36 Dislikes on Our BRAND NEW RV ☹

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good morning YouTube welcome to our video and I'm gonna talk about all the things that I found that I just don't quite like on our new 20/20 Rockwood you knew I was gonna come up with something I've been riding on a date before we start you guys should know how picky I am I'm just very very very picky when it comes to stuff and I think that most people should be on some level I want to make sure that I reiterate one point though I love this RV this is the RV we looked for for three and a half years we found this model two and a half years about two years ago somewhere in that range and we waited just a little bit longer because there was a couple of dislikes but there was some things that they improved upon so we bought it and I love the RV Heidi loves the RV however you guys need to know there's things that may not be the best and I don't know if these are gonna hit base with you or not but let's talk about them okay so first let me tell you about the RV and what it is this is a 2020 rock wood 2 6 0 4 WS this is a model that has a rear livin plan double doors and it's under 30 foot and length and relatively light fully loaded with 2,000 pounds worth of cargo this thing weighs about eighty seven eighty eight hundred pounds whenever it's not loaded all up empty it's just over six thousand pounds so the RV was definitely in the length in the weight that we wanted however there were some deficiencies like all RVs like I mentioned before on our V's whenever you're shopping you're gonna be hitting seventy-five to eighty percent maybe eighty-five percent depending how picky you are of what the RV has to offer that's about the best you're gonna do unless you custom make one from the ground up yourself you're not gonna get everything that you want and even then I bet that there's gonna be some things that you're lacking even if you customize it yourself but that doesn't mean it can't be a great RV so let's get right into the list number one there's no bubble levels on here there's no level at all anywhere on this RV inside or out glued on cheap ones screwed on expensive ones mounted digital ones there's there's no bubble level so whenever we have to level this thing out we've got a you know resort to carrying a level inside in the RV in the bedroom we're standing at the doorway and this is the framework that comes with those steps that drop down which we love the steps but the very first day we were in this and we were moving some stuff in here of course I was walking around in socks and I hit my toe on this frame that frame just just sticks out in it's hard metal and boy did that hurt so I kind of hate that I don't like that the frame but Roode's out into an area in which you have to walk you know you're walking around to bed you can kind of see the distance there and yeah that's not good the third thing that I hate about this and this is for most RVs though that are 50 amp service and this court is heavy this is just a heavy cord to be manipulating and all that weight hangs off this RV straight on they should include a 90 degree adapter from the factory or on the end of the cord so that you don't have it coming straight out I mean why would you want this to be supported way out here and then drop down so yeah you have to buy an adapter but man why do these courts have to be so big and heavy and unmanageable for the most part I understand 50 amps but Wow as far as the baggage doors locks and the original locks that we had on their doors the keys were just incredibly hard to get in there originally I had to spray lubricant inside the locks and the tumblers and just work them and make sure that they were well lubricated I know how new keys should feel honey new keys are a little stubborn normally with new locks until they learn each other however these were just ridiculous we're moving back inside and we're moving into the bedroom because we optioned in the second air conditioner this is a 15,000 BTU air conditioner and it has a built-in heat strip option and they call it a chill chaser it don't chase the chill it actually warms up the the problem is is the air that's blowing out of it is pretty much making you cooler than if you didn't have any air blowing out because that heat strip it's not a furnace replacement they say it right in the instructions well it's not a heating source of any kind really you couldn't get this air conditioner without that but I think it's kind of a joke it just doesn't work too well this mattress is extremely firm and it's not that it's a bad mattress we were thinking about putting a topper on but the problem is this right now as it stands when we go boondocking we can open the doors and access whatever's inside the cabinets you know as far as wardrobe without putting the Wardrobe slide out if we put a mattress topper on there it will hit so we got to be really concerned with how tall of a mattress we have here the alternative of course is not getting into the Wardrobe whenever we stop somewhere and we leave the slide in but firm mattress hmm since I've replaced these door latches the door has definitely gotten better however when we first got this I don't know if it's because the seals were so new or if the latches were miss Augusta but we were going to just keep on using them the way that we got them from the factory but Heidi had to hurt real hard time so did other people to even get into this door and the back door was kind of tough also basically you had to push in on the door and pull the lever and even now you can see I get it it's a real positive latch that's going on there and I think that might work out over time but when you first get it expect the doors to be really tight to open one of the options we were really happy to get in addition to the heating of the tanks using the furnace and the ductwork that's already down there and the fact that the bellies enclosed we got heated tanks and not only heated tanks but there's some heated pads that go on the pipes they come from the tanks to keep that pretty much from freezing also the problem with heated tanks is you're not supposed to necessarily run the heating pads without water in your tanks so although you may have a freshwater tank that's full your gray water tank may be empty and your black water tank may be empty and you may not want to run necessarily a lot of water in there just so you can turn on your heated tank switch one