How To Create an Ebook and Sell it Online (Full Step-by-Step Process)

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hi in this video i'm going to walk you through the process of creating an ebook designing a book cover for your ebook and start selling it on a digital selling platform so take a look at what i created we've got an ebook credit here and you can see a table of contents introduction body of your ebook and then after that what you'll also learn is how to turn your cover page into a 3d realistic professional looking book cover like the one you're looking at right now and the best part is you don't need any web hosting domain name plugins all these tools are for free and i'll show you how to do it step by step in this tutorial so tune in first things first you are going to need a canva account which is free to sign up for and in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to do it using a canva free account not a pro account so that it's universal or more relatable perhaps to you if you only have a cava free account here i am on my canva homepage what i'm going to do is create a design from here what i'm going to search up for is either a4 document or letter size so we can either search letter or a4 so in the us you guys use us letter document and for us here in australia we use a4 so both are similar in size and that's the kind of dimensions you want to use i'll just choose a4 document and from here we can start designing and creating our ebook the first thing you're going to want to do is design your book cover and for that you can either start by using one of the templates right here we search for ebook this will give you all the results for anything related to ebook let's say you like this particular cover this is a pro template you can tell by hovering over and it shows that crown icon and shows pro but you can find free templates anyway so for instance we've got this one here called snacks and this also gives you if you hover over it all the page previews of what this ebook looks like well also the template now the great thing about canva templates is that you can mix and match the different styles and layouts that you see of different templates or you can stick with one to keep it more consistent to insert a template all you need to do is just click once and then that will show preview and the thumbnails of all the layouts of this particular template then you simply apply all pages that'll insert to the template as you can see here's the table of contents we've got chapter one and then the rest of the pages so this particular template does make more sense for recipe type of ebooks what you're going to want to do is actually change the photo or elements or objects that are on the template you don't want to use the ones that come with the stock template so for this i can click on the background i'll delete it so that i can insert my own photo there are a couple of options here to insert photos you can either go to photos search up the photo that you want so let's say your ebook is about mindfulness or something around self-improvement i'll choose mindfulness and then from here we can choose one of the images you'll see some pro images as well as free images which are clearly indicated the pro options will give you a basically a license to use the image for sometimes commercial use but do your own due diligence to make sure that you can actually use the images for commercial purposes in this case you do want to sell your ebook so that's something you need to be mindful of the free images in this case they come from pixabay which canva now owns as well and the license agreement with that is that you can actually use it for commercial purposes without attribution without crediting the photographer however again a little fine print here is that you need to make sure where the source of the photo com came from whether it's legitimately from that photographer or it could be someone that basically found it somewhere else and then they basically put it into their account so that's something you need to look into yourself to insert an image let's say this one here i'll click that once that'll then insert it to your title page and what i can do now is just drag until it is a size that covers the entire book cover like that and then choose or crop more so the area that i want so let's say here from here i can change the title so i'm going to show something like mindfulness or resilience and i did do a sample demo ebook previously or before this tutorial and i'll show you what mine looks like later on so i'll just resize it to something like that the other way and the better way is to actually click once on that layer and then just drag where you want it or how the size that you want i'll just drag it right here to the position that i want and then i'll delete this area for this one i'll just use it as a subheading something like how to get back up from failures or something like that all right so that's the cover page right there to show you an example of what i did previously here's resilience and we've got the subtitle then the actual photo and that's just something i found through photos here search for mountain and to see the rest just to give you a sneak peek we've got a table of contents also the body of the actual ebook so you can see what it looks like these are kind of the foundational pages that you want to create in order to create a table of contents all you need to do is either use one of the ones that's already provided by the template like this one here or you can go back to template and then we are going to search for table of contents that will bring up all the templates related to table of contents simply insert it and then modify it as you wish the little side note here is that don't change the page numbers just yet we don't have page numbers for this particular template but because you are going to write your ebook you don't know where those pages are going to sit or where those chapters are going to sit so write your pages first and then after that you can fix up your table of contents and the page numbers now with the table contents inserted there the next thing is to either add a chapter image like this one here follow the same steps as you uh as we went through with adding an image for the cover page and then adding or modifying the chapter title and the number to change the font style all we need to do is just select it and then from here we can choose one of the styles right here so it's completely up to you whether you want to use one of the other fonts this template is for recipes so if you do want to add just normal pages with normal body text all you need to do is just let's add a page and then from here we can search for ebook again use one of the templates so we can leverage off of that and then going through some of the other templates to see what layout we want we you might want a simple layout with just text and for that you can just start one from scratch or we can just use one of the ones right here so for instance let's say you like one of these templates right here and then this is the one of the body pages that it's provided i'll click that once that'll insert it and from here we've got a