I just can't work for angry customers. Had to quit this one!!

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hey guys bondo here we're pouring some concrete today got this pole barn in the background that we're working on um it's got radiant heat in it spray foam under the concrete um concrete's coming at 6 30 it's about 607 we're just doing some final touches i'll show you the barn here stay with us here it is guys this is the barn report today like i said it's got radiant heat in it we put that in yesterday there's gonna be an office over here like a wall here and a wall here so that's on its own zone it's got water and stuff in there can be a little bathroom in there um there's gonna be a lift in here so we got these two gigantic holes here for the lift um the homeowner dug these a little bit deep i'd say probably like a foot deep too much foot to 16 inches too deep they don't need to be that big but we avoided them with the tubing so that we're not going to hit the tubing when we the guys put the lift in so we're kind of driving these stakes in here so that we know where they are and then we'll pull the stakes out after and mark it and then we put some screws along this edge here we just drove some screws in and then we're gonna we're gonna string string lines across here after the concrete dry so we put screws here and screws here to line up where these holes are and then we're going to mark it so that they can find those holes for their lift they don't end up hitting the tubing and that's what we're doing so because the homeowner's really concerned about hitting the tubing with the lift guys putting the lift in hitting the tubing so we're gonna be running four thousand pound concrete today guys we got um fibers in it we will not be pulling this tubing up into the concrete we want to leave it down so it doesn't get damaged we're going to do our relief cuts um probably tomorrow or monday is today's saturday so you won't see us picking the tubing up and a wire the wire there guys um is only to hold the tubing in place that's all it's there for we got like i said we got the fibers in here um this floor is six inches thick it's got um two inches of spray foam underneath it so rock solid we're gonna have to wheelbarrow this bad boy can't drive in here so we're gonna wheel the whole thing pretty much except what we could shoot through the doors stay tuned guys smell what mud yeah i can hear him you could smell it wow what do you think the slump is on this truck load of mud right now so you should probably add a little bit it's at a five it's out of five he can smell that mud guys it's out of five what's he backing down here is it a rear he's probably got the conveyor he's probably got the conveyor better yeah exactly here comes the mud guys here it comes i think it's a conveyor it's going to suck backing him in here we're gonna wheel this but i think the conveyor's coming guys oh yeah it is well i did mention if he could bring the conveyor for the first truck would be nice i could blow that back end in five inch mud right here i can smell it [Music] coming in hot boys this driveway sucks guys it's a long driveway probably a half a mile long stay with us we're gonna be dumping some mud [Music] all right guys we got this conveyor truck today so we're going to for the first 10 yards we're gonna sneak that conveyor through this door and hit that back corner over there that'll save us some wheelbarrow i kind of forgot i asked for that conveyor but here it is so we got all these wheelbarrows but we're gonna do the conveyor for the first 10 and then wheel the rest with the big brentwoods be careful sean shawn's good though he won't hit nothing i got the utmost faith in this man that's a conveyor guys basically the rear it's a rear loader truck and it dumps onto this conveyor belt that conveyor spins and travels down through and comes out that boot at the end if you haven't seen any of my other videos we use this quite a bit for different things especially footers core fills stuff like that circle t is the company that brought this truck to us bringing us our concrete it's four thousand pound concrete with uh fibers in it guys good stuff this floor is six inches thick so she's not going anywhere just got to get that truck in there that thing folds out like an accordion as you can see and he has a remote control on his hand that controls this thing all remote control don't you nice nice that's how we do it guys hey guys bondo here so let me tell you a story about how um this customer got so mad at me over these lift posts right here that we're filling up that i actually told these customers that i would not work for them anymore they had a lot of work for us next year they're going to build a house and they wanted me to do their foundation and we were going to do nadura foundation for them they had a bunch of work and they wanted us to do aprons on this barn this year also so um i just basically told them that we had a bad you know such a bad experience on this small project i considered this pretty small project we did this radiant heat i set up the spray foam guy for them so they could get this barn floor spray foamed and we we prepped this building and we also put the radiant heat in and then obviously we're pouring the floor here so i didn't consider this that big of a project compared to a full basement i said you know we will uh i just don't want to do any more work for you you know i was respectful to them but um so i'll tell you what went on here with this whole lift pad situation so um when i looked at this job there was no lift talked about but he said he