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so today we are in egg harbor city we found out last night that they were holding the annual citywide yard sale [Music] all right it's actually pretty cool it is cool this is a good i'd wear this for halloween that one i'll pass on i got another 10. um chalkboard how much is this five bucks perfect all right what happened it's an action smell i did smell it dude i didn't get it don't feel that maybe hard yeah that's a claim for sure all right thank you okay is that the baseball stuff yours yeah what's the story on it do you know anything about it really cool though and the seat yeah this setup i bet you've seen those probably paid five hundred thousand bucks yeah i want to move it if you're interested the deal of the day what is it you tell me i have no idea what it's worth we'll find out he knows good luck take care this guy reminds me of landis yeah so nice and just calm cool well love bugger i won't lie in this world when you need school what you saw is what you reap the price of even making it you know it's not cheap never mind the lights you can sacrifice sleep put your best out there see results in a week i don't think they know what is up everyone good morning so today we are in egg harbor city black and whitey just ran across or is it a grand lady i don't know it was a taxi i saw he disappeared into that briar patch but we found out last night that they were holding the annual citywide yard sale and we've been to the last two years so we figured let's roll out and see if we can find anything so here we are at the yard sale so we're just going to be going to this straight first sale right here on the block and see what we got you just they usually have a lot i don't know how this year is going to be but if you just blind up and down all these streets you can normally find really cool stuff for pretty good prices so should be a big day like 20 sales i think but this is our first one we'll see what they got hit list today hit list yeah i'm going to try and find some oversized sweatshirts so you can tie-dye them i can tie an iron for you guys i'm claiming vintage shirts old old boom box stereos video games comic books definitely vintage shirts anything anything and everything that can go for good prices most of most and foremost so i like to just look hi how are you doing today good gucci berry right here this is vintage the drawing [ __ ] dude this is it pajamas right though dice peter parker look and then he flips into spider-man oh because the clothes come off yeah the head flips around well i guess yummy there's a half spider-man face but still cool that's pretty cool i like that all right first sale no go but that's just how it goes but she said have a blessed day so she said have a blessed we will all right let's rock this out sale number two that we went to for all burritos [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yep [Music] how much for the knives the knives three what kind of you got there it's a cannon eight uh 80. it's like the next one above the t7i wind it still doesn't do that much but like if it's really windy for the video the audio gets distorted so it kind of gives it a little buffer how about this might get that yeah look at that maybe yeah yeah look what i ended up getting i went back for it had the shirt on but uh sammy got these for landis so he can have his indoor his outdoor encased litter box that he likes to poop in all right we're about to hit up this is the third sail we'll see how are you going good this is where it comes into play where the specialty claims come into play because i don't know enough about baseball cards five bucks for this that might be a deal dig deep dude i'm seeing gold in there what's in this book no got it thank you though oh yeah we had a couple million of those records of those before [Music] [Music] [Music] that looks like something that was not extremely mass-produced [Music] [Music] so so kiki all right kill what do we got nothing pokemon stickers [Music] a little signature there wolf all right you guys can probably hear the cr what are those casitas or whatever how do you use that those big beetles in the trees lots of chances being being take to be taken out here today i think those jerseys were fake i don't know for sure he wanted 30 a piece for him and the tag on him there brandon was like three something so i just don't know why he would sell them for 30 unless they were fake and there's some other cool stuff there but moving on to sale number four here so here we go big sale big spread dude this barbie register though [Applause] pretty pretty cool pretty cool [Music] what are you looking at in here i wonder where all this stuff which i don't know keep everybody it's a nice nice nice are you getting in here nothing right [Music] [Music] what are you seeing over here a giant ice cream do you want it me too let's get it the giant ice cream hello good morning hi how are you nice i'm good how are you good how much is the giant ice cream ice cream five five bucks it's a deal why we want it i don't know don dio look at you of course you need that you're gonna put a little light i think i bought something from you last year do you remember what it is yeah ninja turtle figure yeah and i got a life-size ninja turtle head here too it's a mascot that actually used how much i'm asking i was at 75 how much 25 that's a good deal but i'll pass on it but yeah