42. Beautiful Blooms with My New Cell Activator Mix!! 😃😃

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel my name is erisa and this is arissaroo art and i'm super excited because today is the day i get to share with you the cell phone cell activator recipe have come up using only us-based products or products that are based in the us and canada and a lot of countries in europe i believe but i'm so excited uh i wanted to do a few tiles today with these products i'm going to do a canvas with them i'm going to mix the product products right in front of you and show you exactly how much i put of each thing in there and i'm going to do it all on camera and i'm so excited because a lot of people are limited in their ability to do blooms because they can't get astray or australian flow troll or they can but it's just too expensive because it's too expensive um when you're in the u.s or anywhere else in the world really to get it shipped over to you but i'm so excited to show you guys what i've come up with let's get painting i'm just i can't wait i'll be right back all right guys i am back first and foremost i wanted to show you the dried result of the canvas i did it did have some cracking on it because i didn't put gac 800 in with my house paint and it's on canvas and it's super important to put um the gac 800 on canvas if you're not going to spin off too much of your house paint because it will crack but the important part is that it held so wonderfully i it dried so amazingly well the lacing stayed true it did not get out of shape or anything what i s um got when i spun it was exactly how it dried there was no changing no pigment breaking on the edges nothing i am so so so thrilled with this and again this was just an experiment so i'm not really concerned about that what i may do is paint the inside of that black just for contrast and resin it because actually i kind of like it it looks really kind of cool to me even with the cracking because it went along the lacing line so i really am so happy with how it turned out so i'm going to show you what i put in my cell activator mix um first of all there's american flow troll that's just a given so i have this you can i'm pretty sure you can use oro troll that you get in europe the only difference is is that it's a bit thicker than the american flow troll so the water in my mix you probably want to increase it just a little bit just to thin it out a little bit i can't tell you how much thicker because i've never used it but i just know it is thicker um so i use that we also know that the minwax priest i can't tilt it because i've already opened it let me tilt it a little bit the pre-stain wood conditioner we use that and a lot of people will use just this in the wood conditioner and come up with a result that is and i'm done i'm speaking for personal experience too it's okay it's kind of hit and miss sometimes the cells are a little wonky um sometimes they they go out of shape because there's just not enough binding or whatever to it and if you remember there was a few videos back where i did a big ornament round i don't remember which video it is in it but i am that when i was mixing my cell activator i felt like it was a little rubbery and i i spoke to that that the american the australian floetrol gives it a little bit of a rubby rubbery consistency like it's stretchy and so this plus the flow troll wasn't giving me that stretch now um on my last video i got an uh a response on one of those glass videos i got a question about using the gac 900 in cell activator from the screen name was leonard kane and her name was jean i think um but she was asking me if i could use the gac 900 because it allows things to stretch and so i told her i would try it and i did so that is also in my mix but this also is very watery oops it's pouring it out so i wanted to thicken it up a little bit because um i wanted it to stretch but i don't think this would have done it because it's so watery so the last ingredient i thought to add was this product by golden it is golden uh soft gel gloss and if you look up this it's kind of funny how i got this some of you guys may know i had knee surgery in november um and on the day i came home at that day i had my surgery i came home and under anesthesia i was like let's go shopping and i bought this and like three days later a week later when it came i was like what the heck did i buy this for so don't purchase things under anesthesia but i had a coupon and i was anesthetized so i thought let's buy some stuff but i'm glad i did because there's a lot of uses for this and one of them is making gel skins and um watercolor transfers to so to me that told me that this is really really stretchy when it dries because to make a gel skin on plastic and be able to pull it up you got to have some kind of flexibility in there and so this was the last ingredient plus water that i put in this cell activator mix now proportions i just i i have a feel for some things so i didn't do much research the first proportions that i tried were the ones that worked for me so i was super fortunate for that um so i'm gonna mix some and you can see this this is let me grab a knife this is super super super jelly so you can see um it's got a nice consistency to it and it dries clear so i thought that would be a good thing to put in my cell activator uh mix so let's mix some for you i'm sorry i'm a little jumbled uh so the first ingredient i put was this gloss gel and so for this one i'm gonna do five grams into here did i drop something in there and sorry there's a little bit of a glare so i'm trying to see it upside down so five grams of this