25+ BOOK HAUL!!🥵 | book recommendations📚✨

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this is gonna be long isn't it i didn't need to be called out like that hello mobile cars welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is sydney and welcome back to another book haul this one was an accident okay it wasn't planned it just like slowly kept happening after my last book haul i was like okay i'm not gonna do one of these for a while i need to stop but here we are [Music] but hey how are you hope you're doing well welcome back to my channel thank you so much for hanging out with me for a little bit if you are new here please do consider subscribing down below i put out new content every week at a very irregular schedule because you can't expect much of me but i'd love to have you around so this book haul a good chunk of them at least eight i believe are from a independent bookstore in grand rapids michigan called books and mortar i had a really tough week at work last week so caleb and i decided to take a little road trip up to grand rapids and just kind of get out of the hometown i really needed a mental break so we decided to just go spend time together alone without the dog and the cat and of course we hit up the local bookstore so we're gonna start with those books because i am debatably most excited about them maybe because they're the most recent ones i bought but also like there's some really good titles in here and it's always a great feeling when the person at checkout looks at the stack that you're buying and they're like you got some really good ones in here and i'm like i know so this first one that i got i recognized the cover like in my subconscious from somewhere and then i saw the author's name and i was like oh my god i know who that is and it is her body and other parties by carmen maria mikado and this is basically like eight different stories in this one little book and i am just so excited to read it the back says in her electrifying debut mikado blithely demolishes the borders between psychological realism and science fiction comedy and horror fantasy and fabulism here are 8 startling stories that map the realities of women's lives and the violence visited upon their bodies earthy and otherworldly antic and sexy queer encaustic comic and deadly serious her body and other parties enlarges the possibilities of contemporary fiction i'm obsessed i think this sounds amazing i love this cover i just think it's really really pretty and yeah so this is book one i'm really excited about it let's move on to book two book two okay this one i actually like went in wondering if they were gonna have it because i've wanted a book by this author for for a very long time and i was so excited to see it sitting on the shelf so it is bad feminist by roxane gay and this is another collection of like essays let me just tuck in abby really quick hold on here we go all ready for a nap good good girl so in these essays by roxanne gay it takes us on a journey through her evolution as a woman of color while also taking readers on a ride through feminism today bad feminism is a sharp funny and spot-on look at the ways in which the culture we consume becomes who we are an inspiring call to arms of all ways that we need to do better and i just really wanted to read this book i am very excited about it i'm excited to expand my collection of like short stories or like essay written style books and this was a really good one and i was just so excited to see it sitting there so bad feminist the next book that i got i was very excited to see out in the wild as well if you're on bookstagram then you probably have seen the little infographics that have been going around to help support the asian community which by the way i do have a link down in my description on resources and information on how you can help support them as well so please do check that out but this book was on many of those infographics of like support asian writers support asian stories and that book is pachinko by min jin lee another just really beautiful cover and i really liked the thickness of this book i thought it was like a really nice size it just feels nice in my hand you know it has a it has a great flop and yeah so this book actually says roxanne gay's favorite book of the year so that was cool too i saw that when i turned it over in the store and i was like oh we all know i love a good quote so the quote on the back of this book says there could only be a few winners and a lot of losers and yet we played on because we had hope that we might be the lucky ones richly told and profoundly moving pachinko is a story of love sacrifice ambition and loyalty from the bustling street marcus to the halls of japan's finest universities to the pachinko parlors of the criminal underworld lee's complex and passionate characters strong stubborn women devoted sisters and sons fathers shaken by moral crisis survive and thrive against the indifferent arc of history this sounds like something that i'm really going to enjoy because i really love stories that you really get to know the characters kind of like a slow burn-esque thing and like this just it really it really sounds like i'm going to have a good time reading it so i'm super excited about this one and yeah yeah that's it here it is this next book i don't don't exactly know why i got it i mean i do know i do know exactly why i got it it's because of the title and the cover i just i honestly i couldn't leave without it it's called breasts and eggs a novel by mikko kawakami and just look at it okay just like look at that beautiful pink look at that oh it's just very like aesthetically beautiful and i just i couldn't i couldn't leave it there i couldn't oh i didn't even know this but haruki murakami has a blurb on the back that says i can never forget the sense of pure astonishment i felt when i first read miko kawakami's breasts and eggs so that's promising and this cover is just so pretty i just i just love it