2020 Rockwood 2604 WS Detailed Look & Why WE Bought it

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hey YouTube thanks for checking out our video we have the brand new 20/20 Rockwood to 6:04 WS it's their ultra light model we want to tell you all about it and a lot of the features that we liked and why we bought it I've been riding on a date so you guys just joining us for the first time maybe you stumbled upon this video welcome and let us tell you just a little bit about ourselves we are homeowners we're looking to go into full-time RVing on this windy cool day in a Northeast Ohio and we had a smaller RV that we did a lot of work on and it's currently for sale let me show you over here you can see it there if you want to check out the video prior on that you can it shows you all the details and actually we did a for sale video on it if you want to go back and look at it but we wanted to get into something a little bit bigger whenever we actually travel full time and this was it it took us about three and a half years to dial in to this RV whenever you're shopping for a new RV and one thing to be aware of is that you're only gonna find one that's gonna cover about 80% of your wants and needs if you get close to 80% buy it go ahead and get it and don't waste any more time we found this model previous years of this model about two years ago and we should have probably acted on it then however because we did it there's a couple new features on the newer one that we kind of like and we're glad that we had waited but let's go ahead and talk about this RV and give you all the details and show you all the ins and outs so we're gonna start with the Alex at the outside and it's very dirty got caught in the rain when we were coming home we optioned it up pretty heavily and you can see here that the complete loaded weight the highest weight that this RV is rated for is eight thousand seven hundred eighty two pounds that's with all the stuff that's in here that you know tanks some of them full some of them not and the payload is 2219 pounds now that doesn't include the full freshwater tank if you have a full freshwater tank at that point your weight that you can be at is going to drop by of course the weight of the tank which this tank which is one of the nice things that we like about it is a 60 gallon freshwater tank the grey water tanks 45 gallons and the black water tank is 45 gallons we have on that small RV a 48 gallon freshwater tank 45 gray 45 black we got used to it we know how far how long we can boondock or dry camp before we need to get our water flushed out and get new water in there so this one fit the bill nicely as far as the exterior this one is the white option as far as the main part of it you can see here you know white and this being white these colors are essentially the same on even the other ones which is a little bit darker of a tone whenever you get this from rock wood you will get a double battery box that will hold how many batteries to 24 series marine badass if you guys don't know again just stumbled on this Heidi works in an automotive store for the last 20 years and she definitely knows that 24s will fit in there I thought that we could get to 27 she said no way I said maybe nope she's right as far as the weight distribution that's something we put on there we're going to be going to something else a little bit later this does come with a relatively nice power jack I haven't found anything so far about this power jack that I don't like except for that the birds are making decorations on it you know typical power Jack nothing out of the ordinary it's 3,500 pounds rated it does give you a seven pin plug holder on the side of the RV direct from rock wood again very nice 230 pound tanks with a switch over automatic switch over regulator just like you would think on these newer RVs and of course you can choose which tank you want to draw from in case you want to switch out the tanks and ones empty you don't have to disconnect and turn off your propane just to refill one of them you just flip it over to the one you want you can see here you've got solar on the side this is a 20 amp it's rated for 20 amp solar panel that you know those suitcase panels that's basically what that is the tongue weight on this roughly is 7 95 pounds whenever it's empty basically no water in the tank and they do run a little bit heavier that's just the way they're doing on the new designs compared to the older one you know that one only has about 10 maybe 12 percent tongue weight when empty of what the total weight is of the trailer these run a little bit heavier and it's a little bit safer to go that way this here is docking lights whenever those are on that's this light here and that will help you of course whenever you're backing up now you can turn this light on also that may help a little bit but not as much as this one here most people have some sort of a flashlight they'll take care of most of their hooking up at night situations which we've done in the past staying on this side of the RV which there's a lot to talk about you can see the Wardrobe slide that's on there we'll put this out in a little bit but I want to show you what it looked like inside with them in and then there's a larger super slide back there you're gonna notice this one of the biggest features what do you think about this Heidi these are some really big openings and I know the camera is not going to necessarily cover this well these are motion lights now I can turn them off but they're motion lights if I move over there enough that light would kick on also there are two emergency cranks one to lower the jacks down and I believe also the tongue jack and then the other one is for the super slide in case the super slide fails there's a way to crank that in as you can see there's stuff in here we haven't added anything in here but this rubber pad this is a shelf that hangs on the outside on the other side of the RV by the entrance door and then this is a grill that is included both of these things are included it's a gas grill with a hose connection that is set up for propane we'll talk about that in a little bit and this is all something that comes with the RV these are options that came with the RV not from the dealer but from the manufacturer trying to keep that mosquito out of there these are all slam latches very nice and it's well thought of because you know don't want that swinging up with that kind of a thing there now as far as the underside I'm going to talk about that a little bit you can see you've got pull handles even though your pipes are exposed up on the pipes a little ways are heated pads we optioned for the heated tanks the underbelly is vented in case it gets moisture in there there's condensation always off those tanks but it is vented but it's also heated by the ductwork that's running through and around those tanks but we opted for the electric heated tanks so that it will keep your freshwater your black tank and your grey tank from freezing up for the most part I mean you get cold enough of course they're gonna freeze this is not rated as a four season RV this is an extended three season RV it's insulated really well and I want to talk about the walls but we're gonna be putting out the slides whenever I talk about the walls because this is a vacuum bonded laminate that is insulated very well and it is a six sided aluminum box basically the way this thing is made this wall is made out of aluminum the roof is aluminum the floor is aluminum the front the back it's got foam block in it it's all glued and it's vacuum bonded together it's very strong again we'll talk about that when the slides come out now this is your water pump access door kind of nice this thing here we've got disconnected because we wanted to see in here of course it's new there's a lot of experimenting you have a factory water filter that's installed they give you the wrench and then this is how you can get to your water pump and then this is all your hoses for everything here's your bypass if you need to shut that off here is your debris filter for the water pump and if you come back out to here you can see this is your freshwater gravity fill this is your city water connection and then this is your antifreeze Inlet so you can winterize your unit just from this point here makes it a lot easier of course an outdoor shower we've got these doors open for you so you can see actually that when I push closed kind of nice this is a smaller handle than what I was accustomed to it makes it easier to put away and it's got nice accents I kind of like that it's a dark color and I learned that from our other RV during last November we had a hard freeze before I had a chance to winterize it and with this being black if the south sun is shining on it has tendency to keep it real nice and warm in there from freezing up cable satellite hookup so if you're at a campground cable or satellite you go ahead and just connect that up and it will feed the entire RV with signal here's another slam door slam latch door and magnetic latches to hold it open and this is access to the inside under one of the dinette this isn't a dinette model but this is a access for a storage under the dinette and you could get to it from that door inside we'll show you that a little bit later these are Castlerock st radials it's called a radial st 226 now I hadn't heard about these this is a D rated tire it's 8 ply and ast2 2575 r15 these are made in China so it scared me to death as soon as I heard that they come made in China I started looking for you know the typical form thing that you see online and that is my tires are exploding these things are bombs I think one RV youtuber said they were called China bombs not this brand but some of them are known as China bombs these are not known these have been put on these RVs for quite a few years now and talking with the dealer after the fact after we purchased it he said yeah he says I don't have any warranty works over all these years I don't really have any problems with these tires and wheels and if you get on the forums and look these things up you're gonna see the same thing you're not gonna see any complaints for the most part on these you might find one or two but yeah I'm happy with them of course it's got custom wheels and even more importantly than that what the wheels are attached to our Dexter Horsham axles these things ride like a dream because they're