template or more so a layout that we can use this would be a chapter title and then this would be like a page number or more so the chapter number at the bottom you can see the page numbers that you can modify and of course the body of the page right here so start typing whatever it is you want to write about for your ebook what i recommend you start with is an intro then the chapters of your ebook then a conclusion so a start or also a beginning a middle and an end going back to my example here we've got an introduction and then we've got the actual body or also the content of the ebook so what is resilience and at the end i would put a conclusion again i want to mention that i do have more comprehensive tutorials on creating your ebook step by step so if i'm going a little too fast do check out those videos which i'll link up in the description below but let's say you're done with your ebook you're happy with it all what we're going to do now is design the book cover we've actually designed the book cover already but what we're going to do next is to turn it into a 3d looking also like a realistic looking book cover to do that we're going to use a tool called smart mock-ups this integrates perfectly with canva what you can see is a realistic looking you know book cover all these examples so that's what we're going to do smart mock-ups is free to sign up but there is an upgrade version and you can see the indication indicated premium logo or lock icon that indicates that it's for smart mockups upgraded members only but let's go back to our ebook and again i'm going to use this demo ebook rather than the one that we created from the beginning so from here what we're going to do is click on the three dotted icon at the top right corner and from here we're going to search for smart mock-ups that'll bring up smart mock-ups there click that once and then select the pages that you want basically exported out to smart mock-ups since we only want the book cover that is what we want so page one and then click save that's going to prepare the design the next step is to view the design in smart mockups so click that once by default it will insert it to these t-shirt mockups or perhaps something else but what we're going to do is look for book covers so either look through here or we can go directly to books under print we can see a preview of all of them but i'm going to choose browse all now if you don't see this that means you're not logged into your smart mockups account and more importantly canva will ask you to log into your smart mockups account so that you can actually integrate it together but here's how it looks like real nice professional book covers to choose from if you do like one of the ones that you where you require a smart mockups upgrade account feel free to upgrade but what i'm going to do is just choose one of the ones that are freely available for me to use the ones without the padlock icon i like this one here the portrait thick hardcover book click that once and this is what it looks like you can change the actual background as well to like let's say a solid color to whatever color you want i'm just going to choose a transparent background so then that means wherever i place this book cover image it'll take in that background of that webpage i've got a step-by-step tutorial on using smart mock-ups as well which i'll link up in the description or i'll link up a card right here to that specific tutorial what i'm going to do now is download a copy of this i'll choose medium size here it is in my image previewer we're going to use this later on once we start selling this digital product be sure to also go back to canva so that we can save this as a pdf document either pdf standard or pdf print if you are going to encourage your customers to print your ebook otherwise choose pdf standard if your viewers are just going to read this online i'll just choose pdf print click on download now it's downloaded you can see it right here the resilience.pdf document i can open this up i've saved everything into one folder now the next step is to get this ready for sale in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to do it in gumroad i've got a step-by-step tutorial on using gumroad so i'll link it up right here but let's go ahead and i'm going to show you briefly how to use gumroad from the products section what we're going to do is click on new product and then select classic start selling today rather than the other options name your product enter the amount i'll just choose 10 for this ebook click on next to customize the next step is to add a description this is where you can describe your product more and obviously you want to use a bit of sales copy here where you can add like things like headlines i'll add my headline here i've already copied and pasted it from my own description the drawback of using gumroad is that there's limited options in terms of changing the font sizes the styles and the headings things like that but on the flip side you don't need a website donated web hosting don't need a domain name and you can start selling right away all self-hosted on gumroad what you can do in the description is to add either video or you can add an image as well so that you can insert right here this is where we can go ahead and add that book cover image or we can create a page cover right here to insert it which will be the next step but what i'm going to do is click the image icon so here's the book cover that we saved i'll just insert it right there now it's inserted if you find the book cover image is too large we can actually resize this if we go and use something like canva or an image resizer online so that's quite easy to do but next what i can do is add more of a description of this ebook so i've got one copied and pasted there and then next i'll just add some bulleted benefits i've added my bulleted benefits right there and i can either choose to add more of a description or leave it as is and i do recommend reading more about how to write sales copy has it'll help you convert more subscribers and also visitors into customers so sales copy or writing ad copy is really important for this cover image you can choose to create one using canva which i do recommend you do anyway just to fill this section up but keep it simple and make sure it doesn't take up that above the fold screen which is basically the first thing that users or visitors see first let's create one real quick i'm going to go back to canva credit design and from here what i'm going to just do is create a custom size of about a thousand width and 400 high you can follow this if you want to create a new design but it's up to you what image you want to insert and from here i'll just put a click on the background let's choose one of the background colors uh like this blue here you know that stands out a lot but uh choosing one of this you know i'm just going to copy this text here so you can actually go back and forward from one canva design to another like this one here i've got this open up in a new tab i'll copy this copy and then go back to this design and now paste it in so real simple and easy to use using canva what i'm also going to do is insert the book cover