We ADOPTED Baby Dolphins As MERMAIDS in Minecraft!

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me and my friends adopted rare baby dolphins as minecraft mermaids they come in super rare breeds and eventually turn into the mega dolphin where they have amazing power we even use them to defend the other baby eggs against the elder guardians how exactly will raising baby dolphins as minecraft mermaids be where did you guys go what i'm in the water okay all right so are you guys near the house oh there you are oh yeah [Music] look at my fellow [Applause] it's such a wonderful day here in the ocean you know i was hanging out on the porch just you know taking in the view taking in the you can take in the view from anywhere you're a mermaid and you know what else you can take in something amazing all right i found the most amazing thing literally right over there and i want to show you guys right oh is it like is it underwater gold is it is there is it underwater steak no no no no no but there's a lot at stake because trust me you guys are going to be like oh the most coolest thing ever look at this look at this right the big underwater stick here underwater ruins it's underwater eggs eggs we can make some underwater omelets all right look look these are just no ordinary eggs all right these are special dolphin eggs whoa dolphin okay i know aren't they cool okay so so basically you guys get to choose because these dolphins are super super rare and you get to pick which one you want all right wait we're gonna raise them yes you can hatch them and raise them and they're so cute okay what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and pick an egg i'm gonna pick one too oh what are we gonna yeah let's get a pic okay fine five minutes later all right so i managed to pick up two eggs all right and i got a two yeah i know i picked up two man here we go it might come back to bite me in the butt though i i swear it might all right so it's true oh you guys are back okay there's there's one egg all right they're next to the fire so they can hatch all right and i got it oh yeah you're right egg yeah let me put this one down and boom oh there we go all right all right so we got four eggs right and these eggs like i said are super rare because you can only raise one dolphin at a time so i don't know why i grabbed two i just wanted to know what you think yeah i'll also just double check are they gonna be okay out of the water they're they're dolphins right yeah but we're okay out of the water and we're mermaid all right we're fine we're out of the water [Music] don't worry we're good we're good that's convenient isn't it all right so how we raise these eggs is we gotta feed them all right because they're hungry because look you right-click it it feels warm you gotta try feeding it a fish hey i got fish here we go you need some fish fish this fish is for you fish these fish is for you i was gonna say i mean do you think do you think the egg will like a cooked frog leg or something oh i'd like how about mermaid guys what let's slow down for a second hang on hang on no fighting in front of the children okay guys all right we got okay we just we just have to go find a mermaid and we'll we'll feed them to the babies because that's our life now oh my god let's see all right so we gotta let's see if we can do something like this all right so let's see i need some more fish do you guys have any more fish yeah i have enough for my one egg uh you got two sodas yeah let's go over here yeah we spent a lot of time catching those let's let's go outside let's go outside we'll get some more fish okay hello fish this is my favorite kind of fish oh my god please fish just come here hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna try uh firing an arrow at them oh my god wait where are you i want to see this you see that fish over there huh get it oh girls don't work like you all right you guys ready for the we're guys ready you guys ready you guys ready i've been waiting yeah let's get out of the show on the road i'm excited for dolphins well i was sauteing my fish all right so look sauteing is basically like make it in season put some pepperoni we know what saute means thank you all right thank you fine but look how did you know i am an underwater master we are professional merch chefs thank you very much look look baby all right [Applause] [Music] oh no [Music] mine looks delicious oh what be careful all right so let's move the babies away from the from the over here oh mine should definitely be away from the fire okay my little cake boy and a cake and a rainbow and a pink one oh my god they're all so cute okay come on all right so you're probably like man why aren't these dolphins listening to me right well we'll think about this why because they're babies they're oh no i know i can't communicate with it yes you can go like that isn't that cute [Music] oh my god okay it's illegal for you guys to do that now so uh oh god illegal [Laughter] what the murder i didn't know sir i didn't know don't take me in again all right so these little guys are babies and you know what makes them into kids time and a lot of money character growth no no no god you kind of parents are you guys you have to feed them it's oh that part yeah yeah that seems important all right so we just don't need any fish all right we need some clown fish okay oh yeah like for some for some reason the cake fish cake dolphin isn't taking my regular fish anymore yeah exactly so we need to make some cream you develop taste so guys guys i hate to bring this up but uh oh no okay yeah it's for the children it's farther all right there you go i got two all right i got two here i'll crack this bad boy open oh no oh my god all right so how about this how about this i'm gonna pick the rainbow one all right the rainbow here we go here we go one two one [Music] and they're so cute mine is making a little sparkly mine is staying safely away from the fire because that's probably a good idea that is a very yeah it's a very