15 Fortnite MYTHS All Players Believe

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a little bird told me that you guys came up with some myths now they might make sense on paper but are they really true is the mythic llama real does charging your shotgun halfway deal half the damage and finally does disguising yourself as a henchman stop the marauders from attacking glad you guys could join me because we need answers and these are 15 fortnight myths that all players believe subscribe for a free imaginary myth busting suit and let's jump to number 15. number 15 a shark can eat unlimited items for our first myth there's a mystery around the sharks in season three specifically the items they carry you'll notice that sharks do glow in carrying rare items but the real question is exactly how many items can a single shark store inside of it a theory claims that sharks can actually eat an unlimited amount of items well we went in game and tested this theory for you we spent ages collecting the most amount of items we could find they totaled to a number of 900 between ammo builds and a variety of items so basically a ridiculous amount naturally we threw all of these to a shark and here's what we found it turns out that a shark will indeed eat everything you give it from our experiments there is literally no limit to the number of items that you can give a shark because we fed it for an entire game and killing the shark will make it drop everything too although it looks pretty wild with that many items but consider this myth confirmed number 14 you can land on a marauder meteor a lot of people like to wonder well what happens if you try to land on a marauders meteor similar to the blimps in season 10 it's just one of those things you want to know well can you land on we set out to answer this exact question naturally we tried to land on the meteor as it fell but unfortunately every time we touched it it exploded on impact and if you land directly on top you'll put out your glider early and the meteor will just continue on its journey to the ground but there are benefits to making it explode on impact doing this will make all the marauders fall straight out of the meteor and to their deaths as a result you can glide down and pick up some pretty great starter loop this can end up being a really huge advantage in game modes like arena or tournaments and you might even get lucky with a spare rpg or stinker nades as for the myth of course you cannot land on one as it falls therefore this myth is busted number 13 peppers make launch pads faster a rumor has been going around that eating a pepper not only causes you to walk and run faster but actually launch quicker from a crash pad or launch pad of course we had to test this for ourselves the theory makes sense though eating a pepper makes you swim faster walk faster build faster so why wouldn't it make you launch faster well unfortunately after eating peppers and testing launch pads and crash pads it does not seem to increase your flying gliding or launching speed i was secretly hoping this would be true as it would definitely be a great strat but i'm sorry to say that this myth is indeed busted number 12 you can rocket ride a flare okay ever since epic games added the rocket launcher into fortnite rocket riding has been a popular and fun tactic but it made people wonder and since then you've been able to rocket ride literally any throwable item in existence from grenades to c4 to literally even mini shield you can just about ride any of them so for this next myth can you rocket ride a flare gun board well i guess there's only one way to find out so we tried and tried and tried and tried thinking it was possible luckily we didn't give up and decided to check if maybe a trickshotter had hit a shot with a flare this season sure enough there have been a few successful flare rides and we can confirm that yes you can indeed rocket ride a flare although it's extremely difficult needless to say that this myth is confirmed [Music] number 11 disguising as a henchman stops marauders attacking you some secret tactics in season 3 allow you to avoid marauders by simply hiding in a bush or jumping in a haystack and there's another tactic out there which we had to try the legend goes that you can just disguise yourself as a henchman through a phone booth and it will stop marauders attacking you completely so naturally we hopped in a game put on a henchman disguise found some marauders and as per usual they went full attack mode on us yep marauders are a huge pain this season so we were secretly hoping this smith would be true because seriously those guys just pull up they don't even care they just show up you could be mid-fight it's just like a whole team but hey you can still always hop in a bush or haystack at least nevertheless this myth is absolutely busted number 10 kids emote works in brutes kitsy mode has become pretty infamous this season it's grown into a huge meme of its own mostly because of the glitch that lets you use the emote on any skin and while we have tried this on every single skin there is the question does this emote work in brutes you know the mechs from season 10 these mechs are currently the only vehicle in fortnite that lets you perform emotes while driving them so we went and tested it you can see the results for yourself yep the kit emote does indeed work with the mechs not only does it work like a charm but it also distorts the audio sure it looks weird but it still works so for that consider this myth confirm number nine you cannot stop a shakedown no matter what shaking someone down has been an incredible feature since it was first added being able to see all enemies and loot around you really makes the henchman in the game worth it it also gives you a reason not to thirst the down enemy on sight but you might be wondering what happens when someone interrupts you shaking down someone well this theory says that can't even happen at all according to this myth once you begin a shakedown it cannot be interrupted unless you get eliminated so we went in game and it definitely seems to be true we tried so many ways to get the shakedown to stop but it just wouldn't butt we threw a crashpad to try and stop it but it just launched them and made the shakedown happen while in the air we also tried using a grappler but it just pulled you while you did the shakedown instead of interrupting it it's kind of funny but it proves that once someone begins shaking you down nothing is going to stop them so this myth is without a doubt confirmed number eight you can combine chug splashes with bandages since the dawn of time players have been trying to find clever ways to share heels with each other whether it just be splitting the heels sharing a slurp barrel or anything else players just want to save on heels whenever they can so what happens if you try to throw a chug splash at someone while they're popping a bandage to get to 75 hp well this myth claims that it'll let you heal past 75 hp with the right timing but if you actually manage to heal someone with a chug splash past the 75 hp mark just before they finish bandaging up it'll actually just complete the bandage animation yeah