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okay all right guys how you doing i'm chris roady for national rv detroit uh in belleville michigan i'm gonna do a walk around on this flagstaff 235s uh shamrock by force river okay um we'll come around here and start in the front so you can stow those in the front some people get a rubbermaid tote and they put their tools inside that to make it easier so they know where all their stuff's at um you got an electric tongue jack here on the front little led light and then your up and down button this will come in handy when you're getting on and off your truck if the battery was dead if you had a malfunction with the motor on your tongue jack this is the manual crank handle this flips up this little tab comes up and then uh the crank handle goes down inside and you can crank it up or down if you get into an emergency situation make life a little easier for you you got two 20-pound propane bottles on the front and then you have so you can access to turn them on or off without having to remove the whole cover it's kind of a pain in the butt but this makes it easier for you lefty loosey righty tighty you always want to make sure you turn your propane on and then light your stove burners that's your biggest orifice that allows you to blow out any type of air that's in the system sometimes you might go to light your furnace go to like your hot water tank and it won't light even though your propane's on it could be aggravating light your stove get a nice blue flame and then shut it off and then you can start your appliances light them safely and then everything should light right after that um another cool thing four server does on this flagstaff ah or shamrock they put this little caddy up front here so when you stow this thing a lot of people run this over they drag it um when you take it in for service they they drop the tongue jack down on there crushing it so this way you got a nice little caddy to stow your uh 7-way and your chains so if you do it right when you unhook it from your truck you'll hook it to here and it's a nice clean place to put your chains and your 7-way very very convenient um i'm going to drop this front bunk down for you there's no it doesn't matter if you have two people i'll show you how to do it with one person but you're going to release this handle they do give you a lock so if you do want to lock your front so nobody can bring your bunks up or down you can lock it but pull that one down i always put my hand on here just in case and then you'll grab it and pull it forward making sure it's disconnected and that's why i say sometimes it's nicer with two people um in case it gets hung up and then you'll just walk it down it's got these cables that hold are on here okay it holds 1100 pounds the cables support 1100 pounds and then when we go inside um i'll show you how to put the shepard's pole in and uh expand the canvas there for you um all key to like very cool a lot of people are manufacturers it's tough for them to do that where they key everything with one key so you're gonna get that which is very convenient for you so you don't have a bunch of keys on a key ring um you got the gopower uh solar panel prep so if you wanna you actually have the screen on the inside so ninety percent of it's here all you have to do is buy the solar panel so you're in good shape with this one so uh you buy your solar panels depending on how much how many amps you want to draw in you'll plug it into here and you got solar panel prep um i have this sitting on top of your grill but you have a griddle and your grill here that plugs into your quick connect right down here so you got a lp uh quick connect that runs off your front lp bottles and then you have this griddle so you can cook you know eggs bacon breakfast for the family um it comes with this little nice little deal here that slides on this rail it slides on it doesn't hook so you can't walk up and hook it on you actually have to slide it on so just be careful and then you'll put this guy on like this there's two see those hanging those are hanging those are pins so you want to make sure that those pins are out then you're gonna get that side on there we go and then you put the pins back in to lock it on there so it doesn't fall off that's pretty pretty much it and then you can run your propane line through this hole here off this regulator running off the same propane bottles so it makes it very nice and convenient for you i'm going to remove it to make it easier for me your tv that's on the inside pops off the bracket i'll show you that when we go inside and it pops on out here so you have out inside outside tv satellite and cable hookup and then you have your uh outlets okay so you can plug your tv in or xbox or playstation or whatever and on the off door side they give you your freshwater tank fill which is right here so you'll just lay the hose up in there and fill up your fresh water so if you're going to use your water pump you want to make sure you fill up from here for boon.camping or if you're traveling and your kids got to use the restroom or you want to take a shower in the middle of nowhere you want to make sure you got water in there and battery powered right and then on the bottom side here i'm really impressed with this i've been doing this for 20 plus years and they always give you just like a little screw cap for a drain for your fresh water tank you get a three inch dump right here and it's already open we always leave it open when we winterize it but this pushes in to shut it this opens up to drain your fresh water tank so remember you got a lp quick connect for your griddle and then you have an lp quick connect for your uh grille on both sides really cool i don't know if the light let me show you this camera real quick see that across the way there guys that red light on that's your brains for your monitoring system and pressure gauge for your tires i'm going to move on to that next see those green valve stem caps with the yellow with the little red symbol on there that lets you know that this comes with the tst truck monitoring system so i'm going to grab