good idea i like how well-behaved pierce's is look it's got like a little bed and everything that's adorable yeah i hope you don't mind he he stole your bed i don't think he's going anywhere no it's fine it looks very comfy don't worry all right so okay so now we got the dolphins all right so now we have them into kids now we got to make them into adults okay okay all right all right so now we gotta do i think we gotta feed the kids cake and then become adults no wait no but this one's gonna no no okay all right let me tell you something else all right so our dolphins get special abilities okay oh okay your cake dolphin will spawn cake all right isn't that great okay i mean yeah it kind of makes sense um the rainbow dolphin i believe it just kind of heals people which is really cool but i don't think it does that so it's an adult oh hey look at that there's already a cake right there how about that all right so we're gonna have to make more cake and then and then your dolphin um your dolphin explodes dolphin no no no this is a nice house it's the only pocket of oxygen we have down here all right so let's take these outside and we can make them into those all right come on over here come on over here all right so we got our uh what what where's your where's your dolphin oh look it's just something we're swimming we're bonding hanging out having fun you know i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to keep him happy so it oh my god we all we are too oh my god that's so cute did you guys give your dolphins the cakes no no no all right so card come on come on let's move this open the cake guys if you're enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe thanks all right come here little dolphin everybody should have enough salt and cake now right all right yeah all right here we go here we go all right yeah we got enough cake don't worry we don't need the cake dolphin we're good ready dolphin i'm gonna i'm gonna you don't need cake dolphin but i need pigs oh my god oh [Applause] honestly they're just kind of underwater horses aren't they they kind of they kind of are look at this horses hey guys i got an idea what what i'll i'll erase you from this little sand dune lap around the house and come back all right yeah you're on you're on you're on let's do it let's do it yeah you ready come on can't get it open get set it has holes for aerodynamics whoa whoa oh my god oh right my wind's too low my oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god corner go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh oh you know what's even better with the fight this is this is the last stage for the final stage of dolphin come here come here follow me follow me oh i can't wait to see you mega dolphin all right so now we've had our phone with the dolphins and writing them uh so your your dolphin will probably spawn more cake if it hasn't filled your inventory already my dolphin's probably going to continue to heal me and your dolphin will most likely explode can we can we practice that away from this house yes whoa did you see that okay all right oh maybe you shouldn't be close to the house okay hey hey buddy how do i calm the dolphin down okay all right so we need to turn them into mega adults okay oh guys you can just explode okay all right all right so where mine go okay mine's over there okay so what we need to do is we need to make sure that we we grow them all right and the way that we grow them into the mega dolphins all right uh-huh is we need some apples all right some golden apples apples i know we're gonna find some apples in the ocean though i am so glad you prepared for this because the mermaid always has their treasure treasure i knew it i haven't there i have gold treasure that's right come over here i gotta dig a little bit more i don't have a shovel okay i need to get a very treasure treasure better treasure you have a shovel uh no i got an axe oh my god oh my god there you go have fun with that yeah we've almost cracked the surface it's okay i should have brought my shovel i didn't bring my shovel yeah you probably picked the wrong one that's right because i know where my treasure is it's right here hey treasure golden apple also i still have another cake and someone dropped their sea pickaxe but that's okay i'll put this obviously i gave it to you i was trying to be helpful everyone grab a golden apple we're gonna come up here and turn our dolphins into the mega dolphins all right you guys ready mega la dolphin oh this mickey's gonna make it the cool part about these things is that the big dolphins now explode all of them mine always does yeah but all of them explode now look at that look how majestic they look [Music] oh yeah i just realized that with the big dolphins oh no what what the other eggs didn't spawn okay so as many mega dolphins as you have an elder guardian spawns for each one oh no on the server yeah don't worry it's fine oh but our dolphins can help can't they yes they can because they can't explain it okay all right all right guys let's go see them where are they see them they're coming out they're there they're gonna go after the eggs we're gonna go to the baby eggs we're gonna stop them attacking it go go go go just kidding okay oh my god oh oh [Music] [Applause] oh that's a lot of tnt babies there's a lot oh there's a that's a lot a lot oh they're looking at me oh my god guys we did it we did it this is so great oh my god look how cute they are big mama cake dolphin gonna take care of us oh we raised we're fine guys we raised ours and now they're gonna raise theirs oh yeah i think we did our good teeth for the day look how much they love them guys oh i know it's adorable that's so cute oh they're good they're good they're good that's a little a little too much longer left two more left
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,480,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: MNNt7vtVHoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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