27. Big Bloom on a 20 inch Ornament

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today i'm doing tonight it's late it's like almost 10 o'clock today on friday but i'm doing this big ornament and i'm so excited i found it at michael's today it was a wood ornament it was like maybe 50 off so i thought i was gonna try this uh it's 20 inches across i take the little ornament hanger thingy and i'm going to do a bloom on this i primed it with a coat of kills but not too much so i don't want to see if it's going to um warp on me i'm really hoping it doesn't because i'm hoping to have a very successful tour on top of this and a pretty ornament hanging decoration thing but before sorry there's just a piece of something right here that's bothering me um before i get to it i've had a few people ask me about my measurements excuse me i'm going to get a drink of butter and then i've had a few people asking me about my measurements for my poor medium and then the poor medium to paint and then also my cell activator i actually don't measure um i like to just go with the consistencies because i can give you a ratio of untinted house paint to the polycrylic varnish by minwax but if you're unless you're using the same exact unhinted how untinted house paint the ratios kind of depend on the viscosity of that paint so what i use for my unh tinted house paint is this let me grab the bucket i got this one from karen at waterfall acrylics she first introduced me to it and i find that i really really like it it's the behr premium deep bass 8300 is the number but it's an interior exterior high glossy enamel works super well for me i've the ultra the hdtv ultra deep base i think it was a little thicker than that one but this one's definitely thicker than others that i've tried so that's what i mean just saying do four to one or three to one or two to one it all depends on the paint so i just go with the consistency so i'll show you my consistency of mine and it may be different every time but um i i eyeball it and every time i do approximately the same amount so the beginning of this video is just going to be a lesson on consistencies so i just mix it in this little fruit punch bottle here so when i mix mine you can see it pour that's about the pouring consistency of it and so i don't know if you can see but it runs off pretty steadily but it does drip eventually so this is paint to varnish and of course i use more paint than i use varnish it's probably close to no it's not two to one and it's not it's like i don't know i just i don't i don't like it's if i'm going mathematically it's probably you know what that's my i don't want to give a number sorry that was a lot of him and high that's the consistency i have so because of this um depending on what kind of paint i use if i use a golden paint versus a tube paint the golden paint are usually heavier bodied so i would either add less paint to this or i'd add the golden to the color because if you add less paint you're going to get a lighter color so i get to the color the richness of the color i want and then i add more of the varnish and to get to the consistency i want now if i am adding primary elements which is just a pigment powder i know that i'm probably gonna have to add a little bit more of the untended house paint because those don't add viscosity to the pouring medium so this is not you know i want my finished result a little bit thicker than that so it's all about balance now i'll show you again i don't use measurements or ratios for my paint to pouring medium either i go with consistency so this is one of the colors i'm going to use on this this is phthalo blue by liquitex basics and i don't know if you can see but you see it leaves a mountain amount in a good trace that stays for a little bit it kind of comes off in ribbons now i also have the iridescent gold sorry the interference gold by golden this one is a lot heavier bodied so this one will give the same consistency but i really did have to add more varnish to this one but that liquitex is definitely thick but i had to add more varnish and then this one is modern masters glacier blue this one's thinner so i didn't have to add too much varnish to that so it's all about getting them to the same approximate consistency rather than ratios for me now my pouring my cell activator the australian flow troll is definitely thinner than the american floetrol thinner still than the overtrawl from the uk or europe i don't know if it's just uk or just all of europe but i've never used the oretrol i view american flow draw and the australian flow troll is definitely thinner but you always want your cell activator to be thinner than the consistency of your paints um so you saw how those ran off in ribbons and left mounds this runs off really really quickly and there's just to me the amer the australian flow trial has kind of a stretchiness to it when you mix it with this is with amsterdam titanium white it's almost as if it's um i guess it's it's rubbery i don't know i don't know how to explain it to you but it's it's like a slick slickness and i think it because it has a wood conditioner in it so there's probably an oil component to it not oil in that it's going to disrupt resin because it doesn't at all but there's an oiliness to it that adds a slickness to it so when you see the consistency of that that's going to definitely run faster and so that's my black my white and my black is going to give me the same consistency so again i'm not worried about ratios i'm just worried about the end result of the cons of the paint um so that is my little blip on consistencies and ratios which i don't do i'm not an expert i've just failed at this a lot and come up with what works for me so i will show you my colors and then we're going to pour on this bad boy um but i'll tell you about this little contraption here when i get to that so like i said this one is phthalo blue by liquitex basics then i have the golden interference gold and this is the order in which i'm going to lay all the ladies paints then that modern masters in the glacier blue then i have the golden iridescent gold fine so this is going to be another