68. Tilted Bloom Swipe! πŸ’•

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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel my name is erisa and this is orissa art and today i am working on a 16 by 40 inch canvas and i am going to do a swipe on there on here with negative space uh crossways that's too long i can't have you on camera with me looking at it vertically so i'm going to swipe it horizontally and then tilt it and i'm doing another transparent background with color art pigments and i'm going to show you the amount of color i use to the amount of pillow i end up with so you can see how i make it transparent but first let's go over my colors so my first and only tube paint which will go on the bottom is the iridescent precious gold by peveo student studio acrylics and this is all mixed with my house paint pouring medium and then i have a mixture of a couple of color pigments this is a mixture of the sea spray which i didn't have too much of left and then the be mine to come up with this beautiful beautiful beautiful blue here gorgeous sparkly lovely color and then i have the envy which is a color art prism pore color it's a beautiful green with a gold undertone which i think will pick up the pebio iridescent gold really amazing uh really well and then i have the primary element in payne's gray which is just beautiful love it two and then my finally i have the prism poor and the heartthrob and this is just such an amazing color so that is my heartthrob my cell activator today is also it's mixed with australian flow troll as well as my um minwax cultural my minwax cell activator mix and this is oxidized oxide black by amsterdam with a little bit of permanent prism violet by the text basics so that is that color so i want to show you so for this size canvas you need approximately it says approximately 22 blah blah blah ounces of paint so box approximately 23 ounces of paint now when you're doing i just dropped a lot of like paint crumbs on my canvas i'm going to pick those off as i talk when you're doing a um deconstructed bloom or a swipe go with more paint uh than it's the when calculated and by calculate it i mean that mean of valegas um will do tell you to do 16 by 4 divided 16 times 40 that number divided by 28 and that will get you how much paint you need to cover the surface you have and it works really well but for these i love to have a little bit extra so i have about 40 ounces of my weird pouring medium mix it has got a lot of different things in here because i want it to be thick like a pillow paint but i'm using a pigment to paint to tint it so this is my pouring medium and in here i have liquitex gloss medium i have liquitex um gloss gel i have gac 800 and i have liquitex pouring medium and a little bit of the house paint base just to thicken it up all of those dry clear so so this is about 40 ounces of this mixture and to this i am literally adding like two and a half ounces of pigment so that's why my painting my base is gonna be transparent because there's so little pigment to all that pouring medium that's also why this is painted white with the amsterdam titanium white also all right so you are so far so close to this canvas you can't possibly see it so i am going to put you up in the air i'm gonna pause the video put you up in the air and then we'll come back and play with paint i'll be right back okay i am back and let me show you so once and these are color art prism poor um not prison pore but they're pigments so you saw how little i had in there and you saw how much of the pure medium but still they're so wonderfully saturated look what that paint that little tiny bit of color did to this pouring medium that is why i love these pigments it doesn't take a lot to give you such fabulous colors and it's super sparkly and so pretty and you saw how much i used to this whole big 40 ounce thing of um pouring medium of the base coat and i just love these pigments they they're so pretty but i am going to lay these down in the center and then i'm going to swipe with various um palette knives i'm going to try to keep it close because i don't really want a bunch of bubbles okay i am done making a bunch of noise so my goal is to also because this has got my house paint base in it i also want to swipe um the blue and leave some black lacing in there i don't know if it'll work because there's so much else in this painting so this is just my me experimenting i want to try one thing here all right so i got a smaller palette knife because i'm using this big one from um color art but i also have a these are approximately the same size this one from liquitex is not this one it's slightly smaller but then they have this one that's a little smaller so we'll see what happens and then i have of course this little one for little details so let's pour some paint else in places so i'm gonna go with my gold first all right so i'm going to load up my palette knife with some of my cell activator just a little bit not too much you don't want to throw too much cell activator on your canvas so i have it like that and then i'll tilt it around to cover the whole surface and tap off the excess all right and that's okay it'll cover it up so just a little bit of a swipe here and i realized i said oh it'll cover up but remember this is really transparent so i'm going to get a towel and i'm going to really clean that off of there in fact i'm gonna get a little alcohol and try to get it off completely because i don't want that on here so get as much of it off as we can being aware that it will drive transparent there we go that is beautiful beautiful beautiful i am going to take my little tiny palette knife cover it with some black cell activator and on the edge here where it will tilt off i want to first try to see how it looks if i just add some black lacing in there so really tap off my extra because if it doesn't work i'm going to end