Who is Capitano, the Captain? [Genshin Impact Character Lore and Theory, V3.4]

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foreign ER week where I'll be discussing the unreleased harbingers and theorizing on their potential backgrounds power sets and other neat details today we'll be diving into the chivalrous yet mysterious faceless Harbinger IL Capitano the captain disclaimer this video is not indicative of anything final in the game oh and for those that want something nice to drink for the hot weather get your Gamers ups at 10 off for the code after and get these really really questionable life of Cups and is Capitano Capitano is a Harbinger renowned by both his fellow Associates and subordinates as being an honorable and Powerful individual his current consolation and rank are unknown but speculations bring the fascinating theory that Capitano is the first ranking for Tui Harbinger just under Piero this is because both child and Wanderers voice science position Capitano between Piero and totore and before columbina this is further supported with polcinella the fifth of the harbingers being the appropriate distance away from the second and third Harbinger and sandrone being after Pulcinella this would make Piero a kind of overseeing director of the harbingers and the official ranking starting with Capitano which trust me already has its fair share of leaks and theories so I suggest watching silicon 1 force and ashikai's videos on the subjects since I'm only focusing on Capitano for today Capitano was first mentioned by Victor in the commission Tales of winter where Victor essentially says that while he was currently running an errand for Sonora he would pretty much prefer to work under Capitano instead Capitano compared to the other harbingers we've seen is actually much more respected than he is feared by his subordinates his reputation is much more pleasant than that of Scaramouche the Torre and Sonora who are actively feared and revered he is known as righteous cordial and nevertheless Pleasant even to those that are supposed to be his enemies Vargas notes about Capitano is that he was pretty helpful during their Excursion he also speaks of Honor regarding Sonora's Death saying that whilst ignora's methods tarnished her honor her sacrifice is still a great pity he is also the only one to call her by her real name a level of respect that shouldn't be ignored tatalia's voice line about him states that he is very much eager to earn the recognition of Capitano stating that because of the disparity between their ranks Capitano hasn't as much glanced his way however Wanderer warns a traveler that is known as Brave fearless and not Invincible that kind of absolute righteousness should be seen as a potential hazard in a latent danger which would actually tie in well with capitano's real life Inspirations much like of other harbingers kapitana is based off the Comedia de larte a form of Italian theater that relies on masked actors and actresses improvising to create a Lazo or a witty joke and screenplay kapitana is an exaggerated form of a braggard Spaniard who likes to comment that he is a renowned Captain with numerous achievements but is nothing short of an imbecile Capitano of the Comedia comes from two literary sources according to Wikipedia and Britannica one is flatus's Miles gloriosis which talks about the oh my God pure God polynices I'm so sorry about the pronunciation and terence's the eunuchas I wouldn't be against gloriosis being a potential real name for Capitano but that entirely depends on what region he's from which we'll get to later Villages Captain's treasurement media actually sheds light on this characterization quite well in this play arlikina arrives with nothing to his name and is brought in by Capitano as a lowly servant colombina is quick to ridicule him and to save face arlikino says that Capitano has found a magnificent treasure the story extends much farther but I find this line of arlikina about Capitano summarizing the captain's character really well I quote two weeks we've gone on the road with hardly a good meal or a roof over our heads the Capitano is less for fighting than boasting of Deeds he has never done over a strong drink which actually heavily contradicts gentians Capitano who doesn't seem to be as much of a braggart versus his Comedia counterpart if anything he seems to be a silent figure in the background while the people around him do all the bragging for him a great way to rewrite the original Source material for his character now let's begin with some theories on who Capitano could be the bloodstainite theory is currently the most popular theory for who Capitano is and for good reason now fun fact I was actually supposed to make a video on this Theory and my personal take but I realized that there are some short discrepancies in the lore of both the fatoui and the bloodstained Knight so I essentially had to scrap that video to summarize the bloodstained Knight or the white knight was mentored by rostam who taught him chivalry and honor Above All Else however as the White Knight began slashing everything and everyone in his way that he deemed vile and