four-wheel independent suspension if I was to jack up underneath or put a block underneath of this tire guess what this tire raises and doesn't affect this tire or the other two on the other side so when you're going down the street and you hit a bump each tire will handle that bump without affecting any of the other ones drum brakes that are inside those are self adjusting drums their forward self adjusting and not only that underneath these caps you have basically a bearing buddy one point connection to where you can grease the bearings and then put the caps back on you don't have to take the wheel and tire off and repack your bearings I know on newer RVs that's pretty standard but you got to remember we're coming from a 1992 that every year I've got to pull the wheels and tires and drums and everything and repack the bearings so it'll be nice that I can go ahead and get that taken care of one of the other things you may notice on this RV are the frameless windows we love them they're heavily tinted they do a really good job keeping prying eyes out and not only that but we opted for Thermo paint now I want to tell you about thermal pane windows they're not double pane glass to where there's an inert gas in between them this isn't a house it is an RV and the RV manufacturers call these thermo pane windows but basically all they are are thicker windows they're thicker from the factory they help a little bit with the r-value but nothing crazy but they give a really nice look to the outside also as far as an option we optioned in the over the slide awnings this is the little awning and of course is the bigger awning that was an option that I thought everybody should have really on anything to do with slides because it protects what's falling on top of the slide it's going to keep that slide a little bit cleaner a little bit drier and of course a little bit less water whenever you're wheeling it in even during a rainstorm so that was a no-brainer this is prepped for 50 amp service regardless of what you have on your roof as far as roof top airs this comes with a 13,500 BTU air conditioner you will still get 50 amp service and of course you're gonna get this big giant cord that goes with it this is a three prong twist lock on this side and then on the side that you plug in to your campground or your receptacle or extension cord it's going to be a traditional 50 amp four plug but as far as you guys that want to buy the adapter ahead of time maybe to run a small extension cord or something like that just to power it up in your yard like we're doing yeah it's a three prong twist lock with a ground on the side just like any other RV deal is of course you have the bumper and your stinky slinky goes inside here this is a 4 inch by 4 inch bumper and I want to show you that even though Czar's is bent a little bit here off the straighten that out you can fit your Rhino flex hose in there I know some of the RVs you can't do that this one you can and of course you get vented end caps for both sides that's a good idea as far as rust is concerned because our old one has definitely seen rust over the years I wanted to point out that it does have LED lights all the way around inside outside everything's led these are relatively bright I've seen brighter but it's not bad of course you get this hard cover and the spare tire holder that mounts to the 4 inch by 4 inch bumper it's just the regular rim however it is another Castlerock tire just like the ones that are on the RV already and this was something that comes direct from rock wood as part of their standard package you can see up here this thing was prepped for a fury on backup camera or rear observation camera well guess what we went ahead and optioned that camera in it works real well and it's very easy to install any time your lights are on your running lights to where these things are all lit up that cameras on so let's go ahead and take a peek at the roof I'm gonna point out some things that I really like about that of course there's a ladder on the back and I'm not a small guy I'm over 250 pounds and this thing supports me I'm gonna go ahead and climb up there and see if I fall that might be a good video huh alright guys so the one thing that I like about rock wood is how much Dicor they use look at how much they slather on I mean this stuff is thick all the way around all the way across that's a relatively big seam of it and it's crossed everything and you can see we've opted in for two roof top airs we'll talk about that in a little bit but we also opted in an extra max air that's in the back here we'll talk about that you can see it has the clips on it those clips will allow you to quickly disconnect it and clean underneath make everything nice and clean appearing for inside when you look up through that fan or the sun's coming down through that cover but I really like how well they glue everything you can see this is another option it's a Wi-Fi Ranger sky for LTE ready you can put your SIM card right inside there and if you do guess what you're gonna have yourself Wi-Fi and cell data boosting off those two little antennas so if you've got a hotspot plan you could just stick your SIM card in there and they give you an instructions on how to take care of that again that's part of the standard package for this RV you can't buy it without that ok back safely on the ground also the other option that we have is the electric stabilizing jacks you have one switch on the rear for both rear pads and you have the same on the front for both front pads and it's pretty simple I mean you can get the idea you know extend retract they do the job just by pushing the button and I really really like that because I'm getting a little bit lazier tell you its truth and I don't necessarily want to crank down all that distance I mean that's quite a bit you can see that they still have a lot of room to travel these things can still travel out this way more yet here we are and it's leveled out and definitely an unlevel parking area store here we have closed and the reason that we have it closed is because we want to show you what the look like in their store position that's another option that is standard on this model year in the 2019 model year and we really liked it that was another selling point of course a big full 21 foot awning on this side this is a power awning and it does have LED lights inside of course if you have those LED lights you don't have to have them on when the awnings out but if you want to give a little bit extra light you can know they do not dim no they do not change color I'm sure people want to know that but they don't and then your standard amber LED light that'll light things up the normal way you know the way everybody's been doing for years except it's led the awning is a dark color it's black for the first few feet then you have a gray stripe and then you have another darker stripe a little bit further out looks really nice too outdoor speakers they sound relatively well they are full weatherproof so no worries there you do have cable access out here you can see and the reason you have cable access as well as power is because they give you a place to hang your outlet of your TV outdoor you pull it out of the bedroom you bring it out here and it just hooks up you're all done you can watch TV this is the place that I was talking about that your shelf your food preparation shelf can hang and then of course your grill now if you look at my wife as she steps up here she's only five foot five five foot three boy I got that wrong she's shrinking with age okay we'll just pretend so she's five foot three and you can see Wow look how tall it is okay we'll be perfectly honest with you if you have the shelf on here it is very tall that shelf is this height however the grill that connects underneath here with a quick disconnect is not that high it drops down right you have a frame that connects to this and that frame hope you know hangs down basically and then the the grill slides into it and it it's pretty decent now this is going to be seen really odd because I don't like this probably as much as everybody else don't like it this is your black tank flush I don't know why they put it on this side of the RV they do that with a lot of RVs but I don't really care for that for obvious reasons when you go to you know the campground and you're dumping your your tanks your black water tank and your gray water tank it's on the other side and usually the hosts that you could potentially hook up to um that will allow you to rinse out your tanks that's also on that side too so that means I got to carry an extra hose that I just used to flush my black tank because even though this should be safe to just use like your drinking water hose I'd never do anything drinking water wise when black is concerned so now we're up to the bedroom door back around the coach and I want to go just a little bit further I'm going to show you inside here this is the double latch so she's gonna help me because I only have one hand and of course magnetic and of course you can see automatic light came on everything's illuminated and this is really large so how large is it well let's get some measurements all right so let's go from front to rear now from front to rear the bottom is going to be smaller than the top because there is an angle because the front of the coach's angle but on your floor here you have let's see thirty eight inches on the bottom and then up top if you got something relatively tall it may need some extra Headroom up top you're gonna have four-foot it's only four foot there okay and as far as going from side to side let's go ahead and run this all the way over to the other side and this is just you got something long maybe you have a ladder or something you want to put in here and I'm at 93 inches so seven foot nine inches for life you can almost make this a bump but let's go ahead and talk about the opening I'm sure a lot of you want to know that because nothing's gonna fit in there necessarily that is big and square so the opening is 33 inches from front to rear or side to side and as far as height we are at 23 and a half inches so there you go a lot of people wanted to know that and I don't find that information anywhere so hopefully that helps you out and of course we're going back to the retractable foot pads on the front again one switch controls this side and the other side on the front same with