gold um blue so this one feels like it's a little thick so i'm gonna add just a touch of the polycrylic so i just throw it in here so i don't have to um try to get that big gallon bucket or jug down so just a little bit just to get to the consistency because as they sit they do thicken up a bit and so you always want to check right before you use your paints check your consistencies to make sure they haven't thickened up on you because once you get them down here you're kind of stuck with what you've got so that feels a little bit better to me and then i have the iridesce interference violet by golan no this is our interference blue by golden and then the turquoise deep by liquid liquitex and so um i have my house paint base which is from walmart this is the glidden high endurance plus grab-and-go it's in white and it's in semi-gloss and then today i'm going to blow with my little tiny hair dryer here it doesn't have a cool setting but it has a cool button so i'm going to blow with this too big for me to blow with my mouth i don't want to try it and it's too far away as you can see this just fits in this little puppy pool thing and so i don't want to disrupt this at all now i d this house paint that i'm using as a base is not super super super thick so it does want to run so i created a barrier with just some rope that i have um so i'm going to put the barrier down i'm going to blow out my paints and the cell activator over the paints and then i'll take the barrier off and then spin it so i'm hoping it works pray for me y'all all right let's get started i'm going to stir this really quick the house paint one more time because i have um so much of a surface i did put some gac 800 in this one to kind of present prevent cracking um again i didn't measure it i don't know how much it was but i just put a little bit in there the gac 800 by golden it does help to prevent cracking all right oh i just got that in a bucket of paint so whatever it's all good so let's get started i'm so nervous i don't know how well this barrier is gonna go my my childhood was spent watching macgyver so i'm macgyver everything so this was my attempt at macgyvering a barrier for my paints so they don't go anywhere too quickly so i'm gonna let that splash there and then get to layering it's going to take a lot so i'm going to again like i typically do i'm going to drizzle because i want all the colors coming through and so i'm just going to get this all layered here i want to just my golden drizzling is to get most of the base color covered in the center where i'm going to put the cell activators so i'm not too worried about you know making sure this glacier blue is all right here because it'll blow but i just don't want a lot of the house paint showing so see there's some right there so i'm going to make sure i cover that little spot and i really do um recommend drizzling your golds because golds take over so much so if you put them in the center oh it's coming over the sides i'm going to keep on going if you put them in the center i find sometimes you have just too much gold everywhere all right so turquoise and then i'm going to throw a little bit more of the phthalo blue on top because i find the bottom color sometimes gets lost and i like the phthalo blue and the phthalo blue is the only one that doesn't have an interference component or a metallicky or you know all right cell activators and that is starting to halo up so i know that this is not too thick and wish me luck oh my gosh it's so big before i do that i see a bubble let me get that bubble big bubble here there we go all right let's see we've got here i want to center it just a little bit and make sure it's not blowing hot because hot paint likes that bothers me i got some of that darn it so i'm gonna just put a bunch of layers right here and blow that out with my mouth because i'll have to puff in a few areas too i've got that base coat down and i don't want that i'm just going going going so there's a few areas i'm going to puff with my mouth here i've got some time because that barrier is in place so the paints are not going anywhere quickly it's gone over a little bit but nothing terrible and maybe i won't do this with my mouth because i don't wanna i don't wanna puff too much house paint it's very noxious i don't like it i don't like breathing in too much let's see if there's any places where i want more black like right here i want more cell activator right over this little line here and right here i'll put a touch of cell activator i'll put some white all right so one little trick i do sometimes when i don't want a bunch of black as i use a syringe and i pull some of that out i'm a nurse and i do syringes so i'm just going to use this syringe here and pull some of that color out right there there we go make sure it doesn't drip where i don't want it i think that black will be fine wow i may add some cell activator to the edges here just to make sure because i know these edges may not flow off all the way oh the colors are so pretty let me throw some black here there we go all right anything else uh right here there's a lot of line right there so i'm gonna throw some white right there and i'm i'd choose the white or black based on what's around it so it's black black right there so i'm just gonna add a little more white and there's lots of black here there we go all righty so now it's time to remove this barrier and luckily this pool will allow me to just kind of throw it in the bottom it's deep enough and with this because there's so much paint you don't want to start off spinning it too quickly because you'll throw so much paint off you'll lose some of your composition i'm going to do it right here too there's some blank spots there that i want out um add more cell activator right there this is really tall there we go clean my hands off a bit even though they're about to get super dirty all right i'm gonna center it up a bit make sure my walls are not caving in and kind of do a preliminary spin to make sure and i'm just going to slowly spin this one so you see it's about unbalanced so i'm going to tilt it a bit that way so it'll come off of this corner