switch for three separate tanks I don't think that's a great idea another thing that we've always suffered with is the accuracy of these tanks the other day Heidi and I was simulating again out camping but in the driveway just to work out some of the bugs and it showed that we had a third of a freshwater tank so I took a shower and everything was fine then Heidi started taking her shower and she shortchanged herself because she thought she sensed a little bit of air in the line and she was absolutely right because it didn't have a third in it and the tank actually went empty so when I checked it later it still showed that there was a third of a tank so the next day I came out and checked it and it still showed there was a third of a tank so I went to the freshwater drain and I pulled it and that low point drain let maybe half a gallon out if that and at that point I came back in and it did read empty so the fact that it was empty or had half a gallon in it and it was still reading the third I didn't like that at all again we were in transport mode the other day you can see some stuff fell off the bench seat whenever I was taking it out for a drive and the slide is in however the fact that there's a slide there you would think that they'd have a way or find a way to put electricity you know park electricity 110 voltage electricity on the slide somewhere they do have 12 volt power for the lights which are plentiful and we don't have any problems with that there's a couple of reading lights here and then this light and then the dome light for the table however there's no outlets to plug in a computer and there's none really close if you look back here there's a couple that are right there however I can't reach the dinette table with my laptop with a cord once this slide is out unless I run it in for where everybody's going to be in so the only electrical outlet that I have available to me is behind the TV set which is basically behind that window we're looking at on the side of the slide so I wish there was another outlet that would allow us to connect a laptop that we'll be working on exclusively and chargers a glory have all kinds of stuff that I'll be plugging in over here on the table that I need an outlet for that's not up here that I have to string a cord across it's just not good thinking there while we're looking at this I noticed that the table doesn't move around a lot whenever we're transporting however you have to pull the table out a little ways if you want to leave it up and even then I don't know if it's guaranteed that that table is going to stay there during your transport if you have the table in where it normally is it hits up against the window and the only thing that's protecting the screen and the window is the day-night shade the plastic divider that you put your hands on to pull them down that's kind of a buffer there sure would like to have a fixed table that I didn't have to worry about or at least one that could be easily changed from sleeping to using as a table without it worrying about during transportation which way it's set you know up down out away from the window that kind of thing the other thing that we noticed is whenever we have this pullout sofa out you know to where it's a bed it's relatively a decent bed it's not the best bed in the world but people get sleep on it the one thing that I noticed though is there's no under bed storage at all and the other thing is is the bed's relatively short well I find it's kind of funny because whenever the couch is actually being utilized as a bed there's still plenty of room that you could walk around without worrying about this cabinet but at that point I don't know how much walking around you need to do whenever the bed's out so I would like to have seen the bed a little bit longer or I would have liked to seen a jackknife sofa of some kind that offered storage underneath I like the window the fact that there are windows on the sides of the slides every RV we looked at we always commented how whenever they have a solid wall it really makes things feel closed in even though there might be bigger windows on the slide it just seems like that it's a little bit nicer when you have windows that you can look out like in my case if I'm sitting on the dinette on either side you can look out these windows however as far as a cross-breeze thank God we have two Macs air fans whenever it's in a locked position this is all the bigger the opening is not very good there the other thing that I noticed is they don't take advantage of all their storage opportunities for example behind this cabinet there's actually space to where they could have offered cubbies here and I'm not sure why they did it they made it to where this is just a wall the same width underneath the TV set that you currently can't see there's a couple of doors there and although it's access to some things there was the ability to put some kind of a shelf in there maybe a removable shelf or a removable cubby or tote or something for example there is storage underneath this entire bench seat from here to the wall and that side you can utilize it by accessing it either from the outside there's a hatch or this door here which you can access all the storage underneath there of course you can lift the bench top and you can get to that storage - same with the storage on this side however I'm not sure why they didn't put a full-length drawer in there the store only goes back just the short ways now this is something that we pointed out during our RV shopping over and over again that we didn't think that we would really care for and yet we ended up getting a model that had these features that we were trying to avoid and I'm looking at this side because I'm looking at noise now there's not going to be a situation where you're always sitting outside when a lot of this stuff is running however that's what we're thinking about when we talk about noise while you're under the awning so let's say we put the awning out we've got a couple of chairs if my hot water tank is running on propane guess what I get to hear it if we've got the furnace on inside to break some you know to get a little bit warmer in there maybe you in the morning you're gonna hear the furnace running if your refrigerator is running on propane although it's not very loud at all you still could possibly hear it if you've got the stove on inside and somebody's sitting outside like myself guess what that's the vent for the