that one back there one switch controls this side and the other side on the back just the two switches that's all you don't have to run around to all four corners why would we care about these steps because anybody that knows walking in and out of an RV pretty much will shake the RV for everybody that's inside there no matter how stabilized you have it these stop that almost entirely and you don't have to worry about steps that are hanging outside that are necessarily getting rusty or dirty or bouncing around or anything like that these are really sturdy stable steps I mean this makes it to where with this handle that they give you on the front and the back these grab handles makes you really confident going in and out and you know as we get older yeah we all do get older we may get a little bit more clumsy and this will help out I mean this is a very sure step now as far as the way these things work let's go ahead and open the door for you first and the door does have to be all the way open the door has a friction hinge as you can see the wind is pretty decent out here and it won't move it just doesn't want to move as far as the steps going in let me let my wife demonstrate how easy it is oh my you're straining aren't you do you need help do I need help yeah these things are spring-loaded with a shock so you basically got help getting these up I mean that they lift themselves up there's no latches there's no knobs there's nothing that you have to to clip on to keep it from doing anything you just put them up and that's it and of course once you get to where you need to go guess what you just put them down and they lock in place so they set in place you may have to adjust the individual feet for your terrain and how tall you are but nothing crazy okay before we started shooting this video we went ahead and shot a couple clips here and I want to show you what it looks like it sounds like whenever you bring these things in some people don't know what they sound like some people are kind of you know amused by that I'm one of them I like to hear the mechanics of it so let's go ahead and go to that clip we're going to show the slides coming in [Music] okay so with the slides in the main thing you're probably asked yourself is who cares what it looks like inside with the slides in while we care and the reason that we care is we may want to boondock overnight at Walmart or at a truck stop and in that case if you get stuck in that situation especially at a truck stop you can't have your slides out not at a truck stop not when you're parked among the truckers now I'm sure a lot of you are saying what you're not supposed to park at a truck stop you're not a truck you're an RV well listen pilot and fly and Jase whenever you call up and ask him about RV parking they say yes and then you ask him is their dedicated RV parking and they say no you just Park among the trucks I know that's definitely the case in South Carolina because that's what we did and because the trucks are so close to your rig you can't put these slides out so how am I going to sleep for the night if I have a slide that doesn't allow my bed to work or the slide that's in the living area so let's go talk about the slide in the living area and then we'll come back the slide in the living area is open currently so whenever we come in to try to access the kitchen at night again we're just staying the night we want to get something to eat we want to maybe cook something in the microwave we want to cook something on the stove maybe we have some dishes that we need to to utilize and then maybe wash later we come through the bathroom and the door opens it doesn't open a large way but again I'm 250 pounds and I can squeeze through here and guess what I have access to the dining table I can move around freely there's no problems here whatsoever and I can get to the refrigerator I can get whatever food out I want we'll talk about all these appliances but yeah you can see I have access to everything now I don't necessarily need access back there I'm not sure why we need access back there unless I left something back there however I could put my foot here and just step over you know foot here foot there I'm on the ground over there so this is what you call a slide in accessible RV this is a desirable feature for people that want to travel and stop maybe for the night or maybe just for a few hours get some sleep get some food and they don't want to basically set up camp because that's basically what you would be doing when you put these slides out so let's go ahead and do just that we're gonna put the slides out for you and show you what that looks like and then we'll talk about all the features inside the RV [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so that noise you just heard that but that's normal that's what it sounds like when you're putting it in and when you're putting it out that's an overload clutch that protects the motor and lets you know it's time to stop pushing the switch so let's go back into the bedroom and talk about all the features in there all right so this is an RV Queen I'm 6 foot tall and I don't really have a problem with this if I put my head a little bit closer to the wall my feet are at the end of the bed now they do make if you want a little bit bigger and you don't want to spend extra money you can buy an insert that goes between the wall and the top of your bed and you just slide your cushion down and it adds about six inches we don't know if we need that necessarily we do want to try out this mattress this is the mattress that comes with the RV this is a certain mattress it's a relatively firm mattress from the factory what you get however we want to try it out we think that it might be something that's pretty decent but we've got to give it a try first you can see that we have a big window it's basically like an automotive style window that's on the front of the RV and you get a heavy tent on it so it's hard for them to cn and of course like right now we have the night shades down and I'm going to tell you what even though it might be pitch-black outside and you have all these lights on in here you can barely see but maybe a little bit of a glow of a light you can't even really tell what's going on you just know the lights are on and they don't really light up those that much really really nice we really like that same with this window here now of course that one don't open that one does open they're real simple cranks just a couple of cranks and they do tilt out and they only open a little bit and you're probably thinking man I'm not going to get much of a breeze from there we'll talk about that in a little bit with some of these other options up above you have four cabinets for storage there's a storage drawer here that drawers relatively deep considering I'm sure there's probably a little bit more room that's left back there that could be accessed but that's plenty for right now and then on this side here because you've got a slide that's going in and out in and out you can't really have a drawer but they did give you a little drop table and storage underneath there you have two outlets here two outlets they're talking about you know regular old fifteen outlets there's two USBs and a 12-volt power port there of course you have two lights up above the bed don't be don't look at those when you turn them on because it'll blind you and then you have lights inside up top which is powered off of this switch you can see here plenty of lighting for what's going on in here this is one of our most favorite features this is one of the things that sold us on this RV we're always trying to find wardrobe you can see you have hanging wardrobe storage in here looks like there's plenty to me I can't imagine us having any more clothes than this can accommodate and then of course on this side guess what more shelves for more clothes and I mean they they're pretty decent shelves so let's go ahead and tell you how big the shelves are right so these things are 16 and 3/4 deep and as far as tall there is a lip that's involved but once you're over that lip you're 14 and a half inches and then as far as width let's go ahead and do this and inside 27 inches let me make sure that they're the same height the second shelf is just over 13 and a quarter inches tall and then the bottom shelf which just looks like the deepest shelf to me and it is by far and is 15 inches deep so quite a bit of room in those and you got positive latches that put them in place we opted in for a TV from again rock wood this is a 24 inch TV it isn't it's not an LED TV and this doesn't tilt now initially when my wife heard that she's like oh that's sad because she's going to be most likely sleeping on that side of the bed however you can watch TV just fine with your head at the top of this pillow here on that side of the bed I laid there and their viewing angle is fine you do not have to tilt this at all of course it don't tilt or swivel because when you're putting the slide in if you accidentally forget guess what boom that's an issue of course here's your satellite cable hookup and then you've got two outlets and then the on/off switch we already talked about that this year we had to ask what is that this is a sensor for the heat I'd let you know what's going on back here and if I they need to be turning off and the reason is because there's a single thermostat that controls both zones we'll talk about that in a little bit now going back to the bed you've seen that outdoor storage and you can see how much it takes up inside here underneath the bed there's still some storage left believe it or not they still made room for some storage this is what the RV is made of these are the aluminum frame that I'm talking about this is something else that we really like about this RV is that it has aluminum frames where a lot of the RV manufacturers will put wood I mean come on this is a dresser and in the the other room is the dinette in the dinette guess what it's made with aluminum just like the rest of the RV where some of the manufacturers are most the manufacturers they make it with wood so I really like that so good storage underneath here and guess what more drawers underneath the bed not a bad storage system for a bedroom this is one of the features that really sold us on the RV was that you had all the storage the storage up above the storage underneath that drawer and then of course shelves to put