How to Build and Pour a Foundation for a Garage DIY

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[Music] hi david odell here with odell complete concrete this is our first day on the job site there was a shed that set right here on this existing slab the sheds already been removed now we just have to remove that concrete and we're going to make a bigger shed in this location it's actually a garage because the garage is going to be 16 feet by 25 and it's a prefabricated metal building that's going to go on here what i'm going to do is the foundation for it and i'll show you a little bit of the plans as well as we go through this we're kind of on a little bit of a hillside pretty good slope and 25 feet we have over a foot of slope so we've got a lot of uh dirt moving to do to make a level pad here and then of course the footings they need to be one foot below native you know undisturbed soil so even though we're gonna make a level slab we still have to have that footing down into the native so instead of just a one by one footing one foot by one foot we're really going to end up with a two by two the plans call for a one foot below native two foot wide but since we're on a hillside here it's actually going to be two by two we'll still only be one foot into the native though so a lot of the dirt that i'm taking out right now i'm just building up the pad level i brought the pad level up about six inches on the low end and at the top side we just leave that where it was so most of the build up is going on this far in towards us and then as we build up you know we're just going to wheel roll it and we're going to put a lot of water on it plus we're going to compact as well so we've got the dirt what i did with the dirt is i used the laser level as i was grading getting this pad height correct i was just shooting the dirt and we just kept moving the dirt around so we had a level pad we're still pretty low actually below top of concrete because at the top end we want to be six inches above the existing uh gravel driveway there and that in that one corner that left corner at that steel stake that's gonna be six inch raised at that point and then of course we're sloping off in two directions we're sloping one foot towards us on the native soil and we're also soaking about six inches to the right at the same time so if we're six inches high on the high side of the dirt near the driveway at the other end we're about a foot a foot and a half now you can see this is these lines are all level right now and what we did is we squared it up these string lines what we did is we got our men dimensions which was 16 by 25 and then we started uh we did a 6 8 10 in one of the corners then we also measure diagonally all the way across just to verify that we were square and we're within about a quarter inch so i said you know let's just go with that so that's some of the dirt that i removed from the footings i'm just kind of putting it back in adding some water also i have some sand clean wash sand that we're going to be using and we'll use that over the vapor barrier that we'll be installing here it's six mil plastic basically so we've got some two by twelve some two by tens a little bit of everything going on here just what we had laying around the yard and then we can underpin so that's a 2 by 12 there and you can see it's been used before so it gets because it's pre-oiled so that's always nice through a 2x6 underneath that because the height we don't want the concrete to run on out of the form work here's a little plate compactor going in i'm just kind of dragging it over the sides of this raised area [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're just trimming up this footing a little bit more we have to widen it we want the width and we want the height so we're cutting it down a little bit with the electric clay spade we're using eight duplex nails from the stakes to the two by twelves and two by sixes we're using a 16 duplex on the corners the type of metal billing that's going on here it has a couple different options as far as fastening it to the actual concrete foundation the particular option we're using here is uh we went ahead and bought the optional uh plate that goes on the bottom and it kind of acts as a metal flashing that wraps around the outside edge of the foundation it drops down a couple inches so it rolls over the top of the foundation and the actual fasteners will go through that they're expansion bolts basically so you just drill a 5 8 hole put an expansion bolt through that metal plate and tighten it up and then all your walls fit into that the other option on this particular building if you didn't want to buy that bottom piece mounting bracket is you put a keyway all the way around the perimeter like a three three and a half by three and a half inch keyway that the actual walls will sit down in you lose a you know you lose a little height on your building because you're dropping into that keyway about three inches and what that does because this is kind of like a quonsen hut you know it's got that round type of look to it so the pressure is pushing down and out so when you drop it into that keyway it can't push out and then you go ahead and fill that with concrete once the building is completely built that's what locks it in that's one way to hold the building down but in this case it's going to be more of a mobile unit so we're going the other system some of these two by fours that you see going in there for underpinning that was actually from the old shed that was removed we just utilize some of the old lumber great for underpinning notice how we already have the plastic and the road base in before we dug the final footing and the reason you do that is just so you can drive the tractor in and out without having to try to jump a footing so you save that last footing that's your access so we got road base we got about a lift of about four to six inches of the road base on top of the six mil plastic then once we compact that then we're gonna put about one inch layer of the wash sand and then we've got all the rebar going in the rebar consists of half inch rebar steel it's going to be on 18 inch centers in both directions it's gonna have one bar horizontal all the way around the perimeter three and a half inches off the bottom and then um the whole top grid 18 inch on center will have a turn down all the way around that locks into that bottom bar and because of the size of this like i said we're 16 feet across it's one continuous bar with uh 90 degree bends on either end captures the whole thing in the other direction we're going to have two bars and it's like one and a half because it's 25 feet long the actual building specs itself they call it calls for a four inch slab but we're actually going to be doing an eight inch deep slab and it calls for 2500 but we're going to be going 4 500 psi the reason we're doing all of that is because uh it's going to have a car lift in here so it's going to be plenty strong enough for that you can drill um anywhere on this slab to mount the car lift and it'll be fine [Music] here's the bender cutter tool that we'll be using right now i'm just cutting uh the length and then i'm going to