was gonna put a lift in here so we talked about that when i came back um before we started to prep this job and i said no big deal we can deepen the um concrete a little bit where the lift goes and we'll you know we won't put the radiant tubing in there so no big deal and then when i showed up to um put through the prep work he has a mini excavator and he had dug these two gigantic holes they were probably 18 inches deep 18 to 20 inches deep in their four foot squares and his thought process was that he wanted to make sure that um these lift guys did not hit his tubing so he made these shoes posts or these fuse pads and that's what he thought it needed and i said well you didn't need to go so deep and he said yeah he kind of forgot about the thickness of the floor i mean the floor is six inches thick already so he probably really only needed to deepen these things about six to eight inches and he had a nice one foot pad underneath his lifts for these you know these lift posts it's a two post lift that he's putting in here so it's only going to have two pads that bolt to the floor so you know when you drill those holes he doesn't want to hit his tubing obviously so um we started to talk a little bit more at that point about the lift pads and he he changed his mind on how he wanted him done he said he was not a concrete guy he told me that he said i'm not a concrete guy but i want you to pour these pads separate now he changed it he said i want these two pads poured right up to the surface of the floor form them up and pour them and then finish them off and then pour the floor around it that he can clearly see where these pads are and i told him we just didn't physically have time to do that we had concrete ordered and i said there's just no way we're gonna have time i said besides that there's gonna be a short fee for the concrete and um you know you're gonna have to pay extra we're gonna have to come over for a day and form them up and then we're gonna have to strip them and we're gonna have to backfill around them and you know the spray foam had already been done so we basically said we can't do that so that that's out and and he was kind of mad about that but his wife was there and she was kind of helping out the situation so back to the lift pad story so like i said his wife was kind of there um she was trying to narrate between the two of us because i was kind of getting upset a little bit upset at him because he wanted to he's trying to tell us how to do these pads and we've done these a ton of times and he just tells me he's not a concrete guy but he wants these pads done like that i pretty much was gonna tell him i didn't want to do the job if we had to do those pads like that first of all i didn't have time and second of all it was gonna look really bad to have these two big squares in the middle of this floor and i told them that i said it's gonna look horrible and i said we can clearly mark these pads for you and it was not going to be a concern i said they're four foot big we're gonna stay away from it with the tubing and he told me at that point that he doesn't care what it looks like and then i'm like okay well you got the wrong guy to pour your concrete if you don't care what it looks like and then his wife's like well is there any other way we can mark them i said yeah we could mark them we could you know put some lines in the floor or something to make sure that these things are clearly marked and uh so that he kind of calmed down a little bit about it and he realized that we weren't going to do it the way that he was talking about pouring them separate like that so we decided to mark them some other way i said i'll get them marked and it's not going to be a concern at all these things will be marked somehow and i want to do i actually told them we could hang a plum bob off the ceiling a string with a plum bob on it right where they are dead center and then we could uh you know leave the string there and he just hooked the plumb bob up later but he didn't like that idea either so we kind of decided i'm going to pound some rebar stakes in there and mark them somehow during the pour so when uh chris my buddy chris came to uh to help us that morning i told him about these pads and stuff and he come up with a pretty good idea to put a grid of string lines in the in the pad here so what we did was put a bunch of screws in and we hooked string lines up we made this big huge um string line if we can envision it we strung i don't know one two three four we strung eight string lines guys so like a checkerboard across this thing we left the screws in exactly where these pads were so we did that this took us you know quite a bit of time to put all these screws in and run all these strings and then we took all the strings down and you can see when we poured the concrete we left the um we stuck a couple of rebars in there just so we could keep track of them that also helped us so we didn't step in those massive holes we could kind of see that we had the um rebar in there you know so we could see where the holes were and then we what we did when we finished the concrete we pulled the rebar out but we had that string line grid and so that was good we knew exactly where they were and i was going to mark them good and i thought all was good with the these lift pads i thought you know we'd uh chris had come up with a real good idea and the homeowner would be good with that but not the case so stay with me um i'll jump back into that story after this little clip here it's coming up um because i'll let you see what we're doing here for a minute we're uh you can see