38. Spectacular Bloom Swipe with a Secret Ingredient

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hi guys welcome back to my channel my name is erisa and as always this is erisa rue art and if you've seen any of my other videos before well specifically this one i guess not any of them i am going to do an experiment so i've done this before where i did uh like a bloom in here like a flip cup with a bloom so like a flip club but cell activator in it i can speak but this time i'm going to actually do a bloom in here this just is just some old frames that i didn't like the canvases so i kept the frames but i'm going to use them as a barrier for my house paint and i'm going to blow out a bloom in the inside of it and then release it and let it flow and i'll show you my colors so i'm having a white a white house paint base but on top of it i'm going to use artist loft not in this order necessarily flow acrylic this is artist off turquoise then i have pebeo studio acrylics in the iridescent red blue i have sargent liquid metal in copper and i have modern masters in english brown now this is not a bad color palette because brown and blue go together brown and pink go together copper and blue copper and pink those all work but i'm gonna throw in a curveball in my cell activators because i have my standard black that's nothing but to this i'm actually going to add an obnoxious one but i love the color anyway it's the amsterdam greenish yellow i've never tried it as a cell activator but i'm going to try it but what i did i'm going to put this one down first and then the black on top of it but because i'm going to put this one down first i actually left it just a little bit thicker than the black cell activator that way i think it'll act more similarly to the paints but this is all just theory i have no idea and it may create cells that way so let's just get started i'm gonna do the small one first [Music] hey so guys look at this the modern masters paint the brown pigment broke immediately with this recipe so i'm going to try something new add something to it and i will show you the result in the end all right so i just did a bloom a double bloom on this canvas but i didn't i ended up scraping it all together because i didn't like the composition first of all but secondly the modern masters brown i used it broke really quickly so the pigments broke apart really quickly um which they will do every once in a while because it's not i don't know what's wrong with the paint but it did break just a bit so i ended up scraping it all in the center so i'm going to do a swipe but um i added something to that modern masters paint so if it works this time i'll tell you what i added to see if i can get it to not um split like that because it instantly did that and um i saw karen from watercraft i was watching her latest video and she tried that paint and had the same issue which is something you can adjust for i think but i'm going to see if i can get rid of that issue and do a real quick swipe here and it may not work but we will see it's hard to pour out of these little cups all right and i think i'm actually going to skip i have the um a green cell activator also and i'm going to skip that one and just go with my black one here so let's see if i can get this to do anything i like and actually maybe i won't skip it i just won't um swipe with it i'll swipe with just the black so i'll just put the cell green cell activator on top i know it's extreme i did it on purpose where do i want my cell activator i always have to do that and see where i want the cell activator to be you know i think that one's too big i'm gonna get a smaller one i don't want a really big swiping tool this one's smaller than that one so i use this one today and just cover the whole surface of this with cell activator that way i will have enough to get to the end there we go just like that all right here i go all right so that cell activator definitely works that looks cool i'm gonna swipe it just a little bit this way to see if it'll cause some cells over the white that way i have some kind of composition on this end as well and i'm gonna go and grab a different palette knife also again it's the same one even smaller so this is this little tiny one and this one i'm just to drag this down here perfect all right so i'm going to tilt side to side to cover my uh bottom edges and then i'm going to cut tilt front to back and see what happens with that brown and if it does the same thing i'm interested to know get that off of there get rid of some of that black get rid of a little more of that center it up and then i'm gonna go back and forth i don't want to lose all that but i need to get it off there we go and i'm actually going to let this stretch a lot because i want to see what that brown is going to do that is part of the reason i'm doing this just go to that corner over there ah i'm losing so much it's so sad but that's okay because i want to stretch i keep telling keep telling yourself that you have a goal and if i get negative space where this is more to one side i'll be okay with that too because it looks really good i love the cells i love the lacing switch this off so i don't have to tilt away from you the whole time wow so i think actually i'm just gonna pull this down a little bit and i'll get you guys down and show you what i got and i did i stretched this brown quite a bit and i have zero cracking i heard you know pigment breakage right now which is really awesome because before it happened so immediately i'm gonna get rid of this little speck here and then do this corner which didn't actually get done and i'll clean up my edges with more white white house paint later it doesn't matter so much right now because i will have time but it works this little let me clean my hands oh yeah actually i've used these gloves a couple days now so i'm just gonna get rid of them i try to use my gloves a lot because they are valuable right now i'm gonna scrape the edges because they're dripping just a bit and i'll bring you down and show you and as i'm showing you i'll tell you what i uh there goes my leaf blower all right one more and then i'm going to turn off the light and get down and show you the canvas and i'll tell you what i put in my paint it's kind of cool that it works so easily because i didn't even remix this paint i just added it which is awesome all right so let's get you down so you see how that looks right there it looks so perfect so perfect i absolutely love how these cells are falling over the edge i love them and the colors are so amazing and you see there's no paint pigment breaking in there now at all i love it and so i'm going to show you all of this and then i'll show you what i did i just added a few oh look at that that looks awesome that is so cool that lacing looks tremendous i love it the copper in there is spectacular and that little black shadow i love that that looks cool because you see it's got a little blue in there too so it's not just a black bob all right let me show you what i did so this was my brown this was sorry about my dirty table it's got plastic on it so the table is good by the way tangent this table i got an offer up it goes it's four feet by sixty right now but it goes to eight feet long because there's a leaf i got it for 50 bucks y'all it is perfect condition and i put it on risers here so it's height my height but it's amazing it's just a dining room table i digress anyway so i had this mixed up and it was my normal house paint pouring medium with the modern masters in it clean like that and it broke you saw the picture um where the pigments just started breaking immediately now i wanted that to not happen so to the pain i already had mixed up i added gac 900 now we all know gac 800 because um we use it i'm going to go back sorry i look crazy i may not look great but um whatever i want to talk to you so we all know gac 800 because it um i'm going to turn on my light because it helps with uh preventing the paint from cracking and so for gac 900 and if you get on the golden website it'll show you what all their d their gags do ga 9c 900 is for painting on clothing which allows it to stretch and bend with the clothing without breaking the paint so i just added a few squirts of gac 900 to that paint and you saw the difference did not crack at all and i did it just now it didn't have to sit it didn't have to marry or marinate or anything like that it just worked immediately to prevent that black or that brown paint pigments from breaking up so it's super important you guys this is all chemistry all of it research your products figure out what they can do figure out what you can add to your products to help your paintings do exactly what your paintings to do what you want them to do because just a few squirts of that and it's just a little bottle this will last me a while and i have two bottles it's just a few scores of it mix it in it thinned out my paint a little bit but not too bad but it also prevented all that pigment breakage and so it just worked immediately it's i mean you see the evidence of it it's so well worth it to do your homework and see what products you can use and what their effects will be because it's not just flow trial and water or house paint or glue all or silicone it's not just that there are so many things out there that you can add to your paints to make them do specific things and if you just do a little research you learn and you can modify these things so easily but sorry this was a little long talk on the end i don't really talk that often like that but let me know what you guys think in the comments below let me know if you've discovered any other products that you don't expect so you see how these stretch over that corner so well so well and it's just because it allows that paint to stretch because i didn't have this with the last one did not have those cells flying over falling over like that try things guys try anything you can don't spend too much money trying things buy a little bottle like that but do your research and try you never know what you're gonna get thanks for watching please like it if you like it please subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 5,506
Rating: 4.9851575 out of 5
Id: C_bWqKbI0mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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