here's a book cover all i'm going to do is just drag and drop it which is nice and easy to do using canva and like i said because we saved it in a transparent png format in smart mock-ups it takes in whatever it is in the background so in this case it's the blue and i'll just put it somewhere here and rearrange this so it's more to the left and looks like something like that now you can make this as fancy as you want but keep it simple because you don't want to be wanted to be too distracting in actual fact i could have made this less high but let's use this for this demo i'll click on download i'll just leave it as png so save my cover image as you can see i've called it cover and next we're going to go back here we're going to choose the files here it is i'll click that once click on open it's uploading and as you can see we've got the cover image at the top so at the bottom now we've got a call to action that we can add we can select i want this buy this or pay i'll click on buy this let's add a summary which will then go on the right side this is where i'll put in something like here's what you'll get so if you have extra components especially for your online course or ebook in this case you can add it in so let's say like a checklist or a resources list you can go ahead and add the details i'll put in ebook you can add a value to this if you want or you can choose not to add another detail let's say a checklist and let's put another one like a mind map so my map of everything that is covered in the ebook next up we've got content this is where you go ahead and upload the actual ebook i'll click on upload your files from the computer i'll choose the pdf document right here resilience it's uploading so give it some time depending how large your ebook is okay now it's completed the next step is you can actually stamp the pdf with the buyer's information so things like licensing or perhaps you want to protect it using one extra way the option is to either disable it or enable it you can learn more by clicking the link right here i'll disable it for now next step is pricing which we've already inserted ten dollars for that there's an option to allow customers to pay what they want uh let's say here we've got a minimum amount let's say we've got ten dollars for the minimum amount so i'll change this amount back to one dollar let's go back and now the minimum amount that a customer can pay for this ebook is a dollar while they suggested you say maybe five dollars so on the right we've got the preview and we see name affair price we've got one dollar plus but if you don't want that option just disable it and then add that fixed price right there next up we've got versions this is a great way to add extra versions of your ebook let's say you've got extra components and you can sell it for a higher price so click on add version we're going to call this resilience standard and then call this as or more so like we call the option name uh standard or and then give a description for that uploaded the associated file for that and we can add another option let's say we've got gold all right so the gold version or the standard version and from here we can add the additional price for it let's say 15 extra and then we can see from the preview area so 10 for standard or we've got 25 for gold in the description of course you can describe what extra things that they get so let's say we've got more resources videos um access to xyz so using gumroad you can bump up that offer and then increase your bottom line i'm going to disable this option for now to keep things straight forward what you can also do is limit the amount of ebooks that you sell let's say we've got for the first 100 i'll enter 100 right there allow customers to choose a quantity since this is just a one-off ebook that they purchase you don't need to enable this i'll disable limit product sales once you're done just click on save changes once you've saved it we can move on to checkout and this will give us an option to add things like discount codes and a payment form add a receipt thank you note if you wish to do so next up click on share and then it will ask you to publish it so i'll click on publish now that it's published we have all these options to then share this gumroad sales page at the top you'll see your unique sales page url gum dot co forward slash whatever it is but you can actually add a custom url so let's say resilience ebook and i'll click save changes after you hit save changes after renaming you can then click on refresh because what it's going to do is copy the correct or updated url so i'll hit refresh and now i'll copy the url when i open that url this is what you'll see in my case this is the url i want to share and you can also look at the top which it redirects to this particular address but either of those work the same here's what the page looks like this is what we designed and created and just like that we can now click on buy this enter the email address this is a card purchase that the customer needs to enter but because i'm logged in as an admin it's showing test card if we click on pay that will then take us to the next step processing and it says your purchase was successful we charge a card and now we can view the content after clicking that as a customer we can download the pdf document that we just purchased send to kindle or read right away and that's all there is to it if we go back to gumroad we can edit the product by going back to products locate the product that you just added and that'll take you back to the editor now previously i did mention that there's limited amount of formatting options but you can actually just highlight and then we are given these basic options like bowling text or we can use a h3 or h4 tag right there so i've formatted that and with these bullets we can also list these using the bullet option like so and of course deleting these dashes that we no longer need i'll save changes going back to our page this is what it now looks like with the heading 3 tag and the bulleted features here and there you go that's how to create an ebook design a book cover for your ebook and start selling it on a digital selling platform be sure to give this video a thumbs up subscribe and turn on notifications if you're new so that you don't miss out on any future tutorials just like this again i do want to mention if you do want more comprehensive tutorials on each of the steps that i went through in this video i'll link it up in the description below so go check that out in the meantime i'll link up a couple of related videos right here for you to watch next
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 565,974
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Keywords: how to create an ebook and sell it online, how to create an ebook, how to sell an ebook, how to create an ebook step by step, how to create an ebook in canva, canva ebook tutorial, how to make an ebook, how to create an ebook fast, how to create an ebook for free, how to create an ebook to sell, how to create an ebook using canva, how to create an ebook pdf
Id: jdkdo9pPAzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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