since i bought it purely because of the title and the cover i don't know anything really about it but it basically says breast and eggs recounts the intimate journeys of three women on the path of finding peace and futures they can call their own and it seems like we're following just these three different women and how they have been reunited in the working-class neighborhood of tokyo and we're really getting just an in-depth look on each one of these women's lives the struggles that they're facing and i'm interested to see how it plays out i'm interested to see like what exactly is going on and how these three women are like together and relate to each other so yeah this sounds like another one that i would really like since we will get to know the characters very well so i'm excited about it i again just i love it it's so pretty all right this next one i kind of squealed a little bit when i saw it i don't know this bookstore just literally had so many books that i have wanted and i don't think any of them are fantasy wow look at me uh maybe one of them i don't know yet we'll see when we get there but i believe that i saw this book on noelle's channel i think i'm correct when i say it's one of her favorite books or at least one that she has really really enjoyed and if you watched my vlog where i read noelle's favorite books i'll leave the link in the description below i loved every single book that i read that were also her favorites so i have high hopes for this book not only because of that but because of the substance that is within the book that is writers and lovers by lily king another just gorgeous cover it's just so stunning i don't know it's beautiful and the synopsis is quick so i'm just going to read through it really quick it says blindsided by her mother's sudden death and wrecked by a recent love affair 31 year old casey has arrived in cambridge massachusetts without a plan beyond a determination to live a creative life written with king's trademark humor heart and intelligence this is a transfixing novel that explores artistic passion ambition and the terrifying and exhilarating leap between the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another that just sounds really really beautiful and sounds like it has a lot of potential to like make me feel a lot of things so i'm very much looking forward to this and this book just i i feel like it belongs like sitting on a shelf like this it's like a piece of art honestly it's just really pretty but yeah writers and lovers the next book i got from this little independent bookstore was clara and the sun by kazu ishiguro i've seen this cover like floating around the book like universe and i have just been super attracted to it because of the hand i really love hand imagery and things like that so when i saw this again sitting on the table at this bookstore i couldn't leave it there i just could i had to pick it up but i did read the synopsis in the bookstore and it does sound super interesting so i'm excited about it from her place in the store clara an artificial friend with outstanding observational qualities watches carefully the behavior of those who come into browse and those who pass in the street outside she remains hopeful a customer will soon choose her but when the possibility emerges that her circumstances may change forever clara is warned not to invest too much in the promises of humans it's just super intriguing like an artificial friend so obviously there's like some sort of sci-fi aspect to it but it also seems very human as well and i'm just like really intrigued as to like what the story is going to do you know what i mean and i just like look at the little hand on the side of the book it's just so pretty look at that ah it's beautiful okay all right we have one more book from the independent bookstore and i think that this one actually does count as fantasy at least a little bit but i did good like i'm expanding my my repertoire of things so this last book is pirenezi by suzanna clarke and i know that this was an option for a book of the month in the past couple months i believe and i wasn't super super attracted to it because the cover makes it look like it has like some like greek myth style stuff with it and at the time i wasn't really sure if i would enjoy it so i didn't even like look into it but then i recently just read the song of achilles and really really liked it so now i'm like super into greek myth retellings at the moment and again i don't know if this has that this is just like it gave me the vibes because look doesn't it look like it could have some sort of greek myth aspect to it probably maybe i don't know let's see so i'm gonna say it definitely isn't greek myth retelling which is fine however it does say fans of madeleine miller's cersei would probably enjoy this so i think we're on the same page sort of but this synopsis sounds actually pretty crazy it says piranesi's home is no ordinary building its rooms are infinite its corridor is endless its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues each one different from all the others within the labyrinth of halls an ocean is imprisoned waves thunder up staircases rooms are flooded in an instant but piranesi is not afraid he understands the tides as he understands the pattern of the labyrinth itself he lives to explore the house there is one other person in the house a man called the other who visits piranesi twice a week and asks for help with research into a great and secret knowledge but as piranesi explores evidence emerges of another person and a terrible truth begins to unravel revealing a world beyond the one perennisi has always known i am super into the idea of how that house was just described i think that sounds really up my alley in a way of like how strange and just infinite and possibly weird that this book could be so i think that sounds awesome i'm super excited about it the last thing i got from the bookstore which isn't a book it's just this little pin