[2.8] Capitano's True Identity!? - A Genshin Impact Theory

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i'll get straight to the point the core of this theory is very simple i think the geo yaksha menogeous is based on some mu kong and i also think it's possible that monogyas is the fetui harbinger capitano which would also make capitano reference to sun wukong and yeah okay i hear you i get it this feels like a massive stretch and honestly that's kind of what i thought too the more i look for the connections the more i find and at this point this originally craft theory of mine is turning out to be a little less crack than i initially anticipated if you're still with me at this point you may as well grab your tinfoil hat and get comfy because this theory is kind of crazy but before we dive head first into the deep end i'd like to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video opera gx now listen i know you love your browser because it's comfy and all your stuff is in there so why would you ever want to switch to a new browser well because opera gx has a ton of features that other 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to mean he didn't leave an incredibly long lasting impression he's the source of so many pop culture icons in east asia like son goku monkey d luffy and naruto all of whom have seemingly nothing in common with monogais and capitano but just stick with me anyway i cannot emphasize enough how incredibly influential this novel was and is to eastern asia it's literally everywhere and as far as i know we have nothing comparable to its influence in the west at least not where i'm from and as you might suspect of all of the characters within that story sun wukong is easily the most memorable and beloved and prevalent he's basically become the blueprint for almost every single shonen jump style protagonist that you may be familiar with he basically pioneered his own trope this might not make sense to you yet but once you hear his backstory you'll see exactly what i mean the story of sun wolkong begins with a large rock at the top of flower mountain from that rock came a small magic stone egg from which hatched a magic monkey this is sun wukong this monkey lived a normal monkey life with other monkeys until one day one of his monkey friends died so then the magic monkey set out on a journey to learn the secrets of immortality so no one else would ever have to die now he eventually finds a taoist master who was willing to train him in the art of immortality he was then given the name sun wukong and he mastered 72 different abilities including shapeshifting and making copies of himself once he was done with that he ends up going home to flower mountain and then he beats the crap out of a demon king that had taken over his mountain while he was gone because they enslaved all his monkey friends and then he decides he needs cooler weaponry because hey he's sun woo kong now he has all these powers he needs stuff so he goes and asks the dragon king for some new gear and ends up getting his iconic magic staff and a few new clothes some other gods saw this whole exchange as a type of extortion i guessed and they sentenced him to death so the kings of hell come and drag son wukong down to the underworld where he throws a hissy fit removes his name from the book of the dead and then he just kind of goes home just leaves hell he's like bye i didn't die what are you talking about i'm still alive and of course denying your death sentence pisses off heaven so they fight him and he fights back and he wins so heaven decides to give him a fancy title and a job to see if they can like placate him and keep him out of trouble so sun wukong ends up being put in charge of guarding an orchard that grows peach fruits that make you immortal if you eat them and listen he's a monkey so he eats them then later he sneaks into a party and eats a whole jar of immortality pills drinks some immortality wine and then goes back to his mountain to plot a rebellion against heaven because he's bored and offended because he wasn't invited to the party that he went to so he then gets to fight heaven again and he wins again so anyway heaven is at its wit's end and so they asked buddha to fix things for them so buddha makes a bet with sun wukong which son wu kong loses and then buddha imprisons him under a mountain for 500 years where he's forced to wait patiently for a specific monk to come along and free him i have obviously done a lot of paraphrasing here but here are the basic takeaways if you got a little lost son wukong is a magic rock monkey with the ability to shapeshift and make clones of himself he's incredibly strong like freakishly strong he fights with a staff which he used to bonk heaven several times without their consent then he died at least once revived himself and ended up making himself immortal at least five times over and i think by the end of the story he's immortal like 13 times over some ridiculous number like that anyway that's all the basic context you need to know we're not going to cover any more about the actual story of journey to the west because the rest of it is basically like a monster of the week coupled with like a satirical commentary on the weird bureaucratic systems in china at the time when it was written and it's not exactly relevant to the theory so moving on let's talk about how this applies to the geo yaksha menogeous just in case you forgot this is menogeous the geo yaksa and believe it or not his beast form is a monkey and despite looking like the chillest