21 Must-Try Canva Tips and Tricks

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- Hey, it's Aurelius. In this video, I'm going to share 21 Canva tips and ideas to try, whether you're a small business owner, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a student, or a content creator. I'm sure these tips will help you make the most out of Canva. Timestamps to help you navigate through this video, are provided in the description box below, as well as a 30 day trial of Canva Pro. So go check the description box for all that. Pro tip number one, is to share your Canva designs as templates. For example, if you've got this daily planner that you want to share with others, but you don't want them to affect your main master copy, then here's how to do it. You simply click on share, where it says share link to edit. Simply change that to share link to use as template, then copy the link. I pasted it into my text editor, so you can see what it looks like, but this is what you want to share. When someone clicks on your link, they will land on a page like this, where they can see a preview of the template, and then they can simply click on and use template. That way, they're not going to affect your master copy. We can also do is to sell your Canva templates. So with your shopping cart system or whatever system you use to sell your products, you would basically, hide or protect this link inside your shopping cart system. So only those who have purchased will get access to your template. The next tip is using Canva as a video editor. When you're in Canva, simply click on the video icon. Or if you don't see that, simply search for video from the search bar, and then click on video. We're gonna start one from a blank video. Go to your upload section and then basically drag and drop any video footage you want to edit. And I've already uploaded mine, it's inside videos. I've got two clips right here that I want to use for this example. To insert it, simply click once. That'll insert it. I'm going to scale this, so it actually uses the complete canvas. Canva does allow you to crop and do some basic trimming. But hopefully in the future, that will provide more advanced tools. The first thing we can do is to trim it. So we'll look for this scissors option, we'll click it once. We can then drag and cut the part that we don't want. Let's say the first 10 seconds. And at the end, we can also cut it too, somewhere around there. Click on done. To add more clips, all you need to do is to click the plus. Then you click on the next footage in your upload section or scale this again. Repeat the same steps to trim. You can also crop it too. So let's go ahead and crop it. Somewhere around there, we'll click on done. Now, what you can also do, is to add a transition in between. In between the clips, you'll see the plus, we'll click that. Then you'll see, add transition. Click on that and select from a number of transition effects. All select to dissolve. Now that that's added, I'll play it from somewhere around here. Play it and you'll see the dissolve effects. (upbeat music) And there you have it. Next up, want to make a simple but professional looking YouTube video intro? We'll check this out. I'll hit the play. (upbeat music) I created this in just a few minutes. It includes text and element effects, and animations, as well as background music. I've got a full step-by-step tutorial on how to make this YouTube video intro. I'll link it up in a card right here and in the description box below. With Canva, you can also make presentations. But on top of that, you can do talking presentations and record it too. Here's what to do. Simply create a design, search for presentation, select the first option. Create your presentation either from scratch or choose one from one of the options. I'll apply this one. Once you're ready to present, all you need to do is hit the ellipsis. And what we're gonna do is select, present, and record. Click on, go to recording studio. You'll see me in the webcam. However, you don't necessarily need to be on camera. You can select audio only. Now that's disappeared, or you can enable the camera. So select your devices. And once you are ready, click on start recording, that'll give you three seconds. And now it is recording, you'll see the little circle bubble effects on the corner. Now presenting, you can add notes as well. Adjust the size. Once you're done, click on end recording. That'll upload to Canva. Canva will then give you a link, so that you can share it with your work colleagues, students, or anyone else you wish to send it to. In addition, you can also download the video file and upload it to wherever you want. Did you know you can edit PDF files straight inside Canva? Let's say you've got this PDF guide or ebook. Drag and drop any PDF file into your homepage. Now that it's uploaded. All I need to do is just click once, and Canva has converted it into an editable Canva design. For example, I could go to this paragraph right here and add any additional notes. Here's the next Canva tip. If you're struggling to come up with colours for your business, brand, your logo perhaps, or social media graphics, here's how to go about doing it quickly and easily. The first step is to gather some photos of things that you love. So for instance, this is an image of an interior design. So you can also use Pinterest to search for these types of things. But let's say, you've already gathered some photos. Head back to Canva. We are going to create a design and let's just do a custom design of 1920 by 1080 pixels. Have your image ready and simply drag and drop it, or copy and paste it over. Now, don't worry too much about resizing it, because all we are going to get or extract from this are the colours. Now click away, so that it's on an area, outside of the actual image, such as this blank area right here. At the top, click on background colour. Now, you'll see the photo colours. So Canva has detected the colours based on the photo. And now you know exactly what colours to use on your social media graphics, on your marketing collateral, on your website, your logo, or whatever it may be that you want to use these colours for. Next up. Want to learn some amazing Canva text effects? We'll check these out. We've got the frame text effect, where you can add any image or photo on the letters, as you can see right here. Then we've got other effects such as