April Book Haul | 2021

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hey guys it's laura welcome back to another video today's video is going to be my april book haul i almost have tbr for a second there uh april book haul it's currently the 22nd of april and i'm i cannot buy any more books someone someone needs to stop me okay i bought 21 books this month um if you saw my last video which was my unhaul project vlog thing um i did haul 11 of the books in this book haul in that video so if you saw that video you'll see some repeats but i do have 10 other books that i haven't showed you yet so i'll try to like alternate between so yeah i keep saying in every book haul that like i want this to be it i'm not buying any more books for a couple months and then i end up buying 21 books in a month i need help so the first book that i have to show you is mistborn the final empire by brandon sanderson yes i already had a copy of this and i actually re-read this this month um and because of that i wanted to get um a fancy hardcover edition because i actually really love these us hardcover editions i love the colors i love the design blue underneath and i have the paperbacks i read the paperbacks annotated them but i i felt like i needed the hardcovers because it's one of my favorite series ever so i bought this and now i have it uh next i got a middle grade here this is peter nimble and his fantastic eyes by jonathan oxier um jonathan oxier is an author that i want to read more from i read a book by him last year absolutely loved it this one says now for those of you who know anything about blind children you are aware that they make the very best thieves this is the story of the greatest thief who ever lived his name as you've probably guessed was peter nimble so peter nimble is a thief and one afternoon he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes when he tries the first pair he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special guest a special quest to travel to the dangerous spanish kingdom and rescue people in need this sounds really really interesting and i love that jonathan oxier makes the main characters of his stories have some kind of disability and in spite of their disability they still get to go on these grand adventures and i love his writing so i have a feeling that i'm really going to love this as well and i cannot wait to read it the next book i have here is this gorgeous edition of rule of wolves by leigh bardugo this is the second book in the um nikolai duology i'm currently reading this actually because it is currently grisha week i have my my my little antler bracelet on in celebration um but yeah this is the second book in the nikolai duology we're following the perspectives of nikolai uh zoya as well as nina from the six of crows duology absolutely love this series and super excited to get more into this this cover is absolutely stunning and the naked hardback is stunning as well the end pages are gorgeous but the naked hardcover looks like this um which king of scars had a design like this on it as well but it was it's black with gold foiling i believe this is like this dark maroon with silver foiling and i think it is just so beautiful uh definitely my favorite out of the two so yeah really happy to have this i am currently reading it like i said and vlogging my experience so you will hear my thoughts on it pretty soon next i have the hearts we sold by emily lloyd jones what's really funny is that in that um unhaul vlog that i did last week i unhauled one of emily jones books and then i picked up another one at the same time um but this one is one that i've heard of really a lot of good things about it's one that i hear people saying is very underrated i read the bone houses by emily jones and really really enjoyed it so i definitely want to pick up more of her work even though i didn't really enjoy elusive by her so in this world there are demons and you can um get you can make deals with them so basically you're like giving over a part of your body for something in exchange and i think that our main character makes a deal with a demon and she gives him her her heart i don't know what for exactly yeah it says one human body part in exchange for one wish come true so i think she she gives up her heart for a wish come true i'm really excited about this i really hope i love it i have light of the jedi by charles soule or silly i'm not sure i say that um this is the first book in the new star wars series called the high republic i have been wanting to get into star wars books for quite some time now but i never know i never knew where to start um basically there's so many books out there like so many so many different series and timelines and i just didn't know how to get into it but it seems like this is a really good place to start especially if you haven't read any other star wars books so this takes place in the golden age of the jedi i'm really excited to give this one a try i've heard really really good things about it i don't mention it a lot but i really do love star wars so i'm excited to check this out and see how it goes i have wool by hugh howie i read a hugh howie book earlier this month actually which was beacon 23 and i absolutely loved it i loved the writing i loved the voice of the main character i love the humor and i definitely want to read more books by this author so i picked up wool which is the first book in a trilogy i'll read you the back because it's really really short it says what would