and it says booked for the weekend with a pair of legs outside of the book and i just thought it was really cute so i had to pick it up it was at checkout they always do that to you they're like hey what about these and i'm like okay all right so now we are moving into just like books that i've bought recently a couple of them are gifted i will tell you which ones but most of them were not they came from my own pockets these three books i'm gonna like mention all at first but then we'll go through each one of them i'm pretty sure that these three books are like all of the books that this author has out right now and i'm equally obsessed with each of the covers and all of these books are by mary h k choi and it is permanent record emergency contact and yolk first one we'll just talk about permanent record really quick this cover is just really really pretty really stunning and in the story we follow two main characters pablo as well as lyanna and pablo is technically a college dropout who is working the graveyard shift at a local 24-hour deli in brooklyn and then lyanna is basically just a celebrity she's been in the industry i guess since she was a child and now that she's an adult her life consists of like private jets hotel rooms and people trying to scam her just so that she'll notice them when leanna and pablo meet at 5am at the bodega in the dead of winter it's absurd to think that they'd be a thing but as they discover who they are and who they want to be and how to defy the expectations of everyone else lee and pob turn to each other which of course is when things get properly complicated normally i would say that i wouldn't be super into a book with like celebrity aspects to it but everything else makes me super excited to read this because it sounds kind of like a low-key romance that i'm here for i don't know the next one was emergency contact and this again this cover is just stunning i love the pale pink i love the dude with tattoos they're both like i don't know it's just very aesthetic you know in this book we follow penny and sam and for penny high school was kind of like a non-event not a lot of things happened she just kind of like floated through it and now she is moving to austin texas to learn how to become a writer and i just really love how sam's portion of the story is worded so i just want to read it because i just really like it it says sam stuck literally figuratively emotionally and financially he works at a cafe and sleeps there too on a mattress on the floor of an empty storage room upstairs he knows that this is the god-awful chapter of his life that will serve as inspiration when he's a famous movie director but right this second the 17 bucks in his checking account and his dying laptop are really testing him when sam and penny cross paths it's less meat cute and more collision of unbearable awkwardness still they swap numbers and stay in touch via text and soon become digitally inseparable sharing their deepest anxieties and secret dreams without the humiliating weirdness of having to you know see each other and i really like when stories have like almost like the alternate format for like texting where it's kind of just like broken up throughout the page while also having like a lot of normal dialogue and paragraph esque whatever you know as well i feel like i've heard that this book had a lot of mixed reviews on it i might be mistaken but i think it sounds really good and plus again it's just really beautiful i hate when people put stickers on the front of books it should be a sin don't do it i don't care if it's the book club pick of the month just tell me don't ruin the cover got it and then we have yolk by also by mary h k troy and we need to have a moment to look at this cover as well because here's this right and then the hands are on the edges people they're on the edges look at that i can't handle it i love that this book sounds a lot more serious than i originally anticipated sounds like it's probably gonna make me cry so it says jane and june are nothing alike jun is three years older a classic first-born narc with a vile finance job in a soulless apartment according to jane jane on the other hand is an emotionally stunted self-obsessed crybaby who lives in squalor has egregious taste in men and needs to get her as to class said in june's words once thickest thieves these sisters who moved from seoul to san antonio and finally new york don't want anything to do with each other until june gets cancer and jane becomes the only one who can help her flung together by sickness and bound by family secrets will the sisters learn more about themselves and each other than they're willing to confront so again this sounds like it has the potential of making me feel a lot of things i am again just obsessed with this cover and this little hand sprayed action it's not even sprayed it's printed you can see those little black lines you see it's like forming the picture of the hands it's brilliant i love it but yeah another beautiful beautiful sounding book and i'm excited to get to it the next one rule of wolves by leigh bardugo um i got the special illumicrate edition was it a luma crate i think it was and it's just so stunning i just ah my one of my trademark quotes i will say it whenever it applies i'm a hoe for sprayed edges they're just so pretty i love both of these books for different things so like obviously i love the sprayed edges and i love that this cover like they're very similar but this covers like more metallic and silver and it has more depth to like the roots but the interior of this book has this really pretty like marble and the cover is a different like it's maroon with silver plating well this one like we saw is white with red like both of them are stunning okay but this is the sequel to king of scars which is not there it's downstairs probably because i read it this month oh it's sitting right here actually it's under this big stack of books though i'm not grabbing it but it's the