it real quick so you're going to pair these monitors on your for all four tires with this monitor pairing these valve stems there so you'll know uh temperature and tire pressure so you're gonna know how hot they are or cold your tires are and what the psi is of all your tires you can also go on their website and buy the additional valve stems for your truck so if you want to know all all your tires what the temperature and the tire pressure are very cool that this comes with that so i the tires i showed you that module box underneath that's uh what's actually talking to that board when you plug it in and then this is your exhaust for your furnace you got some outside marine grade uh speakers this is your vent for underneath the range hood you have these two little tabs you got to release them if you're going to use your fan it's exhaust fan to exhaust food smell out or fumes you open that then shut it back um they do they do it twice on this it's pretty cool so you get a 30 mile an hour friction hinge door and then they also give you a door latch um when doing the steps you always want to make sure that the door is all the way open okay so in this case open the door all the way this is zero degree this is the new fancy step so it's zero degree zero weight really cool little kid can do it right and they have these quick releases for the feet so some of these are going to say retract step legs before closing entry door so when you read that that means you're going to push these down and retract those feet in because if they're extended too far they'll hit the screen and hit the door and you won't be able to shut it properly okay so i'm going to show you it working properly take your grab handle push up flip it over the door nice clean look and then you have a outside they call this a step light an on and off button for it's inside so now you're going to pull this forward and again remember zero you want to make sure the door is all the way open and why i say that is because if it's just a half just open a little bit it'll hit see this here it'll hit and then you'll damage your door so you want to make sure it's all the way open so now when you're getting all the way forward here you can actually pull the steps this is that not most of them do this they used to have pins that you had to push in so you might see some videos where they have pins you don't have pins you have these levers here that return it very very fast so i see three holes you want to see three holes on this side see four holes on this side c4 holes on this side make life easy for you another little tip i got it too high it looks fine and it's stable but if you look right here it's sticking up way too high for the door to shut so if you went to try to shut the door you're gonna damage the door most people would push on and go what's going on there's something wrong with the door it's not the door it's the steps so in this case you have the fancy steps you're gonna pull on these and push down you know what i'm gonna do so there you go nice and flush to the entryway solid steps and now you can shut the door with the steps so if you have the steps too high or not leveled properly properly the door won't shut and now that brings me to your uh your jacks you got four stabilizer jacks remember they're stabilizers they're not levelers they're not going to level your rv they're just to stabilize it while you're walking around inside your camper so what you want to do is level the camper with wood and blocks the best you can and then you're going to put down your stabilizers it comes with this manual crank handle we always recommend you get a cordless drill and a socket and then you can just stick it on there and zip them down make your life a lot easier for you electric awning i already put it out um it extends out eight feet you can pitch it um i i don't recommend you pitch it but you can basically what i did was i just pulled down on this uh this pivot point right here and you have an allen head on the inside which can loosen and tighten this pivot point and then you have the shock that's built into the arm the reason for that shock is is so it can absorb the weather when it's mildly you know a couple breezes not storms and crazy you know weather but it absorbs the weather if you have it just like this and a gallon of water builds up on top your awning and you leave it just like it is when the water builds up it'll automatically dump the water nice and easy so you're not sticking here with a broom handle trying to push the water off your awning if you do bring the awning down and you tighten this up make sure you loosen it before you put it away that's important or you'll damage the arms and or the awning um i know i'm going to buy it already but i i want to talk about it for a second this is your outside refrigerator um just remember it's not going to work when you're going down the road it's 110 so it only works when you're plugged in so you have to be plugged into your short power [Applause] you got your spare tire carrier on your bumper it's pre-wired for a furion backup camera they installed a hitch on the back okay it's not a hitch to always remember if the hitch don't have the dog ears on there for chains it's not set up to tow that's just set up for a bike rack and that's a 300 pound weight limit every other camper with no hitch on the back of there on a travel trailer the weight is 150 pounds on the bumper so you have a 300 pound weight limit on that hitch okay to put your bike right now they put the i'm going to call this universal docking center okay they put it on the outside of your rv for you very cool um only thing i don't like is everything's black okay so you're gonna have it's kind of it gets kind of confusing they they gave you a uh antifreeze um inlet so you can uh hook up to here put a line in jug antifreeze turn on your water pump suck the antifreeze out and into your lines okay this is your black water tank flush and this is your city water fill okay so if you're gonna hook up you got a full hook up campground right you're ready to go camping you're gonna take your cord you're gonna hook it up to your cap