you could probably get that for it it's cool yeah how much are these guys two dollars a piece not bad might have to get them cool is that guy sold is that yours that were actually used for the purpose of that lady came for you here's something turtle's banner what promotion like at a movie theater or something yeah these are um these are actually advertisements for like like of a toy came out these were only exclusive at toys r us but these would hang over like the toy shelves oh okay that's pretty cool banner that they actually use from toys r us it says it on there yeah that's cool not bad you look like you like little teeny dresses come take a look i'm sorry i think i want to get these guys all these guys you see this guy raymond what is he from masters of the universe i never even remembered this guy yeah there's a lot of weird p-man figures i just sold scareglow if you guys are familiar with scare glove sold already huh yeah is this in here no no this is cool though yeah it's a 1984 ghostbuster case and then i i believe it comes with two trays nice yeah that's pretty actually really cool how much is that probably not but yeah you could probably get 10 for it just keep it going if you want i'm just showing you five could you do five on it maybe maybe i already know you're good those are records i'm gonna definitely get the ice cream and these guys those ones girl let me tell you i brought that for new year's like three or four years ago everybody loved it now my ass is fat and i can't do it and it cuts right here it's cute little booty hang out a little bit the bomb the bomb i'm telling you i was like i was like 40 pounds lighter but i rocked that [ __ ] if i had bigger uh a bigger chance no your boobs are bigger trust me when i tell you after some little jelly cutlets in that [ __ ] i was i was a bomb that that was like that is cool i like that and i work some banging ass heels with it i don't sell my shoes though cause i buy nice shoes but i'm telling you some little chicken cuts the boob is not big cause i got eight cups girl trust me trust me these are cool too probably not your size but besides six and a half seven yeah those are cool yeah if you want as a matter of fact if you buy the dress i'll throw them i have no boobs i wear a padded rod it's the illusion of sex because these are the same kits i had when i was 12. i'm not lying girl should i try it on i could put it on over the over this should we do this right now i am telling you it's the bomb i mean i'm kind of getting talked into it and it's not even for me i'd rather you i'd rather you have it because i know you'll rock it listen booty shorts little booty shorts i'm telling you people don't understand like so it's zippers on the side right so let's try this i am telling you it is bomb fun it's going on it's going on we'll see let's see let's try it right oh tell me shake the bomb it's actually pretty cool it is cool this is a good i'd wear this for halloween wait my birthday is on halloween are you all about honey i love oh i might i might have something i already bought the ice cream oh sorry yes it's gone oh my god i can't wait oh my god we need him well if this is and this is you think from looking at it it would definitely zip up tight yes there you go right there okay the cups are two four five they're brand new i just ripped them off because they were done that's three bucks yeah kinda yeah i'll wear it i'll wear it oh wait if you're into huh you want me to test it i can for you uh how much is it um i was asking welcome back i was asking 50. this is cool no you don't don't don't bother i'm not gonna buy it but it's cool it's cool for sure i don't know probably i don't need it i don't need it it works though do you want me to try it out i actually i actually played a 45 on it the other day to see if it worked and i actually did it hey how are you doing hey how are you yeah i figured out man yeah i got your invite thanks i'm definitely gonna um hit up your i don't need a bag actually i'll just throw them in my truck thank you though [Music] thank you good doing business with you we love it i'm telling you you you better rock that dress we're going to do uh we're going to do a picture for it with it oh yeah because that's what we like to do pictures a lot so yeah that's what i yeah i like it if i was young i'd be doing all that stuff i was young nobody was into like i've always been like this i'm a grandma my granddad's like my mom your ass is hanging out and i'm like mind your business let my cheeks hang out if they want them mind your business yes mind your business all right so she's 10 years old and she's like mama i'm your butt mama your butt's hanging out i love it i like you thank you so cute what was your name medina medina that's my son georgie i met him last year oh yeah you had that met me maybe yeah yeah but good i'm glad we could do business it was nice meeting you thank you have a good day when get some stuff later this is cool very cool hey hi how are you good you have a neat camera oh yeah it's nice right yes i love it how's the show going so far good it's a lot of fun to do all kinds of people come around you got something can't but let's see i think we can walk to another one right now yeah what's your camper yeah it's jccc hi how about you a quarter anything right there yep cool thank you you're welcome 600 people in here look at this wall this stone wall here this is cool all