sequel to king of scars and i liked king of scars a lot more than i originally thought that i would and the ending of king of scars actually left me pretty shook so i want to get to this soon but i want to get to so many books soon so we'll see when it actually happens and i just really love being in the grease reverse with all of these characters and that's it i'm excited about it let's just stay on the sprayed edges kick really quick so that i don't have to like say it again but like i said earlier i'm starting to really really enjoy greek myth retellings and fun fact i actually got this book as an arc before i even knew that it was going to be such a big deal so i didn't even like talk about it nor did i prioritize it in my reading because i'm i'm dumb i don't know what do you want from me obviously the book is out now and it has a special edition of it which i got off ebay which guys by the way if you are buying special edition of books and then selling it online for double or triple the amount of what it actually is worth shame on you anyways the book that i bought off ebay which was definitely more expensive than how it was originally cost but i talked to the guy down to a reasonable amount and the book is lore by alexandra bracken and i'm really kicking myself for not reading it as an arc before it came out because i don't know that i got it in december of 2020 it was a really stressful time you know like holidays with covid me being a nurse like it was a lot so i didn't really read much anyways i digress this book though look at the spine but wait are you ready for the sprite edges oh they're so pretty i'm definitely putting it on my shelf like this once i get more shelves um also stunning yellow interior it's just really pretty and this is basically like a more contemporary urban retelling of medusa i think i mean i'm guessing it's medusa because i mean that's medusa right but apparently there's some sort of game that is being played called the agon and every seven years for one week only zeus punishes the gods by forcing them to walk the earth as mortals and each of them are being savagely hunted by the descendants of ancient bloodlines all eager to kill a god and seize their divine power and immortality and after her family was brutally murdered by a rival line laura perseus fled turning her back for on the aegon's cruel promises of eternal glory for years laura has honored her parents memory by doing one thing surviving for years she has pushed away dark thoughts of revenge until now and the quote on the side of the book says the games have begun and she's playing for her life the synopsis hints at like some new god that can't be trusted who wants to destroy all of humanity and then some alliances are going on and and there's like a feminist twist in the story apparently so i'm all about it i think it sounds pretty cool and i'm just like absolutely obsessed with these sprite edges do we even need to say it anymore probably not the next book that i got is in an absent dream by seanan mcguire this is the next book in the wayward children's series and i love this i love this series i think that's awesome it's super fun they're always a super quick interesting read sean mcguire is just a magician i think that her writing is absolutely amazing each book in this series is a standalone you don't have to read one in order to understand another though there are easter eggs within other books if you read them all you know you'll catch them but in this series you follow a child or a set of children in each book who find these doorways to their home it's a place that they feel most safe and that they resonate most most with however these children have somehow gotten kicked out of their homes and have wound up back in the real world their parents don't really know what to do with them so they have sent them to eleanor west's home for whey world children where these children are living and trying to find their doorways back to their home the next book that i got which i have wanted for probably like five months now but i hate not hate i just don't really like the us cover so i have been waiting until book depository had the uk cover in stock and it finally did so now i have it and it is the space between worlds by michael johnson it is just a really really beautiful cover and the catchphrase on the back says of the 380 realities that have been unlocked cara is dead in all but eight so obviously this book is a sci-fi with some like multi-dimensional multiple timeline reality thing going on and i think that is super interesting in like real life i love having those discussions especially with caleb we really like to theorize and things like that so i think that this book sounds really interesting and i'm super excited to see what it holds oh my god there's so many the next two books that i got are just books two and three in a series called the annihilation series it's actually i think it's the southern reach trilogy oh yeah the southern reach trilogy but book one is called annihilation and the second one is called authority and then the third one is called acceptance and i again i love these covers i think that they're super cool and basically annihilation it is about a group of four women who are sent on an expedition into area x which has been cut off from the rest of humanity due to all of these strange happenings and like basically death that has happened there all the other expeditions that have been sent into a collect data on area x have all died in mysterious circumstances and in annihilation it is the 12th expedition into area x in which we follow four women and they are to map the terrain record all observations of the surroundings and of one another and above all avoid being contaminated by area x and it sounds super interesting caleb thinks that i'm really gonna like it and i'm really looking forward to it now we have books two and three so i'm like really not center why am i just now realizing this let's do that shall we