the highlight effects, 3D effect, glitch or TikTok effect, the curve text effect, hollow outline, align texts effects, and the minimalist text effect. I created a separate tutorial showing you exactly how to achieve each of these texts effects, which I'll link up in the card right here and in the description box below. Next up. Do you want to learn how to add that highlight or strike effects around yourself? Here's an example, and you can do this in Canva. You see the white outline or stroke around it? And this makes yourself pop on the image, so this can be used on YouTube thumbnails, which is quite popular. Now here's how to do it. You want to make sure that you upload an image of yourself and it could be anything. I've got myself here in front of a green screen, which makes it work a lot easier. So what you'll do is you add it. Then you click on edit image and use canvas background remover. The caveat here, is that the background remover is only available for Canva Pro users. Again, if you do want a 30 day trial to Canva Pro, I'll link it up in the description box below. With just one click, it'll detect the background, so that only you are on the image. Now it's done, I can just increase it a little. With the image, still select it. I'll click on edit image. Scroll to the bottom until you see shadows. Now, if you don't see this app right here, look down below where it says, you may also like, then you'll just need to enable it. The effect that you want is glow. Nothing seems to be different when you click it. That's because we need to adjust it. So go to the controls, make sure that our transparency is a hundred percent. Make sure the blur is zero, change of colour to white that stands out on a darker background. Then you'll increase the size to the maximum or whichever level you want. 40 is the maximum. And now, we can just move it where we want. Add our texts and create something like a YouTube thumbnail. By the way, if you enjoyed this video so far, give this video a thumbs up. The next step is using Canva to create product mock-ups. For this example, let's say we want to create a book mock-up. Let's search for book cover, click on the book cover option, select an option. And let's say we like this one, going viral. We click that once. Then you would simply customise and design your book cover. Once you're done, what we're going to do is to download the design as an image. So instead of a PDF, we'll make sure it's a PNG or JPEG. Next, what you gonna want to do, is to add a new page. Grab the image that you just downloaded and we're gonna just drag and drop it straight into this canvas. Scale it so that it fits. Like so, and now, we've got the image in place and you may be a little confused. Why do we have two? Well, the way it works is, if you click once, we are going to click on edit image. And at the bottom, you'll see smart mock-ups. Now, if you don't see this, just scroll down and you'll see it under, you may also like. Make sure to enable it. And then we can go to smart mock-ups. if you do it with your original image or design, you won't see the option because there are plenty of layers. And it won't detect what is the book cover in this case. So we'll just select the second one that we just added. Click on edit image. Under smart mock-ups, we'll click on, see it all. And you've got a range of different mock-ups from phone to laptops right here, hoodies, t-shirts, things like that, but we'll go over to book covers. I like the isolated one, which is style number six right here. So we'll click that once. Now, Canva will convert it into this 3D book cover. Now with this book cover, we can save it and upload it to our website. So we can showcase our book. All right. Speaking of mock-up, something similar is a new thing from Canva, called prototypes. We can use this for is, let's say you've got website design clients. You can showcase your web designs by using any one of these prototypes. Let me show you. If we go to the search bar, we'll search for prototypes. You'll see a desktop mobile and tablet prototypes. Let's select desktop prototype. Choose from one of the templates. I'll just select this one right here. Anything that you see can be edited such as the text and the images, and you can show your clients what it'll look like on a desktop computer, so they can envision it. And hence, that's why it's called a prototype. You can share a link to your prototype by clicking on publish as prototype, and we'll open the prototype. And now we've got the prototype. If we had a number of pages or prototypes, we can also scroll through them. You can also create mobile prototypes like this. Another great use of Canva is to check out their planner templates. By searching for planner, you'll find a range of planner templates like these. Here's a monthly budget template. You can say the aesthetics looks pretty nice. This is however, a Canva Pro template. There are other templates of course, that are available for free Canva users. Planners make great supplements, especially if you've got an online course or if you're a coach with students. The next step and another great supplement are checklists. Searching for checklists, you'll see all these checklists templates. Here's a checklist template, you can modify anything you see here, including extra boxes. Let's say you want an extra checkbox, we'll go copy and paste. And there we have it. Next up. You can use Canva to design your business card. Now you don't necessarily need to have it printed or a physical version. You can have a digital copy and then email it away. But by searching for business cards, you see all these templates. Here's one of the templates I open. This is the front of the business card and we've got the back of it. You can say one and two. You can easily edit this with your business name and your name, as well as the address, or anything else you'd like to add to your business card. Once you're ready to download it, simply hit the download button, and save it as a PDF or save them as images. And you may notice, there's a QR code, which is the next step, how to create and generate QR codes. Canva's got a built-in QR code generator. If you simply go to canva.com/apps. Search for QR code, you'll see a QR code right here. You can not totally click on more while you're in your design, then you'll find a QR code. From here, you'll see QR code. Enter the URL where you want people to go to, after