15 MISTAKES Only Fortnite NOOBS Make

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you want to know one thing i learned when making this video if you're ever getting pushed and you want to fake out the person who's chasing you just throw a decoy grenade on a launch pad and they'll think you've flown away check this out watch what happens if you were a noob you probably would have just gotten beamed out of the skies so today we're covering 15 mistakes only noobs make and some pro tips on how you can get better okay so me and sam being the king of noobs decided to switch up the way a tips and tricks video works and it's kind of like the exact opposite where we instead show where you noobs go wrong and how you could fix that we appreciate a like and subscribe if you even learned one tiny little fact here but let's start off with the upgrade trick the upgrade benches around the map especially now that their items are especially helpful to both casual and competitive players in fortnite these things can take you from having unlucky loot to dominating the battleground in minutes but there's a slight problem they take forever to upgrade a gun honestly us noobs sometimes forget completely that you can upgrade your weapons in the first place but for those of us that do remember we spend all of our time trying to make a purple gun into a gold gun it takes literally forever by the time we're almost done we've usually been sniped and it's on to the next match check out how a pro would do it you throw it on your upgrade bench then whip out a grey weapon once you start upgrading the grey weapon just quickly switch over to your purple gun at the very last second and it just upgrades to gold instead it's a super useful trick that might just save your life if the storm's moving very fast the decoy launch pad trick launch pads can be the best thing that ever happened to you and also be your absolute doom these things can save lives and also end them pretty quickly which is why you need to learn how to master them usually a casual player will just get shot at by his squad and panic then they'll throw their launch pad down and try to escape in the nick of time but it never really works like that either they follow you or you just get absolutely beamed out of the sky let pros take this into consideration of course so instead while being chased by a squad the pro will place down their launch pad as usual but also pair it with another underrated item the decoy grenade obviously you can now use this thing as bait by throwing decoys onto your launch pad the people pushing you will then focus on the decoy and you can go pick up your teammates or maybe even get a surprise elimination on them the shockwave launcher trick the shockwave launcher coming to fortnite this season was probably one of the best things epic has done in ages you gotta admit it's one of the better additions in the entirety of chapter two how good the shockwave launcher is actually depends on who's using it and this is where the noobs come in when we get our hands on a shockwave launcher all we do is launch ourselves all over the place and tend to just crash into trees or something else sometimes we even somehow mess that up and find a way to take fall damage it's just bad but that's not what a pro would do trust me when i say they use the shockwave grenade for way more stuff too like throwing enemies out of the final circle for an easy victory or using the shock wave to fling themselves onto an enemy's box for a guaranteed wall replacement you do this by placing three tiles away from the enemies box shoot a shock wave at the wall and you'll fly back breaking and replacing their builds at the same time resulting in an easy elimination avoiding marauders trick okay i think we could all agree here the marauders always seem to pick the worst time to show up you could be in like a super intense fight and in case man-eating sharks weren't enough these guys would just crash land wherever they please and all of a sudden you're getting sandwiched by like five guys and no not the kind of five guys saying what you want so not only do the marauders never give up but they practically have aimbots so when us noobs are facing them we don't really stand a chance uh especially if we don't have the right amount of gear we are never prepared but pros don't need to be prepared to fight off the marauders because here's something not a lot of people know about sure the marauders do act like real people with them building and dancing when no one's watching but this also means they actually can't see when you go into a bush try it simply hide in a bush and they'll leave you alone saves you the time and energy of dealing with them especially in sticky situations like when you're on low health or out of ammo the accurate grenade throwing trick if you got yourself a stack of grenades and hear an enemy or squad in the distance it's pretty easy to get excited at the idea of wiping out an entire squad noobs will get super excited and just spam every last one of them in the direction of the enemy without much thought being put into it because of this they'll probably miss more than half of them and waste the opportunity completely and this is where the pros come in they'll use the ping button to see the exact distance between them and the enemies then they'll throw the grenade and time it perfectly so they all explode directly on impact and they're super accurate in fact it was actually this trick that got grenades removed from arena in the first place but they're back now so go crazy the trick to doing this is to ping the enemies one by one and then go about 60 meters away now throw the grenades towards the top of your ping mark and they should explode on impact every single time with almost practically no error the destroying chapa's trick as you know you can't redeploy your glider when jumping from a choppa so if you're not above water that thing is a flying death trap i mean most people know this choppas are pretty much a huge target in the sky usually us noobs will just blind fire all of our ammo into a choppa flying by hoping to get some damage or even a kill most of the time though we miss half the shots and won't even come close to bringing the choppa down but froze actually know a trick to take down choppas insanely fast without wasting all the ammo in the process if you're good at aiming shoot at the top and back propellers of the helicopter and will actually deal double damage if the chop was already kinda low on health you could deal double the damage and save so much ammo trust me on it this trick leads to a ton of free eliminations the instant reload trick reloading a fortnite has never really been that big of an issue especially to casual players but on the competitive side even an extra second of reloading can spell disaster for you and your team and since reloading doesn't matter much noobs will just take forever reloading every single one of their weapons after a fight is over now that is a mistake that pros don't have time to make so they use a new change that allows you to quickly drop your weapon and pick it back up to a load not gonna lie it's much faster than reloading and you can save a ton of time when moving across the map especially if you're out running the storm one thing i would say though is just make sure this actually saves you time and doesn't waste more if you're not fast enough it might not be worth the fast farming trick veggies have been added all around the fortnite map and while sometimes they could feel useless other times they can absolutely save you in a pinch