all your junk whatever it may be we don't have CPAP machines but one day maybe in the future while we're sitting here we're gonna talk about the air conditioner that's inside this is an option ten-second air conditioner you don't have to have this air if you're camping you know in 70 degree temperatures mainly the reason is that you could put yourself a max air you can option in a maxxair vent just like the one that comes standard in the bathroom and you can have a fan in here that when you turn on and open that window it'll draw all the air that you need and if you need more air to come in just open this door and use the screen you can just crack the door it's not gonna fly open because it has that friction hinge and the screen door of course will keep the bugs out but we opted it in for a second rooftop air because the coach was a little bit bigger and we like to we like to camp in hot weather however we like to sleep in cool rooms whenever you get into your RV just like all the rest with these moderate options if you want it to cool off fast you just open these little doors same with that one that sides just like this one there's filters in here and this is a 15,000 BTU Coleman MOC and that is a pretty darn big unit to be cooling this RV off the cool thing is and I'm sorry about the pun is that if you decide that you want to run just this air conditioner because the other one isn't doing it you can do that you can run just this air conditioner and you can open these vents and of course it will cool the bedroom as long as these are closed it will also cool the rest of the RV it will help with the air all through this RV even you know in the living area if you want to do better than that maybe it's not real hot out you don't need to run this unit you've got the other air conditioner that's in there we'll talk about that in a bit so the nice thing is is you've got options basically you may run into a situation maybe it's a little bit warm in the bedroom because Suns coming through the tinted window just like it is now if you don't want to put reflectix up in the window to help you out with that just run the rooftop air and you can have it blow directly on you or if you're sitting in the other room and you need a little bit more than the 13,500 BTU air conditioner that's in there you can run this one and they will help out it will blow through all these vents including the ones that are in the living area now if you don't want to hear this air conditioner at night and you want to sleep and this is a little bit too noisy for you some people think it's too noisy you can run the air conditioner that's in the living room and again it will come through all this ductwork in here it's just a lot of options now if you are in a very hot climate you do have 50 amp service available you can go ahead and fire up both routes top airs and it's just gonna be blowing cold air all through this coach so I'm gonna talk about that just a little bit more when we see the control board but I want to talk about the air conditioner while we're looking at it now so with all that said let's go into the bathroom however first let's talk about being out of the bathroom if you're in the bathroom you close this door very nice I mean it's a it does a good job as far as dividing off and I can immediately hear less noise coming from this area and of course it offers privacy at night when we want to use the bathroom that was one of the other options that we've talked about on wanting a feature for the RV and that was when I get up in the middle of the night I want to be able to climb out of my bed I want to be able to walk through a dirt free zone I want to go into the bathroom utilize the bathroom and I want to walk back to the bed in my bare feet and not have to worry about walking through dirt now if we are utilizing this door a lot in and out of course we're going to have dirt that might be in this area however we're going to be utilizing that door the majority of the time so now that we're talking about doors guess what rock wood puts the same size door on the front and the back these are wide doors most RVs with double doors you have a little skinny door and you have a big fat door well guess what this unit has two big fat doors so you have access just as easily in the front or the back and that comes into play whenever we're out camping kind of going back to something that was outside and that was the double doors we didn't really talk about that that was a feature that we really liked a lot of people say I don't really want double doors it's double the problems double the trouble double the seal double the leaks whatever double the security well I kind of like having double doors for a reason and I've not double door I'm not talking about Dumbledore not tell about Harry Potter I'm talking about double doors I'm just talking fast the reason I like double doors in Dumbledore is because whenever we're out camping you may be in a situation like we are right here in our driveway and guess what back by that door currently the grassy area in which the RV is parked over is kind of muddy we've gotten a lot of rain it's kind of muddy back there well I don't want to go in and out of that door I don't have to because I have this door or if we go to a campground and we backed the RV in and everybody is going in and out of there normally doored RV single doors there may be an area that's all wore out well you don't have to necessarily use that door you can utilize the other door there's other features tons of other features let's talk about those we noticed that whenever we're going in and out of our old RV which is also a double door RV that if we have the lights on outside especially that yellow light even though it's supposed to be a bug light bugs have a tendency to congregate around that light if we're going in and out of the door that that light is on because we may turn it on to help us find our camper if we're coming back from a shower house or if we're coming back late at night from an event maybe we're walking the park late at night and when we come back to our camper and that lights on and there's bugs flying all around we don't have to go through the door that that light is the closest to we can go through another door that there's no bugs there all at the other one that's another feature let's talk about yet another feature of a double door whenever we're loading up for a camping trip I have the ability to just open the door and throw stuff in whichever side it needs to go I don't have to walk through the whole RV to put my clothes in the bedroom I have a door that's accessed right to the bedroom so let's talk about yet another feature for a double door if there's a fire you can climb out a lot of these windows there fire escapes or if you don't want to climb out of this tall RV and fall on the ground and probably break your neck or arm even though you didn't get burned up now you have doors to choose from if the fires in the back let's go out the front vice versa if it's in the front we wanted that as an option we've got a third option yes there's been times that we've had a trash can that's outside or a cooler that was outside and we've heard Adam will screw it around with our food well I can open the door that's not close to that cooler and kind of startle the animal or at least see what's going on out there and you don't necessarily have to go out the door that maybe all the noise is happening now I know that's kind of a poor excuse that's not the best reason but we did use that in the past we've startled some animals that have been trying to get into something outside now this is a good feature this is a good reason to have double doors as far as I'm concerned when we're out camping and there's a light rain going on everybody knows that you're supposed to bring in your awning if there's heavy rain but there's a lot of time it's not very heavy how many times have you seen people sitting underneath their awning while it's raining and they've got it tilted and they got it at an angle and all the water's running off just fine it's not a downpour it's not you know a deluge it's just a little bit of rain well at this point I have a door that I can still get out so let's say the wind's coming from the front of the coach and it's really windy in that direction and it's rainy now I'm not talking about when that's gonna rip off the awning but I'm talking about when that's moving the awning a little bit of course I can push the button and just roll in the awning or even on our old RV I could go ahead and put the awning away but a lot of times it's not that windy and it's not that rainy but I do want to protect it from a random gust that may happen and if I tilt it to where it's at an angle let's say for the front this being the front of the RV what will happen is the wind will come across the top of that awning and if anything push it down instead of trying to lift it up and it will go out the back of the awning that's up high let's say the wind is running from the back well I get to do the opposite I can tilt it down on the back side to where the wind is pushing it down and of course it's high on this side so the rain is running off and the wind is pushing it down so it's not getting underneath of it as much as it would if you had it the wrong way so why would a double door make a difference with that well if you guys haven't figured it out yet guess what when you have your awning down whatever side you got it down on you can't get out that side so at that point I can use the other door so if I have the awning down in the front because I have the wind coming from the front and I want the rain to run off I just use the back door and vice versa if the wind's blowing the other way that's a good reason we've used that multiple times we love that so now that you're inside here and we have the double doors we don't have to worry about dirt being traipse to the bathroom that might be in the back and we have to go through all that dirt just go to the bathroom here is our bathroom inside here is a Dometic foot flush this is a much better foot flush than what we had in our old RV matter of fact forgot where the flush valve was I thought it was on our old RV but it's a nice spray pattern looks really good I really like this one nice smooth action whenever you push it down I mean it's just open so smooth it's definitely better than our old one there's a plastic toilet plastic