monstrous he became obsessed with delivering Justice to the point he became intrigued and entranced in the feeling of cutting his foes down for Slaughter in the name of justice is Justice it got to the point that the Knight slowly became corrupted where his fair face would become hideous and he'd be forced to wear an Iron Mask his corruption is almost to the same degree as senoras who slowly lost herself the more she fought the monsters of the Abyss however when the bloodstained Knight found the ruins of conria he realized that what happened during the cataclysm was the true Injustice that the people of konrio were wrongfully turned into monsters this is still my favorite theory for Capitano because of how raw the story is I've always loved the story of the bloodstain Knight and for it to manifest into a Harbinger would be the cherry on top it would definitely fit into the idea that Capitano is a nigh Invincible creature that abides by the rules of justice and honor to an almost barbaric State and it would justify why he is working with the fatoui harbingers he shares the sentiment of the cataclysm similar to the saritsa but this theory is far from perfect one is that the blood Sneed Knight pledged him himself to the abyss which is actually oppositional to the fatoui's operations contrary to popular belief difatui are supposed to also be fighting against the abyss skirmish's excursions into the abyss involved him fighting monsters while La Senora's artifact from the pale flame reinforces her abhorrence of the Abyss so if Capitano is the bloodstained Knight then this would actually mess up their alliances which cleanly brings me to my next theory that Capitano is a fraud this is less of a substantive Theory and more so a critical comparison between Capitano the gentian character and El Capitano the Comedia Del Arte character the core of this argument is that the IL Capitano character was always meant to be someone that isn't what they say they are and if Kenshin chooses to manifest those characteristics into the harbinger how would it look like they always say that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is and that thought of a completely honorable hired up Harbinger in an organization where the other higher-ups are either feared or hated or tartalia you just really have to think about who you're trusting and what if wonder is warning about Capitano carries a lot of weight and we shouldn't consider tertalius blind reverence as a good thing now because of how convoluted this Theory can be let's consider discrepancy from the blood Saint Knight's lore the blood say night soar allegiance to the abyss we'll consider the possibility that kapitana does have ties with the abyss and that he doesn't first is that the theory is that the kapetanus true Allegiance is with the abyss as the bloodstained Knight not with the fatouli and that his lying and false nature manifests in the end where he inevitably betrays the batui in favor of serving the business goals this would only work though if we find evidence of the bloodsley Knight swearing his oath to their disorder and not just this as an entity the second theory though is what if capitana isn't actually the blessed day night but his fraudulence comes in the form of his overall attitude and disposition the words of righteousness that everyone so highly Praises him off is nothing short of a fabrication to make subordinates think they're rooting for someone that actually has a good sense of mortal code granted capitano's strength and battle prowess is definitely not fake but his code of righteousness could very well be what motivations a captain has to build this almost perfect reputation is unknown though but it does fester something important in lower ranking members utmost subordination the harbingers are a very political bunch and they know how to manipulate later subordinates and opponents in efficient ways capitano's facade could easily just be his way of keeping his award in its blindly inspired or maybe on the surface he is this loyal and righteous fellow but almost to the point of insanity that nobody questions someone that blindly follows their code of honor or openly abhorse anyone that goes against the fatouis almost like how arlikina does it now both of these theories have a lot of discrepancy because what if the bloodstain Knight's Allegiance has changed over the course of the lore we really wouldn't know but mostly those are just the claims of the theory now for my take who do I think Capitano is while I really really like the bloodstain Knight Theory I also have my own take on who kabetana could be just from a general point of view one is that he's a human turned inhuman this is going to be a contradiction of varka's claim that kapitana has the courage to challenge Gods as an ordinary mortal which I would think is not completely wrong I have a sneaking suspicion that kapitana is a human but became inhuman in the process of his life something like senora and the Torre I mentioned in my previous theory about sandrone that senora and notoria are technically humans who got augmented with or without consent it's very much possible that kapitana