most proper zhong li cosplayer ever his chinese name minu straight up means anger it's not exactly a name that suits what we've seen of him but it would be a name that would suit sun woo kong who was pretty easy to piss off as i've just finished explaining interestingly monogais's military title translates into mind monkey which is likely referencing the buddhist concept of the mind is like a monkey which in turn is a funny way to say the mind is indecisive uncontrollable capricious and restless from what i understand the idea here is that through meditation cultivation one can harness the power of one's mind and calm thy inner impulsive monkey brain when framed like this monogia's chill nature seems more fitting also the whole concept of mind monkey was sort of what sun wukong was based off of he was supposed to be like the impulsive brain personified right now i recognize that we've never seen monogamous make clones of himself or shapeshift but we do know that he fought against countless other gods alongside other yaksa which is kind of similar to fighting the armies of heaven which sun wukong did several times now there is a precedence for monogaias to also use a spear as well mostly the fact that xiao bostatius and zhang li are all known for favoring spears statistically this seems like monogius would as well and the spear connection is kind of relevant because again sun woo kong was known for fighting with a staff and the closest thing we have in gench into a staff is a spear so i'm going with that but this is actually where things get weird because scattered all over liwa are these giant stone statues which are called yaksha statues now most if not all of them hold spears which so far fits with the other two spear-wielding yaksha we know of as well as their spear favoring boss man but these yaksa statues have a lot in common design wise with capitano now the general design of the helmets are quite similar to his plus the overall build and designs on the armor itself are also suspiciously similar it's a little coincidental don't you think and it's pretty easy to write that off but if you take another look at monogias you'll notice that he has markings on his face in the same places where capitano has these decorative chains plus their hair is also quite similar in style even if the color is a little different but that's where the similarities between these three characters ended for me up until recently like even if they had some visual similarities between minoguius and capitano the truth was that menogeous was dead his body was even confirmed to be found by shao and they even have different voice actors so there's no way menoghias could be capitano it's all gotta just be a bit of a coincidence right right well here's the thing the one thing we know about kapitano for certain is that he's such a monster in combat that even child idolizes him while not a trait exclusive to the yaksha being an absolute beast on the battlefield does suit an illuminated beast that spent several millennia fighting gods and demons it also fits sun wukong and the constellation that i seem to end up consistently assigning capitano is this one the three crossed nails that are usually associated with crucifixion which was a form of torture generally known as the passion that might seem a little bit weird naming wise but believe it or not passion originally meant excessive suffering and well suffering seems to be a very prominent yaksa thing the passion nails are also widely associated with jesus who died and was reborn a trait shared with son wukong as he did that at least twice and no i am not by any means suggesting that capitano is jesus okay i'm not saying that i'm just saying the rebirth thing is similar so there's like a connection there and of course we cannot forget that menogeous died around 1000 years ago but sun woo kong was imprisoned for 500 years so if monogias died around 1 000 years ago and we apply sun wukong logic to him then he would have been unsealed or potentially resurrected around 500 years ago roughly the time when piero started recruiting his early harbingers side note yes a thousand years ago is a fairly accurate estimate for the yaksa's deaths because bosacious left soon after indarius monogius and bonannas succumbed to their karmic death so only he and shao were left xiao fell to his karmic debt soon after but was saved by venti this is important because venti likes to sleep for centuries at a time and the last recorded instance we have of venti being awake was around 1 000 years ago during the fall of monstat's aristocracy and then once again later around 500 years ago for the fight versus during during the cataclysm but since bosacious left and then came back xiao's encounter with venti should have happened before bosacious was sealed in the chasm 500 years ago leaving us only with the option of 1 000 years ago for the whole the rest of the aksha died thing okay so the math checks out the kicker here is that we see monogias die on screen to bananas and later on xiao confirms that all the bodies of the other yaksha were found except for bosacious however we know from both xiao's developer insights interview and the book heart's desire that illuminated beasts often leave behind a crystal heart upon their death in the perilous trail archon quest xiao attempts to bring back a stone that he intends to leave in pervasi's shrine in memory of bostatius but the stone was unable to leave the chasm it's been theorized that this stone was bosacious crystal heart and that's what xiao is holding in the official