top all that plastic bowl but very well built whenever you were looking at this how many you guys are thinking wow I could store some of my towels in there I guess for the bathroom you don't have to look at that this is not a slide this is built in and this is plenty I don't know how many of you rolled towels but that's what we would most likely do we fold them normally but if we roll them we could put in quite a bit that's a lot of storage so how much storage is in there all right so front to rear to the lip we're talking about nine and a half inches so you have three shelves here with nine and a half inches deep let's see how tall the the shortest one is first at least it looks short you know just to my eye we're talking right about 15 inches and then this one here we're talking right about almost 16 inches would call it 15 and 3/4 and then the big one this is the top one obviously and that one we are at 20 inches to the opening but if you go inside here there's another inch and a half inside now let's go ahead and talk about side to side I'm just gonna do one measurement because they're all the same right so this one here you have to take our word for it because I can't really show you this one but this is as my poor eyes are trying to adjust or 31 inches so you got a 31 inches is the width on all of these that's a lot of room I mean as you know storage is a premium whenever you come to our beast and that's a lot of room alright so here we have the maxxair fan that comes standard on the RV this comes with all the Rockwood 2604 WSS this is not an option it comes in the standard package for the maxxair fan if you've ever used it before you got to pull this down the manual one and you go ahead and just crank this it opens the vent inside to where you can vent to the outside and it is just a push fan you know what I'm saying it just pushes the air out so we'll go ahead and open this up just for demonstration purposes you can see you get some light that's coming through even though those covers up there or dark you know we talked about how you can clean all that and I can see up in there that's why one of the reasons you want to maybe clean those occasionally so you get a good shine inside there and then as far as the fan whenever you turn it on simple fan on button and then underneath it says one two three four of course that's the speeds well guess what this thing will start on the last speed that you hit the off button which is really cool so if you have it on to which I believe I have it on to guess what it starts on to so I really like that feature because you may not want it on for you may not need that but you may like that one speed and you want to use it over and over again you just go ahead and turn it on just hit on once and it'll be right back to that speed this is an exhaust only fan nothing wrong with that I'm sure you could rewire it if you want to pull in air but I'm not a big fan of that if I want to pull in air I want to pull in air from an area in which I'm going to utilize it to keep me cool and that would be one of the windows so that is a nice feature that comes standard and of course to close it you just go ahead and do the reverse I know some of this is elementary for you guys but you crank this thing down make sure you get a little bit of a twist on it and then up to lock it let's turn around how could I be talking about an area so long yeah now we're in the bathroom we love the bathroom the shower is very sturdy it's relatively tall for me and of course you got double glass doors that whoa I don't easy access you don't have anything swinging out into your floor and not only that when you get in and out of the old swing style doors once you open the door all the water runoff on the floor this keeps the water inside now I didn't know this until we got this one there's an access panel let you get to the drain right up front so that was nice a nice surprise I love nice surprises and then inside here here is a hanging pouch it does have clips so you can remove if you need to Heidi decided she would like to keep this hanging pouch in here it looks nice it'll do the job and it's really sturdy as far as the wall in here it's some sort of a texture of course this part down here it looks like wainscoting and I mean it's a nice typical showerhead a skylight that you don't you know six foot tall let me go ahead and get in here with my hat I want to show you what it looks like two things always loved about these RVs whenever I went out and looked at them I always complained on the other RVs how the floor felt so flimsy underneath my feet when I stood in it this one don't this one has a lot of support underneath okay let's get back to this I have a hat on and you can see I'm not like you I still can't touch anything so six foot tall we're good here of course you get a duck underneath this and I've got enough room I can move around how I got my jacket there got two jackets on because it was a pool outside I can move around here I'm not you know not hitting anything so it's a good shower sighs so what's our size is it well we got a tape measure let's go ahead and find out from the front to the rear now you can't really use all of the rear because of this here but we'll try to go ahead and measure the pan 31 inches from the corner of that pan to the corner here and on this side let's go quarter in the corner this side going corner to corner we are at 42 inches quarter the corner on that pan so that's a pretty good sized pan again because of the I don't know what's that look like to your Roman column that's going to be something that's going to take away a little bit okay back to the shower I'm gonna PI D hold the camera for me we're not gonna run this but I'll give you the options to show you what it is this is a shower miser now if you don't know what a shower miser is neither did I I had to see it online and now I understand and it's a great idea usually what happens whenever people take showers they do in the past what they've done in the past I should say is they keep a water jug you know something like a pitcher a plastic pitcher a Tupperware pitcher maybe a two gallon thing maybe not even that in the shower or maybe I side the shower and whenever they turn on their shower and they're allowing the water to run so the shower gets warm and then once it gets warm they start taking their shower the water that's coming out that's not you know adequate to take a shower because it's too cold or it's too hot one or the other they put it in that pitcher and what they do is they use that picture then to flush their toilet with that water great idea and it's a way to conserve water however this is an easier way to do that I mean you've got to figure the only reason you're running water and wasting water is you want it to be at temperature why when you turn on that and you're starting to get wet that's what this does so what happens is you go ahead and turn the shower miser on you can see this blue tube here and when you turn it on and act you know make it to where it's active you can turn on your cold water turn on your hot water and you can wait for your hot water to be at this valve ready to be coming through the showerhead and on your body once it gets hot you flip the shower miser and of course you've got good warm hot water because you have both of them basically set at that point and you know that you can take your shower and not get burned it's not too cold well how do you know that and what happens to the water that's not coming out of the showerhead when you have that on well you can only do this when you're not hooked up to city water this is something when you're trying to conserve the water that's coming out of your freshwater tank you don't want to be hooked up the city water doing that because it will probably overfill your freshwater tank because this diverts water back into the freshwater tank it does not divert that water that's in that thing running across the floor back into the freshwater tank it's just diverting the water that's coming from the freshwater tank back to the freshwater tank until as just cold water mainly until that water becomes warm now how do you know it's warm you can't put your hand underneath the showerhead to feel because there's nothing coming out of there that's where this pipe comes into play see how it's blue blue means cold now red means hot normally but colorblind people have a hard time seeing sometime red-and-blue when it becomes purple that kind of a thing so they made this for colorblind people like me I'm very color blind to be able to see when it's hot how do they do that this thing changes to a white color now at first it becomes sort of like a pinstripe like a zebra stripe it's striped that will tell you the warm water starting to arrive and then when it turns all white that means it's hot but at that point whenever you start to see it turn pinstripe you usually can go ahead and turn on your shower miser to where it allows the water to come out of the head and when it does guess what you're getting warm water what a great design what a great idea and guess what it comes standard on this RV not only that but there's another feature that I love and it's something that I've never had before when I need to fill my freshwater tank how do you think I do it I take my garden hose or I take the hose at the campground I take it at whatever potable system that I can get to and put it in that gravity fill that we looked at outside I have a special hose that hooks to the end of the regular fill hose that I can turn on and off and I can fill it and it does a good job but I'm standing out there and I'm waiting and I'm waiting well I don't have to wait I don't have to do that all I have to do is hook up a city water hookup to the outside of the RV turn on the shower miser and then turn on the cold water and it will fill my freshwater tank for me that's why saying if you're hooked up the city water you don't want to be using the shower miser because all it's doing is filling the freshwater tank as you have that activated so another great feature I don't have to go outside and refill my freshwater tank necessarily whenever we're getting ready to leave and go on a trip or leave the campground we always like to go and travel with a little bit of water in our freshwater tank in case we stop on the side of the road we need to wash our hands maybe even take your shower if we're going to stop