right here hook it up put it in your dump station nice and easy grey water's flowing real good to go you got your city water connection you got constant pressure to your sink shower and toilet you're not using your water pump or your gravity fill fresh water tank on your door side okay you're just hooked up to city water you go inside you put your chemical down your toilet you got a couple gallons of water down there and you want to leave it for either one day or 10 days however long you're camping it's important that the chemical sits in your toilet breaking down the waste using biodegradable toilet paper okay it's important so let's say you camped for seven days your black water tank is full you're ready to go home so what you're going to do is is you're going to pull your black water now you're going to pull your black water you're gonna unhook the city water connection hook it to your black water tank flush and power wash your black water tank while you're dumping cleaning it all out so just remember city water here it's labeled on the left here black water tank flushes up here and then this is your uh for winterizing or sanitizing your tanks and again you can always look up videos or check your owner's manuals and then you have your satellite and cable hookups on both sides and then this is your 30 amp marine grade power cord it's right here on the back makes it nice and convenient for you you got your outside shower hot and cold you always want to make sure you always winterize that your dump hose can go on the bumper if you so choose they'll slide right in there and then your low point drains for your hot and cold uh water is right here and there's a little uh tag letting you know that they're here put your cap back on for you outside a hot water tank so this is a suburban hot water tank with uh electric and gas so it's important i'm gonna remove this for you this little tab here if i can grab it there we go so i'm going to take that off and that's revealing your electric portion your heating element for your hot water tank to run it on electric so you never want to have this on when the hot water tank is empty you always want to make sure it's full okay so you release the pressure inside your hot water tank before you pull the plug 1 1 16 is the size it goes right over top and you can pull the plug right out and it's got an anal rod connected to it and you want to replace that once a season it keeps the you have a steel hot water tank it prevents it from rusting inside out okay and then you have these resets right here that if your hot water tank doesn't light for some reason on electric you'll these will deploy out and you'll reset them by pushing in okay so make sure this is always in the off position when you're not using it or it'll burn up your heating element i got your slide out all the way out a little bit of storage and inside your front compartment on your off door side right on the left hand side they give you an inverter okay underneath your bed in the front bed there's an inverter button which i'll show you inside so i'm just going to explain real quick i showed you your cord on the black back okay that's a 30 amp power cord that's you plug in and it goes through your converter charger converting 110 to 12 volt okay and it's charging your battery on the front what the inverter does it does just opposite it takes 12 volt battery power and turns it into 110 so remember that if you're using your inverter it's going to kill your batteries pretty quick okay when you're plugged into 110 it's charging your batteries and you have 110 so depending on which way you're using your rv but you have an on and off button right where actually it tells you uh it's a fuse reset and on the other side you actually have a screen and an on and off button but you have one on the inside too and i'll show you where that's at welcome home wow what a big difference with the slide out out right so real quick i'm going to put this out since i started here's those cables i was talking about 1100 pounds uh weight so on this one it's pretty kind of cool they get the pull is in the crease so it's not flying around when you take your shepherd's pole out and then you have three positions of tension you want to put on your canvas so the way you're going to start this is is i always pull it out they give you a little uh storage bin here or a little uh shade you're gonna hook it to that part push it up and then because it's a little cold outside there's gonna be a little bit more tension on there so i'm gonna put it on the first position and there you go that's how you put your uh hybrid beds up um but you've got zippers you can remove the panels down you can plug in all kinds of fancy stuff on the inside here if you wanted to purchase a bunk fan or a bunk light there's a plug-in a 12-volt plug-in right there on the right-hand side that little white cone that's where you'll plug in your bunk fans since i'm over here i'll start over here remember this is a 3200 btu electric heater your fireplace is so it will come on it does produce heat so remember when you're plugged into 30 amps and you want this to be on heat you'll turn that on or you can have just the ambiance but it puts out heat it'll heat the coach up pretty nice if you're trying to save money on propane okay um you got your uh speakers inside speakers outside speakers uh zone one in this case will be your uh channel so see how it's blue and red red means it's off blue means it's on so you compare this to your phone it's bluetooth right so we shut them off we shut these speakers off and turn the outsides on so that turns on your outside speakers and then you can do both read your owner's manuals comes with a remote that's a hdmi port and a usb port so you can charge or put pictures on or hook up and hook the dvd player up to it or whatever um tv actually comes out they got it's got a bunch of storage behind there so you can uh they even got a little rack if you want to hang clothes or shirts however you guys want to utilize that storage it's nice and big um this is your eight uh remember i was talking about your inverter so this turns on your