up tilting this off anyway so it won't matter so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] remember i have a color discount code erisa root 221 if you want to try these pigments and the prism pour and you can get this palette knife and they have resin it um resin art pic pigments and they're gorgeous too so definitely definitely worth your while to try these pigments because they're gorgeous i want to swipe this way and bring that up into the negative space and i'm going to clean off my board there again as i dripped and i don't want it there all right it's time to tilt you guys can you see that pigment there i don't know if you can see it but it's slightly blue that is how saturated these things are these pigments are it just touched it and it leaves that mark because it's so heavily pigmented and you get so much they go so far it's amazing i love them so much cover my corners a bit and we're gonna tilt oh i love it so much they're so pretty i'm kind of thinking perhaps i'm gonna put some more on this end what do i want to do because it's weighted that way my last swipe is that way so perhaps i'll do a little one here too just to make sure it's balanced in the end i'm gonna save a little bit because i still have to add um slow extender on this side so just a little one here and do green blue pans gray and then the pink and this is again just to make sure because this may like this this may tilt off completely but if it's not there and it doesn't tilt off i'm left with a big space of negative space up here and i don't want to do that sorry i got a little bit of loose paint on my palette knife there from putting it down all right last one and then we get to tilt it around i'm so excited that do that look how pretty that i won't put it in there but trust me the palette knife is gorgeous all right use the rest here as a flow extender i always kind of do these little jets off to the corners because it feels like it helps it reach it may not i may just be mentally psyching myself out but it works for me let's tilt i want to go side to side first i think i'm going to clean my hands because they have dark on them and again i don't want dark on the canvas at all if it's not gonna be part of the painting there we go all right where's the weight on my paint sticking to my pedal pad a bit there we go [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i wonder oh darn it i'm about to take a chance you guys oh my gosh what am i gonna do what am i gonna do i'm gonna take a chance i'm gonna lay some color in the center oh my gosh what am i doing this for i'm crazy i'm gonna lay some color all the way across oh this is bad i don't know why i'm doing this i got problems oh man but i just want to break this up a bit it's bothering my eyeballs i don't want too much green because there's already a lot of green and gold right there a lot of paint right there because i don't i'm putting a lot of paint because i don't have a pillow so i need it to be able to tilt so i'm making that decision to put a lot of paint get my cell activator it's just my eye doesn't like it at all and i don't want to keep on tilting and messing up the parts i do like so chances are gonna be taken i'm gonna go towards me i think no i'm gonna go away from me let that fall off scrape that into the bucket that's pretty and then i'm going to expand that i'm going to tilt away from me first [Music] mmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh my goodness that was a harrowing overdeal my poor piddle pads golly but i really like the result i really like the blending of the colors and how the transparent colors really lie on top of one another and there's so much sparkle with that iridescent precious gold by patio but look at the colors i love how that heart drop just kind of peeks out in there it's beautiful and then this is where i added so you get all the vibrancy of these colors right in the center and i really like that you get a lot of detail in there which i think is super cool man those look so cute right there they're so happy oh my gosh oh so cute i gotta slow down a bit and i love how rich these colors are and they'll dry this way too which is a phenomenal thing but look at that payne's gray it's really such a pretty pretty pretty color the pins gray by uh color art is just stunning i love the movement moving in here so it doesn't look perfect like i just swiped them and left them there so i'm glad i created some of that term turbulence in there which makes it look like it like it was poured with the original piece oh my goodness i'm really glad i put those two swipes in the center really really really super happy about that and then the movement right here how it just kind of slides down into all these cells and lacing it's a little bit wonky but it's deconstructed so it works oops i said the d word deconstructed but it wasn't a blowout right look how pretty that is that's so pretty and this was that last one i created in the corner here where there was a muted corner oh my goodness it's so pretty i love that md2 you can see it just kind of peeking out next to that gold and there it is right there it's such a pretty color but and i'm actually going to touch those because they're too solid for me so i'm gonna just muddy them up a bit there we go so they're not just a big solid swath of color but let me know i'm gonna zoom out here sorry about the blurriness for a moment there we go let me know what you think about this in the comments below my poor table my gosh uh thanks for watching thanks for being patient with me as i perform in front of a live audience at the art festivals but thanks for watching guys i will see you next time bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 292
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: OnG2EvYg89M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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