guys we're just we're power screening this whole thing that's chris on the power screen big biscuits bow floating right there we're just trying to get this concrete down here and it's going pretty good everything went really good with the pour we didn't have any issues so this section you can see we had a wheel it guys you can see we use the conveyor for the back there and then we got to this section and the conveyor wouldn't really reach over here so we got uh these big brentwood wheel barrels i think we had uh two three if we had three of them that day and this is how we run them we're just kind of these are dual wheel obviously and we're just kind of running them back and forth and they hold a lot of concrete so you can put the concrete down pretty fast so here i am me chris and paul are uh gonna start leveling this out and uh what i'm doing pretty much here i'm puddling you can see i got that rake in my hand that flat rake that's um i come along and i'm puddling the concrete which is just leveling the concrete but i also got a piece of plywood here guys that i'm moving that plywood around as you can see so that we don't dump on the tubing we don't um take that wheel barrel you know with the sharp edge on it and lean it up against the piece of tubing and damage the tubing so that's why we do it that way so i kind of could have used two pieces of plywood here but i had one and i was just moving it around and that shows the guys where i want the concrete to i move the i don't even have to tell them i just move the piece of plywood and they know where i want the next um wheel barrel to be dumped so you can see yeah we're just plugging along here and that's how we did this section there was a bunch of pipes here um as you can see there's an office here in this corner so there was a lot of plumbing and stuff they added all this i didn't really know it was going to be in there they said there's going to be a few pipes but no big deal on that that we just worked around it wasn't a big deal at all makes it a little harder to screed it and stuff but not a big deal we had enough help that day so that's how we did this section guys all the way over to where we can uh start um shooting through that door to finish up is what we did we ended up getting this whole section done and then we just reached in and you'll see here in a bit where we just reach through with the um shoot and shoot right through the door so let's go back to the pads guys i'll finish that story for you so let me think of how it played out so the the homeowners came after we poured the slab here after we had the concrete and they they showed up and they were upset at me at the time not about the pads because we hadn't um finished the concrete so evidently he thought i was going to either hand groove a four foot box around where the pads were i was gonna like hand groove it because we did talk about that but i didn't totally like the idea i didn't really want to um ruin this floor this was going to look nice i didn't want to have these weird big squares in the middle of this floor and they weren't square with the walls or not in there because he's putting the posts kind of at the angle putting his lift at an angle so they were uh they weren't mad about that yet because they i think he still thought i was gonna do that i was gonna either hand groove like a sidewalk groover or cut a line at these four foot boxes have these two ugly four foot squares cut into his floor which i didn't want to do at all but i told him i would clearly mark them somehow so um but they were mad because we parked on the grass um they were he was really upset because we had parked our cars on the grass but there's nowhere to park down in here they had like their driveway's a half a mile long and we had to park somewhere and it's there's just driveway and then there's some grass and it was really hard there was no uh there was not we didn't do any damage to the grass there was there was no uh wasn't soft or anything we didn't leave any tire tracks or nothing so i didn't know what the big deal was there but um they were upset because we parked in the grass and this is in the country too guys usually it's okay to park in the grass and like i said we did zero damage to anything but i i didn't know i asked him where we were supposed to park but he didn't really have an answer for me on that so he was mad at me about that so i was like okay and we moved on from that i guess so then after that his wife was mad at me because one of the guys left a cigarette but um right by the door the overhead door there was a cigarette butt on the ground and granted we were still working we had not cleaned up so she was really mad because of that cigarette butt and i told her that we were there would definitely not be anything laying on the ground when we left because we always do clean up our area they didn't really give us a chance to clean up and they were you know they're mad at me before we even had a chance to clean up so um but that wasn't the end of the world so i i kind of apologized about the cigarette butt and i said you know we're gonna like i said we're gonna clean up everything before we leave and uh here's the we're shooting through the door guys go back to to the concrete here um this is how we finished up but you're gonna see i was i actually was short concrete here guys we run out right right about here um no big deal we kind of we kind of knew we were going to need a balance anyways but i was hoping i had enough concrete but it wasn't a big deal because the plant's so close so we'll talk about that here when i slow down the video but no