Techo Bloc paver walkway and retaining wall with lights

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what's up guys let me show you what we have going on on today's job site we're going to be doing a PA walkway here and a small paper patio up here in the front we're going to be ripping out all this concrete these shrubs the walkway is going to extend basically from where it's at now all the way up to the house they don't want the customer doesn't want a mulch bed up there anymore there's going to be pavers here in this area here where the walkway is and it's going to extend out to where that existing retaining wall is well couple blocks we should say and then we're also going to be building a small retaining wall from right there out to this way so we're going to build a taller wall it's going to be about 2T tall and we'll back fill it with a bunch of drainage Stone and and regrade so I don't know we won't really be able to get the grade to go that way but we'll be able to get it to go out that way towards the front of the house instead of it coming this way [Music] n [Music] a [Music] n [Music] so as expected there was a perimeter footing around that porch but the center part of the slab was pretty thin it was barely 3 in but anyways it's more than one load you know these footings really added some weight to it you can see they're pretty pretty thick that's usually my indicator once these tires start squawking a little bit um I know we're getting close close on weight I don't think it's quite 5 tons in there but it's probably it's probably four so we got the excavation all dug out as you can see and we Ed modified to fill in that trench so that way water doesn't end up accumulating in this area cuz we're going to be using a 3/4 clean stone for our base here which actually just got delivered in the street there's 22 tons out there what I'm getting ready to do is we're going to put a thin layer down maybe about you know like an inch or two we're going to compact that into the subbase and then we're going to put our geostabilization fabric down and then build our base up from there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we have our wall pretty much built laid out the way we like it the step Downs are even it's about 6t 6t and then 6t down there and then we're going to put a cap on Top This row is not glued down yet we still need to run uh our lighting wire through there we're going to do that in just a little bit right now we're going to do our final compaction of our 3/4 Stone base and uh Mike and Cory are going to start filling in in front of the wall here and behind the wall with the rest of the 3/4 Stone that's in the street over there once we get that knocked out we'll start uh screeing and laying pavers [Music] oh [Music] so we got a little bit of rain this morning but it looks like it may have cleared up or at least it's starting to so we're going to get back to rock and rolling here what we're getting ready to do is compact the pavers over here on this side cuz these guys that are putting up the stone uh veneer over here they they want to start in this area so we want to get these pavers compact after that's done we'll start we'll finish laying the papers down there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so we're getting our caps laid out on our wall all dry fit and we're snapping we're snapping them off with the Chisel so we keep the rock face here on the front I'll show you how we'll do that in a second we have one light under here and there's going to be two more again none of this is glued down yet so we're going to be pulling all these caps off when I do that I'll show you how we cut our groove for a wire in the block and then all the all the lighting is just going to get wired in behind the wall cuz we're going to end up putting Fabric and dirt back here so it'll all be hidden and you won't be able to see it so we're marking our cap on both sides and we're just going to put a small score on the top and the bottom and then we're going to use this chisel to break it off and that'll give us the rock [Music] face e you can see when I scored this I only went down about a 16th of an inch cuz you have to be careful if you score it too deep this chisel will actually get buried in there and then cause this this part to chip it's going to chip up a little bit but it's fine cuz it kind of blends with the rock face anyway but you don't want this chisel going in like a quarter of an inch cuz it'll definitely break this edge up and then the other thing is too you want to take your time when hitting it you don't want to just put the Chisel on and then wail it CU you might have a big blowout on one end and have a big chunk so you just give it some Taps and go so what we did we cut a notch all the way from the front here you can see the wire sits like that otherwise this would sit up a little bit and then your cap would get all wonky there we go just like that yeah I think if I just hold the wire here should just go down yeah you hold the wire yeah so we just finished up getting all of our caps down got our fabric behind over our drainage Stone and Mike is just about wrapped up with the wiring we're basically just burying all the the wiring right here in the in the stone and then we're going to put top soil over all this I think he's at the last one now right yep and you can see here this was the old wiring for the driveway lights that ran inside the same conduit as our new lighting and it goes to an lb body right over here then inside comes through we're going to put some staples into the wall and then just tie it into this wire here which goes over to this Transformer and this is a 200 W Transformer so it's plenty big for for the amount of lights that we have most of these lights nowadays are like 3 to 5 Watts a piece so it doesn't take up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] Cory just finished grading out all this top soil we had to rake it up here now it's time to do the poly sand and then we'll seed and straw this area [Music] n [Music] as you can see some of papers are starting to dry some are still a little damp you get an overall I'm glad originally the customer was thinking about going with the uh shamp plag gray which is a basically a gray pav with uh tan undertones and I'm glad they didn't they chose the shell gray I feel like the champagne gray would have uh Blended too close to the wall I like how it turned out there's a decent amount of contrast between the two let me know in the comments what you guys think I definitely like this color combo though and these lights look pretty sharp as usual guys thanks for watching don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you're not already
Channel: Sean Markee - SRM Contracting
Views: 5,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a retaining wall, retaining wall installation, retaining wall drainage, stanley dirt monkey genadek, srm contracting, how to dig for a retaining wall, techo bloc retaining wall, techo bloc installation, techo bloc semma wall, techo-bloc, paver pete, retaining wall, paver, techo bloc patio, paver walkway with drainage, paver patio, techo bloc, front yard landscaping ideas, retaining wall lights, retaining wall lighting under cap, paver walkway lights
Id: 4Qmv3mpZ1WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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