the consumption animation for veggies is less than a second so they can be clutch in late game scrims or just when trying to outrun the storm most of the time you see us noobs collecting veggies we're breaking each and every corn field one at a time which ends up taking way too long it's not exactly efficient i mean we probably shouldn't be harvesting the cornfields anyway but i mean we're noobs what do you expect if you're taking that much time just collecting veggies you won't really be set up for your next encounter during the match all right check this here's what a pro would do to make collecting veggies a breeze just grab the closest choppa fly it right through one of the cornfields it causes all of the corn to be farmed at once leaving more than a full stack for you to just quickly pick up and go on your way fun fact you could get a hundred health from corn way faster than a medkit giving you some reliable heals for the rest of the game that you could just split up the flare gun uav trick flare guns are some of the best ways to take advantage of the new elemental fire damage that came with season 3 but are you using them to their full potential yeah me and the other newbies usually would just shoot the flare gun at other players or builds and basically just set everything on fire around them watching things burn is very epic i mean surely that's what the fire gun is for right i mean kinda but there's also a hidden feature on the gun that will activate if you shoot it directly into the sky pretty much it's a uav lets you locate enemies and fight more tactically like i said simple as shooting in the air and you track all of your enemies for easy eliminations i know it's not the most secret thing in the world but in case you didn't know now you you do know now the launch pad trick so i already talked about launch pads and how enemies chasing after you could be a huge problem but if you don't have decoy grenades on you then what whenever a noob uses a launch pad 99 of all news will just launch away and leave their launch pad ready for any other players to use even the team following them so how do you stop that well most pros will build up place the launch pad and right before they jump onto it they will edit the ramp to the side so that it breaks a millisecond after they use it you've gotta perfect the timing on this one but think about it that's what separates a new from a pro am i wrong the easy supply drop trick since the dawn of time supply drops have only ever really been so worth it in fortnite if it was super close to the ground or you really really need it if it's still got a little way to fall that's when you've got a lot of problems noobs don't care though because most of us will just sit there and build a box on the landing spot i mean why they're just vibe and wait a super long time for the supply drop to land in our box or we'll waste all of our ammo shooting it down but that usually means others come to third party that's why pros don't waste time and grab a nearby choppa taking full advantage of the boost button they'll ram the chopper right into a supply drop balloon and make it fall to the ground instantly it's easily the best way to both save ammo and time when going for a drop without it damaging your top all that much i think it's like 200 the rotating on water trick if you're swimming or making your way across some water in season three and you find yourself being shot at it gets annoying quick when this happens a lot of noobs will just panic build all over the water at even the first few shots instead of being calm they'll just spam builds everywhere while trying to dodge bullets this isn't really good for anyone especially because you can't rotate now as you're all out of materials well done you just played yourself but don't worry i got you covered because the next time you're in this situation just remember to simply build a single wall and place a floor below you right after rotate or edit a ramp facing the direction of your enemy it allows you to create a makeshift bridge to rotate with while saving a ton of mats i mean think about it technically speaking you're not doing a floor in a wall you're only doing one ramp you'll need those mats for the actual fight the landing faster trick battle royale especially with fortnite's battle bus has always had ways to get from the air to the ground as fast as possible you just have to figure out all the ways how almost every noob since the dawn of time has jumped out of the battle bus and dived down wherever not even thinking about where they glide or how they can land faster than other people next thing you know everyone beat them to it and took all of the loot every time a pro jumps from the battle bus they immediately dive towards their location and find the nearest spot of water technically speaking the water in any area of the map is actually the lowest possible point so if you get skydive for longer than others then you'll always be the first to land and if you want to be really fancy with your drop you could also b-hop off those umbrellas kind of like over at sweaty sands you could get a major head start [Music] the weapon ping trick when you're immediately landing at a poi it's hard to tell where all the good loot is i mean the game is rngs so you've got to hope you find a good spot or do you most of us noobs usually just drop at a poi and try to spot something glowing and land on top of it despite not even knowing what the weapon actually is so that's not the best way to go about it pros actually use a secret trick to find out where the best guns are before landing typically you could only see what rarity an item is from a distance and not what the weapon actually is so pros will simply just ping the glowing guns while gliding in and it lets them know what the weapon is this gives them huge advantages early game since they'll usually find shotguns before everybody else flammable objects flare guns aren't the only thing bringing elemental fire damage to the game as an often overlooked item is the propane tanks and gas pumps these things are actually so underused because many noobs will run right past them without even having a second thought it's quite a lace because they're super dangerous and noobs just don't realize how great they can be it's true pros are the ones who are always looking for the next gas pump or propane tank to shoot or use to their advantage in fact they will pair the propane tanks with crash pads or just shoot it for easy kills not only that but you can also stock up chug splashes too just in case you need to put out a fire quickly i mean think about it just because you're dealing the fire damage doesn't mean you don't have to watch out for it well anyways click on screen right now for the best video of your entire life we appreciate you watching this has been tommy and sam keep it here top five gaming yeah this tommy's from top five gaming guy seems like a pretty cool guy huh who's that again
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 5,034,750
Rating: 4.9056292 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite season 3, 15 MISTAKES Only Fortnite NOOBS Make, fortnite noobs, fortnite noob vs pro, noob vs pro fortnite, fortnite pro vs noob, fortnite noob mistakes, fortnite noob compilation, fortnite noob, fortnite top 15, fortnite new update, new fortnite update, fortnite biggest noobs, fortnite funny, fortnite funny noobs, funny fortnite noobs, fortnite, season 3, noobs, noob, new, video
Id: y-q5fvZsd8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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