66. Experiment Time with a Deconstructed Bloom. πŸ˜‚ I know. I know. Another One!!

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hello everybody welcome to my channel my name is erisa and this is arissaroo art and okay so i know i know i knew i'm doing another discus deconstructed boom but i'm experimenting with it this time so it's different is it does it count i hope it counts because this is the video i'm putting out because i want to see if i can do use a base that is not going to suck up my colors because i'm only using three colors i am using uh quinacridone nickel azo gold by golden i'm using quinacridone magenta by liquitex basics and i'm using iridescent precious gold by pebeo but for the base paint i did not want to use a color because i want it to dry transparent so what i did is i took a bunch of crap crap being the best word for all my different kind of pouring mediums it's got a lot of stuff in it it's got my uh house paint pouring medium in it which is the untinted house base with the minwax polyclick i also have my recipe that i use to make my color art pigments ready for like dutch pores and stuff and that's got elmer's glue all regular gloss gel water and american flow troll in it to thicken it up i added some liquitex basics basically soft gloss gel i think it's that it's like their gloss gel pouring medium or whatever and then i was going to leave it untented but what i wanted to do is give it a little bit of tint so i don't know if you can see i don't know if the light above me is too bright for you to see but this is a really really light blue with a shift of like a pinky purple and what color that is is a color art pigment called papeo papillon nope papillion i can i just friday leave me alone uh it's a color right pigment it's a really really pretty shifty blue purple color so i put a bunch of that in this big container so it doesn't truly color it but it tense it and these dry transparent so i want to see what it's going to do but because it's going to dry transparent i base coated this with my amsterdam titanium white so it is white already because although the canvas is white it's not the right white it's not paint so i'm going to do this quickly also i'm getting really cheap because i started my new job this week which is great it's amazing i've worked more hours but i come home and i'm more relaxed because i'm not management and i can just go to work work and come home and it's wonderful but i also took a little bit of a pay cut going to this new job obviously getting out of management so i'm trying to conserve my australian flow troll so what i did was i made with i've never used this color or this product it's the is it lamp black what color black is this oxide black i think yeah oxide black by amsterdam but i use like two-thirds my flow troll mix with the minwax wood conditioner and then like of the australian faux trough just so i can conserve because again i'm getting cheap so i'm gonna try this flow troll or this cell activator mix with these i was gonna do white i haven't decided i still may but i really like the strikingness is that a word the striking look of just the black so i don't know if i'm gonna do the white but i am gonna do this and i'm gonna pour so wish me luck i have no idea what this is going to do i know i mixed them these pigments i initially mixed it into this big container which meant some of the pigment didn't mix in very well which means i may be left with a little bit of like loose pigment on it but i'm not mad at that so we'll see how that works i'm gonna find a torch that works because i have some bubbles because i just mixed it can't i can't torch it too much because it's house paint but i'm gonna torch it a little bit maybe yeah coming out a little bit of bubbles coming out because it does have flotal in it so there's a little bit of protection there i'm gonna tap it out a little bit make some more come back up there we go there and before i get all over zealous uh overzealous with this i'm gonna put my base coat on this one too because i always want to add a flow extender but then i never know if i have enough base coat so i'm just gonna do what i need to do right here and then i don't have much paint left but that's okay so like i said i'm only using three colors quinacridone uh nickel as a gold first i am then gonna use the magenta and then i'm gonna use the precious gold bam so we'll see how this works out i'm gonna make two big ones i think i don't want to do three this is two ten by twenties so the canvases are not that big there we go then i'm gonna go with magenta on top of that one tamp that out a little bit those bubbles came to the top i'm really interested to see how this dries like seriously and then my precious gold is looking a little thick so i'm going to add some more minwax poly polycrylic varnish to it i love this bottle it's like a ketchup bottle it has this lid that just doesn't quit i love it you pop it on pop it off this bottle is the best i got it at target it was probably like eight bucks i love it so much i may have to go get some more i don't know why because it's the only thing i use for it but i feel like i should get some more but i just said i was gonna take a pay cut so maybe i shouldn't ha you never know all right so we got the gold here and again i think i'm just going to use the black i really like the black in my little test tile on this so i'm just going to use my black i'm going to do one at a time as you do i'm going to get a good size amount on there my little tiny blow dryer since this is so little i'm cool i think i take the concentrator off right i can't i do all the i do these all the time and i can't remember i'm like let me take that concentrator off here i go again so you see this right here this tells me that even though i leveled this this does not stay level enough so i am just going to turn my little levelers i'm going to scrape this so it stops what i'm going to do is get a popsicle stick big giant one i think and just scrape it back into the middle because i don't want to lose all that as i wait there we go there okay ooh those are pretty another next one there we go so pretty i'm gonna let that work i'm gonna go with my next one here i'm gonna torch since i scraped it big bubbles go go go go go go and then i can see that i burned that a little bit so i'm just going to take off that top layer i got too close with that torch there all right layer layer there [Music] there we go a little more why not use my paint up since i don't need to have it over yeah i have like a commute and everything now where before it took me like 15 minutes maybe 17 on a bad day to get to work it takes me routinely like 40. but even then commutes aren't bad i i mean i'm opposite traffic so there's a couple of spots where it gets a little slower but for the most part i'm office at opposite traffic i just work far enough away from my home but it just gives me time to like quiet my thoughts i like a commute actually i'm not i'm not mad at it sometimes i get so home home so quickly and not the home is bad home is great but then you're on mom duty so let's blow this out okay next one oh that's cell activator