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there's a few days remaining until fortnite's ariana grande concert and it looks like epic games are finally adding all the new weapons items map changes more to get the fans absolutely hyped for the week ahead the grabatron is officially a game on top of slurpee beginning to get abducted by the mothership and so much more click subscribe to help us reach 5 million subscribers but let's break down this update starting with all new weapons and map changes so today is the biggest update we have received in all of season 7 so far one of these map changes is that the mother ship is now open yeah it has officially sent a ufo to slurpee swamps and has already begun abducting it if you head there now there's a huge zero gravity field in the area along with a new i o station and most of the buildings are now floating in the air and the lonely henchmen even have a front row seat to the subduction so make sure to go pay them a visit next time you head to slurpee but apparently this floating island version is actually just the beginning according to epic abducting apoy isn't a thing that happens overnight so keep checking back throughout the week to see how the abduction has progressed so yes this means slurpy swamps will go through many stages over this week until it eventually gets completely abducted so enjoy the poi while you can't because slurpee's not gonna be here that much longer and map changes aren't the only thing that's gonna shake up season seven because not one but two new weapons are in the game now and they are both insane there is now a prop gun in fortnite and it's called the paropa fire you could find this thing by coming across an infiltrator npc which is those aliens pretending to be humans well if you stumble across one they will offer you the proper fire and say enjoyed this perfectly normal object and unlike the prop gun and creative this one is even more ropey so the problematic and creative forces you to shoot the prop you want to be while the new prop of fire in battle royale just gives you a huge list of props that you can become at any time it has a tiny cool down and you could use it as many times as you want luckily it has a huge price of 600 gold so you won't see many people using this every game it would be insanely overpowered if this was considered floor loot but something that is a floor loot it might be a pretty powerful tool to get is the other new weapon of this update the gravitron that's right after months of waiting we're finally able to get our hands on this gun i've tried it a few times already and it feels actually pretty balanced i make sure you can literally throw cars across the map but you're pretty exposed when you use this thing and you can only throw props so you can't pick up other players or animals besides it's yet another insanely fun item that epic has added and just makes season seven more and more fun by the week enough sweaty items with the inflatable and now the grab-a-tron we're getting a lot of fun items back and for weapons that we've already got some have actually been buffed the pulse rifle now does more damage when you aim down the sights and the heavy assault rifle has also received a huge buff it has more damage a slower fire rate and for the first few shots and insanely higher accuracy you could absolutely beam people with this now and in other news meows apparently has decided to open up his own business if you go around the island you can find electronic billboards that are promoting meowso's morsels this is either gonna be a restaurant we can find on the map soon or just a new cat food brand but there's more than meets the eye when it comes to these billboards i mean sure it's just a cute promo for some cat food but walk closer to it and this happens now that's pretty creepy if you ask me i'm not sure who we are being told to submit to but i don't think i wanna know and in terms of other things that are in game right now there's a new feature that'll be one of the first things you can see when you load into fortnite it's a new lobby background that shows slurpy swamp being abducted it's a pretty cool lobby even if it's just a png and with the aliens abducting fuel wise and preparing a huge invasion of the island the io is also working behind the scenes to stop them dr sloan has revealed that they are working on a secret plan to take down the mothership listen to this the i o does have a counter attack plan in place but i believe it's been compromised you and me are creating a backup plan i can't say for certain the i o counter-attack has been compromised but i don't like what i'm seeing i think our little back-up plan just became the main event i have weapons and development that may be capable of bringing down the mothership all you need to do is convince the aliens to bring them on board voluntarily one minor detail if we take down the mother ship the crash landing is not going to be pretty a few billion tons of flaming debris crashing into the island is bound to cause some problems and while that's absolutely awesome and probably a hint at the season finale there are a whole bunch of leaks that tell us what's happening in the next few days including the ariana grande concert that was announced there is so much to explore so let's dive into the update leaks for starters there are loads of new npcs about to arrive on the island we have beast boy and armored batman zero who will be arriving in the next few days and then two unreleased npcs called cashier and polygon who are also in the works then we have clark kent who'll be appearing at the orchard once his skin releases when empty sees aside we also have crossovers and skins in the works and i