How to Pour a Concrete Slab for your Shed!

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foreign [Music] concrete and today we're going to be doing a little concrete slab for the homeowner here uh it's gonna be for a shed that the homeowner will be building I'm just going to be doing the slab for him and I'm going to be doing this uh solo one guy from start to finish I think this is a really good DIY project for any homeowner to take on but as you can see here as I started grading for the shed slab I started running into a massive Roof System so I'm assuming there was a big tree here at some point but that's okay I just kind of exposed them and then cut them out with the Sawzall and now I am setting up the layout for the shed slab uh I'm just transferring elevation uh from the existing driveway and I'm using that as my Benchmark height and I'm just putting a little bit of slope on this shed slab from the front to the back I got about one percent slope on it and it's about a 8 by 12 so we're going to be doing one crack control joint in this uh slab in the middle and that'll do it the native soil here was pretty good so I didn't need to bring in any uh road base I just kind of wet this uh native soil up and compacted it with my compactor and it got pretty tight so now I'm just forming it up with the string lines I set up oh thank you now I got numbered three rebar going in here uh two foot on centers and we're going to be pouring this out at 3000 psi I also got some Dobies that I threw under this grid so I don't gotta mess around and pull them up during the pour but anyways here's poor day um I got my main man Lolo on the pump I actually went to high school with him so kind of cool that he pumps concrete so anyways uh he actually hopped on the rod and even helped me Rod this out I mean I could have done this solo but uh I had my my friend here so he just helped me pump it and then pull the board back and there it was we got it all rotted out and now I'm just uh hitting it with The Bull Float this project here took me uh two days I spent about six hours each day on this project and I was able to get it done in two days if I had to hand mix this um it still would have taken me two days but the poor day would have just taken me a couple extra hours if I had to hand mix it solo and it's just a lot more work to do that if you're doing a solo but it's definitely still possible now I got the walking edger out and I'm hitting all the edges after bull floating it all right guys I'm here solo today we're just finishing this little shed pad and uh my pumper just left just got out of here and I'm cutting in this joint now and uh as you can see all I did here was I put a straight edge 2x4 on it I got my pencil marks right here and I got another pencil mark on that other side let's get this on close up though here it is and what you want to do when you're cutting uh your joints in is you want to make sure you're flush against this 2x4 and flush against this 2x4 so you know you got a perfect 90 right here they're going to be straight down and you just keep it nice and pushed up against this 2x4 and you can cut your joining there it is nice and straight now that I cut in my joint with the straight edge 2x4 I know I got that dialed then I'm gonna hit it with the walking edger one more time and then after I hit it with the walking edger I'm going to knock out all those lines that I created in the concrete with the hand flow and then a steel Traw thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you know here's another good technique that's a you know good practice good habit to get into is cleaning your forms so you see all that concrete on top of your two by four you just want to knock that off with a trowel uh or anything you got [Music] [Music] the technique here is to hit all the edges first and then you want to float the concrete with your hand float to pull up that cream and then you hit it with your steel trowel and you repeat that process as you work your way back but now I'm uh hitting the Shady section a little more wet over here but we did have one percent accelerator in this concrete mix that I added just to help the concrete go off a little quicker and get me out of here a little faster foreign [Music] [Applause] and then we're going to be brooming this concrete slab with the world famous 50 horsehair 50 nylon concrete broom and I know a lot of guys like to use the green concrete broom and it's totally personal preference but let me know what guy what uh what broom you guys like to use [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so there it is that's the 50 50 special uh concrete broom that is I'm also going to be stripping the forms on this shed slab uh same day but other than that the concrete turned out real beautiful as you guys can see there [Music] I hope this video helped you guys out and let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see in the future for me anyways this has been Tyler O'Dell with Odell complete concrete make sure you like share comment and subscribe and I'll be seeing you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 785,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, concrete shed slab, concrete slab, how to pour a concrete shed slab, concrete slab for shed, how to pour a concrete slab, concrete, diy how to pour a concrete slab for your shed, how to pour concrete, diy concrete, concrete shed foundation, diy shed slab, build a shed slab, diy concrete shed slab, pour a concrete slab, pouring a concrete slab, diy concrete slab, how to form concrete, slab for shed, lay concrete slab for shed, fyp
Id: NeB1Y2-bOac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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