50 Ways To Mess With Your Friends in Fortnite #2

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welcome to part two of 50 ways to mess with your friends if you haven't seen part one it's in the description there's 25 in each of these parts these are just jokes don't take any of this too seriously or use any of these in arena or tournaments be sure to use Cote 5g when purchasing any new cosmetics to support future content like this on the channel and subscribe if you enjoy number 25 bot trolling pretend to be an unsuspecting bot unable to build and when someone comes after you turn it up to level 100 going to present myself no Highlander you have a skin you're the backup the plan does not go as planned come on take the bait as it would turn out I am a bot number 26 be right back never come back you know lemur I'll be back okay six and a half hours later Sam storms coming damn it's coming and it's right on you man number 27 getting randoms tool and with the rest of the squad so this isn't necessarily meeting with anyone or even inclusive of your friends but it doesn't allow you to get people to play as a team when you're playing with randoms or alternatively you can mess with your friend and make up some non-existent Easter Egg to get him to stand on the edge of the map or he can't get back up at the start of the game with no mats did you know that on the side of the map there's actually this thing it's like a little secret easter egg it's like under the map you want to check it out just like follow me where I'm going right now all right so come over here come over here come over here so we got to go down here we got to go down here okay all right go down I don't have any max gassing up your teammates family members make a yo mama joke but give her a candid or cordial compliment in the pregame lobby such as Kia lemur your mama is such a hard-working genuine being that she packed you two lunches for school no way your mama's so kind your mama's such a strong hard-working independent woman number 29 tell your friend you're gonna blow their mind in the pregame Lobby then just back up and hit the whoa are you ready to see the greatest dance movie of all time Elliot I'm ready number 30 fig streaming to get players to try talk to chat when chat doesn't exist and watches your team miraculously performs alright Jeff she's got 10,000 viewers on Twitch thanks for subscribing hope you are about to watch the most insane stop I'm actually really Sriman right now check me out cha-cha check me out but can we get 300 thousand subscriptions in the next hour loot Lake will get a brand new meteor let me just restart the counter we restarted the counter it's gonna blow up any second did you see that that was insane 731 mid-game after landing may call-outs by quadrant as opposed to kompis number and be sure to call out coordinates that are actually not on the map you know I think we should go h4 are you with that start let's land a 8/10 is it are you guys cool with a 10 j1 j1 g1 okay number 32 tell your friends you're gonna go grab a drink and if they say okay I'll be right back I'm gonna go to the bathroom or also get a drink you you're Mike listen to the sound of them getting up and then start the game on tournament mode yo lamer I think I'm gonna go grab a drink all right cool I'm just gonna be my micro quick Oh God we're sorry 33 Crouch walk the entire game when your friends die and ask for help we'll see you literally crouched slowly coming to the rescue as you declare I'm on my way lemur laughs you don't for me walking then I'm not crouch walking I'm crouched running this is Crouch walk look what see what you did see what you did I'm almost there I'm almost Erinn lemur maybe if you didn't crouch enemy fire enemy fire coming up and coming up coming up number 34 are you the famous youtuber slash streamer see if any randoms will actually believe your friend is a streamer or youtuber or convince them that they're a youtuber or srimant is that lemur Lord like like really enroller from YouTube yeah good and g---men this guy's a youtuber I'm kind of a big deal ya know there's a three there's a three in the gamertag dude this guy's a youtuber number 35 sheep herding try to get your friend to buy some ugly skin in the item shop by inviting some friends in on the joke and being like yo this skin is so sick I'm about to pick this up for best results find height beasts for people that are Cobell you should buy the bone wasp skin dude dude dude wait wait bone wasp skin what's that he's got like six shoes on his back ah but like are you sure Hayley is like 1,500 be bucks all right I picked it up pinky from Arthur wait what oh no he does number 36 run camping literally stick to your friend like glue annoyingly and follow his every movement and when he asks what you're doing be like me - yo lemur lemur lemur lemur lemur lemur what Tamerlane earlier what but what lemur lemur alright there's blue guys over there Southwest number 37 place a launch pad beneath an enemy trap or leave loot by an enemy trap [Music] [Music] number 38 revived 95% stop rinse and repeat and restart oh my god oh my god oh my god I ran out of Medicine where I got you wait are you sure you want to be revived oh my god I'm gonna die out okay but are you sure you want me to revive you I'm sure I'm sure oh my god I'm just gonna curl to the meds this time for sure for sure we got you oh my god is so close throw a storm bottle and tell your friend yo the storms coming what Papa Bush and follow your teammates around but - but all game surely my lemur come through this door come through this tour you're not gonna believe what 41 when your friend says he needs mats tell him yo I got mad then when he goes to collect the mats drop one wood he probably didn't think you actually meant mat as in one singular Matt and I have any mint uh yeah yeah there you go you got a map to only one man you asked for Matt I gave you Matt Brad Hey look at Fred Fred you want me to give you some mats yes all right come on up that's all I can 442 embodied the voice of a chain-smoker aka the chocolate lady Rp hurry up lemur lemur lemur get out of the storm yeah five hundred medium on you give any mats femur I need your mats Oh get your own mess alright do you have any cigarette said I need to smoke smoking helps me breathe number 43 do a stream title that pro-am scrims or something and literally scream yourself building a one by one and showing Jonesy speed edits see how many viewers you get alright guys welcome back to the stream today we're gonna be building a one by one place my wood over here I'm gonna place one wall west one wall south one wall east and one last wall north from there you can even go in and add things such as windows and window 44 when spectating embodied the Wrestlemania or Sports Center commentators describing your friends every movement as well just say we've got enemies everywhere look in front of you over there on the bottom by the bandwagon over there he's getting those guys getting shot at you just miss your shot entirely get down there right now and fight them later you need to get down there right now ah waiting and the fray and he gets the kill and he gets the kill there's another one is he going to get the other one bandits it's oh my god bandit takes him out number 45 create a sky base with your friends and edit a hole in their sky base so they fall to their death only if you're evil though well Lima I'm gonna sky base over the canyon over here you want to come all right how are you reviving me from all the way over there I have powers number 46 play claw the entire game and continually reassure your friends that you've got this one oh my god playing on clawed number 47 pretend to go afk as the host and then try to time the game to start when and if your friend goes afk and put on the same skin as him so when you get in the game stand in front of him so your face is just maxsize in view or maybe you could even be like normal spongebob and be like hi there I'm your biggest fan I am back okay number 48 shoot down your friends base with turrets missiles etc then be like yo there's like two teams and see his reaction wait a second was that you number 49 take your friend on a magic carpet ride next level strats walking a c-130 number 50 the classic dance me hype up what you're about to do in the pregame lobby then just hit the default dance all right here comes the most original dance watch this so this concludes 50 ways to mess with your friends if you want to see more episodes of this all you guys need to do to show us that is like the video if we get enough support we'll do another video but hey in case you missed part 1 again it's on screen right now so click the annotation on screen you got a Z part 1 edges watching part 2 and now watch part 1 it's on screen right now check it out
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 11,935,845
Rating: 4.8798122 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite top 10, 50 ways to mess with your friends in fortnite, fortnite friends, friends in fortnite, ways to mess with your friends, ways to mess with your friends in fortnite, new fortnite, fortnite new, new fortnite friend, fortnite new season, new fortnite season, fort, nite, battle royale, new, video
Id: Z243Fo3HGL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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