Locking Friends in the SMALLEST PRISON in Minecraft!

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i've challenged my friends to survive an entire day in my minecraft prison little do they know that when they weren't looking i shrunk the entire prison and put it right inside of my minecraft house this allows me to see everything inside and out of the facility in a big way as this unique mod lets me interact with the prison to change the tiny world around my friends as they play can my friends escape let's find out wait where are you going you can't break out of here without subscribing it'll help me out thanks welcome everyone to prison [Applause] [Music] no no that that doesn't sound like a gay thing to do i don't know about that but you know what this is the minecraft prison because you are all here for your minecraft crimes you can't prove anything it's your fault that we got caught in the first place hey how did i okay i didn't know that that llama was packing all right calm down everyone all right i am the warrior yeah but we're gonna make this a little fun all right i'm gonna let you guys attempt to escape now right now not right now there is no way you can get out of here okay but i'll be watching you and you know what if you manage to escape i will give you guys a whole stack of diamonds prisoners wait what yeah all right okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for second diamonds this sounds great a whole step [Music] you have to find a way to get out all right and i'm gonna leave you guys alone okay i'm gonna put this here i'm gonna get out that's our chance [Music] oh i don't want to get lunch i want to get out of here yeah watch out let's do it isn't that yeah so so you guys are probably wondering what's going on here well as you can see my little prison is actually an illusion so i have a little diorama here if everyone i can see exactly what they're doing and i can actually impact their world for example i could put a sheep right here see and pierce can't get it see that wait maybe i okay i can talk to animals i i swear i can get that sheep to tell us hey well okay so we gotta find a way out uh the best way to do that is uh we gotta we gotta we gotta blow up the prison cool anybody got a way of doing that um yeah like speaking of blowing latinos let's give them a warning everything seems to be do you have any choices okay i have a quick rig and i can put this inside man they got short fuses i don't know where the creeper came from but it it was like wearing a guard uniform i have an idea why i tell you what you you uh you just got you guys act cool and i'm gonna go try something all right [Music] cheers [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay [Laughter] what are you doing we're trying to finish up all right guys this is up to something okay we're just going to go i'm just going to go again i found this pickaxe let's go let's go let's go i got it i got it all right oh wow there was a hole there at least for a second i don't know where it went to there was oh lead us into a trap with all the creepers yeah no i know i was there i i also blew up so thank you thanks for that yeah [Music] kitchen oh nice we got one there's a lot of water up here looks like i guess people like shower right or something wait a minute what if we use the water to do what um swim out what uh we make a flood we like flood the prison and then they're just like the water will be high enough that we can just get out uh yeah yeah yeah fortunately i snuck in a bucket hey how'd you get one of those in here anyway oh nice great please don't come near me okay okay what about that oh no oh that's a lot of dudes oh no no no no no the creepers didn't take me out they're going nice nice nice nice i feel like i've come to the decision here and i i think i want to see if you agree with me okay but i really don't like it here and i'd like to go away oh my gosh you too oh that's that's so great i agree i know oh i was so glad i i was worried that i was the only person okay okay okay but how do we do it um oh she said we could talk to the warden oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we should definitely don't touch the award we just tell them how much we hate it here and then what they know how bad it is we'll just tell they'll just throw this out because they'll feel so bad right oh my gosh that is this is the perfect plan it's a guy sometimes you got to use the old ticker you know the old brain it helps a lot security guards we demand to speak to the manager i mean i mean the warden yeah the bat is rewarded uh i i don't think the warden wants me to imagine that probably and well we'll get like five we got a [Music] to the please come on guys we're off to complain to the ward and the warden of this weird tale okay so so who knows where the warden's office is i don't know i i just i assume it's like in the fanciest part of the entire jail right i made this fire [Music] why am i on fire yeah let's put it out let's put it i got this okay that is another complaint that i have for the warden why is there a wall of fire now here's why are you setting that many fires i don't spaghetti fires i'm trying to put them out this is the cafeteria i think we're getting closer i mean i i am feeling hungry but we have a mission we are on a mission let's focus let's focus we need to get oh look at this there's a side right here that says warden's office okay let's see that all right we just got to get in there up and uh whoa well that's that's a weird circumstance but looks like a delicious one yeah wait who ate the cake stop eating who's eating all the cake i wanna i want names i blame kawaii what what what [Music] [Applause] it was right next to me oh there's another one i feel so betrayed finally get some cake my cake there's some more chicken oh wow no no no no it's right here hey guys guys guys wait wait what was this prisoner who must have eaten the cake did you eat it i got us in the garden so that way they can help out here we know your emerald secret you've been eating the cake oh the guards are here oh no no no no no let's reveal the wardens hey andrew what are you doing in here [Applause] [Laughter] welcome to the most fun prison you've ever met i am your guard your ward yes i told you that literally right in the beginning okay so so what why are you guys in my office oh man we have some complaints doing yeah you know nevermind the sky looks different now yeah because i broke the illusion yeah um before you probably couldn't see everything i was doing but now you can see everything i'm doing that way if you want you can try to escape this way but remember you have to escape not just this prison but this entire house okay all right i'm going oh yeah i'm gonna go for it i'll try to belong that's a long trip okay anyone else want to try oh no no no no no no all right prisoners i i think i know where you are yeah we're locked up surprise yeah i mean you can look you said it right where you left us look guys i'm on the same level as you see see we are together in this okay this is a challenge for you you have to survive