inverter and it gives you indicators right here so if you wanna uh you know pop popcorn or watch tv without being plugged in if you're boondocking that's where the inverter will come into play uh 12 volt outlets right here you got some uh usb ports 110 outlets and then right now since i'm sitting here this is your lp detector and co detector um so that's hardwired into the coach just remember that that's always going to be on so if you don't want your batteries to go dead make sure you disconnect your battery or unplug it take it home with you refrigerator is a magic shaft it's a 12 volt all the time refrigerator um i'm going to demonstrate real quick how to shut it off um so if you if you do want to turn it off when it's in storage because it'll always be on if you're plugged in or a half 12-volt refrigerator will work so you have to hold this button it shuts it off and then you can shut the doors when you shut the door and you reopen the door it automatically turns back on the refrigerator so if you go to check oh is it shut boom it'll come back on so you got to make sure that you hold the button shut it off shut the door and leave it shut and it'll stay off so that way it doesn't kill your battery okay your converter i was talking about and charger is right here you have 110 breakers 12 volt fuses if if a 12 volt fuse blows they give you this little indicator window with the red led light that'll come on and you'll see it through this little window here letting you know that that fuse blew remember i was telling you to light your uh burners at first uh you know before you light all your appliances so there we go see how it's kind of crackling you should always light that first so that way it blows all that air off so you can light all your appliances safely um this little switch right here in the one position it lights up behind your uh knobs here pretty cool if you want your oven light on you'll go to the two position and that turns on your oven light now with this oven the igniter [Applause] sparks down there so what you're going to do is turn it to the fire position on here and push in and then you're going to use your igniter to light the pilot the first time we'll take a little bit because like i told you it's blowing air out there we go we let the pilot we're going to let that go for a couple seconds and once the pilot's good and steady then you can turn it up safely and light your oven there she goes so now she'll light on the first turn every time all right bathroom really not nothing really crazy in there you just want to make sure you use biodegradable toilet paper use your chemicals like i told you and then make sure you put water in the bowl before you flush it your thermostat for your coach is right here that turns on your furnace temperature right and then you got your air conditioner would be cool and uh that's your thermostat basically just like at home this is that gopro or go power i was talking about which is really cool so we're plugged in 13.6 it's letting you know that it's charging that's really cool let you know your batteries but so you have a and b read your owner's manuals about this so you know you know how it's working but it's letting you know your batteries are full and if you have solar panels on the roof are plugged in it's letting you know that it's putting in a hundred percent of power and then you can max boost if you need more power but read your manual about it um with your inverter converter you know answer more questions about your uh go power um we'll finish this and then uh we'll get you guys out of here this moves your slide out in remember it's always gonna lift up that's okay and then when it comes in you're going to hear a click click click click click you're going to want to release the button i know it seems like forever right now it's going to lift up and there's the click so then let it out right um on the top part here you have low fare good and then battery charging so you're going to hit your battery button so you know it's charging and it's good fresh water is empty black water and gray water and then remember i was talking about your hot water tank so that button outside has to be on if you want to work off electric and then now that turns it on so now it's working on electric okay if you want it to work just on gas you're going to turn your gas button on and it's going to light up your dsi fault light direct spark ignition then the light will go out when the light goes out that means your hot water tank lit successfully if you ever look over here and see a red light right there that means your hot water tank did not light so i'm not going to let it run i just want to show you that it's working and that lit um we actually heard it but uh if you ever see a red light when this is on your hot water tank did not light shut it off and figure out what happened water pump this pumps water from your freshwater holding tank up to your toilet sink and showers this brings your awning in i won't hold that for the whole video but just so you know this uh brings it in and this takes it out extend and retract pretty simple um one quick button for interior lights and then this turns your porch light on and then you have your awning light bar that's in your awning across the top there and then i showed you that fancy step light and then you guys have so real quick just control your rv scan this thing and download the app to your phone and you'll be able to operate through the one control your awning your slide out and your lights from your phone very fancy and then you guys have a wi-fi extender again read about it right here it's a wi-fi ranger and this turns it on so that turns on your wi-fi booster so if you pair your phone to it or if the campground has wi-fi you'll pair it to there and it boosts your wi-fi signal in your campsite very very fancy well i'm chris rody for national rv detroit i hope you enjoyed this video have a great day
Channel: Karl National Rv
Views: 4,248
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Id: 2sKoFmKIrEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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