2021 No Man's Sky - Beginners Guide | New Start

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hello everybody welcome to another gaming adventure with stratos wave we're gonna play a little more no man's sky today i'm gonna start a new uh brand new game and we're just gonna see what happens all right so i'm going to choose a normal [Music] and here we go [Music] so for this playthrough i'm going to focus on uh not only the main uh storyline uh but also trying to gather uh resources and units along the way to try to acquire a better ship a little bit faster which will help progress the game a little bit more and as we go through this i'm going to talk about some of the things that i do that i think helps me do that quicker [Music] all right let's see what kind of planet we get and it looks like a frozen planet my very first time playing no man's sky froze to death and a lot of my playthroughs i've gotten frozen planets so i guess i still have something to learn huh actually this there's there's lots of things to learn about this game and lots of different ways to play so for those of you that don't know you start out you don't know who you are you don't know why you're there and you've got this kind of automated voice going on trying to help you survive and basically if you can get through the first you know five or ten minutes of the game then you're gonna do pretty good all right so if you look in the bottom left corner you can see that uh as we were just warned temperature is dangerously low okay so it's telling us we want to perform a scan so i'm gonna do that scanner is damaged we need to collect ferrite dust fortunately that is basically available in pretty much any rock that i can actually shoot all right 75. i want to be careful we don't overheat our mining beam all right we got it so it's going to tell us to repair so i'm going to access the multi tool tool menu here and we're going to click on the damaged repair the damage scanner all right so now we need sodium this is super important because that will help keep us from freezing to death is there any really close uh let's head this way is there any closer behind us nope it's not freeze to death again [Music] okay let's get some sodium yep we're gonna recharge all right much better so for those of you that don't know there's a shortcut menu if you press the d-pad down that'll access um your things that need to be charged okay we need to find some more sodium there's some more two sodium over these rocks watch out for that guy he's gonna spit poison at us wow it's really rocky terrain i haven't had this problem before well challenge i guess i would say more than anything okay there should be a ship down here let's go ahead and recharge that protection again [Music] we don't want to use our jet pack too much going down this hill because if you fall from too high you can get injured in fact you can die we're not playing permadeath so that has a little bit less of a consequence actually a lot less of a consequence all right scenario iteration number so on and so forth uh boundary separation failure likely vessel 16 emptied cause sentinel intervention deliberate transfer fresh iteration generated anomaly containment prepared we're gonna broadcast broadcast receive traveler anomaly detected anomaly is compliant position logged system integrity scan initialized all right now it's telling us um for also for those who don't know if you look at the bottom right corner that's gonna give us prompts about our current missions as a really interesting looking creature over there so we're gonna go inspect the ship as it asks us to okay atlas connection intermittent launch thrusters offline pulse engine offline find myself alone on a strange world unequipped and in danger i have no memory of how i got here no sense of a b4 but this ship at least seems to recognize me the controls react to my touch or at least that of my exo suit i am not dead yet and this ship is a lifeline out to the stars all right let's try reading the log here unavailable substituting data excel suit connected suggestion pilot should perform maintenance select desired repair bath all right self-guided repair protocols initiated all right so we need to repair the pulse engine uh the pulse engine is the one that um provides uh faster travel through space so it's kind of important if you want to get from one planet to another in a somewhat timely fashion um and then this is the recipe for repairing the pulse engine we're going to need a hermetic seal and metal plating so i'm going to press x to exit the ship and it says repair the pulse engine metal plating okay collect ferrite dust then we're gonna craft metal plating to repair the pulsation cool okay so let's um let's actually pick up this oxygen oxygen is pretty important in it's not rare but it's not as it's not as prevalent as say sodium is these are cool i don't think we can yeah we can do something with those um let's go ahead and collect these so album pearls if we go to our inventory they're actually worth quite a bit they're worth about 9 000 units um you sell items at markets and you'll notice it says um where it says used for it says trading so that means it's an item for selling but you sell it markets at space stations and training posts and etc and uh the price varies a little bit uh it's so the value you see here is sort of the quote-unquote standard value but depending upon the market you go to it could be a little higher it could be lower it could be a lot lower it could be a lot higher but these will come in handy later as we are trying to get upgrades and progress the game a little bit quicker so we want these all right oh a couple more over here let's go get these two well watch out for those poisonous plants oh we're too close to them so let's deal with those poisonous plants real quick and that actually gets the sodium which is awesome because we need that [Music] and usually they provide oxygen or sodium i find oxygen is far more prevalent than sodium but i needn't want both so i'm really