you do if the world outside was deadly and the air you breathed could kill and you lived in a place where every birth required a death and the choices you made could save lives or destroy them this is jewel's story this is the world of wool sounds really really intriguing to me i have been loving sci-fi this year so i'm really excited to read another one and especially from an author that i loved a previous book that i read by him so yeah excited to check this one out the next book i have here was actually one of my most anticipated releases for the spring season and that is the unbroken by c.l clark this is a north african inspired military fantasy it's an epic fantasy of uprising espionage and empire it sounds like it's going to be really really good i sold as soon as i heard north african inspired because that is my favorite type of fantasy honestly so i'm really i cannot wait to read this we're following two main characters terrain and luca terrain is a soldier she was stolen as a child and raised to kill and die for the empire and then we're also following luca who is the princess who's trying to take over the throne from her uncle and the two of them get mingled up in politics and other things and i'm really excited to check this out next i have exhalation by ted chang i picked this up at my used bookstore and was super excited to see this beautiful hardcover edition in such good condition this is another short story collection by ta-chang i read his other one um stories of your life and others and i really really loved that i love his concepts i love the way his mind works i love the science behind all of his stories and i'm really excited to read more from him i've heard that exhalation is even better than the other one so cannot wait to get into this i don't know when i'll pick it up but i really really hope that i can pick it up soon because i'm dying for more of his stories i love his writing i love the cover of this book i think it's just so pretty like it's really simple but it's just really pretty next i have the wicker king by k ingram i mentioned in my vlog that i have been wanting to read a k ingram book for years and never got around to picking any up two friends uh august and jack and jack starts having hallucinations and instead of getting help august decides to believe him and go along with him in these delusions and as you can see the pages go from white they get darker and then they finally go to black and i think that reflects the main character jack's mental state i'm really excited to check this one out because i've heard just so many amazing things about this book um i don't think i've seen anyone read this who hasn't loved it and i know that a lot of people love kay ingram as an author so i'm really excited to get into her works and to start with this one um it's definitely one that i want to get to very soon the next book i have here is home is not a country and this is by safiya el hilo i'm not sure if i said that right but i was very intrigued by this this is a very short story told in verse i love stories told in first and when i saw that this was blurbed by elizabeth acevedo who is one of my favorite authors um she said nothing short of magic one of the best writers of our times i knew i had to pick it up um but it is about nina um and says nina doesn't feel understood by her mother who grew up far away in a different land by her suburban town which makes her feel so much like an outsider to fit in and not enough like an outsider to feel like she belongs somewhere else so i think it's just like a coming-of-age story and i'm really excited to read this i absolutely adore this cover i think it's so beautiful and um the naked hardback has a really cute uh butterfly embossed on it if you can see that next i have two uh middle grades here that are part of the rick riordan presents line um the first one is arusha and the end of time by rashni chakshi who ends up getting into a bit of trouble so i think she she lights a lamp and unwittingly frees the sleeper an ancient demon who is intent on waking the god of destruction her classmates and mother are frozen in time and it's up to aru to save them sounds like it's going to be a really great middle grade adventure i believe that this is based in hindu mythology really excited to get to this one because i've heard like really great things about it and then the second one i got was paula santiago and the river of tears by taylor k majia so in this one we're following paula and she i believe uh has a run-in with la yarona which is very exciting to me i'm excited to see how this works out i think i don't i don't think i've heard anyone talking about this one specifically but i'm dying to know more about it and it sounds like it's right up my alley it sounds like it could be a great middle grade adventure with a little bit of a little bit of spookiness mixed in so really excited to get to this one as well the next book i have here i had no idea that this was coming out i was in target one day and happened to see it and snatched it up right away but i never heard anything about it so black panther tales of wakanda a groundbreaking anthology from the african diaspora so this has a ton of great authors in it we've got sui davies okomboa we've got nikki giovanni we've got tanana reeve do which i've read from before absolutely love her writing so i'm really excited to check this out these are just all stories from wakanda and i'm i'm so happy to have this i think like i love this i think