chance but what what about King G7 yeah well King G7 you got to worry about the Knight and da finds Queen E1 check King to H2 and now he makes another queen um and the game is lost the game is lost because black forces white to do this now gives a check uh now you cannot go back with the King because you're probably going to get mated in a variety of ways so you have to go here and now da finds Bishop H3 and B Bish H3 is the end of the game it's the best move he's absolutely lethal this is mate defending it is futile because then I'm just going to take I'm going to play Knight G4 you're going to lose all your pieces uh so the best move is King H3 and just going for a run now Dan finds the best move rookie two you can't move the bishop because Queen H2 is M so you got to go Rook G1 now da finds the best move again Knight E4 you can't take because if you take I go Queen H2 you go out and then I take the bishop with a check and I can continue hunting your king and I'm going to win the game so Knight to E4 Queen G3 is mate now that Knight that Knight that that went over there to die suddenly comes back to play Help defense 29 seconds were spent on that move would a cheater do that I mean I this is why it's so confusing to me is this a cheater that's actually a Grandmaster because they're finding very good moves they're keeping the game alive I don't know what's happening somebody tell me what's happening Queen F5 check Pawn to G4 Knight to F2 King comes back to G to to H2 now Knight takes the king walks diagonally Rook E8 a great move I mean Checkmate is on the horizon this queen is out of the game The Rook is out of the game now white plays King H4 the best move what do you play here suddenly there is a Counterattack Brewing on the black king if the black king steps out of the way Bishop A3 and it's made on G7 oh my now the only move here for black is to disconnect The Bishop's line of sight if you play Rook E5 threatening Queen takes H5 after Bishop E5 bringing the Rook back is the right idea now it doesn't matter if I move my Bishop to hit your knight because you're threatening this and if you play Knight here it's check it's King H3 it's here and it's this so DA has to put a rook on the E5 square and he doesn't Knight to F6 check is played and the craziest part is if you take you're going to lose your queen to a discovered attack so DA's like I can't do that and unfortunately that Bishop check arrives he is absolutely butchered here on the diagonals Knight to H5 check is a is is a check and queen G7 is mate no matter where you go that mate that mate that mate doesn't matter you could go to any Square how does that even how does that even make sense how did that happen how did he lose that game now the crazy thing is naroditsky to his credit did win a handful of these games which makes the whole case even crazier now yes here is this absolutely idiotic opening uh now I showed you uh a game where da had the black pieces and uh this game was played at uh 5: in the morning the game that I'm showing you was played at 6:50 so they played through the night they played into the morning uh you will notice that this game looks slightly different uh in the previous game naris played an approach where he started with a Pawn on E6 right Pawn on E6 he started with this approach in this game he started with a bit more of an active approach and he played D4 and he took away his opponent's space H3 then he rotated this way and then he did something very clever which is he blocked up the center with pawns like this and he restricted his opponent's space right in this game he he ripped open the position very early he was winning but then it turned into a really crazy game and he had to find this really accurate defensive resource he was unable to find it this game he just played really fast and completely restricted his opponent Queen D2 Bishop D5 he just started trading pieces played Knight to H4 very confidently taking advantage of the opponent's weaknesses and you will notice he's up a lot on time right every move is being played nearly instantly now again the cheater is still maneuvering and making things very difficult and making things very annoying right Knight on H5 Pawn to B6 keeping it solid cheetah plays Knight to D2 uh excuse me not Knight to D2 Knight to E3 looking for Knight F5 and Knight takes on G7 Knight into F4 so as always niski is a human and he's going to make a mistake Knight to F4 is not the best move all right so right Knight F4 is played and um Pawn Knight takes Pawn takes Queen F4 instead of Knight F4 it would have been better to play Rook E7 and just hold all right just hold so we have this position Rook d8 naroditsky is down a pawn but he has a rook and his opponent has a bishop Knight F5 Rook D7 we're holding everything Rook F2 Knight back to C6 now here comes here here comes the locomotive right White could have played H4 G5 but white plays G5 right away nitki takes and I mean it just looks like he's about to perish again in a ring of fire right everything is pointed at his King but he finds Queen G6 a very well-timed move going for a queen trade now we're in an end game that apparently wasn't even the best move the best move was Rook F7 apparently losing this Pawn because after this take take black gets in to hit the pawn on C2 you can't move it because I take the pawn on D3 then I take the bishop in a fork so Rook E6 incorrect move Knight into D4 we have takes takes and now we are in a rook and Knight end game the cheater plays Knight takes G6 niski goes to Target the C Pawn now if we get into a rook versus knight end game that is the way that black is going to win this there we go Knight goes to D5 he can't take the pawn can't take the pawn you're going to lose your Rook Rook F7 and now white just has a complete Fortress King goes to G3 Rook F1 Knight into E7 and now oh my God narit is going to lose this game again this is okay instead of dancing around with the Knight it was better to just keep the Rook on the E file but okay Knight H4 Rook F7 Knight F5 Rook D7 there's nothing G6 he kicked the Rook out o sneaky move very sneaky targeting The Rook but a bad move now again if white is cheating how are they masking it so well I mean it's it's it's I'm bewildered now Rook C1 and the Knight has to go this way which means The Rook is going to go this way and da played great this game on the clock he's up a full minute and there we go he breaks in and now it's time to Feast he converts this game by trading and creating an outside pass Pawn he does not care about losing the pawn in the center because after Rook to B6 this Pawn is being escorted by The Rook the king is too far A4 King G7 A3 Pawn makes it all the way down and um this is actually the most principled way because you you can make a queen and you can win but it's actually even more principal to kick out the knight uh completely so it cannot defend E7 you would go King F7 actually E7 you can even take because there's a check so that would be very very nice and da did win a few of these games not only did da win a few of these games da uh uh won uh in the middle of a game um this was at 9 in the morning so if we scroll through the history of these two players we go two completed games like one do on ch. how many games did these two play against each other 50 uh I mean where where even are we it was like 50 and the nitki games begin right here the first naroditsky game was May 2nd played like 70 games against each other at 3:56 a.m. 3:56 a.m. is the first game that they played and they ended at 9:12 in the morning um by playing some moves and da played a very you know strong and solid setup and then the bot walked the king to B1 and then da played B5 and then white resigned and was banned um so that's uh fascinating absolutely fascinating and I have so many questions because this person was playing games forever I mean this person won a bunch of games uh I'm just clicking on a random game they played they did that every game they did this and they just played the same way against every player they were worse for a very long time and then very slowly they would take over the game and just win it's just it's Insanity like uh I think overall this person scored like 70% with this opening and the question remains was this a cheater was this a account sharing I if this was a cheater was it a GM was it account compromise I don't know I got a million questions you know who I am going to call Vladimir ramnik on that note get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 577,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: qzFmDETho-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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