right we're here at another one here i guess we'll have to get the car are you liking this yeah i don't know why it's not like i have a dog but it looks like river what am i doing i have no balls to put this on but it is super cool for five dollars count olaf lives here this is definitely a cool neighborhood like a throwback in time all right i had to quick pull over and just check out these signs because they might be worthy what's up man good what's the deal on the signs any of them the deliveries only i like that that's that was 20. i just sold a bunch of 10. and you got the real metal yeah that's a legit one right they're all they were all legit yeah i was getting 24 dudes i had the little police ones there all kids bought them all up for the room yeah that's the way to do it how about this beer science everything works i was getting temperatures that's not bad that's pretty nice yeah it works lights up they all light up yeah what are these they're veterans they don't make la gear no no they don't they're women these are probably 85 90. how much for those in there what do you got in there there's some rock and roll i got them all on my ipod uh some burned ones oh you got the there's some stone sour not sexy cool crazy crazy sexy cool it's a nice collection there two bucks how about what do you want for the the fosters and those are ten each yeah would you do all three of the beer signs for twenty i mean beer signs are going for 50 60. i had them sold before and i told the guy no i thought he'd get more on facebook 25 you do and the shoes now they're two you want them i'll do 25 for the signs all right so computer science right yeah not this one no i'm working on these these three what is that you want to do it or yeah i'll do it all right what we're going to do is carry them back later maybe i don't know they'll probably sell though where you live summer summers point yeah my truck's right there all right [Music] yeah i see it i'll take them regardless but i believe yeah real good yeah yeah i'll just clean them down a little and then here i only got 30 though you got a five yeah appreciate it dude yeah oh i can grab uh i take pictures of different stuff yeah really yeah i feel you i'm tired of i need i'm making room still you probably got a whole bunch more too huh i got some mirrors and [ __ ] i'm just bringing out little by little yeah i got all 11 mirror heineken mirror all right thank you dude some old plastic signs from the 70s you're going to bring them out today i'm going to come look at them i gotta work on that my buddy just brought it over i gotta take it apart with batteries that was from uh they're supposed to be the end of the world 2012 yeah and it used to be in bars it was hey it was counting down to the end of the world yeah they did that in 2002 with the uh the computer things yeah and that was supposed to buy 2k yeah oh you got room in here it's nice in here yeah it's not cleaned up what's up with the philly sign that's your baby huh no it's silly what do you want for it what are you giving me i don't know you decide that you fight alex that one i'll pass on how much is the phyllis give me five five i'll take that yeah that was inside my first truck you got anything else i got another 10. um heineken chalkboard uh or i think [ __ ] goes good no it does it does it's big you got a basement in here that's crazy this is a wine cellar this is a nice stiff sign take that trout sign for five which one that's that's [ __ ] this no mike trout that baseball oh where is it oh yeah i'll take that oh for sure he's a legend that [ __ ] on um what's that what's that uh tv show on the history channel yeah they did get 50 because because the mike tryout claim is a local boy though dude it's advertising who's that ronnie oh you would like never open here's the time yeah i got the mike trout too right yeah all right the boy there he is hometown hero got this this rookie year before he's anybody so you might not even see this around i might have someone who wants it anyway like my friend i'm saying yeah why is this sound popping like this look at this whoa do they have gold i don't know they might or is it just a tomfoolery i don't see anything i would buy we're passing sally after sale but a lot of them just are not good enough to stop you want to go to that one not right like these right here these are nice those are cool would they fit me right yeah yeah if they're little boys they probably won't so nice yeah five and a half were these your shoes yes ma'am they're cool i want to see if they fit me how much huh how much here trying got good steez here he had warden what like i mean as you can see they just need to be a few times i got him for him like christmas and he probably wore like three times that's how kids already know that i was like oh my god like i have to get rid of this but he can't fit anything because their feet grow so yes and he was like at a fan show for a minute you know and then it just you know started growing at these oh man these fit me i'm stoking these are nice these are cool hold on let me see some of these other ones these are vans here yeah those are bands they're the same size these are vans ah man i might just wipe you out right now it definitely does he's got some steez all right i'm starting to think what [Music] i was going to look through oh good quarter how much is this is this yours yup quarter a quarter i'll do that yep everything in