. 22 Hollow Point Effectiveness.

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hi recently I did a demonstration where I was trying to compare the effectiveness of hyper ammunition versus regular ammunition by shooting our meet target been examining the wound Channel and the penetration well a couple of viewers asked to see that same demonstration except with 22 long rifle caliber handguns so here we are now what I've got is a pork chop that will simulate a pectoral muscle then pork ribs then this watermelons simulate lung tissue more pork ribs and as always the high-tech fleece bullet stop when I did this before to simulate lung tissue I used a bag of tangerines well now it's later in the season and I can get watermelon which I think as a simulation for lung tissue the watermelon will be just as good if not better so we'll cover it with two layers of t-shirt then two layers of flannel shirt and we'll shoot it from seven yards now the gun I'm going to start with is this Smith & Wesson model M in P 22 and I've got it loaded with CCI stingers which are a 32 grain hollow-point so we'll take a few shots and see what kind of effect we get well I got the watermelon torn apart so let's see how we did first only one of the bullets actually hit a rib on the way in and it broke that rib in several pieces went through chewed up our watermelon fairly good now none of them penetrated the ribs on the back they were all stopped by the ribs and I only recovered one bullet I don't know where the others went the one bullet that I did recover is mushroomed out flat and I'll show you a close-up of that in just a second so it looks really effective and although they didn't penetrate the entire way through they certainly penetrated everything that was vital and mushed up our watermelon lung tissue pretty well and there you can see the one CCI stinger I did recover and it is mushroomed out flat now we'll repeat that using CCI mini mags which are a 36 grain hollow-point so how'd we do with the mini mags well they went through a pork chop of course and through our ribs none of them hit a rib this time they certainly penetrated through it chewed up the inside the watermelon really well and again they were stopped by the ribs on the back now this time I recovered two bullets let me show you a close-up of these and there's our CCI mini mags and they're mushroom greeting well but not quite as much as the stinger was so the stingers and the mini mags seem to perform pretty well but if you're talking about concealed carry you're probably considering a significantly smaller gun than that M&P so let's try this again with the Beretta Model 21 a now as we've seen in previous demonstrations with this short barrel we're not really reaching expansion threshold for 22 hollow points so I've got this loaded with CCI mini mag 40 grain round nosed bullets so let's shoot these from seven yards and see what kind of results we get so how did we do with our Beretta Model 21 a well well it went through the pork chop went through our ribs on the front hit one of the ribs and broke it went through the watermelon chewed it up actually more than you'd think a round nosed bullet would and the bullets were stopped by the ribs on the back so even in the short barrel we got 100% penetration and this thing of the bullets being stopped by the ribs on the opposite side that's something you see in hunting occasionally where they'll shoot a deer and you get a chest shot and the bullet goes all the way through and then it's caught under the hide on the opposite side and when that happens it tells you two things one that your bullet expended a hundred percent of its energy in the target and two that it penetrated everything vital now this is where I have to bring up a controversial topic there are people who are of the opinion that the 22 long-rifle as a handgun cartridge is the deadliest handgun you can get and they justify that by the notion that it's going to go through a chest cavity hit the ribs on the back ricochet back to the front hit the ribs on the front ricochet back to the back and it's just going to pin ball around in there causing all kinds of damage okay every bullet I fired today was stopped by the ribs on the back some of them were hung up in there some of them just fell and they were on top of that barrel some of them fell into the gravel and I couldn't find him but their energy was completely expended they had no energy to bounce back through this watermelon the idea that a bullet is going to ricochet off a rib is not a hundred percent fiction I have seen that occur but that's when I was shooting an 800-pound cow buffalo with a muzzleloading rifle and the bullet went clear through hit a rib on the opposite side fractured and one of those fragments in about so far it's not even worth talking about so it's not a hundred percent fiction but pretty close but that having been said all over the 22 is certainly not the deadliest handgun round out there I mean is it as powerful as a nine-millimeter or a 40 Smith & Wesson not even close but with the results we have here today it's a lot more powerful than a lot of people think it is and it is not to be underestimated so don't try this at home I'm what you call a professional and thanks for watching the 22 long-rifle vs. the meat target video
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 476,641
Rating: 4.9585915 out of 5
Id: LpQEKhpuMco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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