somewhere for the night like Walmart like a truck stop like Cracker Barrel something like that well I can do that Phil without taking my hose and disconnecting from the campground and then at that point having the gravity fill and put it in my fresh water it doesn't from here and again standard option what a great great idea okay man it's this video getting along but I'm trying to cover everything I'm very thorough about this stuff I hope nobody gets upset about it so now we're into this little drawer here kind of nice you can throw a few little things in there sponge drawer whatever you want to call it and then you got a little bit of storage down here and don't be afraid of this little deal here this is for the shower it just pops in and out I took it out because I didn't want it in there a very little storage here I could probably make some sort of a shelf extenders or something like that to where we could get a little bit more room going on in here maybe a second shelf I don't know maybe we don't need it we have all that storage that was behind us that could be just for chemicals a little bit of counter space not a lot decent-sized sink a little bit bigger than I like I'd like it a little bit smaller I don't know if people have problems with that it's banded hot cold let you know what's what I love this shelf I would like to see a lip on this shelf all the way around I might try to find some sort of automotive trim that can handle a little bit and make a shelf on it that way in case we put something up here and we're to being you know moving around it may not slide off that would be nice but still the toothbrushes and I don't know is that a Dixie cup it looks awful big for Dixie cup holder but it could be we haven't seen one of those in years here's your hand towel towel rack and then of course your medicine cabinet not huge not small pretty decent I'm ok with it and then we have this is something from the medic it comes with the commode you're a drop in bowl cleaner we'll take that out of there and clean all that because most likely we don't use it now up top here you don't necessarily want to put anything because there is no lip so whatever you put up there may fall off unless you actually hear it but it does give you an area that if you want to try to put something up here maybe for additional storage again we're we don't have a lot of stuff but we do have stuff and we do like to find unique arias or you do have enough room over here that even though the store swings open if you wanted to put another hand towel on this side I don't see why not you could do it or if you wanted to hang some sort of a shower cap on this side will most likely do that you could actually hang a shower caddy on the outside and then at that point put your soaps and your shampoos that way because this door you can see it slides open you can't do it on that side but you could easily reach out here and bring the shampoo in with you set it down and then put it back here of course you'll have you know potentially water dropping so you got to be careful about that so I think that's going to take care of the bathroom I can't think of anything else in the bathroom oh all except a couple of things you're going to see that's missing that they give you most of the RV manufacturers do not mount the toilet roll holder and a towel bar they do give you the toilet roll holder and the towel bar but they don't mount it and actually we kind of like it that way because we don't know if we want toilet paper hanging off the wall in here it might get in the way somehow in the same with the towel we don't know necessarily if we will want a towel bar up here because in the past what we've had is big huge towel hooks real big long towel hooks like in our old RV and the taos will stay on there and dry very effectively as we go down the road they don't come off on a towel bar it might want to work off as far as the toilet paper roll we might have some sort of a stand for it or I might went ahead and drill it I don't know we're just not sure it's it's nice though they give us that option they didn't just drill into our wall and put that on there for us not to like finally in the kitchen in the living area Heidi's bored she's tired of hearing all this let's go ahead and get these chairs back where they belong of course these chairs there's a strap that stores them in the location that they are this is transport mode they need to be out of the way for the slide to come in but these are the rockers that come with the RV we're gonna put them back where they belong they're not very heavy and we were told that it probably a good idea to maybe put a round piece of carpet underneath of the feet or those felt pads and you can slide them around I don't know they're not that bad we're gonna go ahead and move them though this we go to move them up slide it over drop it down and this one's pretty much in place already and you get a lot of room over here the other thing I wanted to show you is the steps and that's what it looks like when they're in the stored position inside the RV again you can see they're stable they're fine that that's that's not bad at all you don't have to put a hook a bungee cord or nothing on it and again I wanted you to see what it looked like a lot of people don't get to see these things when they're stored now when they're up in the bedroom you know there's a little bit of a problem with the walk around the bed but you can still get on the bed it just barely makes it to where you can't walk around it I just let you know so you guys are concerned about that let's go back to the dual climate control remember earlier I was talking about all the being able to air-conditioned the back of the front or both the front and the back the one in the back also has what they call a chill chaser heat strip it's a very low power low heat strip and it does just what its name says it will knock the chill off it is not a heater it is not a substitute for a furnace it does not burn you out l it does is take the chill out of the air all that's controlled from here your zones your modes your fan speeds your temperatures you can make the heat chaser chill chaser run back there and you could have the air conditioning full blast in here and I don't know why somebody to do that but it could happen the door going to the bathroom pretty simple so people know that maybe aren't familiar with RVs big gaps under the door big gaps above the door that's designed that way that's all for air circulation that's for keeping the bathroom from turning to humid that makes everything circulate the way that it should could you put a bigger door on their shirt could you put a flap up there so sure you can do all that people sometimes have problems with that I don't have a problem with that I like that okay so we turn around to the entertainment needs clean it's kind of been messed up a little bit here you get a Furion sound bar and you have annex igneous evie it is a 32 inch TV it is a HDTV however it's only 1080 if it's interlaced which is still good quality and you know what I don't think I mind because we don't watch that much TV when we're camping I mean we really don't hide he definitely don't hide he uses it to put herself asleep as far as up here i RV technologies this is really nice we float around with this you have zones that you can put the sound out of course you can play it on this zone one that's this here if you want to play it on zone 2 its the speakers in the bedroom if you want it zone 3 that's outside you can choose any or all those zones at the same time you can play your CDs through here who's got CDs anymore you can play your DVDs you can Bluetooth I've already hooked it up to Pandora you can play your music off your phone really nice got near-field communications so everything can communicate relatively quick that's something that's a phone option you got to turn it on your phone of course your volume and everything who's up here doing that yeah that's right you got a remote the remote controls everything of course you've got a remote for the TV these are glow-in-the-dark buttons these white ones that's kind of nice at night the remote for the front it works for the TV in the bedroom also and this one does come out and tilt so you can put it in an angle that everybody can see I don't have a problem with what it is right there and the one thing that you got to be concerned with when you're putting your slide back in make sure your TV is back out of the way as far as storage over here there isn't any but you see this big door everybody who yeah this is kind of like a drop-down desktop or something that's all that is you can put something in there but a laptop you could flap a laptop on here if you wanted to I don't see that being utilized very much especially when this is in the way but that is storage you know you could probably store a laptop in there up on end I don't know if I'd do that without putting some sort of padding down I don't want my laptop bouncing on edge in there and then these doors down here this is access to the water pump that is basically you know storage available but it's being utilized but this is storage that's actually able to be used we're going to the dinette the dinette can be a sleeper just dropped the table down the cushions become the bed everybody's seen that on this side this is the door that I was pointing out from the outside of the RV this is the access to that state same common storage now on this side here is a little bit strange there is storage that's available underneath the bench and then on this side you have storage that you can access with the drawer but just the drawer you know it's really small I think I'd rather have one big long drawer that would allow you to access all of the storage however I can see where that could be concerned with it being open still really nice seating and one of the reasons we like this model for whatever reasons some of them don't fit my but the right way whenever I sit on them I'm not comfortable now this is a freestanding table just like I'd mentioned you can move it so whenever you're traveling it's probably a good idea to put it down so it's not bumping the window although the day/night blind plastics will kind of hold that and you're not getting a lot of vibration here but still there is some you have little traditional windows that are here the regular slide open windows but this one is a lift rod window you