25 Ways to Mess With Your Friends In Fortnite

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these are 25 ways to mess with your friends in fortnite these are my friends lemur and sam you probably remember lemur from our other videos this is awesome we play fortnite squads all the time and so today we decided to secretly mess with lemur 25 different ways and see if he'll put up with it if he lasts until the end he wins a hundred dollars worth of v bucks but if he rage quits he gets nothing what lemur doesn't know is me and sam will be in a secret discord call the entire time with our handy sheet of every way to mess with him he thinks we're only in game chat though these are 25 ways to mess with your friends in fortnite this is the gas station bait wow lemur look at these chug splashes over here you need some of those right you want some shield yeah man oh no where'd these guys come from this is the tire popper guys look i found us a taxi lemur you're probably a great driver what are you doing wait what are you doing attaching okay it's okay it's all right it can still drive it still drives why it's fine lemur it's fine right it drives just as normal right that's 28 hp what do you mean it's fine no it's fine come on get in get in drive by this is just perfect this is just perfect this is the campfire splash guys i'm really looking out of spite anybody have any minis yeah man come over here there's a campfire yes thank you very nice wait what what let's see a campfire lemur we need more wood 300 more wood first my taxi now my campfire this one's the harpoon healer anytime your friend tries to heal harpoon them yeah that fight really got me low right hey wasn't me he wasn't you you're the one holding harpoon gun what are you talking about i got you lemur here here's a big you can take the big pot hey just take the big bar there you go there you go that's what you need right hey i need a heel here oh yeah you're good you got it you got it the next time you see a friend in a one by one always remember the building bulldozer hey lemur ah why would you break the one by one i'm feeling this one's called burn in time check out this house real quick there's definitely some sort of chest in here or something like that check it out oh dude check out this all this loot right here nice sam would you say the loot's a little fire did someone say fire fire oh god all right i'm not taking my friends on a chill chopper ride we're going on mission impossible down below we got a little bit of a build fight but that's all right we're all the way high up in the sky and absolutely nothing could go wrong wait why'd you go to the store oh no we're just taking a little detour because i have the authority i pressed the one button [Music] it's taking a while for a look this is the shockwave launcher we should probably start rotating in the storm right catch wait what are you rotating this is the build breaker yelling up beamer nice get in the car the storm's coming now we're stuck this is the tick tocker come on just a little closer don't move goldilocks all right you caught me what is that how are you killing [Music] this is the waterfall trap lemur lima we're getting pushed we're getting pushed we got a boat come on let's go oh no how did i fall it's okay lemur we got you a grave and everything since you're already dead [Laughter] this is the vault thief yo lemur you got the uh the vault card no i don't have it do you guys have it maybe on the roof it's probably on the roof can you go up to the roof real quick and just go check that out for me buddy you're the best we really need to get this vault open i'm sure there's tons of loot in here that we're probably all going to want to share right yeah i don't really have much oh man that would suck all right well don't worry about it buddy we got you covered a few moments later i'm all done with the loot there's plenty left for you buddy what all right you know we got some we saved some stuff for you this one's the launch pad ruiner we gotta get out of here look we're right next to the storm come on build up hold up let's go god dang it i'll save you are you gonna save me being the lute nabber is a guaranteed way to get a great reaction out of your friends yo lemur you got mad marauders on you i know i know the last one the heavy nice job killing all of them here we're just gonna don't touch anything don't touch anything trust me we gotta come over here and investigate real quick we just gotta we gotta we gotta investigate yeah thanks for the lead i appreciate it let's go what the heck man you're good if you can get your hands on the grappler then you've gotta try the car grappler hey sam where we going right over here pick me up come pick me up super speeding looks like we're literally about to go down a freaking white water rafting we're going to sleep i'm coming to save you buddy grab yourself a jerry can and be the refuel troll yeah lemur we're low on gas buddy you fill up first real quick arrow i'll be driving the entire time i'll be driving i need to refuel real quick wait hang on i'm pretty sure there's some loot over here i'm just gonna i'll be over here just grab that real quick if you can't all right this one is super easy just wait for your friend to get knocked and then basically just keep telling them that you'll be there soon lemur the storm's coming buddy we need to pick up lemur sam gotta get out of here right now it's coming guys we'll be right there lima don't worry about it just a minute no i'm in this guy's eating me all right yeah we're we're almost there it's all right i'm coming back for you like six years i'm right you see me i'm right here i'm right here this next one's called the crazy taxi get in all right i'm it jump in the car so we can get out i'm trying come on wait stop come back come back all right all right all right we're waiting my passenger still has a fair this is the hot drop switch all right boys where you guys looking at landon let's go authority let's do this yep it's gonna be crazy you guys ready for how crazy this is gonna be yeah man it's gonna be one crazy drop right sam oh yeah big time why are you guys way over there where are you going we're going to risky like i just said damn he's below your house hold up he's not ready he has a p90 he is very ready all right he was ready he was ready if we just landed risky reels like we discussed the marking item troll is really simple all you got to do mark an item and then hide it lemur i know you need that shotgun right actually yes i do need a shotgun real quick no problem i'll keep it here just for you yay where's my shotgun it's right there you don't see it where is it right over there what do you mean right over where over there you don't see it where is there okay so you see there it's over there there there over here there's nothing there right there right here right over lima i can't belie you're so blind i can't believe you don't see it over here what are you doing what are you doing so if you know how to edit fast and you have scroll wheel reset then you'll love being the fast resetter fight was crazy right get out of here [Music] come on you know what screw this breaking it done no what is happening so you guys have heard of monkey in the middle ow but you've never heard a fumble of friend or lemur in the middle yeah all right all right we'll revive you after we're done this is the upgrade troller limit you need to be revived it's awfully crazy we're going to need you here quick lemur i need you here real quick oh they're coming i'm in first person what is happening are you naruto running inside of the upgrader right now break dancing in the upgrader right now lemur hates marauders so he always tries to hide with them when we play him this is the giveaway guys there are marauders right over there by the way uh we should probably avoid them right yeah wait what are you doing oh god yeah yeah lemur just deal with them real quick shotgun it's okay it's okay it's okay lemur it's okay it's okay just stay right there stay right there defend me and sam will provide cover fire for you don't you worry we'll be watching to make sure you're safe from this bush right over here where they can't see us right here lemur oh geez all right good job one more left one more left come on okay oh wow look see oh we got it we got it nice we got the loot let's do this again this is the feeding frenzy lemur we got you a shotgun buddy it's all yours man that win was absolutely crazy all right but uh anyways lemur i do gotta talk to you and tell you something yeah so maybe we messed with you a little bit more than normal tonight um and that's because you're actually doing it all right well anyways we were doing a challenge basically we wanted to see if you were going to stay in the route and not quit with us messing with you you accomplished it if you win a hundred dollars worth of v bucks i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna go ahead and get that to you right now it's only 80 anyway so now you're only getting 80. epic games and apple whatnot but uh we appreciate you being a sport and uh we're gonna go ahead and give you whatever you want a few moments later yes look at all these v-bucks baby i'm rich suckers all right well anyways this has been tommy this has been sam and you're watching top 5 gaming make sure to click on screen right now do it
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 9,691,850
Rating: 4.8539672 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 5 games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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