oh that's a little bit better the next book that i got which i actually chose for my book of the month pick for this past month it is people we meet on vacation by emily henry and that's really rude the bookmark that is inside says mark is unread that's all of my books ever i didn't need to be called out like that this story is basically about poppy and alex who really they don't have anything in common but somehow they have become best friends and every year for the last decade they have met up and gone on a summer vacation together until two years ago when they ruined everything and they haven't spoken since however poppy reaches out to alex and convinces him to go on one last vacation together to lay everything on the table and make it right now she has a week to fix everything if only she can get around the one big truth that has always stood quietly in the middle of their seemingly perfect friendship what could possibly go wrong i really like this setup i think it sounds like something that i should enjoy they're kind of studying it up like it's like some friends to enemies to lovers maybe not enemies but like not friends and i don't know i think it sounds really fun i'm very much looking forward to it and dipping my toe further into the romance genre the next book i got i got it purely because it was in one of noel's most recent reading vlogs and that is the four wins by kristin hannah and i'm like pretty sure that this is a historical fiction book which i really i don't read much of like historical anything so i'm excited to try it out and see if it's something that i would enjoy it says the four wins is about a powerful american epic about love and heroism and hope set in the great depression a time when the country was in crisis when millions were out of work and even the land seemed to have turned against them and the little quote that it says it says my land tells a story if you listen the story of our family and the way that that just gave me chills like am i a baby probably okay like this sounds even more interesting than i was expecting do i just buy things because other people like them and i don't even know if i will maybe obviously but this sounds like again something that's gonna make me feel things and like we're really gonna get to know this family their story from the beginning and all of the hardships that are coming along with being alive and being trying to make it through a time like the great depression and it sounds like there's going to be a lot of really hard decisions that this family's going to have to make so i think that it should affect me and i am excited to read it the next two things that i'm going to talk about my mom actually bought for me so shout out mom she had asked my opinion on what book i thought that she should read and by the way i gave her no exit by taylor adams because i think that she would really like it she likes thrillers and things like that so i gave her i gave her that book to read and when she was ordering that book she asked if i wanted any and i was like of course i do so she ended up ordering for me the midnight library by matt haig and basically this is about our main character nora but more importantly about our setting which is the midnight library each book in the midnight library can enable nora to live as if she had done things differently each book contains a different life a possible world in which she made different choices that played out in an infinite number of ways affecting everyone she knew as well as many people she never met with the help of an old friend she can now undo every decision she regrets as she tries to work out her perfect life but things aren't always what she imagined they'd be and as soon as her choices place the library and herself in extreme danger before time runs out she must answer the ultimate question what is the best way to live this book obviously has one of the age-old questions of if you could have done something different would you have what do you think your life would be like if you never did this this or this but this book will follow the journey in which we figure out what it would be like if you are able to change the course of your life from going back in time and would your life really be what you would want it to be i don't know probably not but we're gonna read about it the other books that my mom got me are actually a box set so it's the first three books in this series which is the expanse series so we have leviathan wakes calibans war in abaddon's gate by james s a corey and this is a sci-fi series that is quoted as being the best space opera to date camera's about to die so let me change the battery but anyways the expanse series first book is leviathan wakes and basically kind of okay in this series the universe has been colonized by humans so there is life on like mars and everywhere else and our main character is a minor in one of the asteroid belts and while he's there he finds this like something that he never really wanted to find and now he and his friends are kind of thrown into this situation where war is basically about to happen and like i said it's like a big space opera that is very very well regarded well rated and i'm very excited i haven't really read a space opera esque book since i read illuminae over a year ago and i love that series so much so i should probably prioritize this like i think that i would really enjoy it and i am looking forward to it these three were gifted to me by molly over at mind of molly and it was completely out of the blue i don't really even remember why they did this but they did because they're amazing this first book i put on my wish list because kayla from books and lala really liked it and it is the first time she drowned by carrie clutter and this book says it's been two and a half years since cassie's mother dumped her in a mental institution against her will now at 18 cassie's finally able to reclaim her life and enter the world in college on her own terms but it's