put a turn down on each side which will wrap around on both ends of the footing you'll see that installed as it goes in now here's the rebar going in and i've kind of put the but the end in first that way it kind of holds up all the other bars and then i put one in the middle to support some of the other the bars that are going across so everything wouldn't sag all at one time we've got some plastic chairs here that we're going to be utilizing so you can see the two number fours at the bottom the one bar is actually tied in to the turn downs of the slab rebar and then the other one's just kind of free free hanging in there it's going to be sitting on some dobies here's the makita rebar tire came in real handy on this job a lot of tying at 18 inch on centers so this is ready to pour now we've got everything doubied up all the rebar and 18 inch or less centers all we have to do now is oil the forms and place the concrete here's the oil going in and this is a hundred percent mobile one synthetic right out of my truck by oiling this lumber it's going to last me twice as long as it would if you didn't oil it plus when it strips away from the slab it's not going to take chunks off of the concrete with it so you have a nice clean face the same time we got a couple dozen eggs out of the deal here too which is kind of nice we got some brown eggs some green eggs a nice variety you know here's the initial concrete coming out and there's a little bit of primer you know from uh priming the hose so it's a little wet at this point it's gonna stiffen up real quick so i've got my screed board in the middle there and what i did with that it's not this is a level slab but what i like to do on foundations is just crown it a little bit in the middle so i picked it up about 3 8 of an inch in the middle and you'll see at the end when we wash this down which is kind of unusual not to see any puddling on a level foundation and there's no puddling on this one and that's just because we picked it up 3 8 in the middle that made all the difference so that's one load right there that was 10 yards and pretty much all went into the footings now we've still got the eight inch slab and that's going to be another load so we did 20 yards of concrete in this 25 by 16 area 4500 psi also i threw in some fiber mesh in here as well when the truck arrives i like to climb up the truck drop the fiber in it also gives me an opportunity to look at the slump before any comes down the chute a couple so it's kind of beneficial both ways drop the fiber check the slump this is a four foot wide wood bowl float so he's running this perpendicular to the way we were rotting the concrete which is optimal to get the slab level after the wood we'll take the four foot magnesium and then we'll go another direction with that typically you don't really see anyone edging foundations but we're going to go ahead and edge this one because like i was thinking about the mounting plate for the walls how it rolls over kind of like your flashing would work uh i get it to just roll over a little nicer i think with the radius so we'll just edge it all plus you're gonna need an edge on your entrance anyway so you're gonna have one side edge don't you know regardless also when you go to strip with an edge on there it comes away cleaner at the top [Applause] now this is your four-foot magnesium bull float with a rocker arm on it [Applause] [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Music] there's the walking edger 10 inches wide half inch radius [Music] now what we have here is a funny float this is fiberglass funny float and it's got a couple modifications on it it's not your standard issue we you can see all those lines it's leaving that's because we took the grinder and grinded a bunch of notches in the bottom just to bring up the cream a little bit better so once we do it with that then we follow that up with a funny trowel there's your standard funny float there notice that one the other one getting run it's more of a square and as it doesn't have the notches on the bottom that's a big blue with a rocker arm basically an oversized fresno now all these vertical steel stakes around the perimeter are lodged in concrete so we got to get those out today all right we're we're doing a hard trial finish on this uh little garage pad and uh i just wanted to go over some of the real the real important things about finishing concrete uh and the most important thing really the only thing you'll ever need to know about holiday is that it gets really hard the harder it gets the more you you got to work it so the more you sweat is a benefit see how i splattered that with some sweat right there now you can trowel it much easier there it is that's top secret stuff right there well that was a good lesson how to get concrete smooth the easy way there's your final product turned out real nice we were considering putting a saw cut in this but we went ahead and decided against it because this thing is so thick it's got so much steel we're not too concerned about cracking even if it does crack it's not going to go anywhere also he's going to be putting an epoxy coating on this on this in the near future here's the very next day we came out here we left the kickers on that kind of holds the board up against the concrete and now if we pull the kickers the boards just fall right off because that mobil one's synthetic and you can see how clean it is on this face there's nothing sticking to that lumber that's what you want because now it's ready to go into the next job there's those two by fours from the old shed build that we salvage for underpinning they're locked in there and they're not coming out i mean they could but there's really no points below grade at least a foot so we'll just go ahead and bury it you notice how there's no puddles on this that's very rare on any foundation because foundations are typically level but the key to this is uh that little 3 8 crown on your screens right right down the middle the homeowner kept this wet they are they're wetting it for an entire week every hour on the hour they actually rigged up a sprinkler system on a timer and they just let it run off and on you just hit it get it wet shut it down wait an hour you know and just keep it moist basically for the first week and then you get a lot harder concrete if you were to test it the psi goes way up when you can slow clear concrete anyway thank you for watching the video hope you enjoyed it and have a good day don't forget to like share and subscribe
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 103,068
Rating: 4.9351101 out of 5
Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, concrete foundation, concrete, foundation, garage foundation, how to pour a concrete foundation, concrete foundation pour, concrete foundation crack, concrete foundation repair, concrete foundations, concrete slab foundation, concrete foundation for home, how to build a concrete foundation, fix a crack in a concrete foundation, concrete forms, building forms for our concrete foundation, foundations, house foundations, pouring concrete
Id: RjmJbItUXrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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