[2.5] Naming the Seven Sovereigns - A Genshin Impact Theory

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hello i was gonna make another video but then i had a thought like a really really random thought which i thought would be fun to share so i decided to share my thoughts with you guys and that's a lot of thoughts so uh here's the idea you remember this one part from the gentian pre-game comic where venti just starts listing off different gods that gave up their bodies to become the land in other worlds it's weird yeah like like really really weird and random but i kind of just shrugged it off because it's just vendi being venti and vendi likes to do really weird things sometimes so i just ignored him but then came the thought what if venti was actually talking about the residents of tavat before the arrival of humans in other words what if he was talking about three of the seven bishop sovereigns if so then what about the other four well that's what we're going to be talking about today folks that's the theory theory is what if the dragons make up tavot like their bodies like we're actually living on their bodies like in xenoblade how you can play on the bionis and the mekonus and you're like on on the bodies of giant anyway uh before i go any further with some context followed by the actual theory part of this theory video there are a few things you should know this theory is just for fun and will likely never get confirmed or refuted in game or if it does it'll be like years down the road so don't take it too seriously just have fun with it as usual all post video notes and corrections can be found in the pinned comment while video citation sources and links for further reading will be in the description box below so please make sure to check those out okay no more disclaimers let's get into that sweet sweet context right so if you didn't know there's this one book you can get from a quest in encanamia that has the world creation myth thing for tavat it's a very important book got urabashi killed may the lore arkhan rest in peace in this book it is said that in ancient times the whole world belonged to the bishops who were in turn ruled over by seven sovereigns who were you know like big elemental dragon kings so anyway the magic dino dragons were chilling in their magic dino kingdom when this thing called the primordial one showed up and decided it wanted the planet for humans so the primordial one made four shades of itself and went to war with the bishops wiping out most of them and forcing the rest into hiding that obviously includes the seven sovereigns who i assume by the way everything's written are all dead once it wiped out the dinos the primordial one terraformed the earth in order to prep it for the humans which would get made a little bit later part of that terraforming process involved merging the light realm into this new human realm we know from some other encanomia books that the bishops thrived on the energy from the light realm or that they lived there and the light realm has gotten converted into the human realm or you know what just skip this part we don't know crap but what we do know is that raw light energy from the light realm is kind of toxic to humans so the energy gets converted from something pretty toxic to something much milder and then sent through the ley line network this light energy then kind of gets split into several different forms which we know now in tibot as elemental energy that means that light energy is basically all of the elemental energy that we know of but like all smooshed into one type of thing all right this is important for later now the seven sovereigns each embodied one of these types of energy although it wasn't really called by its greekified names for example instead of a hydro sovereign there was a water sovereign instead of a geo-sovereign there was an earth sovereign etc etc and so forth so then i got to thinking what actually happened to what was left of the sovereigns after they died i mean we do still see the skeletons of oribashi and durin hanging around and yeah it's only been like 500 to 2000 years for those skeletons to just be sitting there but you know you'd think there would be at least something left of the most powerful ancient dragons ever right which brings me back to venti in the pre-game comic venti mentions the names of three gods purusha pangu and nymir he says that in a different world each one gave up their bodies to form the land so i got to thinking what if the remains of the sovereigns were used by the primordial one during the terraforming of the planet like say it's a water planet and they just take the bodies of these dragons and they form land out of them what if the reason why each region has kind of an elemental theme isn't because of the ruling archon but because that stretch of land was formed from the remains of a corresponding elemental dragon sovereign that are all stitched together with this invisible energy web network thing really weird sewing project but you know i don't judge what gods do for hobbies but you know like an earth dragon formed the land for lua and a thunder dragon formed the islands of inazuma and so on and so on and does this idea even happen in merit or am i just spelling well as it turns out it's kind of both so purusha pangu and yumir are actually real names of gods from different cultures and different parts of the world who did in fact give up their bodies to form the land of that respective culture we'll go over these three first and then we'll move on to some predictions about the remaining four hong goo is probably the most straightforward reference to place because he was a primordial chinese deity born from a cosmic egg when he died his different body parts became the land rivers animals minerals etc the chinese influences here that are very very obvious and indisputable quite obviously correlate dalia so according to the initial theory fangu should be the name of the earth dragon that was used to create lua ymir is fairly easy to place as well being a nordic god whose body became the land and sea he's likely being used to reference monstat due to their similar germanic influences as if the names like duballen didn't give it away because you know fallen is a name of a deer in norse mythology and also the name of a dwarf i think which i think is kind of weird that it's like tuma anyway that would make yamir the air dragon from which monstap was formed purusha though is a little bit weird because depending on which branch of hinduism you look at or participate in it can be either a deity responsible for the creation of all life or just the source material from which the world is made for the purposes of this theory i'm just going to kind of smoosh both contexts together which i know is not really all that correct to do so please forgive me but like if purusha is being considered like the material from which the world is made then obviously its quote-unquote body would have become the land so that checks out and of course the hindu roots place purusha squarely in sumeru and therefore would make it the plant dragon if you're wondering why we're putting hinduism in sumeru well it has to do with the tevo travail story trailer and in there it clearly labels the sumaru chapter as involving the piranhas and the piranhas are well a hindu thing so yeah that that's that purusha plant dragon now i'm all out of names which means it's time to start guessing at names and basically i am now looking at different cultures from different parts of the world that we haven't already you know used or replaced and we're going