20 BEST Fortnite KARMA Moments

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are you tired of people doing the donkey laugh showing off their arena trophies doing the take the l dance on you or even saying you have no competitive earnings it's time for us noobs to fight back flatten the hatches and button the likes here are the 20 best instant karma moments of 2020. number 20 choppa mayhem from the sky to your bedroom smart plays are a game of patience and opportunity and in this chop of each opa duel it was this guy's time to shine with his jet pack and boogie bombs in hand he dropped out final circle closing in [Music] that would have been such a success but unfortunately fortnite physics beg to differ you can't mess up something this badly or can you wait until you see number 19 vault camper before vaults were abandoned they were some of the hottest spots for loot on the map but they also used to be the hottest spots for campers and this particular camper hit a patch of bad [Music] luck that's what you get for camping in the storm take that that's instant karma but not as instant as number 18 hit and run back when cars were at it for the first time this year we all excitedly logged on to prank our teammates and by that i mean run them over and if you haven't tried to run over your teammates this year then you're lying this guy tried to prank his friends and things didn't exactly go his way what wait this game is so good karma hit him with a nope threw his reboot card below the map we couldn't even get rebooted and that is the power pack taste of instant karma but now on to number 17 the porta potty sure of all campers are bad but port-a-potty campers ah the worst when this player was trapped inside a poor body with two campers outside it looked like he had nowhere to go or did he [Music] these dudes deserve to be destroyed they were waiting in that storm for ages but hey the first guy got knocked by his own proximity mind and that's a taste of your own medicine like number 16 flare gun fail the flare gun has been a very controversial weapon in chapter two some love it and think it was super useful when you could get enemy locations others set the house on fire but someone who definitely isn't gonna use it anymore is this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] that guy was thirsty and needed a drink but what he got was the bird ladies and gentlemen that is what you get but it's nothing compared to number 15 double rocket ride karma rocket riding has been iconic in fortnite every single year but this year we had one of the most mind-blowing well-timed moments in rocket riding history check this out [Music] yeah that one really hit home and by that i mean his home was obstructed by a rocket i love this clip but i also love number 14 dancing queen there are three things that drive me nuts in fortnite and those three things are people who use the donkey laugh emote fall damage resin piece tim and sticker spam luckily this next enemy got some poetic justice [Music] where did you land over there yep he's working on me [Music] is he really yes let me catch this guy off guard all right is he still twerking yeah he's dancing he's about to finish he's dancing right here he's in the sound he finished he finished yeah today's specials include lentils with karma soup but now i present to you number 13. epic is watching you can't dance on your enemy if the game doesn't let you and that's where this clip comes in when this next guy used the crashpad to bounce in his box and sweat on him this is what happened next [Music] there is no way my game just crashed there's no chance how does this how does fortnite know it's like epic games themselves were watching and waiting for the right moment to make his game crash perfect and speaking of celebrating too early it's time for number 12 pulling a tim sure getting that perfect kill can feel good but if you're gonna dance on them or celebrate you've got to make sure you're not still being spectated when something like this happened he really dropped the ball on that one happy 2020 by the way but i kind of feel bad he was so excited to get the kill rest in peace my friend renegade on and if we're talking taunting you must see number 11. the worst kind of player in the other clip i mentioned my immense disapproval of the donkey laugh and this time we've got a guy who does this and flashes a trophy taunting i kid you not for two minutes straight nonstop but it does have a happy ending [Music] i'm not even the one being taunted but this stuff makes my blood boiled just as well served and now for number 10 mountain taxi here we have another case of a teammate with the completely original idea of running over his friends with the car except this was no ordinary taxi oh no not only did he glitch and fall to his death but somehow his teammate actually lived to tell the tale what a disaster but from cars to choppers you gotta see number nine nope number nine choppa troll fail when this guy saw his teammate going for a nearby chop he tried to be created with his troll but sometimes things just don't work out nine oh my god not only did the crash pads not do anything but he put way too much trust into those things saving his life too oh man you get what you get but it's time to move on to some karma delivered to the x2 twins with number eight donkey laugh headshot we all get a little too confident in fortnite sometimes and when the x2 twins tried to play chicken with a sniper on the hill they too made this mistake you deserve that you literally cop that holy [ __ ] live by the donkey laugh die by the donkey laugh i think we all saw this one coming but not as much as number seven the port-a-potty trap this guy set up his own porta potty trap and waited for someone to go through but i think what happened next is the best karma you can ask for [Music] not only did he trap himself in the same port-a-potty he camped on but to die from his own grenade you really can't wish for a better punishment and now for number six here comes the chopper we've seen a lot of people taunting or emoting after getting kills and it's no surprise it happens a lot in this game but this is where we get to see those same people be punished oh my god i'd like to personally thank this choppa pilot for such a satisfying clip but attention passengers our final five starts now number five double instant carp sometimes people suffer karma because they're unlucky but there are some pretty funny times when they're just plain stupid that trap is goaded [Music] not once but twice ah you love to see it number four how to turn tables people who built those traps at the bottom of the waterfalls were the worst at the start of chapter two but thankfully this year has brought us a great solution [Music] now we know how to deal with these guys everybody get your pickup trucks ready but more justice delivered with number three when you show up you're at it sure waterfall campers are bad but nowhere near as annoying as people who just show off how well they can edit builds and if you find these people annoying too then do i have the clip for you [Music] how satisfying but it's time for our second to last karma moment 2020 number two when karma strikes trying to escape someone dancing on you seems like a pretty tough battle sometimes but sometimes you get by with a little help from your friends and now for our number one moment it's time for number one when you have a back-up plan sure random karma out of nowhere is fun but when you give yourself an insurance plan that's when it's the most satisfying check this out [Music] this guy had it all planned out the enemy was played like a fiddle remarkable but not as remarkable as how subscribing now is entirely free and so is this other video right here oh my god it's another video you should click it right now quick this has been sam and keep it rear keep it real okay on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 1,614,884
Rating: 4.9285512 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, 20 BEST Fortnite KARMA Moments, fortnite karma moments, fortnite moments, best fortnite moments, fortnite instant karma, fortnite instant karma moments, fortnite best moments, fortnite fails, fortnite funny, funny fortnite moments, best fortnite moments 2020, fortnite 2021, fortnite new update, new fortnite update, new fortnite, fortnite battle royale, karma, moments, new, update, video
Id: E5m0WAOQc08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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