that's 5.2 right and it's not it doesn't have to be exact exact the 5.2 will be fine too so 5.3 i'll go with that 5.3 of that the next thing i added was the gac 800 i'm sorry the gac 900 i added two grams of this and so zero it out and get to two grams of this all right 2.3 will work 2.1 ish then i added the minwax pre-stained wood conditioner now this is super super super fragrant a lot of people do not like this um it smells so strong so really keep it closed until you need to use it if you need to use this formula and it's really simple you're really sensitive to it open a window be in a well ventilated area or even use a mask it's so strong and it's hard to get beyond that a lot of people said the linseed oil works too i tried it with linseed oil first and foremost i don't like it because it's yellow um the oil is really really yellow and i i don't want that to translate ever into my pores and then um just even when you mix it with white you can see the oil on top so i have a feeling that this is going to resist resin perhaps where this does not resist resin i've used this formula before um years ago or not a year ago when i started this and i didn't have the australian cholesterol i used this formula and i resin right over it so it doesn't resist resin even though it's oil-based i don't know why and this hasn't a water-based component make sure you get the red can don't get the blue can or whatever other color it is don't get that one so for this one i'm going to use one gram let me grab a spoon here so again i'm not that sensitive to it it doesn't bother me but if it bothers you really do vent it so it looks amber in the can but it's not that amber in the pore so that's 0.5 0.7 all right a little bit more oh one more drop there you go and then shut it right away because like i said it's super fragrant if you keep inhaling it you can get a headache so at this point i stir these ingredients together because i want to incorporate them before i add the flotrol so really make sure you get them all incorporated get any lumps out the gloss gel is the only thing that could lump but it breaks apart really really easily and you get a smooth mix all right so i'm gonna leave that stick in here zero out my scale again and then to this i'm gonna add 44 grams of botrl seeing this upside down is so fun 32 36 ah 48 it'll be okay 48 grams of flour mix that around again and so you see at this point it's really well mixed but it's too thick so that's when i add the water to it and then to this mix i would add 12 grams of water so i've got my water here zero that out and you get 12 grams of water now it seems like this is a lot of product um to buy separately but it goes so far most of us who do fluid art we have flow troll already especially if you're in the us um you have the american flow troll already or canada you have that one uh the gac 800 and the soft gel i've broken that down here so for my cell activator i used um i made a big tub so this whole thing here is to it was two liters of my cell phone my cell activator mix um but i used 150 grams of golden um 60 grams of gak um the soft gel 60 grams of the gac 30 grams of the pre-stained wood conditioner 1320 grams of the american flow troll and 378 grams of water i got those numbers just by multiplying that's just um what i came up with um i used a little more water though because i wanted to make sure it wasn't too thick so price wise after doing all the numbers and stuff and i didn't account for the fact that these gak and golden products they usually have coupons on them per two liter um thing of it it cost me about 20 dollars so i can buy american flo sorry australian float troll four liters and it's almost 300 after shipping just for um eight liters i should say this is two liters for twenty dollars so to get the eight liters you're gonna get what a hundred a hundred or eighty dollars for eight liters that's nothing at all so to me it's well worth it i hope that wasn't confusing um so i wanted to show you how it works so i'm going to do a couple of tiles here i'll get you onto my spinner and i'll be right back all right so this is my spinner oh you know what i didn't tell you so a lot of people use the amsterdam titanium white and amsterdam i think lamp black or something like that for this the beautiful part about this though is that i have found it works best with artist loft flow acrylic colors um the full acrylic black and the flow acrylic white works so well with this on a four to one ratio um the titanium white by amsterdam actually didn't work as well and i typically my black i use is uh winsor newton mars black and that didn't also that also didn't work at well as well and i don't know if it's because they're so heavily bodied or so heavily pigmented i say i should say but the um artists love flow acrylic white and black those these two work super super well the other colors that i found that worked well are actually they are um and i didn't try all of them obviously this is the artist's cloth floor acrylic in red bright red and then this is the prussian blue by amsterdam and these are all four to one they worked super super well so i'll try each one of those for you today um my house paint bases are just my normal glitter and white and then i have a color place black so but the house plate base is neither is not as important so let me just do a couple of tiles for you i will tell you my colors as i go this is the um sergeant liquid metal in the aztec gold and this is the turquoise deep by golden and i wanted to use a variety of different paint brands so people can get them everywhere this is the [Music] red violet i believe sorry