is the same way because it would be really difficult for a regular mortal to contest with beings that are literally in the caliber of gods the fatoui according to tartalia follow a form of power system which only complicates things further because if Capitano is nothing short of a regular human that means he'll have to contest with known powerhouses like colombina Scaramouche Sonora and mosival dotore so I believe that Vargas claim that Capitano is a quote unquote ordinary mortal is simply because varka doesn't know any better and could judge him this on the Assumption of there's nothing he could be but Immortal or maybe he just looks mortal or feels mortal which honestly wouldn't be a bad assumption that's the problem with limited lore claims since varka really wouldn't have any business is knowing who kapitana truly is also this Theory does play alongside the blood snake Knight Theory but honestly anything goes second is that capitano's role is to represent militaristic strength each Harbinger plays a fascinating role when running the different divisions but they also have a specific representation in terms of ideologies that resonate within the fatoui if capitana is the first of the harbingers then his power would according to nahida almost rival that of a Gods a claim that would be further supported by varca's assessment of him which honestly is why I don't believe that Capitano is completely mortal kapitano in my opinion would be the utmost representation of the fatoui's raw militaristic strength their ability of conquest and dedication to the Sarita's cause he would represent the more noble and almost zealous aspects of being a fatoui agent contrast this with the authority who represents the fatoui strength in science and colombina who represents the fatoui's Divinity over regular Mortals and number three is that he is not from monstad this going to come out of left field but a part of me genuinely believes that he's not from Monster stat but from somewhere else entirely while this openly contradicts the blood say Night Theory I do think that him not being featured in The mansat arkhan Quest and not having a bigger part to play in it somewhat has Merit but honestly this is just a personal speculation grounded in absolutely nothing but don't worry about it now for his potential role in Madeleine capitano's presence in Adeline actually has good parallels with the concept of War a mysterious Knight of the cryo archon that embodies both honor and battle would be the perfect candidate to negotiate for the gnosis of a God that not only respects War as a form of Conquest but as a form of tradition I believe that capitano's role in natlin is actually much more cordial than that of other harbingers in which he gains the gnosis through proving his might on the battlefield or by winning the archon's favor over now for some notes about discussing Capitano unlike my other character analyzes there's actually an underlying problem with discussing capital done and it has something to do with his code name the captain let me give you an example in the chasm the fatoui mentions a captain with a Capital C this Captain allegedly lies the company before they leave the Homeland that all they're doing is for the sake of but in the end the captain leaves and today with no chance of ever returning now I don't remember if this was ever disproven to be Capitano but I do remember that the captain allegedly perished in the chasm or just never returned now do you see my problem the epithet of Captain is so common in genshin lore versus something like the balladeer the damselt the Nave or even the doctor there are so many characters in the Lord that are known as captains with a Capital C Beto Albedo Kaya and Eula are each known as captains of various degrees which is fascinating but overall difficult which is why I generally warn people when theorizing about Capitano when we see Captain with a Capital C think of what kind of context is being presented because we might get another character altogether but that's it for me today for me is such a fascinating character because on one hand we know absolutely nothing about him and on the other his inspiration is meant to be someone of a liar and a braggard which makes me think that this kind of representation of him as being this righteous and Noble person is nothing short of a facade but nevertheless my name is Astor and who do you think abedana could be could kapetana just be a whole new character altogether or do you think he's able to stay night but yes that's it for me today my name is Astor and thank you for chilling with me foreign [Music]
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 64,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, youtube, youtube recommendartion, genshin impact youtube, genshin impact youtuber, yt algorithm, bless the yt algortithm, genshin 3.4, genshin impact 3.4, genshin impact 3.5, genshin 3.5, genshin impact 3.5 lore, genshin lore, genshin impact harbinger, genshin harbinger, genshin capitano, genshin impact harbingers
Id: thlrQ2kGvAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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