Concrete Monolithic slab for beginners how to diy step by step part 1 of 2 Dirt Boss

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all right we're back on this site with the Alaskan slab first things first pulled off the house the homeowner had it staked out just pulled off the house made sure everything was parallel with the house and REE squared it because you always double-check someone else's measurements so we got that the parallel is going to square we're going to got my over dig with this orange line I'm gonna box all this out put all the fill down here we got I just shot with the laser we got 16 inches of different elevation here so we got to do some serious build up with the crusher run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we just shot with the laser the exes are grade so we're grade right through here that's one inch down this has got to go two more inches three inches and three inches so not bad just doing it right off the cuff a couple more inches and we got it and we could install the car for run [Music] [Music] all right so I shot this this is all good here what we're gonna do here is take out we box this out to get to this stone driveway and I'm going to take this stone driveway and make it is why it is the garage just so you get in this garage door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right not bad for a quick tune-up we're an inch got to come up an inch right here the X is over there the three are dead nuts come up three inches three inches three inches and this is dead nuts there and two inches so a little bit not bad not bad quick tune-up Capac the hell out of that and then we sent our forms our three sided form boom boom boom on that then we fill the whole center with crusher run and then they would have a note hold out of it the haunch is that hole outside which will be 16 inches thick [Music] all right the base is all tamped so far only took a couple hours the whole project got this driveway extended I'm at across the run so I'm gonna go get a load and I'll be back all right just drop the stone off we're going to start forming the boards and this Center is 10 inches thicker than the outside perimeter which will give you 16 inch launch all the way around and we'll taper that up and compact the center looks like a lot of stone in here but that's what it calls for all right so we got the board's getting scared together you just scare them with other boards I mean that that's what I've got to buy for on the top of a 12-inch which give us 16 inches so we shoot the legs are down here at the base like I did earlier and then you go down on the stick 10 inches and that will give you a six-inch center of concrete so that this crust alone up here is 10 inches higher than the corn space so oops right now we got to go down an inch and a half so I'm just gonna make some screed marks so I could do it with the Machine down so we just do that in four or five points across right there four or five points across this whole area then we can break it out graded tamp the center and just put an X II put an X right there I do the same thing back walk throughout this area around all the edges and a couple in the center then I grade it out and tamp it all right we got the board's going in we got this crusher run set to height ten inches thick and compacted we ran short on this side so we have to bring some more in the morning 16-inch has on the board and we scare them all and then we're gonna put a a whaler right here you'll see that tomorrow but this is how we do the backside and all you can see with that view but it's all tapered at a 45 and this that's what you call launched then rebar get two strands of rebar get putting that with wire mesh wrapped into it and wire mesh throughout the whole thing then it acts like a crab cage and holds it together all right we're back on this site with the Alaskan slab been putting two hours here two hours there because it's been raining all week real so what we're doing here is put putting whalers on we call these whalers just a 2x4 that we're gonna put it right to the side on the top and it'll straighten that would form right out so when the pressure of the concrete comes against it it doesn't want to bow it as much I mean we got sixteen inches of concrete they do like the bow that's why we put we use two inch lumber and then when we set them to a string we actually put a preload on them which we just take the center's here and push them in just a little bit on the string about a half inch or so we cheat it in and then that when they'll concrete punch it it pushes it right out to the string and then you adjust it as you go if it needs it in a little more you take a stake and you push it in or you release pressure to bring it out so that's where we're at I'm going to just get the rebar put in and the wire and then it'll be ready for inspection all right we just squared everything up with two tape measures that I showed in previous videos we tamp the center got our 45 all looking pretty and now we're gonna run Bend rebar all in the haunts this is a rebar bender hang on me so what we use you just take your rebar stick it in there and bend it just like that just pull it it goes right up and you get a 90 out of it perfectly done because to fir code any corners on any job not just this one it had your rebar has to go a 90 you can't take a straight piece here and a straight piece here and tie it because then it could split they won't allow that so you got to bend through a 90 at least a foot and we do two strands all the way around and then we tie it all together with some wire ties and then tie it to the wire mesh which you'll see in a bit alright so this rebar bender is also a rebar cutter so just insert your rebar through there as a whole and then there's a shear inside there don't stick your finger in there whatever you do see sharp so once you get it measured out good just pull around just like maybe it's like that and she's fierce and she'll do up the five inch this is half inch bar she'll do actually shoulder three-quarter and you really got a muscle through to cut three-quarter if it's industrial strength they make different grade rebar to if you buy the cheaper rebar you can bend it with your hand you know and depends where you get it from but number one USA steel is what we use so we will tie it together show you in a bit all right these are the twisty ties we use and this is the Twisted Sister and this is Miko he talks a lot he just hasn't been talking much on the videos blue just dropped you alright so here we are here's the rebar show you how it gets twisted on we usually twist it to two twisty ties on each two twisties there's two hoops one hoop there one hoop there loop it around hook it through and then twist it he's done do we do two on each bar sometimes three if it needs to be but calls for two then there it is do that all the way around and then we install the wire alright so this is what I was talking about a preload if you see this where we got this string let me go up back here we can see a little better we got a string on each corner with a screw on them right down we leave that as we pour just so we could watch the forms if they go in and out because like I said concrete once the the water from the concrete soaks into these boards that wants to swell that's how you bend a board anyways if you were to bend one but uh we right here the string is on but in the center's of the boards we put a quarter inch to a half inch of preload which is this way the board this way on the string so instead of here it's there that way when the concrete pushes on it it will push and then it will be perfect and then we'll have boards off of here as braces and you will be able to adjust those as the concrete is poured after we get it in the other thing is put a string line like an X according the corners before you install the wire to make sure you have six inches of concrete because then otherwise you gotta put take the wire out so make sure your grades all good with a string line that's the easiest and fastest way after you laser because lasering you're only doing points you could have humps in and out so once we get that all done we'll find two and rake the top and then install the wire all right everything is ready for inspection besides the bracing which inspector doesn't care about that we are gonna go get a load a stone to put in around this whole perimeter homeowner just asked me to do that because we got a little water seepage in here and he rather just have stone in there instead of dirt which I agree so we're gonna go this stone here here and then that whole back side is weight low so we are going to fill it with stone and this is how we do the crab cage what I saying to rebars you know if you could see that but this wire mesh we Bend had a 90 and then hook the bars to it tie it and anoxic a crab cage you holds everything together I mean code just calls for two bars and then the wire up here not going down but we give it some extra strength by doing that it's just something I always do so this whole sides we're gonna fill them with some stone right now it drops off a good two feet and then we'll take all this top so I won't go over the top of it and then right here so he could got garage doors here and there are two sets so it's got to have some build up so I'll be back all right we got everything pinned embrace ready for Monday 11:30 is concrete inspection was today and that went well and all this excess stone we will put on push after we strip and that will become the drainage stone we got this whole side filled in with stone to which this side was down 22 inches so now we'll work out then we'll take this top soak over the whole top feather it out that way feather it in here hopefully he'll have enough if not we'll have to bring some more in but other than that we're good to go thanks
Channel: DIRT BOSS
Views: 202,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monolithic slab, diy, excavator, skidsteer, dozer, backhoe, kobelco, komatsu, hitachi, garage foundation, concrete slab, andrew camarata, dump truck, concrete foundation, concrete pour, concrete slab for shed, concrete slab diy, concrete slab for garage, monolithic slab foundation, monolithic slab vs stem wall, monolithic slab preparation, monolithic slab foundation design example, Monolithic slab foundation house, how to pour concrete, how to pour a concrete slab, concrete floor
Id: w-7gMHDpiWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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