this is the red purple by amsterdam and then i have prism violet by liquitex basics and so i like using a black and a white cell activator white and then black so i'm going to do that and if you can see when i put this down you'll get the immediate halo you'll get the haloing effect that you get when you use the um australian flow troll so you can see i don't know if you can see it but it's starting to halo just like the australian float troll which is so exciting to me [Applause] and so i'll put the black on top of that and blow this out and give it a spin there we go so you see it works so immediately and so well and i'm so excited because this is just so cool all these ingredients you can get here you can get in the united states in canada and a lot of parts of europe i believe from what i know i've not been in a lot of parts of asia i'm sure so it's so exciting that you can get these results without the australian flow trial because that stuff is magic but expensive magic and again this is two liters for twenty dollars approximately and that's not without that's without coupons at the joann's and michael's where you would get your products or blick or jerry's wherever you get your products they usually have coupons that was full price and so let me grab this off so you can see where did i put my little thing here grab my little thing okay whatever you want to call it but look at that i don't know if you can see it well in the camera because i can't see what i'm doing up there but it is perfect it's absolutely perfect the cells develop so well and so completely and they'll hold their shape and i'm so excited so excited that i can share this with you guys because this is cool but i really like this one and accessibility to me is so super important that people find that they have access and that they're not pressured by financial reasons or demographic reasons but look at that it's so sparkly and so pretty um that people have access to the things they want to do the things they want because what's the point of learning this technique if you can't get a hold of the proper ingredients to make it work and so to me being able to show you guys this and come up with this little formula is so fun i'm gonna do one more because i think you've seen enough of tiles and then i'm going to do a canvas [Music] see i want you to see it before i swipe it the bottom of my little thing came off i'll just put it down so before i even swipe it maybe i'll just tilt this one i'll tilt it to where i want it to be and then i'll spin it a bit all right so let's give it a spin oh my gosh you guys this is so much fun this is so much fun and i'm so happy that this is working so well so look at that that is so cool and that's the prussian blue and i think using this formula you're going to have a lot more opportunities to use a lot more colors for your cell activator sorry i'm sitting there trying to show you but i'm looking at it so that is a swipe with prussian blue last thing i'm going to do is an old canvas i wanted to also i'll show you guys this campus because this is one of my first dutch boards how far we've come i thought this was so amazing um it's not bad but i can do better and so i'm just gonna pour over this i made it a long time ago and it's just been sitting in a closet so it's going to go down for the cause [Music] the corn the middle and then make sure i cleared let's give it a spin i may pour this one again actually just because i don't want to use four or the three cell activators it's just too much and i've got the paint so why not and now my sides are covered so it will go down my sides which it was a problem last time as you saw earlier i really like it but i'm just going to use the white and the black here again and i'm going to still do my little blip thing there but i'll only use the white and the black cell activator this time not the blue let's spin this out you see what i had wow i'm so glad i taped up those sides i'm sorry this looks really cool my gosh i love it so much oh my gosh i love it and they're gonna keep on developing i'm not gonna go over it because i will drip right in the center let me take these gloves off i am gonna get you guys down off of this tripod so you can see how this cool thing looks i'm so happy with the cell activator i'm so happy with it you guys i'm so happy sorry i keep saying that it's because i'm so happy so look how cool this looks focus look at all the little beautiful cells developing they're so pretty so cool look at how many colors are in that one cell it looks like the an open jawbreaker i absolutely love this piece more so than the dutch poor that was under this focus here so you see ah you guys i'm about i'm literally doing a happy dance i won't do it too much because i'm gonna shake the camera and make you dizzy but oh my gosh look at that that is so amazing so so so amazing you guys anyway i'm happy to have shared this with you guys thank you so much for watching thank you for so much for letting me do this experiment with you um let me know i will list all the products in the description below all the price breakdown um how to mix it everything in the description below thank you for your patience and letting me do the little teasers but i really wanted to make sure it was going to dry first um look how beautiful the cells are developing right there ah i'm so excited thank you for watching guys i will see you next time i'm just super excited bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 17,515
Rating: 4.9486794 out of 5
Id: Ehva7qdpXZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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