it's beautiful but yeah i had no idea that this was coming out who else is in this collection oh we've got a story by l mckinney tammy oh um cadwell turnbull and this is uh edited by jessie j holland and honestly the dedication like almost had me in tears in target um but of course it is lovingly dedicated to our forever king chadwick boseman long mayhe reign the next book i have here is clean sweep by elona andrews i picked this up because part i've heard um i think bethany from beautiful bookish bethany talked about this i think she really enjoyed it and also it's giving me that like really cozy mystery type vibe um although it does have some paranormal aspects as well um we're following dinah demille and i believe she runs a bed and breakfast in a small texas town i think she may be a witch it says that her the synopsis says that her broom is a deadly weapon her inn is magic and thinks for itself meant to be a lodging for other worldly visitors the only permanent guest is a retired galactic aristocrat who can't leave the grounds because she's responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on site and it seems like something is starting to hunt at night people are disappearing and so diana feels like she needs to get involved it once again just giving me those really cozy mystery vibes so i feel like i'm really going to enjoy this because i've definitely been in the mood for some cozy mystery type books lately so and i know that this is the first book in a series i don't know how many books are in the series but i hope there's quite a few of them because if i end up loving this and i will definitely continue in the series so yeah really excited to read this one and it's a really short one as well so i'm hoping to get to it sooner rather than later the next book i have here is black sun by rebecca rohnhorst now i do have two other books by rebecca rowan horse on my shelf that i have not read yet but i decided to go ahead and pick up black sun because i've heard really good things but also because i have a um vlog project in mind regarding this book and some others so i definitely will be getting to this soon probably next month um this is a all i know about this is that it is a fantasy that is based on pre-columbian americas which sounds perfect for me i don't want to know anything more haven't read the synopsis i haven't paid too close attention when i've heard anyone talking about it because i just i want to go into it not knowing much and enjoy it as much as i can i absolutely love the map that we get on the end on the end pages i think it's beautiful but yeah really excited to get to this one and like i said i'll definitely be picking it up soon because i have i've got plans in mind next i have the vanished birds and this is by simon jimenez i heard i've heard really good things about this i can't explain to you what it's about i know that it follows a woman who travels um within space and time and then she meets this boy and there's something about music and i i don't know how all of this connects and i don't want to know too much it feels like the kind of book that you shouldn't know too much before you go into um but i can't remember i think it was jesse from bow ties and books i think they really enjoyed it and i don't remember how they talked about it but i just remember something about the way they talked about it that made me really really interested and so i saw this at my used bookstore i picked it up i'm really excited to give it a shot it's a sci-fi but it seems like it's going to just be really deep and emotional and like tear my heart to pieces and i could i'm ready for that like i could really use that right now you know what i mean like a good a good cry is definitely something i always look forward to in a book i love a book that can just touch on my emotions like that so i hope this is the book and i'm really excited to give it a try i keep saying i'm really excited but like i don't i don't know what else to say and hopefully i can get to it soon i keep saying that too am i going to get to all of these soon i mean probably not but i would really like to get to this soon because i'm excited the next book i have here was actually a gift from becky becky is actually the creator of the diverseathon 2021 which is the year-long readathon that i am co-hosting she was so so sweet she happened to be in new orleans recently and remembered i said that i absolutely new orleans is one of my favorite cities ever it is my favorite city ever and so she got me a book a fantasy that is set in new orleans from a new orleans bookstore and i was just so like completely taken away when she got this for me i thought it was just the sweetest thing ever so becky thank you so much again for this book i'm really excited to read it this is the city of lost fortunes by brian camp um i don't know too much about this but i read the synopsis and it sounded really interesting it follows jude who knows things he shouldn't he has a supernatural ability to find lost things a gift passed down to him by the father he has never known a father who was more than human but so much was lost during hurricane katrina that it played havoc with jews magic leaving him overwhelmed and cursed um i know that this has gods and mythology and it's set in new orleans in the wake of hurricane katrina i'm really excited to read this it sounds like something i'm really really going to enjoy and she also sent along this is the uh bookmark from the bookshop that she got it from