not too upset about that nice now we do have to be careful as we gather items early game um we have a pretty limited inventory you can see we're already starting to fill stuff up uh and you'll notice uh the pearls here have a there's like a little bar here and once that bar is full then it's gonna start taking another slot so there is definitely inventory management in no man's sky that is an understatement to say the least looks like we got maybe four more here [Music] nice okay um let's go check this object out over here too it's another important element of no man's sky before we do that we are going to take care of this poisonous plant get some more oxygen okay up here we have what's called a knowledge stone if we interact with this or painter or pink yeah gig egg probably not pronouncing that correctly but that's okay the stone resonates producing a sound that fills my mind a vision fit begins to take shape i see two large alien eyes locked in combat eventually one triumphs leaving the victim to bleed to death with the late last of their strength the vanquished alien gestures towards me accept the knowledge the name viking floats in my vision an echo of the strange vision just experienced a word in this alien tongue is seared into my brain alright so these are pretty important because you learn words oh there's two of them well they're merged right next to each other i have not seen that before um it it happens in no man's sky quite a bit since things are generated the way that they are uh sometimes things overlap but i had not seen that happen with any knowledge stone yet all right let's get some ferrite [Music] a dust more rocks here now we're going to need more ferrite dust so i'm actually going to get a little bit more than what it's currently asking me for just means i want to have to get some more later as much later all right let's head back to the ship all right so if we go back into our inventory here and go up to the um select the square that is blinking at us this is just kind of the tutorial on how you craft things so we are gonna craft metal plating and then we're gonna go into the pulse engine and we're gonna say yep install that metal plating all right so that's the first part let's get some more fury dust [Music] all right so we're supposed to go into the ship and consult with the computer again functional starship critically damaged vital ingredients missing unable to synthesize required components pulse engine requires hermetic seal so request assistance recommendation iteration comparison reveals for medic seal nearby salvage planetary chart from distress beacon cash all right so here's our new mission we are going to exit the ship go back over to the distress beacon [Music] i'm gonna interact with this here inside the beacon's housing as well as its distress broadcast unit it contains a planetary chart let's take that chart all right [Music] so that chart has actually been added to our inventory here uh now we can press x right now to plot route but here's the thing when we do this it is going to initiate a timer which will cause a storm to happen they're trying to teach you you need to make sure you keep plenty of sodium on hand and uh that you find shelter if there's a storm there are upgrades later in the game that you can get that'll actually uh beef up your hazard protection so that you know storms don't really do as much to you but right now early game uh they're really trying to get into you to keep the sodium the oxygen your basic elements stock stockpiled so before i initiate that i am going to try to get some more sodium so let's do another scan let's see there's some way over there some off there i mean we'll we'll go that way if we need to um the other thing we can do let's check out these miscellaneous items on the ground here sometimes you'll find sodium in one of these loot boxes hey sodium nitrate which can also be used to recharge your protection there's some regular sodium let's check out this container okay this happens sometimes uh it'll say hey there's a material here what do you want to do with it rusted metal can be refined into um ferrite dust but fury dust is available pretty much everywhere with all the rocks so i personally don't keep it but if you want to you certainly can [Music] alright condensed carbon handy too okay did we check out let's see did we check that one some more carbon and right over here this cylindrical object you'll see these throughout the game too uh but as you can see i can't search it right now i need what is called an atlas pass which we will cover later all right i'm also going to interact with this damaged machinery again i've got a substance available to me this one i am going to keep i'll show you what we can do with that later and we got some nanites nanites are used for uh purchasing um upgrades basically all right i didn't i don't really feel like we got a whole lot of sodium i i think i'm gonna have to go go get some more let's go over there you'll notice i can only run for so long if you look in the bottom right corner there's a stamina indicator and once that gets too low what is that there is a rather square object there i might have to go check that out and see what that is all right let's go ahead and recharge right now let's go check the square object out rocks natural phenomenon usually aren't quite this square huh interesting looks like we got some more oxygen over here [Music] let's take this guy out before he tries to gas us [Music] yep i know thermal protection is falling um this is dihydrogen we're gonna need this later too so i'm here so i'm gonna go ahead and grab it just keep in mind as you're doing this how much um [Music] inventory slots you have available oh okay so now i need to recharge my weapon so that's my mining beam so i'm going to recharge that with carbon here's another one of these guys let's take care of him before he gasses us knowledge stone viking word for gra okay yeah i don't know maybe maybe it's just a square mountain-like structure i don't know there's some