artwork and event art for the patch this idea of an enlightened being leaving behind a crystalline remains is actually a real world phenomenon known as sarira by buddhist i am so sorry for the pronunciation basically after a monk is cremated they may or may not leave behind solid pearl-like or bead-like objects sometimes looking a bit like glass or quartz these are considered holy relics and are said to contain the entirety of the deceased person's spiritual knowledge teachings and enlightenment now here's where this gets fun in zhang lee's second story quest we spend a crazy amount of time talking about the fact that rocks hold memories and the purer the rock the more clear the memory the same logic applies to the sarira so what if after death xiao and zhang li collected the crystal hearts of the yaksha that succumbed to their karmic deaths and then enshrined them and say oh i don't know an underground mountain shrine because you know mountains do seem to be zhong li's thing right because at that point we'd have a perfect setup for monogyus to have been sealed beneath a mountain for 500 years before being freed or resurrected just like sun woo kong and sure his consciousness may have been accessible but without a body he was probably useless so entertain a dude who outright tells pirro he can make the guy whatever he likes even a god taking the consciousness of a dead yaksa's stone heart and binding it into a living suit of armor seems like the sort of thing detore would love to experiment with and let's be real he wouldn't be our first undead harbinger and i think thousands of years of suffering would be more than enough to motivate a yaksha to join the fetus fight against heaven don't you now of course i can't end this video without pointing out some flaws in this whole idea namely that it's equally likely that capitano has a different identity entirely for example he could be the blood-stained knight that guy knew both rostem and rosalin i mean la senora and he was forced to don an iron mask because combat apparently ruined his face it's worth pointing out that capitano is the only harbinger to call senora by her last name perhaps suggesting that he has respect for her as his master's lover but the artifact did say that the blood-stained knight pledged himself to the abyss and i'm not quite sure that that can be synonymous with pledging your loyalty to the fatoui in this case however arundelin is another similar candidate whose fate is unknown and who also knew both rostem and rosalin i do feel like he'd be more upset about her death if this was him though he was really close to rostom so i think he'd care greatly about the fate of his best friend's lover but that's subjective i guess another excellent candidate is the only pirate captain of inazuma akudomeki this guy led a rebellion against the shogunate and when his friend hibiki tried to help him by unsealing the thunderbird the thunderbird kicked up a massive storm that caused aqua domeki to get lost at sea and later stranded on the golden apple archipelago he definitely fits the bill though as a good fighter and a captain but at the end of his currently known story he didn't seem to bear any ill will towards anyone and only wish to travel the world now alternatively capitano could be someone we've never seen before like a character from natalin mostly because natalin has no representation on the harbinger roster at all so far that we know of now since we can't see his face capitano might just suit a natalin character because maybe they haven't decided what he actually looks like yet but then again it's not like we actually know where half the harbingers are from anyway so who's to say as a final counterpoint it is worth noting that capitano and minoguius have different voice actors which i've already mentioned and usually that's an automatic disqualifier for this character is equal to this character but we are talking about someone dying and then getting re-animated so i feel like that's enough reason for someone's voice to change it's kind of like when they use two different voice actors for like a young version of them and an adult version of them at least in my opinion so what do you guys think have i convinced you that capitano and menogeous are sun mukong and the same person altogether or do you have another idea for capitano's identity that i didn't cover if you do let me know in the comments i mean i wasn't even really serious about this theory at first but the more i think about it the more i really want a confrontation between xiao xiang li and a minoguis capitano later down the line it would just be so cool oh and if you're interested in more stuff about sun wukong i highly recommend overly sarcastic production's ongoing summary of the journey to the west but if you're interested in a movie that has a lot of super sus parallels to genshin and is about sun wukong you should check out wukong immortal demon slayer because that movie made me question things it's just so it's so sus it's so sus it's ridiculously sus anyway you should watch it but in the meantime thank you guys so much for watching this i am now going to slowly remove my tinfoil hat and hope the accrued static charge doesn't fry what's left of my poor soupy brain farewell tiny mind monkeys [Music] you
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 202,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, yaksha, harbingers, capitano, menogias
Id: mxob1SGhrBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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