those bins quarter perfect [Music] [Applause] to the leather budweiser this is nice all right big tops it's having a huge top tops yeah like these people are are running to it because it looks so good look get it i do that too though don't you yeah damn you need an umbrella out here today this would be savage just standing out here this is for [ __ ] [Music] good thing i put sunscreen on some old trains these might be acquainted that's so funny that's a good box right [Music] there [Music] wow it's hot out here i don't think i can deal with this chevrolet police vehicles let's see what this is looks like a starter jacket wow that's a pretty good one right there honestly that's nice that's a come up this is pretty amazing actually how much is this five bucks perfect all right uh three bucks they're seven and a half eight i think i don't know how you are scoring work these are cool hey hold this i forgot my money all right yeah yeah check this out before we get too crazy check this check check this out though check this out should i try it off it has the thing what's the thing the this is a for this dude this is the joker purple suit this is the legit one this is just cool in general yeah it's for like a play the thing is it's a large but it would definitely fit me oh yeah yeah it's supposed to be smaller around the um i think we need to do a picture out front of this sound because it looks so good okay yeah yeah should we do it now then get it i'm pretty sure right yeah that's a nice little sweater vest there fast not sledder you pretty much got the gold i mean dude yeah that started yeah bro is this it dude this goes with it dude this goes with it because it's hot now so it's brutal to think about either for you maybe um i think we're coming all right thank you [Music] all right i'm running back to the car really quick to get my cash but this sale right here as we called it as we pulled up is just like a huge rental company they rent like party equipment so we knew they would just be trying to get rid of stuff willy wonka my husband and he learned the song it was amazing how much how much is it ten bucks all right it's outstanding i've been called willy wonka before so he kind of looks like i'm in a creepy do you have that purple i don't know where that is dude the top hat we had a purple thought it was it was there it was he looked like willy wonka he had a cane he hit a what are we going gonna do i don't know who i'm gonna be but you're definitely gonna be willy wonka dude if they get that hat to me she's gonna get you the hit i couldn't film it but they had a picture of her and her husband was william hunker they looked so good dude the hair down i can curl your hair for you oh dude remember that one we were at uh when we were at bams he was claiming willy wonka the one guy [Applause] [Laughter] kind of do look like willy wonka the original though not that not the johnny depp what happened it's dog [ __ ] smell it i did smell it dude i didn't get it don't fail that'll end your day good thing you got some pairs of vans you could just slide on oh god put those in the back dude put this in the back so sad am i jeffrey campbell you don't look you don't look like willy wonka damn we didn't get the picture though those are good let me see them those are easy three dollar claim these are comfy as all do these look weird with this outfit though i should just put the bands on it's got a little pop-up sail here on the side hey hey it's an old wrestling shirt yeah it's from 98 but probably the design might be older than that this is nice going to be free there you go that's nice all right man have a good one to the american legion or now across oh yeah yeah they did before remember this is crazy now i'm in i mean these aren't dead on comfy you're all style i don't know what you mean just don't step and pay for that why was there that much poop what was that from a human no it's from a big dog that table is actually pretty cool full table and accessories 200 okay let them come out first thank you thank you that may be hard that might be that might be a claim yeah that's a claim for sure uh that's probably a claim too [Music] what is this fitness stupid fitness videos no clothes huh oh willy wonka's hat what is this i'm a monster dude my chemical romance band how to the king green day american idiot these maybe maybe these whoa that's the claim right there check out that is that's a dollar and then i don't know all right you want to do a dollar for all of them yeah that's perfect all right they were all my sons yep i'm like somebody will want them good taste in music i had um having a car i have a um a vest with um i'll bring it in i'll let you see it yeah okay for sure i didn't know if it would move so i was like yeah yeah that'd be cool right look at this green day i don't know what this is oh mice and mad do you want a bag for them hey out to the king of n7 fold yes please eminem berserk and my chemical romance let's check them out oh what's this what yeah how much five dollars and then the rest is hot so lots of bands i think this one sign i don't know who that is these are all dc's that won't work i don't know what that is thank you just leave them all out i know they'd go all right thank you oh hi doggy oh so cute little chicken nugget got some cool clothes these are cool that's for you it's all you boys dude this one's for you let me see cool whatever this is it's pretty sick