more sodium so you don't have to stand still if you find one of those see some more sodium oh there's two over here nice another one of those guys let's take him out oh sodium like a large quantity of it but we don't have a train manipulator yet okay all right well i think at this point i'm gonna grab a couple more sodiums here it's easy to get distracted by stuff i don't even remember exactly where the ship is right now but we will be able to find it later usually i don't know maybe i'm just getting lucky but the last several times i haven't i haven't had the sodium this this far out what oh interesting so it's offering me the option to create the analysis visor which usually you don't get that mentioned until later interesting okay well hopefully we have not gotten too far off the beaten path here uh because we'll have to walk to get that missing part all right well let's see how much damage i did to myself let's go ahead maybe it's because of how far away i am from the ship so sodium nitrate i'm going to organize a little bit throw that over there right all right let's set this off plot the route okay so it's over that way hopefully it's not too awful far oh there's a building over there there is a building over there let's let's get these guys and we just have to remember we set off that storm timer so we gotta hurry but i did see a building over here so perhaps we can hide in that building yeah blizzard blizzard warning yep thermal protection falling okay there's that building so we can actually hide inside buildings too so i think that's what i'm gonna do so i think that storm is gonna get here before we get a chance to get where we need to go yep let's go inside come on let's not freeze to death must not freeze to death come on now it's cold all right another good option for hanging out uh if if you are farther away if you can find a cave you can accomplish the same thing let's kind of poke around in here so this is like an abandoned building it's gonna take time for that storm to pass by so we might as well explore while we're waiting carbon looks like more carbon yep these yellow bins sometimes they don't have anything in them okay oh there's another one over here i didn't see it come on get the right angle here there we go convince carbon did we check that one nope oh here's another one kind of hiding off to the side here it's carbon lots of condensed carbon is that water coming through some sort of substance doesn't look very friendly though all right let's see where we're at with the storm is it still raging out here yep it's still storming so let's go back in here and interact with this device here right here this terminal we might get something cool i've got some residual goop i'm gonna keep that too user identified terminal now active unlocking data log for analysis it looks like a wound on the world crimson and ragged edged like something that once lived but was then torn a stun asunder i should have stayed away had i the senses to taste the air of this planet i might i imagine it would have wreaked with some kind of alien factor but nothing could stall my curiosity was it dead where i touched it the surface was moist and yielding it seemed to become molten then crawling on a mat of slow cilia moving from me i should have left it alone oh it sounds like somebody didn't make a good decision there all right let's analyze the data log okay discover something coded deep inside the long dead traveler's data log something left that will aid me on my journey what'd we get oh that's actually quite a few nanites nice all right still storming all right so we have weathered the storm so now we need to head over to get our hermetic seal get over these rocks okay let's see let's get our bearings might be down in this little valley looks like there we go wow there's a lot of animals here pardon me cool all right let's go inside and see what we can find yeah another kind of trashed place check stock transfer nice got some money all right so so far uh we're at 1577. we've managed to pick up a few goodies okay let's interact with this damaged machinery see if we can get some more useful stuff viscous fluids so all of these fluids we can turn into nanites and i'll show you how to do that okay see if there's anything useful in this building uh-huh hollow archive accessing archive logs corrupted entry follows no one making this recording in case leaving behind in the fabricator might be of some use fights are damaged can't find ship alright let's recover the supplies log finishes in the machine wars to life spitting out supplies i have the hermetic seal i need to repair my ship whatever it was that led me here whoever left this message perhaps they found themselves in the same situation as i do now nice okay anything else in here oh yeah you can sit sometimes i like some of these displays it looks like you should be able to like interact with them okay i don't see anything else oh wait wait wait i saw something right there encrypted navigation data we want that it's gonna give us some more nanites nice okay so now we are going to follow the tutorial down below we're going to open the inventory and install the analysis visor so when i do this over here [Music] okay and we're gonna need carbon nanotubes we can make those and let's see i did we only need one i always forget yep just one perfect all right so now it's going to tell us how to use our analysis visor this is super helpful in the game um analyze objects for rewards locate your starship okay so to use it i'm gonna activate it and we can look around and we can scan things so creatures plants minerals and you'll notice we got 1600 units for that so scanning things makes you money it's also incredibly useful for finding stuff [Music] so our ship is off in that direction let's just take a quick look around i think that's that's probably the building we were at sodium deposit machinery there's some pretty cool stuff around here oh it's another animal we can scan [Music] 1600 for that one okay that's the same kind of creature all