.22 For Self Defense?

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[Music] one thing that search engines tell us is that people frequently search for the best 22 for self defense well nobody is recommending the 22 long rifle round is a great self-defense option there are folks who are considering this round because they may lack the hand strength to control a larger pistol or they suffer from some kind of disability that makes it difficult for them to handle a larger calibre while the 22 long rifle round is not usually considered adequate for a reliable self defense it is better than nothing at all are just throwing rocks of the bad guy and I certainly don't want to be standing in front of one let's look at the pros and cons of this little bullet and also see if there's a place for it in the role of self defense the 22 long rifle is a small and low recoil round that is widely available comes in a vast variety of bullets and powers and is a very inexpensive round for practice target shooting and varmint hunting but the real question for this video is whether it has what it takes to be a viable self defense cartridge for our testing we will use the Glock 44 and 22 long rifle in the identical 4-inch barrel length Glock 19 in nine-millimeter we will also be showing some various cartridges and how they perform and some calibrated clear ballistics gelatin and also running them through a chronograph to get accurate measurements of bullet speeds to be considered a viable self defense round we want to use the FBI testing protocol we'll shoot into our ballistic gelatin through four layers of denim to simulate clothing and try to get 12 to 18 inches of penetration then we'll look at the expansion to see what kind of tissue damage we will achieve this doesn't simulate the effect on bone and just shows us what the wound cavities will look like we will be shooting each round from 21 feet first up is the 22 long rifle with a 32 grain CCI stinger this lighter round develops higher velocities to give a deeper penetration and testing is demonstrated good penetration and expansion so it should make an impressive wound cavity let's see how it does going on look at the left side let's go down take a look and see what it did I got a lot deeper penetration and I thought it was going to get and I did keep it on that left side but it looks like I missed the denim I went too far left okay this is a shot too this time I have to hit the denim if I I've cut a wedge that big without the denim and I managed to miss that denim altogether so here we go again I got it clear let's go take a look okay so that time we caught the denim and the denim plugged up the hollow point in the bullet so that it didn't expand so we actually got just a little bit more penetration out of that 22 stinger than we did the one that didn't hit the denim and let's take a look at the tale of the tape and see how much penetration we got so it looks like we're just at about 14 inches just a little shy and 14 inches 13 and a half inches so that is into the minimum area that the FBI wants that 12 to 18 inch range but we didn't get any expansion of that bullet the denim plugged up that hollow point which is why the FBI does test with the material in front to simulate going through clothing and it's very common for some self defense rounds to plug up with the material and not expand to their full diameter we've got a result here let's compare now with the super maximum from Aguila this is the Aguila super maximum it's the hottest 22 caliber ammunition on the market this is their hollow-point very end of that is coming out of a four and a half inch barrel at about 1700 feet per second so out of this four and four inch barrel on this block 44 it might be just a little bit slower we'll see what that comes out at but we're gonna shoot first without the denim and then we'll shoot with the denim and see what we get as a comparison the one on the right side clear it tumbled in there it completely expanded and opened up but we didn't get very deep penetration out of that first one without the denim we're only looking at about seven and a half inches so we got about seven and a half inches on that bullet but it did turn on its side so it's a more impressive wound Channel okay this is the Aguilar super maximum hollow-point with the denim and again I'm going to keep that on the right side of the block a little higher so not surprisingly again we ran into the same problem on a 22 bullet the hollow-point is so tiny it plugs up with that denim really quickly so this bullet did not expand I went a lot deeper it looks like it even went deeper than the CCI stingers so both of those bullets went the same depth after going through the denim that denim plugged up that bullet and that hollow-point did not expand so we're getting about 13 inches which again is into that 12 to 18 inch range that the FBI wants for penetration so that's what we get from a 22 we're gonna get you some close-ups here to see the wound channels that are created then we're gonna swap blocks and we're gonna shift over to a 9 millimeter okay so on this side we have the two CCI rounds the one on the right is the one that went through the denim if you look back here you can see the blue that got carried into the gel and we're looking at about from the top down we're looking at about 12 and a half inches of penetration to the front of the bullet and we're looking at just around 12 inches but it did opened up a little bit more and if you come down on the side here you can see that wound cavity that temporary cavity that opens up and the others have a smaller wound cavity and then if we come over and look at our Aguila ammunition this is the hottest ammunition on the market and it curved a little bit so got to come back but it looks like we're just at that 13 inch mark the tip of the bullet and again it did not open up and even carried some of the denim in with it you can see now the one that did open up didn't make our 12 inches of penetration it only looks like it went about 7 inches and it completely turned sideways so our first shot is going to be the most common defensive ammo used it is federal Hydra Shok it's 124 grain it is a modified hollow-point it has a little bit of a penetrator post inside of there it does a couple of things that helps it go deeper but it also helps that hollow point to expand a little more and we're going to be firing that out of the Glock 19 so everything is identical in our testing here we have the same length barrel same length trigger trigger pull weight everything just a nine millimeter versus a 22 caliber so here we go going hot and I'm going to shoot this one on the left without the gel first okay that's clear almost went all the way through looks like that was on the maximum edge of our 18 inches of penetration this is a 20 inch block and I'm just eyeballing it we'll put tape on it after we're done but it looks like we got right up there til about the 18 inch mark okay we're going to do the same test but this time we're putting our denim back okay this is the hundred and twenty four grain Hydra Shok from Federal Premium out of the Glock 19 this time through the denim we clear even with that hollow-point completely plugged up with that denim it went all the way through 20 inches of gel and out the other side so what I'm thinking is we didn't get expansion obviously we don't have the bullet to compare it to and look but I'm going to say we didn't get enough expansion with that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to repeat