mean like a lot of them most support of these is obviously ariana grande who is of course getting a concert this week and well not only do we know about her icon series skin but today we found out that she'll have her own pickaxe and glider but she's not even the coolest music skin coming to fortnite because there's a leak set called press play it's a bundle of customizable skins that will likely be available for the concert but there's something very special about them which is they'll actually be reactive to the music and if that's not cool enough we have blood support from dc's new movie who is coming to the game tonight his skin is awesome but his backbling is even cooler if you've seen the movie you'll appreciate the references in this thing but you might also be disappointed that was only bloodsport who got a skin from the movie and while that might be true epic games could be teasing us a little more and bloodsports said he comes with four sprays that hit at polka dot man king shark peacemaker and a new version of harley quinn hopefully we uh get some more skins epic games and speaking of other versions of skins party trooper has gotten a free style that might unlock during the ariana grande concert it's called neon party trooper and looks way better than the original skin even does but the leaks don't stop there though as after more than a year since fortnite did this poll the poplock emote is becoming a music pack and fans of goff would be very happy to hear about a new backlink called the guffy stuffy we're not exactly sure what the skin will belong to but it's a pet guf who will react happily or angrily depending on what you're doing in game we also have way more innovative cosmetics on the way as the crew pack will be getting a new progressive skin next month and if you're not sure what that means basically it'll be a skin that upgrades with every single month that you're subscribed to the crew leakers believe we'll see this thing in the next crew pack but i'm more focused on a new item that is in the works over at epic games apparently if you remember kids shockwave launcher from season 3 you might be excited to hear that a new version of it is in the works now we'll have different stats and likely won't be a mythic so it could very well be a regular shockwave launcher that will find a floor loop either way i am so excited but there's a few other lee cosmetics including a human bill skin a bear hug emote a little flow to corn traversal and also an icon series emo called the cross bounce then for the concert we'll be getting a basic emote called lights up which will probably be ariana grande's version of the keep it mellow emote if you remember that from the marshmallow concert but leaks aside it's now time for everything else you need to know okay so while there have been some insane stuff added and leaked this season we're only scratching the surface of cool editions and we're gonna start with kevin the q we've all speculated that he'll return eventually and a reputable leaker has even claimed that we'll see the return of kevin the cube at the end of this season but now we actually have evidence so the cube has been updated with brand new sounds it has never had before and they are large impact sounds so we could actually see a return at the end of the season this has been a long time coming but for creative fans and i guess dinosaur fans epic is updated created with new devices now there's wildlife in the mode so you can spawn in boars chickens frogs wolves even raptors they're not long gone after all there's also new vfx devices that let people add custom lighting a custom sky it's just insane there's so many possibilities with this and for battle royale you better pay attention to your mini map because epic has been listening to the fans we all complained that it was way too hard to find alien artifacts so fortnite's mini map now has purple exclamation points telling us where they are but wait for this because a ton of ltms are about to arrive and they are brand new modes which will spice up fortnite massively there is a new super knockback ltm that's coming out and will let you jump around with zero fall damage you can emote to heal yourself and there will be a quote-unquote special surprise in supply drops who knows maybe it'll be the shockwave launcher that's in the works there's also another brand new ltm called team brawl where you'll get a random loadout every time you respawn sounds super fun two existing ltms which have been updated are the horde rush mode and the floor restores so expect those to be arriving in game any week now oh and there's one more thing there's a leaker the same one leaked ariana grande and bloodsport is claiming that epic have finally secured the rights to naruto and he'll be featured in the next season's battle pass now he's obviously been leaked before with the court documents and people claiming epic were trying to get him but now it's apparently confirmed he's coming so get ready and that is everything we've got in today's fortnite update thanks so much for watching guys it's been tommy make sure to subscribe help us reach 5 million subscribers and keep it here on top 5 gaming
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Keywords: fortnite new update, 15 Secrets YOU MISSED In Fortnite's NEW UPDATE!, fortnite update, new fortnite update, fortnite updates, new fortnite updates, update fortnite, updates fortnite, fortnite update secrets, fortnite secrets, fortnite new secrets, new fortnite secrets, new fortnite, fortnite new, fort, nite, battle royale, new update, new, update, video
Id: rAIzvTbh7vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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