so many ways to be wicked what is that it's like a disney thing isn't that dusty dusty good thing i have a mask on that's pretty cool what's it's that secret yeah it's a it's a knockoff on that not just justice justice yeah this is cool though [Music] this is super cool put it right here because they'll definitely sell that this is actually nice this the metal and it has wheels on the bottom which is cool hot all right we're good here right yeah next one next time pretty classic pretty classic should i get this right here all right this place is a deals on wheels car dealership but they're having a sale it's probably the last sale we're going to hey how are you hey what's up because like some museum style is it a claims that's pretty cool where did this come from where would this have come from should we get a picture here but still yeah where did the baseball stuff come from a friend i don't know any history on it no it's cool it is super cool dude motley crue hello should we pull that hanging thing out [Music] more twelve is this the lowest price for those uh what does he have on it 90. um he's right inside that shed there this big shed yeah does he know anything about it or he might know a little bit more okay i'm not really sure thank you i don't see this guy see in that thing hey is that the baseball stuff yours yeah what's the story on it do you know anything about it which one the the franklin one the picture you're talking about the display box the shadow box yeah yeah yeah i got it it came i bought it for a friend he bought it from um somebody that was liquidating casino stuff down in lance city is that the lowest you'll take for it um no i'll go down a little bit but i have 90 on it yeah i'll get 75. all right i'll take a chance on i don't know anything about it it's really cool though on the seat yeah the setup i bet christina's probably paid 500 1000 bucks yeah now that you say the casino it even makes it or unless they just got there's no way they would spend money to remake that though it doesn't make sense right but yeah i'll take it for that one this one on this side yeah he said it came from a casino okay so like hard rock would have like yeah uh maybe not actually because they just do like uh famous musicians i think should i just get those the other ones no don't get that yeah yeah because if there's mold in the other one i don't know i only got 100. you got changed is this your spot over here yep yep that's your lay mouth yep that's cool i want to move it if you're interested [Laughter] i don't need it we were gonna shuttle customers back and forth i had three of them and you know like when somebody called up to buy a car yeah that makes sense and my buddy had another dealership and he was doing the five year pay here with a lot of our customers at that time we weren't doing it but we were going to bring them right to the other location that's what we were going to use for it's not bad it's cold yeah that's what we do we go out and look at like christmas lights and set it up about six times with friends the deal of the day what is it you tell me i have no idea what it's worth we'll find out he knows good luck take care this guy reminds me atlantis yes so nice and just calm cool well love bugger should have gotten both of these but i didn't i dropped the ball on that one if you want to get both then get this dude i'm just trying to think of where that would have came out of but you know what that reminds me of something that would be in like cracker barrel and honestly if you have a hard time selling it uh you could just go to one of those businesses because they would fully buy it i mean do you think i'd really have a hard time flipping it for the same price no no okay no absolutely not if i gave him 50 for the other you think you take it i don't know what it is do you know what it is it's not real this is real yeah these are the cards the cards aren't right floors aren't real but they did a beautiful job it was in a casino he said yeah like so i was figuring at the very least you know it's for just the display the other one's nice did you see that yeah i get the other one i don't know yet you should have made it deal with i did get this for 75. that was good the other one's nicer too the other one's cool you reach out right it's good right yeah yeah go get it get it before the sun makes it drip it's dripping already yeah no you don't want that into your uh condensation i might have to put it in there i think it'll be no good i don't know what money yeah this alone is worth money super nice you paid how much 75 for this yeah i say you get three to five do you think so the right person you're gonna have to find the right person 75 on that one if we can get that he can give him i think he's gonna try and get that one for 50 because that's all he has left yeah and that one would go for the same price because you're going you're only doing it on this you understand what you're saying yeah they're yankees right yeah but this is what check in on it before you go throwing it online because i'm not a mole okay i would leave it inside of here though yeah for sure they did a good job it looks really good in there i just hope it doesn't get what you're saying like the condensation on the excess you think if i put it in the cold though it's then it'll get the condensation put it in your house in our house you got centroid all right yeah so it's a neutral you know