and then also this beautiful bookmark of the french quarter in new orleans i love this like my new favorite bookmark so yeah i'm really excited to read this one i haven't heard anything about this ever so let me know if you've read this and if you enjoyed it in the comments but i'm really excited to give it a try either way uh next i picked up fortuna sworn by kj sutton and i literally picked this up just because everyone is reading it and talking about it i don't know if i'm gonna love it i don't know what to expect i'm not the biggest fantasy romance reader but i mean i love sarah j maas and she's mostly fantasy romance so i'm hoping that i enjoy this i honestly was second guessing myself when i came home with this book so i'm like is this really something that i should have bought but it's already done i bought it i'm definitely going to read it and see how it goes do i know what it's about not really it follows fortuna her brother disappeared two years ago leaving her with no family or species to speak up she hides among humans spending her days working at a bar and her night searching for him the bleak pattern goes on and on and so she catches the eye of a powerful fairy so we've got some fae in here we've got some romance i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy my time with this one also the cover is stunning and every time i see someone talk about this book i'm just like should i well i decided that i should so i'll be reading it at some point pretty soon and letting you know how it goes the next book i have here is another one of my most anticipated books of the year and that is love in color by bolu babalola this i heard about from nuku kanya from pretty xbookish i will leave her channel linked down below if you want to check her out but she really enjoyed this book she read it last year it did come out in the uk before it came out in the us i think this was actually her favorite book of the year and it just sounded so interesting to me so this is actually um short stories mythical tales from around the world retold so it reimagines folk tales of west africa also greek myths ancient legends from the middle east and stories from long erased places which sounds so so good i cannot wait to read this i know i've said it a million times already but i'm going to say it again i really hope to get to this soon because it is one of my most anticipated reads i love the cover of this i think it is just so gorgeous second to last we have prospero's demon this is by kj parker this is a very short novella so i don't want to find out too much about it but i know that it is about an exorcist i'm excited about this i remember hearing pretty good things about this so i thought that this would be a fun one to read especially around the spooky season the very last book that i have to talk about in this haul is my number one most anticipated book of 2021 it finally came out it came out on april 20th i had my i had it pre-ordered so it came to me on the 20th and that is which is steeped in gold by shannon smart this is a jamaican-inspired y-a fantasy it follows two rival witches who have to come together to defeat a greater enemy and it just sounds like it's gonna be everything that i've ever wanted and needed in my life so of course i had to get a copy i'm definitely going to be picking this up this month like as soon as possible i mean can we take a moment for the cover because it's stunning am i right um and it's just plain black but the spine look at that spine it's gorgeous so yeah super excited about this i cannot i cannot wait i cannot wait i'm going to be reading it next week and definitely vlogging my experience because it is my most anticipated book of the year so i will give you my live reaction my thoughts and all of that in a vlog coming soon but yeah i am so happy to have this and honestly when it came in the mail i just wanted to drop everything i was doing and read it but i didn't and i'm dying so that is it those are all the books that i bought in the month of april i definitely i'm gonna say it again even though it's probably not gonna work but i definitely want this to be my last book haul for at least a couple months i need to focus on reading the books that i have on my shelf i need to get through quite a bit more books before i decide to pick up more so yes um hold me to it if you see me do a book haul next month like yell at me yell at me in the comments i need your help because i'm having such a hard time not buying books it's ridiculous i can't put myself on an official book buying ban because that will just make me want to buy books more so i can't do that and i i don't know what else to do i really don't but there you have it the 21 books that i picked up in the month of april do let me know down in the comments if you have any thoughts or opinions on the books that i talked about let me know any that you are excited to read now that i've talked about them and you know just talk to me tell me whatever you want down in the comments below you guys know i love hearing from you but that is going to be it from me today so if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and i'll see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: A Book Circus
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Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Id: uOkX8DfQ3LI
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Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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