right let's head for the ship nope there's some sort of flying animal [Music] locate your starship oh this looks like a cave let's take a peek yup that's cave so if you can find a hole in the ground like this and you get far enough in there you can actually uh wait out the storm that way too okay looks like the ship is over this away [Music] let's check and see how far we went from our ship 751 uh it's a little ways away but it's not too bad a yeah too much of a fall took a little bit of fall damage [Music] okay oh let's not fall down the hill and kind of slide down here if we're careful oh looks like our life supports getting low let's go ahead and recharge that with oxygen now we're getting closer you can see the beam kind of coming up as you get closer oh and um so you notice these rocks they are unidentified so if we scan these now we know we get fairy dust and salt and salt is super helpful because you can turn salt into chlorine and chlorine is actually worth quite a bit so this is a great resource to find oh that one was let's unidentified a couple more rocks here real quick more salt okay let's keep going for the ship we're about halfway there let's avoid the poisonous creature did we scan these guys yep we did oh and you know to see the green so if something's green like that it means that you have already scanned it if it's a animal nice all right so we have found our ship okay we want to repair the pulse engine so we're going to go into here we are going to give it the hermetic seal nice engine repaired okay so now in order to get off the ground we need to repair our launch thruster so we're gonna need pure ferrite remember i was saying we're going to need more fury and dihydrogen jelly which you get from dihydrogen okay so collect dihydrogen looks like we need a little bit more let's do a skin see where the closer let's see is that some more of those humming sacks oh it is let's get a couple more of these closer i don't want the camera oh yeah this happens sometimes so i gotta recharge here um so i've i've already interacted with these so now when you open them they're like empty okay dihydrogen where are you looking for a blue indicator there's some this rise and let's take care of this guy because he's probably going to be too close to where we want to be okay assuming it's just kind of around the rocks here maybe yeah it's it's in amongst all this stuff let's analyze wow a lot of stuff with fury dust and salt well let's get some of this out of the way it'll make it a little bit easier to pick out well here's another unidentified mineral purified and dioxide yeah we might have too many of these big rocks in the way the rocks that we cannot harvest oh another unidentified more fairy dust and salt and see it's nighttime now okay let's see but i still can't yeah we're just gonna have to kind of get in here yeah sometimes the procedurally generated stuff makes it difficult to get to what you need is there more i feel like there should be more oh we got a geode take a look at that in a second okay oh we got a couple of them okay so if we analyze this we're going to get something else we've got fury dust or ferrite dust okay is that all the dihydrogen oh nope there's more [Music] i am not seeing mean there probably is some more but it's kind of hard to make out in between the the blue grass and everything all right what do we got is there any oh that might be easier to get to it's a little ways away but that blue grass it's like totally throwing me off totally throwing me off okay yeah here's some more any more dihydrogen okay let's go ahead and analyze our crystal fragment okay all right looks like we're ready to craft some dihydrogen jelly let's go ahead and head back to the ship let's not fall down the hole [Music] so you can kind of tap the booster here your jet pack and all right so as it says we need to craft a hydrogen jelly so we're gonna go into our inventory craft dihydrogen jelly okay and then yep we need to go to the thruster i'm gonna put that in okay and now we need to repair the launch thrusters with pure ferrite and we are gonna do that using our portable refiner this lovely little machine here let's see we gotta find a spot that you know oh we need more metal plating that's why we couldn't deploy it so let's make another thing metal plating now we should be able to build it yeah there we go [Music] all right we're gonna go interact with it your portable refiner must be fueled you use carbon for that i don't really found any uh usually you get regular carbon from like trees and bushes and stuff like that which frozen planet there isn't much so all we have to use is condensed carbon condensed carbon but that's okay all right so we need some ferrite dust we do not need to convert all of this though so i'm going to use the quick split let's go ahead and get our pure fury that's plenty okay okay and let's get the launch thruster repaired here nice and you'll notice our cold protection is slowly going up because inside the ship we are protected all right so let's get our portable refiner don't want to leave that behind all right all sections all systems functional returned here ship all right seek answers among the stars all right well thanks for being with me today i think we're gonna stop it right there for right now we'll pick right up with uh being inside the ship and uh taking the next steps if you like this video p please subscribe to my channel please like the video that helps people uh find it and and they in turn can like it and then i can do more fun stuff so uh leave a comment if there's anything you like or don't like and uh if there's any other games that you think you might like to see me play i'd love to hear about it anyway thank you very much for watching and have a great day
Channel: StratosWave
Views: 2,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NoMansSky, NMSBeginnersGuide, PlayNMS, NoMansSkyStartingOut, 2021NMS
Id: yqrCc3OYSAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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