what i'm saying he's getting the other one because i don't know why because i would have bought them if you didn't hold them all right it was nice talking to you guys huh he did good no matter the way you look at it you're not going to lose only because the vintage clothing yeah you gotta understand with venti closure the only problem with that is there's so much just said because they had you talk about games this is this is beautiful yeah it's watered down here what do you let you have fun both for 150. it's not good this i was telling her this you this is this i would put online because that's where you sell right line between three and five but uh check it out first you understand this though this is your money right here that that don't mean nothing okay this is what you got to worry about right here send that picture i'm nervous it's done well these are just printed out right yeah they're so they're just to their knees and then their screws were blown up yeah but they did good whoever framed them i'd hope to just put this up on like my facebook and i have a lot of like collectors and stuff and maybe they can tell me values yeah wow don't like i told her i would not go no lower than three tops but i think you can get a lot more this is where you're going to get the money this is nice right what do you think i stopped for you you got ahead of me put it this way it's not right without both of them now that's what i said that's why i said you got to get the yellow yeah what was your name genius genie i deal on all this [ __ ] nice to meet you although i've been doing antiques and collectibles for 25 years i'm sammy and this is tucker yeah the worst case scenario is i put it up on an auction yeah you put it in your house and you enjoy it yeah this one maybe that one this one this is your money right here i'm going to sell this to a museum they have the good stuff see ya you too she's got a chevy don't die she was about to buy it but these are about to buy these right out from under us she was like that's why i stopped and i was like no no i got that [ __ ] already all right what do we do with this where did we go from here i would put this in the back of the truck not in the truck i know why because uh i don't know just for some reason i feel like going from being in the blasting 100 degree weather to inside to inside like air conditioning is going to make it i had to get both of them but i don't want this one how much did you pay for that dude no i don't know you'll definitely be able to get your money back on this one i mean people are die hard die hard baseball fans i think we came up today boys i mean i don't know i mean this was a tiny little man because like those are would be fitting me he was small look at him who is this guy um somebody will know what are you guys our gals well now you were saying that he thinks the casino paid well over a thousand for these for sure just to get them done too that's all right we're back to the house with all our stuff we scored pretty big today sammy got that ice cream she got a nice dress that she could easily sell again some shoes a couple pairs of vans one that she's gonna keep a couple that she's gonna sell this philly shirt that was a quarter literally so can't pass that up it's like a st paddy's day one and then we went big real big with the signs so i got foster's beer sign two miller beer signs philly's plastic sign there and then we got i scored this sixers starter jacket for five bucks that's easy i would say thirty dollars at least and these were the big boys of the day two 1920s new york yankees uniform or this is the top layer and that's the bottom layer either way if these are legitimate they're worth a good amount of money so i'm going to probably try to get them appraised by some kind of a sports specialist unless somebody knows information about it and then i got this mike trout like stand up thing just because he's a local person from the area and this soccer mankind beanie baby pretty cool i think that's it well maybe a few other things but i hope you guys enjoyed the video it's a really good picking today what do you have to say very good very good stuff here is just this is this one's really cool one quarter i mean mint condition for a quarter that needs to be washed these i'm going to tie dye and resell vintage levi strauss shorts because they're kind of like they have like little stains on them so those would be cool catch us next time guys these guys should try these on sure what did you do i gotta go clean that dog poop off the shoes let's see these shoes they fit yeah for real are they too big i mean those are nice all right they look like some mad max beyond thunderdome type of stuff like like gladiator shoes right you're about to say that right wow they're pretty cool pretty comfy cool score
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 77,294
Rating: 4.8451266 out of 5
Keywords: massive, city, wide, yard, sale, yard sales, garage sale, picking, vintage, finding, sports memorabilia, vintage sports items, yankees, yankees sports uniform, collector, collection, tuck and sammie, sammie j, tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, egg harbor city, south jersey, sales, making money, reseller, flip, flea market, tag sale, rummage sale, antique sale, old, antiques, ehc
Id: gPjeGmEs-EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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