poor consolation for a lifetime of psychological damage now swimming in family memories and trying to adapt to her new surroundings cassie cassie casey what have i been saying i think it's cassie cassie sees how difficult it is to cut the tethers of a tumultuous past and when the unhealthy mother-daughter relationship that defined cassie's childhood and adolescence threatens to pull her under cassie must decide whose version of history is real and can she let what happened resurface without drowning in it this sounds like a really heavy book and one that i can just tell that it's up my alley which is why i put it on my wish list because things like this with like mental illness it's really sometimes hard to read about but it's also stories that i end up really really enjoying if as long as it's done well and if kayla really likes it then i think that i have a good shot of saying that it's probably done well so that makes me even more excited for this one the next book that i got from molly is love and luck by jenna evans welch this is a sequel but i think it's kind of like it's standalone it's just by the same author that wrote thought it was behind me but i don't think it is uh love and gelato and love and gelato was a book that i didn't think that i would really read ever but i read it and i really enjoyed it i thought it was a blast so it was super super surprising and i actually had molly read love and gelato and they really liked it as well so they sent me the sequel this one says addie is visiting ireland for her aunt's over-the-top destination wedding and hoping she can stop thinking about the one horrible thing that left her miserable and heartbroken but her brother ian isn't about to let her forget but when addie discovers an unusual guidebook ireland for the heart broken hidden in the dusty shelves of the hotel library she's finally able to escape her anxious mind and ian's criticism and then their travel plans change suddenly eddie finds herself on a whirlwind tour of the emerald isle trapped in the world's smallest vehicle with ian and his admittedly cute irish accented friend rowan as the trio journeys over the breathtaking green hills past countless castles and through a number of fairy tale forests addie hopes her guidebook will heal not only her broken heart but also her shattered relationship with her brother that is if they don't get completely lost along the way when i read love and gelato i just remember jenna evans welch's writing to be very accessible very easy to get through i read it very very quickly and i just really liked how she wrote the story so i'm excited to have this as an option to read and i think it sounds pretty cute the last book we're on the last book people this one also gifted me by molly thank you by the way i love you so much you're amazing but it is vengeful by ve schwab this is the sequel to vicious by ve schwab so i can't really i don't want to read the back because spoilers and i still haven't read vicious let me grab it vengeful is the sequel to vicious but okay so vicious is about victor and eli who started out as college roommates brilliant arrogant lonely boys who recognize the same sharpness and ambition in each other and in their senior year they're basically paired up to do this research project in which they discover that under the right circumstances and conditions someone could develop extra extraordinary abilities but when their thesis moves from academic to experimental things go horribly wrong and i just really love ve schwab's writing i know that i will enjoy this series it sounds super interesting and yeah i'm super excited to have the sequel now once i pick up the first one i'm gonna throw one more book in here because i don't think that i've talked about it since i've been here um but i also have a new release that came out this year which is lost in the neverwoods by aidan thomas if you don't know aidan thomas also wrote cemetery boys and i loved that book and this one says it's been five years since wendy and her two brothers vanished into the woods near a small coastal town of oregon you're so cute i love you wendy returned with no memory of where she had been or what happened to her when the town's children start to disappear the mystery around her brothers is brought back into the light and the police are once again knocking on wendy's door for answers attempting to flee her past wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road peter a boy she thought only lived in her stories asks for wendy's help to rescue the missing kids but in order to find them wendy must confront what's waiting for her inside the woods kind of sounds like a like a peter pan retelling sounds really interesting i don't know if it's a peter pan retalin i just love this cover and in like the shadows you have like the outlines of the two boys so wendy's brothers and i just remember really really enjoying aiden thomas's writing style and i'm very excited to experience another story by them okay i think that's it that's all that i'm doing um yeah some really good titles in here i hope that you found a book that you are excited to pick up possibly but yeah thank you so so much for being here hanging out with me for a little bit if you are still watching then leave the egg emoji down below in the comments preferably the one that has the cracked egg you know like the yolk if that is one i think that's one if it's not just leave an egg okay avi's trying to tell me that she it's time for her to go out getting very excited now so i gotta go thank you so much for being here um yeah that's it bye thanks oh i have an outro be kind to one another and happy reading bye [Music] you
Channel: Syd BookWorrom
Views: 6,559
Rating: 4.9720931 out of 5
Keywords: Syd bookworm, Syd bookworrom, Book haul, Huge book haul, Massive book haul, Book recommendations, Asian author recommendations
Id: kcUJCwChrAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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