in this prison in order to get the grand prize your door is open stop being getting tushy you should have escaped water system yeah know maybe if i'm good enough can i get out i mean it's extended thor's so tough i'm gonna let you guys out and i'm gonna let you try to escape okay let me see um oh let's see right here there you go out okay stay right there okay spin on my own strength whoa i'll let you guys figure it out i'm gonna go over here okay okay i guess she's bothered oh i'm taking yourself some time all right i put out fight fire is hot yeah i learned that today you learned something new every day oh man we're in so much trouble i can't believe okay guys listen up listen up okay i got a problem hey you gotta give us an opportunity you know oh that's right you can see me i forgot to put the illusion up yeah fine you know what stop it's fine i'll just watch you guys remember there's something i can't see you can't see okay okay okay when you're in the warden's office i was like i was mashed buttons all over the place uh one of the hatches opened up and look what i found i found one of these for you and one of these for you and one of these for you look at that look at that i'm thinking hey put how about this i won't take down any of the walls or anything like that i'll just kind of let you guys do your own thing and i'll just try to guess what you're doing okay all right okay okay but remember there are some things that i can't see happening under my nose just just letting you know like like your mouth no no no but we can't see your nose dude i'm gonna dig down here yeah yeah yeah yeah let's stick let's dig let's dig oh they're going down oh they're going under okay um let's see what direction i i'm totally lost as soon as i lose the light i don't know i think we want to go this way hang on how far does it benefit bedrock we're not that good bedrock is just like covering this whole side they think there's bed right there keep going keep going keep going she had to have slipped up somewhere right i have an idea i have anything how about we do something like you know right there we lost noise we oh yeah i think i think we deserve a rest nice night might be a good time for it you know when we get out of this place maybe i'll open up a shop to sell cobblestone what do you think of that nah it sounds dumb yeah who would who would open up like a cobblestone shop that would be that would be ridiculous you get copper right out of the wall see bam cobble wait what are you doing in there's more gold i don't know what's happening it's like it's like being born we need to talk about your gold addiction ian it's not an addiction it's me wanting to be rich when we get out of here all right what what's the next juice is so place i'm so oh oh i'll save your sheep there we go okay we're good we're good we're good wait they're multiplying wait why are they both deployed i don't know [Applause] [Music] our way out dig our way out dig our way out maybe anything that's not bedrock ah that's bedrock yeah well hopefully they'll be a little sheepish the next time they give that a shot hey i don't think this is working guys where are you going i still don't understand how we're supposed to play basketball without a ball um well let's see dude you bounce let me figure out where the basketball is no i got one question okay all right hey hey so let's have a talk all right so i stopped spying and you know but hey let's just talk about these other prisoners look at this prisoner who escaped successfully look at look at bob bob he escaped he's going to get all the diamonds no way bob got it no please don't you walk away from us i will give you something to do you know since you seem pretty bored i'm going to give you guys something great look behind you watch look at that knowledge paper knowledge [Music] i mean there's all kinds of bushes lots of paper there's lots of stuff all right i'm gonna leave you guys be okay i'm gonna leave you guys be there you go lots [Applause] [Music] dang it she doesn't have it guys what are you doing and nothing don't worry about it we're just enjoying your bounty of books okay great oh hey look my sheep made this oh hi sheep oh you're still alive you're the nicest sheep ever ready for takeoff what do it um guys what's that on your back [Music] [Laughter] in my house i can't believe this who's this great minds think alike am i right i i'm stuck i'm having a little trouble with mine all right oh look at this this is happening this is really happening oh my god i think i got it look i finally got it okay all right i gotta forgot to get to the door who knows i didn't want to use this wait what what are you gonna do oh okay so we're all in agreement right this is uh the next the best plan yeah yeah i think so i i mean i i don't think it is but i can't think of anything better so let's do it okay yeah yeah all right so again i'm gonna need you two to block her while noy does his best aaron impression okay i got you there yeah yeah yeah okay and and you're sure you can do it you can do a pretty good convincing errand of course i mean i'm like an actor or something they know i could hear that oh okay uh places everyone let's go i don't know what to do with my hands where do i go slide never actually oh aaron is that totally you i didn't even see the message on the screen yeah that's so crazy oh my god aaron i can't believe you locked in look oh you're so sexy oh yeah i've been working out a little bit i'll fall for it wow are those 12 oh i'm on the roof looking at the moon yeah the vertical wall you just have to get up there uh-huh he scaled the vertical wall that's wonderful he's buying it yeah why are you holding that crossbar at me like that i don't know no no no no no is that because you're impersonating my boyfriend get get you know i was just practicing right i'll help you just practice there you go all right ready yeah let's go ow all right all right all right come on line up [Music] and i'm gonna have so much fun being the new warden all right guys listen and you know what you did make it out fine so you know what here you go oh dear dear kind warden um thank you for this bountiful blessing and um oh you know guys this wasn't so bad after all wait oh yeah i appreciate it that that's a lot of gold i appreciate wait about a goal um huh oh ears no sorry they all burned in the last explosion we ran out yeah that's too bad wow excellent security gold prison uh hey guys i heard they're tripping really good inside the cabinet i was going back
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,853,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau 24 hour challenge, aphmau 24 hour prison break, cops and robbers minecraft, minecraft 24 hour challenge, funny minecraft challenge, funny minecraft 24 hour challenge, minecraft prison break, minecraft funny moments, family friendly, no swearing, minecraft 24 hour prank, 24 hour, 24hour, trapped my friends in a minecraft prison for 24 hours, 24hrs, 24hr challenge
Id: O8tszV5ZiW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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