this test and I'm gonna put the other block that we shot the 22s in to try to capture that bullet so we can see if it expanded ok we've put our two blocks together this time so that after we go through the denim we can try to capture that bullet from that federal Hydra Shok the other one went right on through our 20 inch block so we're gonna try to capture that bullet in the second block going hot [Music] and for whatever reason that time it wasn't necessary it didn't exit that block yeah it did oh it's sitting on the table so I I'm looking all over for the bullet and I can't see the exit wound channel on that first block and I don't see where it went into the second block but we find it sitting right here and you can see what I mean by that bullet tip clogging up with the denim material so we will look through this and try to find out how it ended up where it ended up okay so this time we're using 147 grain 9-millimeter controlled expansion from DoubleTap and we're gonna do the same test with two blocks of gel no barrier so we're taking the denim down and then we'll repeat it with the denim so going hot and we're clear so this time with that 147 grain it's a bigger faster bullet we got an amazing vortex you can see the twists of the temporary wound cavity in here and then the bullet completely did a 360 degrees spin around so it's facing this way and it looks like it went a little less than our Hydra Shok did I'm gonna guess we'll put tape on it here in a minute but I'm gonna guess we're somewhere right in that 18 inch sweet spot okay let's put the denim on there and try it again okay so this is the 147 grain DoubleTap controlled expansion this is a plus P round and we're gonna put this through the denim this time and see what we get we've got both our blocks there so we can try to capture this bullet if it goes all the way through going hot Wow I would say that is a result that bullet got in there and it it did a really wide left turn once it got inside the gel made a nice big arc it's actually right underneath the other two that I shot on the left hand side I kind of put that one in the center and it didn't go all the way through into the other block which is great it kind of stopped right there at about that nineteen inches so let's grab our tape and see what kind of measurements we've got okay so our first round that we're gonna look at is that federal premium Hydra Shok and that one went in exactly 17 inches 17 in 1/4 to the front of the bullet you got good expansion now that was without the denim there so it got really good expansion what's interesting to me is that the DoubleTap controlled expansion what we ended up getting on that first round without the denim we got 15 and a half almost 16 inches of penetration on that which is great penetration it stopped right where we want it to stop but again it did not have that denim on it now what the denim it didn't kind of interesting thing that second bullet that's down there that isn't the Hydra Shok that's the DoubleTap and you can see this curve that it made way over to the left and we ended up getting 18 inches in penetration that looks like right to the tip of that that bullet and I don't see much in the way of expansion and looking at these wound channel x' you don't see much expansion so quite a bit more than the 22 quite a bit more effective in creating shock that's gonna incapacitate an attacker which is what we're looking for from the defensive round so we'll get these back to the office will cut the bullets out we'll weigh them to make sure that they haven't lost any of their mass and we'll have the the chronograph data for you as well but the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna test and see how well these bullets go through bone and to do that we brought an interesting little guest with us is gonna help us we're gonna get him set up so we have here an AA dad skull from back country hunts in Texas nothing simulates bone like bone so we're going to see what that 22 stinger does on this ah dad skull and again this is a test to see what happens to the skull we're not going to be able to capture this bullet and see what happens most likely there we go this is the 22 stinger so we got good penetration came right out the back and I don't see an exit hole I think it might have come out of this sinus cavity right here yeah I did it deflected right off in the back of the bone plate in the back and came out the side so it came in this way exited out that way okay this is the Aguilar Super maximum hollow point I'm gonna go a little more to the right on this one I kind of caught that one on the edge I'm gonna go more for the centerline of that skull plate caught them right there in the frontal lobe right above the eye socket and I actually have some of the fragments of the bullet right here that bullet came apart in the skull I did all the things that you want a bullet to do inside of a skull and it looks like we did not get a full exit I didn't come all the way out so that bullet stayed inside the skull now let's see what the difference between those little tiny holes from the 22 versus the nine-millimeter on this nice thick skull okay so first up is the Hydra Shok 124 grain from Federal Premium and I'm gonna go more on the right side on this one and we'll see if the skull stays a person so we can get our second shot actually with dead center on that one force to have it I went right between the eyes right there dead center and I don't see where that exited I don't see any grooves in the table I do see that it did go all the way through I can see looking through it there's the exit hole okay this is the hundred and forty seven grain double tap and it's a pig of a bullet and it's moving fast it's coming out at eleven hundred and forty seven feet per second out of a four and a half inch barrel so a little slower out of the Glocks four inch barrel but we're gonna see what this does to that ibex skull go a little higher and right with this move so here's our entries there's our entry hole right here and it did go all the way through and came out the back and made a being a goal mess of that back there I think it's no surprise that the nine-millimeter performed much more effectively and created a deeper and wider wound channel which is going to translate to greater blood loss and shock that will more quickly incapacitate an attacker but I understand why some people would want to carry a 22 is either a primary or a backup to their larger pistol but the reality is that the size difference of most 22 pistols versus a larger caliber pistol is not much of an advantage the smaller weight means more felt recoil so that recoil difference isn't really that significant the difficulty many have with cycling slide on a larger gun can be mitigated with proper technique and training a 22 handgun might deter a bad guy because nobody in their right mind wants to get shot with anything but if you actually need to shoot somebody to save your life the effectiveness of the 22 may leave you're regretting you're not carrying something larger if you do decide to carry a 22 instead of a more traditional and effective defensive pistol make sure you are very very accurate with it and carry plenty of ammo so you can continue to put shots on target until the threat is neutralized
Channel: Sportsman's Warehouse
Views: 403,947
Rating: 4.7792497 out of 5
Keywords: sportsmans, warehouse, sportsmanswarehouse
Id: e89dlQ8UFqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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