24' x 24' Garage Build - Footing dig & monolithic slab pour

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what's up guys this is part one of a minseries I'm doing of a garage build what we're going to be putting in here is a 24x 24 detached garage the foundation is going to be a monolithic slab so the footing and the slab is all going to be poured in one shot I'm getting ready to start the excavation today I'm going to dig out the footing we're going down 3 ft from from grade um I leveled this ground yesterday day it's still a little low on this end it's about 5 in low but that's fine we're just going to have our forms built up on this side a little bit I staked out outside of our digging area so I can you know repo lines and repaint lines as I need to what I did first I'll show you is I went parallel with the with the house so down there off of the house I have two two stakes I basically measured four feet off at the front corner and then fouret off at the back corner and then pulled this string all the way down so that way the the face of the garage is is parallel with the with the side of the [Music] house [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so after I gave my kids and niece and nephew all a ride on on the excavator I was able to get back to work and keep digging you can see I got this side this side and about half of that side I just have the machine moved up that back corner was uh was about I don't know 6 in low so we I built it up some I I used all the rocky stuff you could see you know there's a couple good layers of a modified and stone I put that all here and we just compacted it down make sure Phil maybe hit this this strip right here a little bit cuz this is on the edge of our dig we'll hit this and then I'm going to keep rocking and [Music] rolling so we just finished up with our forums we got all of our kickers in place we had strings set up that we were following um you know as we went to make sure everything stayed good and I just went around with the laser level to make sure everything was at the same height we checked the measurements to make sure it's Square you know we measured diagonally and then we measured uh you know 6 8 and then 10 um all the corners make sure it was good to go let say the only thing we have issue not really an issue but less an ideal situation is the little bit of over digging that we had um you know that was partially my fault partially the soil conditions it was really Rocky you could see the layers you know the guy built this yard up quite a bit and that stuff just crumbles and then when I got down to the dirt it was a lot of river rock and I pulled out some some pretty big rocks cuz there's some spots that are really blown out a little bit here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get this pile right here moved out and then I'm going to go get some 3/4 clean Stone spread it in this area I'll hit it with the the tamperer over there and then we will get down our plastic for the vapor barrier and hopefully we'll have enough daylight left to also build the rebar grid [Music] [Music] [Music] so we started getting our rebar grid laid out here what we did was a 2T on Center this is number four rebar we're getting ready to tie it at all the joints and then we'll put our sections on we have pieces of rebar cut to 5 ft so it'll overlap like a foot and a half and um we'll we'll do that on this side and then that back side and then there'll be another stick running this way and this way and then we'll put our hooks in so we're going to get rocking rolling so this is our rebar Bender basically this is what we're making it's like a 6-in hook 36 in length and then the remainder is getting tied in to the grid over there I'll show you how it works the way this works out is you know you measure your 6 in from the center of this and that basically works out with the tip of the rebar being flush here go ahead Phil you can bend we go and then we we're just flipping it around lining it back in there and I got a mark on the handle down there that there that's it all right we're basically all set ready for concrete we're ready for our inspection at this point we're just waiting for him to get here um we got to add a couple more pieces we're going to need 24 yards for this and instead of getting a third truck we went and picked up four yards locally so we're not hit with that big uh delivery fee and all that we did these four put [Music] in go oh yeah there you go keep poking so goes down underneath that [Music] tailgate [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right second truck just got here we're getting the shoots on I don't want to jinx it but I don't think we're going to have quite enough I think we're going to be a couple yards short if we are we're going to run over to our buddy Chris and get him to make us a yard or two maybe we'll get lucky though we'll [Music] see [Music] [Music] wowow [Music] so I was expected we were a little short you can see here this is about four yards we're going to go hit up that guy Chris again get another load in the dump truck and break that out [Music] there we go we got a full load in here four yards see it Chris hopefully it don't spill out so I didn't get any footage of us getting this four yards down cuz if we wanted to hurry H up and get it in I was worried about a cold joint this concrete was pretty wet so it took a while before we were able to hit it with the trout so it is the next day as you can see I I covered up our slab here last night it the temperature dropped down to about 42° and um from my understanding and and I don't do a ton of concrete so I'm not an expert um but for my understanding you know long as you're above 40 you're doing okay they say below 40 the concrete actually starts to uh stall with the curing process and uh you know that that that's not good so I put this tarp on there it retains some heat I just had my hand under here yeah and it's and it's pretty warm I'm getting ready to uncover it and I'm going to put some water on it and then I'm going to cover it back up now I'm just going to say this I don't expect our finish to be the greatest particularly in this area we had to go and pick up another small batch to finish off like a 10x10 section here and that concrete for whatever reason it was cooler by the time we dumped it um but again it was like in the ' 50s it just bled and bled and bled water we were out here till about 7:00 at night waiting for to finish bleeding off just so we could uh run the Fresno tra on it so yeah I I don't think it's going to be that great right here but I'm not that worried about it it's a garage like I'm going to be running these machines in and out of here there's going to be black scuff marks all over the floor I'm sure over time um you know there might be like oil drips and things like that so it is what it is it's not that big of a deal but let me get this tarp off and and see how it looks all right guys so we got the forums pulled and and we're getting ready to start our framing here I'll just walk around the slab show you it's pretty good we we got a little bit of honeycombing we we didn't tap the boards I forgot about that we were juking it down but we should have really tapped on the sides it's not that big of a deal like I said this is my property so if I'm fine with it I guess that's all that matters right uh we got a little bit here in the front but again this is actually I'm end up going to do a ramp here for getting the machines in and out I'm going to start off it'll probably just be gravel um some maybe some modified something compact it maybe one day I'll do a concrete ramp we'll see thanks for watching this one and stay tuned for the next one we're going to get the framing started
Channel: Sean Markee - SRM Contracting
Views: 135,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage build, do it yourself, garage build diy, garage concrete slab, monolithic slab foundation, srm contracting, 24x24 garage, 24x24 garage build
Id: kVgzSD0u6ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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