to find a creator god whose body was used to make the land and see if we can make it fit we'll start with inazuma because we kind of went like monstat leewa and then to suma room we just kind of skipped nina zuma so i feel like we should talk about that first now as far as i can tell in japanese mythology there is no real clear cut this god died and their body became the land candidate on the same level of the established three but the two gods that stood out to me the most were izanami and izanagi izanami and izanagi were both tasked to create the land within the sea because the whole world was a water planet and this would then form the islands of japan izanami was actually the one who gave birth to the islands so that would make her the technical creator deity but of course she then died after land birth it's not childbirth is is the land considered a child can you do that god rules are weird anyway after she died she was sent to the realm of the dead izanagi followed after her but only found her corpse there but then her uh dead body birthed raijin now raijin is the inspiration for ryden obviously the archons of the inizuma region are the ryden twins so that's why i think izanami is the perfect name for the thunder dragon sovereign that would have then made the islands of inazuma because you know itanami is not only giving birth to the islands but also from her body came the gods that would then become the archons it makes sense okay thunder dragon izanami moving on to fontaine which is gonna be a little bit hard in fact it might be one of the hardest place i think because fontaine should technically be based on france or that area but france doesn't really have a clearly defined ancient culture as far as i'm aware the best i can guess at is like celtic ancestry so we're gonna go celtic i guess the myth i found with the most significance within that kind of scope of mythological influences goes something like this from the void came two gods dawn and danu together they bore several children one of which apparently had a grudge against his dad dawn and that child decided to cut him into little tiny pieces his mother danu was so upset that her tears flooded the earth and washed away the remains of dawn until they became the sky the sea and the land so i have very little elves to work with when it comes to fontaine and celtic creation myths especially ones where god's body actually becomes the land so don seems like he might be my only option so let's just call the remains of the water dragon dawn i mean i did say this was going to be a lot of guesswork but believe it or not natalin is a little bit easier than the previous ones even though we know nothing about the region itself well what we do know is that notlan has mayan incan or aztec inspiration or a mix of all three we'll just have to wait and see i'm not really sure where they're going with this but uh for the purposes of this theory i've settled on aztec because there happens to be a fairly good candidate here now as far as i know the aztecs actually have multiple creation myths that are all a little bit different and they're all kind of exist in the same continuity because they believe that the world kind of existed in a regenerative sort of cycle right and so the last cycle was known as the fifth and final cycle and that's the one we're gonna talk about so in the fifth cycle there was a sea monster known as talal tikutli one of the survivors after the fourth great flood from what i can tell she was just kind of chilling one day and quetzalcoatl the flying snake god and tezcatlipoca a jaguar god looked at her and said hey that lady's gotta go so they fought her and won and then they tore her in two actually and her top half became the sky while her lower half became the earth and the other gods were so upset about this unfair death and her unfair treatment that they decided that her various body parts should then become features of the earth so her skin became the grass her hair became the trees etc etc what a way to go and i know that she's technically like a water dragon crocodile monster type thing or like you know a monster that lived in the water but fire and water together were considered symbols of war and aztec culture and the pyro archon is the god of war so fire dragon done it's talatakutli that's definitely the you know the pyro dragon sovereign of natlan and that brings us to our final dragon candidate and inshnaya was the most difficult one to place see if we assume that this region is based off of russia which it does seem to be then it should have slavic roots as far as mythology goes but the problem with slavic mythology is that all of their creation myths have been completely lost in their original forms all that's left is like a christianized version and those don't really reflect ancient slavic beliefs which were also really diverse by the way so we're basically working with crumbs and that also means i don't have like a real myth to kind of latch onto at all so that's that that's a thing the best i can do here is really just take a guess and i will guess that the most probable candidate for this sovereign would be svarug now while svarag was considered a blacksmithing god he was also recognized as the god that ruled the realm of the gods and he does have an incredibly simplistic creation myth associated with him well i mean that is if you can even call it that i'm mostly just extrapolating from you know like little tiny crumbs of the anecdotes that are written about him but it's not like an actual linear myth like i've been able to get for these other cultures you know like there's nothing if you know of any good sources on like realistic slavic mythology can you let me know because like there's nothing out there that's complete like nothing at least not in english and i can't read russian anywho best i can tell is that because svarug was a blacksmith god he was considered the one responsible for forging the sun the sparks created during the forging process of the sun eventually became life and that's it that's like the whole that's all i got that's everything i know that's a pretty weak argument to say hey this should be the sovereign that we created the land from right but one other thing that's interested about svarag and why he's actually my pick here even though there's two other pretty good candidates is the fact that he's supposedly a sleeping god and when he wakes up he's supposed to bring about the end of the world with him now while there's zero evidence for his body becoming the land the idea of the sleeping remains of an ancient dragon god making up the land of shnezhnaya is a really cool and also pretty on theme idea i mean we're talking about an ancient dragon that got wiped out by an alien invader so of course they're gonna be pretty upset when they wake up right going on a rampage seems pretty reasonable in that case so i'm just gonna roll with that yeah there done savarag ancient ice dragons whose body makes up snaza and there you have it seven names for seven sovereigns i have nothing clever to leave you with but maybe we can have some fun speculating in the comments section huh about the theory that will probably never get proven or disproven let's just explore some possibilities while we wait for the next patch well i hope you guys had fun i'm off to hunt for magic dino bones because that's a thing i do so i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 80,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore
Id: RSon1a0K0ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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