all right and then slowly spin again and just kind of let it slowly stop i don't want to stop it too quickly i'm just letting it hit my hand a bit wow so pretty in the inside all right let me clean off my hands a bit so that spot in the gray and the inside where that white and black knit met i'm gonna put a little bit of a balloon there and spin it out one more time so you see there's an area there just drying off my hands here where the white and the black mixed too much so i'm going to do just a micro tiny little bloom right in the center there making sure my hands are not dripping and i may not do all the colors simply because there's so much turquoise oh man you should see it up close it's so pretty so so pretty oh my goodness can't wait to get you guys down and see what this is doing so i think i'm just leave it like that maybe a little bit of gold because there's amazingly not too much gold in here which is what i wanted because gold like i said takes over and i'm gonna put some blue on top of that gold so it masks it a bit um i didn't want the bowl to take over i'm just gonna do that with black i think here i'm gonna give it a good puff and then spin it out one more time just to make that do something interesting all right on my toes all right and i don't mind that little bit of white on there make it smaller by blowing some of the color over it and let that come together for a little bit this is so pretty oh my goodness i'm so excited about that i'm gonna give that another minute or so just to come together because i really don't want a big black splotch in the middle so in the meantime i'm going to find um bubbles so you see this was a bubble and it turned white there so i'm just going to tap that out while i can and this one as well and while i'm letting that one come back together any other bubbles just color that one up a bit just a little bit it doesn't have to be very colorful and then pop any bubbles you see so they don't bother you later oh that one turned into a really pretty cell so i don't mind that one at all all right so i'm going to give this one more spin here and then take you guys down for a close-up not too much paint is flying which is good and i actually really like kind of like the center ah it's so pretty oh my gosh all right so for this one i'm going to clean off my edges here a bit because it's very drippy now if you oh if you're worried about having too much paint on this canvas left or any canvas whatever surface you're painting on take your sharp tool making sure you clean off your hands i can't i mean i've seen so many people and experienced so many people drip in the middle of something pretty so that's part of the reason i stress clean off your hands before you go over your painting and just take the edge the tip of your tool and feel it so i can tell right there that paint's not deep not deep right there either because you're not disrupting the paint you're not changing the composition so check in a few spots it's not deep this is not too much paint left on here um pop a few more bubbles as they come up because they will especially in wood because wood breathes um canvas will let air bubbles through it too but i think sometimes we get a false sense of security when we do wood because it seems like a more solid surface but what breathes it's alive it was alive it's got pores it's got um the ability to let air through it so do make sure you're checking for bubbles because the bubbles will come through and just pop them as they do all right i'm gonna take off my gloves guys this is so pretty i'm so excited i'm gonna take off my gloves and get you down off of the cam the tripod and bring you in for close-up let me do it properly if it'll stay up there stay there because it's pretty oh it's so pretty oh my goodness i'm thrilled with this i am thrilled with this i may have to go get some more dropping stuff oh i'm dropping tax hold on i don't want tax on my flag there we go there we go all right let me get you down it's so pretty and again it comes through as like uh more phthalo blue but it's super super turquoise i wish you could see okay so here we go look at all the prettiness in this piece and there's so much transparency in the color too so you can see layers of color which i think is absolutely phenomenal so even that part you see it looks black but if you look there's gold and there's interference blue over it so everything from every angle will have a lot of interest and i think it's beautiful i cannot wait for this to dry and to resonate cannot wait oh look at that i'm so thrilled and see that's that part i added and i actually really like it i like it that there's a center point that's kind of offset but that there is a center point so again even that black there there's a shimmer over it and it's so it's not bad at all and the white um base coat coming through actually adds contrast and interest so i'm actually i'm very glad that that did come through there but this part i wish you could get true color here because it is so so so pretty um gosh oh look at that all the transparency under there it looks kind of like an ocean it right there it's so pretty the color is gorgeous so this is it i hope you guys enjoyed this let me get pull it out here and make it focus look at that it's so pretty and with a really shiny shiny gold top painted on it it's gonna be so gorgeous um thank you for watching let me turn it around i haven't turned it around for a bit um if you're new to my channel you won't know but if you've been at my channel you'll see i cut all my hair off hi i'm really close but thank you for watching thank you for joining me this evening um if you have any questions please leave it in the comments if you have any comments please leave in the comments give me a thumbs up if you liked this video please subscribe if you haven't subscribed and share it with your friends i will see you guys next time thank you again for joining me take care bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 2,697
Rating: 4.9382238 out of 5
Id: cGhWuwh4mbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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