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with every new season is a series of interesting ways people react to changes in game and we've got some freak outs that you're not gonna want to miss now what we do encourage the use of code t5g here on the channel we do not encourage V buck related violence temper tantrums of screaming matches or anything of the likeness but some of these go beyond the confines of just the regular temper tension and just when you thought one of the worst things you can do when the game annoys you is rage these kids have taken it to new heights so strap up and get your popcorn because these kids are unhinged fully loaded and ready to freak out in the top 10 for tonight chapter 2 kid freaked out so let's get into the video number 10 is the TV caused the black hole the black hole was probably one of the most frustrating things to happen to fortnight players ever since the mechs were added to the game in season 10 or tonight played out a small live event at the end of season 10 which sucked everything into a void then for the next 48 hours a hole to date every single person just sat there and had to stare at the black hole and sure every so often some numbers will pop up and people found a way to translate them towards in the visitor transcript but the numbers ended up just repeating after a few hours and we were back to square one well most of us just went to Twitter and made memes about it some kids were not very happy with not being able to boot up the game for two days he loses his temper so quickly turning around and punching the television while swearing in the game then he throws of plate at the TV and walks away in anger why did the TV ever do to you looks like that whole gaming addiction thing might be real after all planet number nine we've got little kid freaks out on dad well some kids took it out on their televisions this one kid decided to take all his anger out on his poor dad youtuber Pro pepper invited this angry kid to an Xbox party and began to troll tricking him into thinking that he was the only one who couldn't boot up the game and play chapter 2 he then invited his friend over into the party to troll the kid even more pretending that he had to buy the new chapter 2 discs so of course the kid naturally shouts for his dad screaming at him to buy chapter 2 right now first join dark we're waiting for you man I'm in bunny lobby right now by the chapters you to this man what are you doing okay we'll go down to get you a new one because obviously you're now old enough to do it yourself you do scratch your disc no supposed to go to Walmart and ask for a fortnight chapter 2 yes the poor dad actually gets in the car and goes to Walmart after a bit more trolling on the kid he eventually loses his temper even more and then they reveal that they were trolling him all along horny chapter 2 - what never said I don't where you got that from it's a great video and this kid needs to take a chill pill because I don't know man just it's a yikes can't calm down to be fair they weren't rolling him so it's not like he freaked out on his own but from the second he joined the party he was screaming number eight thank goodness for mom saving the controllers life oh my days does this clip start off with a bang immediately this kid jumps on the sofa screaming why is this game not working then he picks up the controller and tries to be one of those dramatic controller throws which smashes it into pieces but obviously he throws it on the soft sofas so well just watch it can't get back maybe something won't happen like this have to be patient did you say they talked about ending the game though like do you think this is the end the thinking event nameless cog the end the end are you mad just bounces in him hitting the sofa with it a few more times really doesn't do much thank goodness he didn't throw it at the TV or the floor and also thank God for the mom stepping and saving the controllers life it's like she has a bandage launcher coming in with the last minute heal on the controller now this is good parenting in at number 7 we've got he goes ballistic in this video the kid freaks out of chapter 2 but it's actually nothing to do with the frustrating 2 day long black hole the brother sneaks into a room with a camera and places it to the side before trolling him and leaving the room then we get to watch the kid play for night chapter 2 and oh my goodness he's just so angry all the time at the game he's screaming yelling at his teammates and at some points he looks like he's on the verge of tears it's amazing he claims the people who limited him are hacking then comes the freakout part yep he just throws his chair his headset falls out and he just storms out of the room having a tantrum but wait there's more when this guy comes back and picks up his chair the back has fallen off yes that's right but he just puts it back on like nothing's happened it's like he's done that before and just knows how to fix the cherry just broke sometimes the most angry kids can be the stupidest and well this kid really takes the bait when someone says they'll give him 10,000 bee bucks and he gives them his password oh my god obviously you should never do that and he was scammed by the dude the guy steals his account so of course the kid falls to the floor begins crying just in time for his final freakout in at number 6 we've got the black hole screen at cleaning rage here's another classic black hole freakout what about thing to throw at the monitor of all the things this kid throws a screen cleaner is this really a rage or a brand new way of cleaning your screen he tries to break it but ends up cleaning in the process brilliant what does he think of screen cleaner is gonna do to the monitor smash it no way he thinks that and then he takes a swig of it an energy drink whatever it is it's fuel for this kids rage it's just the gem of a clip it's only 15 seconds long but it's beautiful in a number five we've got talk about rage this video shows the aftermath of a kid who smashed his tablet because he apparently got eliminated on Florida he smashed it so much in fact that you can see the red bars from where this scree is glitched and there are just cracks everywhere what did he even do to break the iPad screen that much how many times did he Hulk smash that thing I love the other kids reaction who keeps saying I hope you don't smash this next and points at his keyboard and mouse yeah I also hope he doesn't smash that number for the moment it all ended sometimes you can have freak outs that aren't exactly angry and that's the case in this video with this family all watching the event together and the kids are freaking out when the black hole sucks in everything in the lobby well these kids all begin to freak out and their minds are blown by what just happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lucianne even smash anything but get angry at the game but then again this was right as it happened I think that every single one of my minds were blown until we realized that the black hole was way longer than we thought it would be and we sat there for two days staring it well it's a black screen number three destroying his brother's 4k TV over 40 okay so first of all this video is so dark and fuzzy than it almost looks like found footage from a horror movie but it's still watchable and you can see this kid throw a 4k TV onto the floor and then not only smash it but jump on it stomp on it and more forgot to drop this TV well oh boy shot lift it up look at his nice TV's all destroyed it's I think 52-inch some like apparently the story behind this little freakout was that the kids friend beat him into a match of four nights so he took the TV into the garage and destroyed it with his brother film I don't know why his brother so happy like dog isn't that your TV - let's just hope their parents are rich because oopsie number two come on we can all relate to this [Music] the classic talking of through your tears I used to always do that as a kid I also felt frustrated when the black hole just would not move it wouldn't do anything do something you stupid pixel on my screen anyway this kid also couldn't take any more of it and of course he began to cry planet number one we've got do you see this black hole here's my favorite kid freaked out - the black hole sure we've got a lot of black hole reactions by kids on his list but this guy takes the cake he's sound like a gift from the when will you learn meme his reaction and telling his parents to look at the void is just phenomenal my favorite part of the video is when the kid literally tries to look inside the black hole thinking something would be there it is priceless then he asked the same question we were all thinking back then he's fortnight gone hopefully somebody answers that question for him but that has been our list of the top 10 for tonight chapters who can freak-outs and hey you gotta click on this video right now there's a timer on this screen 5 or 3 it's going away click the annotation quick - while
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 6,849,042
Rating: 4.8805389 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite top 10, top 10 insane fortnite kid freakouts in chapter 2, top 10 fortnite, fortnite kid freakouts, fortnite kid rage, fortnite kid rages, fortnite freakouts, fortnite psycho kid freakouts, fortnite rages, fortnite chapter 2 rage, fortnite chapter 2 freakouts, fortnite chapter 2, fortnite new, new, fort, nite, battle royale, video
Id: dvWQLGbzuoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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