just pull the rod out and it slides out that one's a crank open window another traditional slide window you see the storage that's up above you've got six cabinets up above let's talk about the storage drawer here let's get a dimension for that and then we'll talk about the dimensions up here so Heidi's going to hold the camera again so first we're going to do the drawer down below and this drawer is 13 and a quarter inches by 15 and 3/4 inches and it is 9 inches deep again there's more storage available underneath here so let's go ahead and see what the storage is here now the opening of course you can see again we're going to keep on pounding this aluminum frame this thing is aluminum framed even though it's inside they want to make it real nice and sturdy and last a long time so as far as what you can fit in here with wise you're only getting something in here 15 inches wide and no taller than looks like nine and three-quarter inches but if it's just long let's go ahead and go all the way out to the door not bad we've got 43 inches and then as far as width wise that's gonna be a little bit hard for everybody to see including myself and we're looking at 21 inches in size so that's not bad let's go ahead and check the height real quick and the height which goes to the bottom of the bench it's pretty tall let's go ahead and see what that is we are at 16 inches so pretty good decent amount of storage there let's go ahead and talk about the cabinet's are up above there's six of them and let's see what kind of storage we have in there it's common storage of course if you open one you can go through the other one you don't need to go into these cabinets real quick while we're thinking about it this is not some sort of cheap ply this is real wood this is all real wood and it's pocket screwed and glued together it is really sturdy these are real wood doors this is a real wood door this is real wood all this is real wood it's not some cheap stuff so I forgot to bring that out earlier but we were looking at all those cabinets and there's a lot of them and they put real wood on all of them so let's go ahead and check out here we're 11 inches deep and as far as the height let's go ahead and go to the roof first they are nine and a half inches to the roof of course I'm sure yeah eight inches there there is a little bit of a lip here so you could probably get back that half of an edge so I'm probably thinking it's nine inches in sight and as far as the opening of each door 17 inches so that's a lot of space I mean you've got all of these three together and that's that's a pretty decent amount of space there I'm pretty happy with that we're going to be utilizing that of course and I'll talk about that in a little bit you have a light up above the dinette here and you have two lights here and then one light here and of course they're just zone lights same with those cabinets you're looking at identical cabinets you're not seeing any difference so whatever the dimensions are here just duplicated now we're moving over to the sofa sleeper and this is a pullout sofa it's not extremely big I can sleep on it but it probably best if I was by myself I can hang my feet off the back side and I can put my head on the side that opens up here and honestly if you wanted to just get this it's part of the standard package and replace it with something that's bigger you can come out further because this one when it folds out it's it only comes to about right here you can still walk around it you can still get around it and use it that's nice but I would like something that's a little bit longer maybe a little bit more comfortable but I'll tell you what as far as to sit on this couch or to sit in this dinette like I said fitting my butt they're very comfortable I can sit if needed for hours at that dinette I can already tell the couch is very comfortable for what it is this was a selling point for us and the reason is if we have visitors we can pull this out and guess what they have their own little zone considering that this is a standard option you can opt up for theater seating we didn't want that we wanted the bed and this is going to be basically for computer work I'ma be doing a lot of computer work over here so we don't necessarily going to be using that for a bed getting to these I really would like to have recliners in here we might opt for those there's nothing wrong with these except I'm not a rocker swivel type rocker guy I like to have my feet up I like to have either something that kicks up and holds my feet or I'd have to have an ottoman in here and I'm not doing that unless it's a storage Ottoman but the chairs are nice they're not too heavy they're not too light and again moving them around it's not a big deal up here we've got cabinets across the back again it's all real wood it's all put together very well so let's get some dimensions on this cabinet you can see there's big spaces in between that's just you know so you could put something in there make it a little bit more room I'll try to give you an idea of what you have available there it's going to be a little bit tough to measure but still I love this I love the fact that we've got all these cabinets and they're so sturdy here we have the openings and looks like they're the same as the other ones that's 8 inches for the opening going to the roof we're going to have different dimensions right here it's 10 inches there is a little bit of a lip here and the reason is is I go in more and as I get closer to the middle this is an arched ceiling you know I'm going to have look at that it's over almost the foot with that lip considered it is a foot so you can put taller items in the middle as far as the width you're going to be a little bit smaller than those are over there we're at 14 and a half inches those over there were 17 inches and I think in this case we're 15 inches so they're a little bit wider for these two Center ones again it's a common area I would think let's go ahead and give you a half way measurement mark as far as how far over we can go halfway and you can double it if you got something but you want to know how much you can store and I'm almost there almost to the wall quite a bit of room and we are at about forty six and a half inches and of course you double that for both sides to give you an idea of life wherever you talked about height so let's go ahead and talk about depth and the depth with the lip is nine inches so nine ish you see it's a short area that had to be accommodated somehow and they did a good job there I'm relatively happy with those cabinets I do want to point out that there's two outlets over here there are two outlets over here and I'm talking about 15 amp outlets you know for household there is a GFI two outlets here that way you running anything up here coffee pot makers whatever this is a storage cabinet you do have storage up above here and it's relatively deep there is some plumbing that's involved let's see if we get some dimensions there all right we're gonna get some light in here for you so you can see what I'm talking about see how there's plumbing there it's still flowing you to store stuff and we are at 21 inches 21 and 3/8 and then as far as side-to-side the openings not very big you're only talking about an 11 inch opening but once inside you've actually got some worried before there's a little fake wall that's inside there to keep their stuff from falling off so let's go ahead try to get this tape measure in here and as far as the dimension that's inside you're 22 inches so you got 22 inches there and then again the height of the opening you are at about 14 inches there so decent amount of storage considering how small the door is I'm still seeing that being something they'll be used with a lot of pots and pans now there is a panel here that we left off just like the other one so you could see what it looks like that's the hot-water tank that's outside and of course it's plugged in you have the ability to heat your water of course like most of the newer RVs with electric or with gas so it's nice to see what it looks like in how you can access it from there go ahead and take a look finally at the kitchen part of it this is a pulldown sprayer this is something that Heidi's not a big fan of I don't care one way or the other but the sink is pretty decent quality it does have one of these strainer racks and then a cutting board strip rack here this is the pouch that give you with all your paperwork that's really nice that they do that of course you have counter space back here and you gain some counter space with these here if you want to try to utilize that it's a double sink not extremely deep let's go and get measurements on that all right so we're about seven inches deep in the bowl as far as the width where a darn near a foot there it's almost exactly a foot and then from front to rear I'm sure we're a little bit bigger than a foot yeah we're fourteen inches and of course that matched on this side you have the ability for it to be a sprayer or just a regular pork by pushing the button that's on the back side of this and of course the swivels and yes this isn't a fail-safe if you swivel it all around turn it on guess what your floor is going to get wet again not real big we don't really use the sprayer really nice countertops so we have basically what they call a sponge holder there and then you have these drawers there on really nice rollers they give you a divider here for utensils I guess I mean we use that stuff they're not anything that's these are the legs for the TV but as far as the drawers and them closing they're not like a soft latch or anything and you can see what they look like they extend fully you can get to the back you don't have to go searching for stuff one of the things on the counter that Heidi loves even though the kitchen has very limited counter space and cabinetry we'll talk about this cabinet here in a second she loves this because just on 2018 models this was a separate piece that you had to store somewhere and come out and hang when you wanted to use it where now you need the counter space you just lift it up that's it to put it down it's just as easy so it's really nice that they offer that you like that don't you it was a selling point for good height yeah it is a good height that's it and it's like I said it stores itself so you don't have to worry about carrying it or anything okay let's go to the last bit of