unfortunately your health will not go up so no you cannot combine chug splashes with bandages like many others on this list this myth has unfortunately been busted number seven disguises stop the flare guns radar like the myth from earlier this theory claims that you can actually disguise as a henchman but instead of hiding from marauders this one supposes that it will allow you to hide from a flare gun shooting a flare gun into the sky will reveal the location of everyone in the area so naturally you'd want to avoid this we jumped into a match suited up as a henchman and then shot a flare gun in the area it turns out that after a few tests it'll still mark you as the same as it would without the disguise to quit so to conclude this myth like the marauder one remains just that a myth consider it busted but get ready because here come the big questions number six you can shock wave people out of hiding spots with the new mythic shockwave launcher there are a ton of new plays available at your disposal unfortunately the community has a love-hate relationship with this thing although considering just how many people try to get their hands on the gun anyway this next theory is something you'll all be interested in it assumes that the shockwave launcher when fired at a dumpster porta potty or haystack will launch the enemy hiding inside of it straight out and expose them currently there's barely any way to tell when someone is hiding so this theory would be pretty neat we tried it in a match but while this could be a great hidden way to find players it unfortunately failed on all three tests to put it simply no it doesn't launch people out of their spots as such this myth is quite frankly busted number five shockwave onto a launch pad makes you go higher speaking of the shockwave launcher there's another myth out there which suggests you can make a little wombo combo out of the shockwave launcher and launch pads if you remember in chapter 1 you could combine a bouncer pad and launch pad to make some kind of super launch pad which sent you flying way higher and further than usual it was really popular amongst the pros so what if you took that same launch effect from kit's shockwave launcher and shot yourself onto a launch pad well we tested this theory and here's the results we got to summarize after multiple attempts at this we learned that kit's launcher does indeed give your character the same effect as a bouncer although it does not combo with the launch pad to send you higher therefore this myth is sadly busted number four decoys will throw off a flare gun while disguising yourself as a henchman does not hide you from the uav of a flare gun burst there are other ways to throw off a flare gun it would seem if you see someone fire flare into the sky this theory assumes that you can actually throw some decoy nades down to help supposedly throwing a bunch of decoys down after someone uses the flare gun will actually confuse the enemy as such we went in game to try it out and it turns out that the flare gun does indeed pick up and scan all the decoys you throw down so this actually seems like an amazing tactic to throw off anyone with a flare make sure you keep this in mind the next time you want to use a decoy grenade for good thankfully this myth has been confirmed but get ready because here come the good ones number three you can break reboot vans with upgrade benches you might remember a trick with the throwball upgrade benches when they first came out that would allow you to throw a bench in the vault entrance and trap players inside for the rest of the game it was great with people like cipher pk doing it and grenading the entire ball while this glitch was hilarious epic quickly patched it but that very act got the community thinking so if you could trap players in doorways and vaults with an upgrade bench what if you could possibly trap someone on a reboot vape the myth says that you can simply throw a bench down to stop a rebooted player from coming back from the dead so we tried this one for ourselves and it seems as though you can actually do this the top center of the reboot van when blocked by an upgrade bench will trap the rebooted player inside of it and allow you to pick up an easy elimination for your team now i've got to say this is a tactic that will likely be patched in the future so definitely take advantage of it while you can for now however this myth is confirmed number two the charge on the charged shotgun doesn't matter the charge shotgun's most notable feature is of course the charge but the actual impact of how long you charge it for is a bit of a mystery if you've ever wondered what each level of charge does we've gone and investigated it for you there's a myth that claims that the charge in the shotgun doesn't matter there's two modes of damage uncharged and charged and the longer you hold it doesn't change the damage if you thought what i just said that is completely wrong the way it works is actually simple the longer you charge the shotgun the more damage you do seems a bit obvious i know but the specifics are kind of up in the air i'll explain we ended up doing multiple tests from different distances at all different charge levels and i can confidently say that the charged shotgun will always do different amounts of damage depending on charge and distance so the idea that the charge on the shoddy doesn't matter is of course a myth so make sure you always try to charge the shotgun as much as possible because it seems that every bit of charge counts this myth is officially busted and your number one spot the mythic llama and now we have our most popular myth of season 3 something that has been gaining tons of traction within the community and on social media is the rumored existence of an item labeled the mythic llama and it seems that no one is actually sure if this thing is real or not in fortnight we have extremely rare golden mushrooms and a mythic goldfish so there's a high chance of mythic llama could be real too right well maybe maybe not so we like every other myth on this list investigated it for you so that you could sit in your couch after dozens and dozens of times dropping into the map and doing our own testing with our good pal fred we can confirm to you right now that the mythic llama is just that a myth so consider this one absolutely busted this has been 15 fortnight mets if you enjoyed the video you're going to enjoy this video just as much so go ahead click the annotation it's right there oh my god i have to click it
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 4,199,860
Rating: 4.8968372 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite myths, 15 Fortnite MYTHS All Players Believe, fortnite mythbusters, fortnite season 3, fortnite secrets, fortnite myth, mythbusters fortnite, fortnite mythbusting, new fortnite myths, new fortnite, fortnite new, new fortnite secrets, new fortnite update, fortnite update, fortnite new update, fortnite myth busted, mythbusters, fortnite, season 3, chapter 2, secrets, new update, update, battle royale, new, video
Id: VD479r44iZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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