is so beautiful in this i love these colors together let's go me i'm not mad at it but i'm going to tilt i don't need much till i um flow extenders so i'm just going to throw a little bit because this is a smaller canvas a little bit and then that's it sorry for the rhyming again it's just so fun uh yeah a little bit here i think i don't want it to roll over as much as i did the last one just a little bit there we go let's tilt oh these colors are gorgeous hey can you guess which side corner i'm going to go to first i can for right maybe for the win yes i think so i'm just going to and this how this base coat definitely has um gac 800 in it so i can help to avoid cracking in this and it's got like all the gloss mediums and pouring mediums in it and those actually do help avoid cracking also so that will work i think i think i'm gonna turn this since it's so small maybe it's small but mighty gosh oh those colors are gorgeous just walk it corner to corner so you don't go straight down with it so you don't lose your composition too much or your cells and go over that corner of it and pull it back and then go to this corner it was so light i'm so used to doing these on such a big scale i'm like whoa don't drop it but i'm not it's just so lightweight and go over the corner since i don't have a blue corner anywhere else oh it's pretty oh it's so pretty i think i'm going to leave it again like that i'll check my corners in just a moment because i want to get this one tilted and i'm dripping so i'm going to dry my hands off because i know i will if i drip i'm going to drip over the first one so make sure you're done dripping your products here so messy all right make sure my cup is not dripping either a little bit of flow extender since i'm going over it over this one i should say come back here do the same down here oh my gosh you guys these colors are just so vibrant you will see they are so vibrant am i recording watch i'm not recording i think i would just record oh i'm recording for some reason i had a moment of panic i'm like oh no i wish i drank i really do sometimes i just wish i really drank but i only i don't drink that much it's just i got little kids not little kids they're old my i have twins i'm pretty sure i've said that on other videos but if you're new you may not know i have 16 year old twins and daughters and a 14 year old daughter so three girls here and yeah what's the point of being of drinking when it's just you and some kids who don't drink because you know they're kids and they can't oh i have so much pain dripping on me it's quite gross really okay so now i want to turn this one but i really want to make sure i don't go over this and this glove just got annihilated so i'm actually just going to switch it because i cannot even clean that off enough to not drip on my paint my piece so let me grab a new glove because it like it got a lot of paint on it and now this one i'm going to pull it over the floor here to switch to turn so i don't and actually yeah so i don't go over that piece but mistake and let's get down to that bottom top right corner i cannot wait to see how this dries these colors if that dries transparent like i think it is these colors are going to stay so vibrant and beautiful and i can't wait and i'm going to do it again again and again and again because this is gorgeous so far and there's no fading in these colors because that base is so transparent get over that corner [Music] oh there we go and then bring it back oh my gosh you guys these are gorgeous these are gorgeous wow i really really like that i'm gonna turn it because i like them to match up somewhat like they go together i'm gonna see if they do this way this little white spot on this bottom here bothers me just a touch so i'm just gonna take a little bit of black because it's the cell activator line and just do that it just bothered me a little bit let's see how well they match up that way either way it doesn't matter i really like them they're pretty let me turn this one back the way it was because that's how i had them leveled guys these are gorgeous so pretty but i do have to clean up my edges my corners so i'm going to do that you guys can watch maybe i'll speed it up maybe i'll cut it out i have no idea but rather than touching the camera right now with my dirty gloves i'll just leave it on and work it out the other lovely thing about having these furniture things the stands as a stand is that in order to get to the middle to scrape the edges my arm can go underneath without having to worry about trying to move these so much i mean i'm going to get paint on my hand but whatever i don't have to mess up my paintings to scrape the edges which is great i'd like that all day so i'll do the same over here i'm like i haven't showered yet tonight after work it's all good if i have paint all over me and actually kind of like it i dig it it feels like so involved i love having paint on me until i'm done for it i'm done having it on me then i'm like get the heck off please it's so pretty okay gloves are coming off we're not fighting i'm just gonna take my gloves off i'm going to turn off the camera so i can turn on my flash and i will show you the final result it's okay so here's the thing even if i wasn't being super cheap right now i think i'm definitely going to continue to make my cell activator like this there you go my colors finally got my camera adjusted because this cell activator far out does anything i have gotten with just australian flow troll this is so beautiful and the colors are absolutely stunning my camera keeps adjusting these colors i'm so sorry but look at the shimmer and because i have that base coat as a color art pigment there's shimmer in it as well so it'll dry transparent but it'll be sparkly you gotta love it oh my gosh look at that color it is so beautiful and that black has created a purple hue with the magenta i didn't have any blue in here i didn't have any you know i don't know why the purple's there so but i'll take it and that is really actually gold i don't know why it's not adjusting so that is that gold color it just doesn't know what to do let me see if i can sorry so that part right there is actually this color it's that gold it's just the camera is not adjusting to it right now but it's so sparkly and so beautiful and i'm so happy but look at that look how wonderful and distinct and like separated the cells are they're so pretty oh they're so pretty look how beautiful that little wispy part is right there you see the transparencies in the base coat mixing with the colors and happy freaking friday night oh my gosh it's so pretty i love this so much i'm super super super duper happy with this please tell me what you think in the comments below so pretty see let's get them let's get them all ready one two three focus there you go it's gorgeous fly by fly over well thank you for joining me i'll see you guys next time have a wonderful friday bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 688
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: IwtVXm9OH3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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