storage that we're going to talk about in this RV and that's this cabinet here now this is the one thing that we don't like that they lost is some it used to be a double door cabinet here which gave you a little bit more space that came over just a little bit further about here and they also had kind of an L shape they had a cabinet that came out to here too so it was bigger but this is still pretty plentiful and obviously we're gonna utilize this so let's go ahead and talk about this space we have a total of 17 inches deep in height in the front it's going to be a little bit taller we're only in about 16 and 3/4 in the back it's gonna be shorter again because of that whole curved roof thing and we're looking at 17 inches in the back and let's go ahead and just get this last measurement out of the way finally 18 and a half inches so that's pretty big that's not bad we're going to be utilizing it for pots and pans I'm sure and we do have collapsible pant pots and pans that we'll be talking about in a future video that are perfect for this okay so one of the reasons you lost some cabinet space this 19 model and the 2020 that we have 1.3 cubic feet Magic Chef how good is Magic Chef how long they've been making them are 1992 Terry resort that was made by Fleetwood has the original Magic Chef radar range or microwave in there it's a knob that you turn and all that stuff works perfect works like a dream this one here is the same way digital has all these fast buttons just like you would expect and it also has a rotisserie in there that's really nice of course the old 1992 don't have that you have a fan here for an exhaust fan for the stove it's not very loud but it's pretty darn powerful and as far as the light you can see just a real nice soft light you can leave on you have your grease capture vent thing there and as far as the blind of course it's metal over here kind of required with all this fire going on and let's go and turn the light back on see a little bit more here's your knife holder in the back it's got nice big openings for a few and then small ones here you got some vents here for your oven that come through the glass top this is something else we liked because we need that counter space and here you go this is where it's coming from this is a suburban stove it is electric ignition no freaking little lighter it is a three burner we don't need a three burner we've only ever cooked at the same time on two burner fold back this fold back this now you have sort of a backsplash for your stove although there's a nice decorative backsplash already on there and then of course the burner and the grate and everything else and these pretty you know pretty straightforward as far as what this is how it works there you go you got a burner you got a stove that's how it works and then the oven typical of a nice big glass window lets you see what's going on in there this is the food preparation area this is Heidi's area this is not mine ok moving from the the oven the stove we're going down here this is the fuse Center here you can see all the breakers that are in there of course we have a you know a couple extra breakers because the air-conditioner option that we use there your carbon monoxide detector and then you have a smoke detector that's over there and of course there's a fire extinguisher over there on the wall okay right above that is another option we got the real wood inserts for the front of the refrigerator Heidi didn't want these originally she said oh I don't know what happens if there's a problem with the refrigerator well these are removable you just put them on your next one same with this one here but they do look nice they tie in the decor pretty nice I'm not a big fan of decor but now that we've got this RV I'm definitely appreciating it more because it looks a lot nicer this is a Dometic it is an 8 cubic feet which is much bigger than the old one we have and I kind of like the medics better than a norcold snorkels had some problems we have a norcold in our old RV it's only a couple years old and it's a good one we haven't had any issues with it but I've always liked the Dometic a little bit better just the personal preference and again you can see how big it is nice and then the controls up here of course this runs on propane or household current or what you would plug into a campground again going back to the water tank that's propane or household current which is really nice it's just a six gallon hot water tank that's all we've ever needed the furnace is a 30,000 BTU furnace it does a really good job as far as heating this RV it gets really hot in here however when you're plugged into a campground you can use this I plugged in this little thing this is Apple Onis heater not that this comes with the RV but just let you know how well it's insulated in here it was 44 in here today I put that on low the lowest setting and let it run and it was 73 degrees in a short amount of time so that's plenty um it did make it to where the bedroom was suffering a little bit as far as heat but it was still Pleasant and even still now with the daylight I don't think the temperature outside has gotten above 54 degrees all day today yet we're still sitting at 65 degrees inside here so it works really well so this is our RV this is something that we work towards for a lot of our life you know when I say that we made accommodations this isn't something that I don't think that you guys should just jump into I've done a video in the past about buying used and new and I still believe that especially if you're a newer RVer buy used you've got to be able to repair some stuff even with the brand-new RV you're gonna have to repair stuff there's stuff that breaks especially if you're picky like I am but this is a very nice unit I think that rock wood did a very good job we took the tour at Rockwood if you guys want to take the tour contact Anthony Yoder at Rockwood he does a great job you're gonna see a lot of fabrication going on at the plant and you're going to hear a lot of facts that you wouldn't normally hear necessarily from a dealer it was a very very informative place to see a unit get built I was I was impressed with everything overall so Rockwood 2604 ws is a 20/20 we're really happy that we got moved into it we're gonna be slowly transferring all of our stuff from our house whatever we're going to keep into our truck and into this RV and that's not very much we're definitely downsizing but we wanted to give you a first look at this and oh yeah I want to show you one more thing that sold us on this RV remember what I said about this thing being an aluminum cage well also it has laminate bonding the outside walls are laminated to that aluminum substructure that I talked about there's foam block in there and there's very few RVs that have a roof like this one or a wall like this one and I'm talking even a about the walls on the outside of the slide whenever they make this laminate construction that's inside you'll see a lot of these newer rvs just have a I don't know what you want to call it it's not even a coroplast that's some kind of a vinyl sheeting that's just covering you know the structure kind of loosely and I wanted to talk about this as I did when we went to the factory tour of how nice it is the way they build these I mean this slide I mean that is solid I'm hitting that with pretty good force and same with the underside it's it's all solid same with the roof on the slide I mean it's same with this little slide I mean it's just solid it's like a rock not only just the inside and the main structure but I'm talking about the slide there's not very many roofs I'm not hitting that light I have relatively big bumbly hands and come on now seriously that is some serious roof there I can take this wall here and I can handle her on it just as hard as I did that roof and it's all built strong this thing is a strong laminate box I love that that was a feature that really made this thing drive a point home with us yet it was built well the old RV is going to be going out and this is the new RV I hope you enjoyed this tour it's very long it's very informative if you guys didn't like how long it was please learn how to use fast forward yes it's easy to do just some plain just get through it because the people that want all these details if I made a short video guess what they're gonna get all those details skipped over so there's people out there too want to know these details that's why I do this video if you don't want to know those details skip over them fast forward or you'll get a smart-aleck remark and on top of that this video is also part of our vlog this is part of our journey becoming full timers so this isn't all about facts and figures this is some personal stuff too so that's what that's what this is all about there's a lot of people that will stumble onto this and not realize that so this is not a how-to or just a review only of this unit this is a review of our unit and the reason that we chose it so if you guys like what you see and you want to follow us on our journey here in our new RV and see what we may come across then what modifications we may make to this thing click the subscribe button and if you would like to see exclusive content become a patron go ahead and click on the patron and we'll put videos up on that the patrons get to see exclusively also you can connect with us on Facebook or Instagram mostly Facebook we do a lot of facebooking and yeah go through our old shopping videos you're going to see a lot of RV shopping that we did before we got into this I have a playlist for that and we're going to close this out how are we gonna close it out as always hope to see out there bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RVdaydream
Views: 661,144
Rating: 4.6279554 out of 5
Keywords: rv, camping, full, time, vlog, camper, travel, trailer, fifth, wheel, motorhome, nomad, work, camp, outdoor, parks, campground, fleetwood, terry, empty nest, living, on the road, camp site, travel trailer, workamping, camp host, f150, 250, 350, tow, towing, retire, drive, rockwood, ultra lite, forest river, forrest, 2604ws, 2606ws, 2608sb, 30 foot, 30', 1/2 ton tow, super duty, millersburg in, ruff's rv, ohio, walk through, review, tour, features, floorplan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 16sec (5296 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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