they scan your QR code. Prevented by website here, and now I'll click on generate code. It's generated a QR code. What I'm gonna do is to scan it using my phone, so you can see that it redirects to my URL. We'll start by opening my camera and now I'll point it at that. And as you can see, it says open Aureliusjin.com. So opened that in Safari. And there we go, now you can see my website. To add this to your business card, all you really need to do is to select it. Copy, head back to your business card design, and then we're gonna paste it right here, and then drag it anywhere you want. So in this corner right here, resize it down and there you have it. The next thing is printing on Canva. Let's use a business card as an example. Again, we can actually print this by clicking on print business cards. If you click the ellipsis, you're given more options at the bottom where it says, print. We can print t-shirts, canvases, cards, postcards, and more. So we'll go ahead and print business cards. From here, select either single or double sided. Since we've got two sides, the front and the back, we can select double-sided. And then select your printing options, such as premium paper, matte finish, and how many copies you'd like printed. Once you've said all that, simply continue and follow the rest of the steps. Another great use of Canva, is to check out their library of logo templates. Simply search for logo. And you'll see all these logo templates. The tip here is to use these templates as inspiration for your own logo, or use it as a starting kind of foundation to design your logo. If you like a particular logo, click it, and then you can start editing it. You can start editing the logo, changing the text to your business name. So instead of the designer, let's say your business name is called The Creative. Making sure that the spacings right, including the letter spacing like so, and change anything else such as the background as well. Another great use of Canva, is to design your invoice template. Simply search for invoice, and you'll get a range of invoice templates. It's just a matter of opening one of them and then modifying, and redesigning it the way you want. Replacing things such as the logo. And of course, the actual items. I use this quite frequently, actually, whenever I need to invoice a brand that I've worked with, a sponsor. For instance, we've got this template that I designed in Canva, and all I need to do really, is just change the amount. I blurred out, of course, sensitive information. But once I'm done, all I need to do is just download as a PDF and then send it off. Next up, you might have a special occasion or event coming up. And for that, you can actually create invitations in Canva. Simply search for invitations and you'll see a range of invitation templates, or you can simply search and then choosing from landscape or portrait, or these other themes. Not too long ago, my wife and I designed an invitation for our daughter's fourth birthday. And we simply popped up one of these templates from Canva, and then designed it from there, rather than starting from scratch. To go, check out some of the invitation templates. They all look pretty good in general. Another useful thing to try in Canva, is to use Canva's graph maker. This is somewhat a hidden tool hand. I kind of found this by accident, by going to design and then going to graphs. We can go here by typing canva.com/graphs. Let's say, I'm creating a graph for social media stats. So I've entered that in. Click on create my graph now. It's going to ask you, do you need help choosing the right graph? I'll say no. And just say, I know what graph I need. Let's select a traditional bar graph, select from a number of templates. I'll choose the trend. This one right here. At first instance, you may think, oh, this is just another design. But in actual fact, if we click on the graph, on the actual graph, now you'll see a table where you can actually input some data. So instead of 500, for instance, I will put in 1000. Press enter, and now you will see, it is now adjusted to 1000. Now, one of the most popular uses of Canva, is to create social media graphics. For example, if you search for Instagram, we can search for Instagram posts, reels video, story, and other different categories. But let's say, we want to design an Instagram story, we click on Instagram story. And you get a range of different templates to use for your Instagram stories. Need some professional looking YouTube thumbnails? Not a problem. Simply search for YouTube thumbnails, and you'll get a range of different YouTube thumbnails. An overlook way of using Canva, is to actually use it as a photo enhancer. Here's a photo that I uploaded which looks quite flat. There's not much contrast and exposure. So what we can do is to edit this image in Canva. Click the image once and then click on edit image. Now we can do the basics such as adjusting the brightness contrast and saturation. First of all, let's add some contrast. This photo is quite dark, so I'll increase the brightness and that'll expose more of the details. And let's just add a bit of saturation. As you can see, let's add a bit more colour and vibrancy to the image. And now you see, here's the before and after. So quite a drastic difference. What we could also do, is to use filters, photogenic, or other tools that Canva provides here. All right. That pretty much wraps up this video. I hope you learned a new thing or two. Be sure to comment below which of these tips or uses is your favourite, or if you have any suggestions, or extra tips, or users, be sure to comment them below too. Thanks so much for watching. And if you got value from this video, be sure to give this video a thumbs up. And looking forward to sharing the next training with you. (upbeat music)
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 150,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tips, canva tips and tricks, canva for beginners, how to use canva for beginners, canva tips and tricks 2021, canva tricks, canva design, canva design tricks, canva for business, canva basics, top canva tips and tricks, canva tips and tricks to speed up your workflow, canva editing, canva beginners tutorials, canva tutorials, canva beginner tutorial, canva text effects, canva
Id: mJHGcYtay6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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