biggie they just sent a balance over to us anyways for to finish this off and it stayed nice and soft it was cool that day so we didn't have to worry about a cold joint but after this next clip i'll go back into the lift story and finish up how that played out at the end guys we're a little bit short on concrete here a little over a yard so i ordered a yard and a half sometimes with the spray foam it's hard to figure exactly how much concrete you need we added some for those lifts posts but maybe not enough those are big they were like a yard each so looking good we'll get this the concrete plants only about four or five miles away so we'll get this last truck in and fill this in and uh we're gonna 39 be a half yards and i figured 38 so that's where we're at here's our little balance guys a little yard and a half balance somebody didn't figure the concrete out right hmm [Music] that'd be me still nice and soft though really soft still no need to worry about a cold joint the plant's really close oh bring it nice and stiff attaboy that's how i wanted it nice and stiff yeah thank you appreciate it i hate when they bring a yard and it's like a six or something or a seven or eight you know like no nice and stiff about a force lump right there so it'll catch the rest of it that's good mud right there boys blender in nice so you can watch biscuit here both floating and i'll try to finish up this lift story so um we poured this on a saturday like i said in the video guys i came back sunday to cut it which was father's day and uh the homeowner actually told me that she was gonna pay us on saturday for everything you know she was just gonna pay us she said she trusted that i was going to come back and and cut it the next day which i told him so i was like all right good that's fine you know i asked her if she wanted me to hold back a little bit and she said no she didn't want she was just going to pay me so saturday when they came and you know they were upset about the cigarette butt and parking on the grass well they didn't pay me um they gave me some money but they didn't pay me up for the job which they kind of said they would so i was like all right kind of kind of stunk because they couldn't meet me on sunday so that meant i had to come back here on a monday just to get paid so i didn't understand that when they said they were going to pay me the day that we poured so but no no big deal on that i wasn't too upset i just said well i'll come back monday and uh get get the rest of the money so i came back on sunday like i said to cut it and you could clearly see where the concrete was deeper you could clearly see that uh where those lift posts were they the color was completely different which you're going to see in the video here in a little bit here's chris power trowel guys and paul's on the knee boards hitting the edges um we we hand troweled this whole floor so they had a non-slip surface but anyways back to uh like i said came back sunday on father's day cut the floor um i talked to her a little bit via text the homeowner and everything seemed to be good she was happy that i came back and on father's day and cut it and she was real nice in her text messages even said they were going to give me a little bit of extra because the pads were deeper because i mentioned you know we ate up a couple yards on the pads but when i came back monday and i had marked the pads but i didn't cut them i did not cut lines where the pads were because you i hooked all those string lines back up and i had it clearly marked where they were so i drew um out where the lift was and i put lift posts on it and you'll see that in the video as well and i thought we were good and i even told her that maybe they you know we could drill a little hole in the corners of this these pads so you could see him he maybe could put a little nail there or something he could pull the nail out later and put his uh pads in all right guys there it is we got her all done gave him a nice hand troweled finish which is not a super slippery finish this is going to be a shop for them so they did not want it super slippery it's got a little office over here radiant heat spray foam all nine yards thanks for watching guys so here it is sunday guys and i snapped my chalk lines over here here's these pads you can clearly see them where they are so i didn't feel it necessary to cut the lines where these pads were i could have and like i said we had that string lines grid you can see it i set that up to get these these lines in here i set all those strings up and marked this thing out but you can clearly see where it is just by the difference in the color um i proceeded to cut all my lines you'll see here in a second and uh i showed up monday to get the rest of the money from the lady and she said that her husband was going to be really mad because we didn't cut the lines in it she actually called him up and he hung up the phone on her when she told him that we didn't cut the lines in that we've just had marked it and that was it for me i told her i did not want to work for her her and her husband anymore i said you know um get another mason it i didn't yell or nothing i just said i was all done so that's how that played out guys let me know what you think
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 2,237,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pole barn floor, radiant heated floor, concrete floor for pole barn, pouring concrete, Bondo, Bondobuilt, Bondo Built, heated concrete floor
Id: EydKm_di1mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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