stove you're gonna hear it so you could see all the noise that could be generated and not only that but what if you you know stood something up here and you had this running it could be an issue well actually one issue for sure that rubber stopper is all that stops this door from being too close to the heat coming out of the water heater that could discolor the door that could be an issue while we're on the water heater I'm not a big fan of these yeah that's not a drain plug that's an anode rod with all the minerals that are in water and you heating the water you could potentially have a corrosion issue inside of your tank and what they do is they actually make a sacrificial piece and that's what this is this is a piece that is designed to attract all of those weird things not always but there's times that if you've got enough minerals and you've got the right minerals you can get a really stinky sulfur smell from your water and I don't necessarily want that we're gonna run this anode rod and see if we run into that situation but I know with our water that we have in our house we definitely had that situation everybody in this area pulls the anode rods out of their hot water tanks so their house water doesn't smell like rotten eggs I love the ladder that it's here I don't like the way the ladder feels although it's been supporting me I have a feeling that it could potentially fail it just feels a little bit on the weaker side and the reason that I'm bringing this up and the only reason I know this could be better is if you go to a lance camper any of the lance RVs they have an unbelievable ladder on the back that feels so solid when you grab it and quite honestly I'm a big guy and I don't want this thing to fail and especially on hidey she climbs it I don't want it to fail on her so I wish it was a better ladder I don't care for the spare tire on the back I'm glad that it's here because they gave me a spare and the hardcover is very nice I think the hardcover is a very nice touch to make it look nice however I don't like it back there overall aesthetically and I don't like it back there mechanically I don't want anything on the back bumper that I don't put on there that is going to be utilized for my usage and the fact that this RV is relatively high it's not uncommon for a lot of the RVs to have storage underneath for their spare tire since we're underneath the RV at this point I want to point out how inexpensive this siding is that's on the RV this is just pretty much fascia this is all it's held together with it's just some sort of real thin aluminum rod and it's just kind of screwed to the RV I mean it's this really inexpensive the way that it feels you would think it'd be more substantial but I understand its save on weight but I just really found it interesting that it looks so nice from the outside and yet it's so plastic feeling and cheap tinny feeling right through here we're looking at the tires and mostly you probably think oh yeah they put these junky tires on there I dislike the fact that they don't put the best tires that you can buy I mean if the Goodyear endurance or one of the Michelin eight plies or ten ply tires are available for RVs wouldn't you just want to put those on for your customers I mean they offer some of the best axles on this RV with the tour flex axles from Dexter but why would you even bother you know putting a tire on that could potentially be substandard alright so now let's talk about this huge compartment this luggage compartment the other side of the RV has a flip up door and the reason is is because they don't have to worry about a wardrobe slide that could be out so they made this one swing the problem with that if the wind catches this which it's doing right now there's nothing stopping it from slamming back here I don't know if you can tell but the only thing stopping it is the lens of that light and my docking lights which also yeah that's not a good design coming back inside this is a metal blind which is kind of required by law since it's so close to the fire source that's known as the stove and one of the things is it has a really nice little crank window however why is it that it hits it hits the blind eye I have to actually disconnect this blind and that point open it up and then reconnect the blind that's not a good design and it could be that they just mounted this one wrong looking at this screen door here I love it personally because it's a full screen door there's a lot of air circulation that could potentially come through this there's not a guard at the bottom or even halfway up for any kind of a pet so if you have pets this could be a dislike that my main dislike is this here that screen won't come back if we have the main door open like we have a tendency to do and I decide to go out and back in again I've got to physically close the screen door I know that seems so minor but my 92 head Springs on it so I'm gonna go ahead and buy the $8 spring kit and mount it on myself it's just ridiculous they didn't offer that I mean there's really no reason not to put those Springs on there other than the fact that they're worried about when people are walking in and out that the door might be closing on them well guess what if you open it all the way it ain't coming back I don't care what kind of Springs on there this is the water pump access the reason we're looking at this is because of something that I think they could have done better they really needed to secure these hoses a little better because of the hoses in the way that they touch on that wooden panel you can guess it's pretty much a big drum and when these hoses are running especially those back there even it bounces around it vibrates and it's hammers it makes quite a bit of a noise as you can see we did run out of water that's why the filter only has half in there but yeah if they would have just changed the routing of these hoses or secured the hoses to each other or put some sort of a foam in there or something it would have been so much better and seriously 2020 and we still got this ch 751 man they've got to get some new stuff luckily it only accesses the water and the shower everything else has a unique key for the cargo doors but yeah I think that's kind of goofy I don't understand that the other thing I don't Curley care for is the light that's over here to help with hookup and disconnection and stuff this thing blinds you at night there should be more of an angle pointing down on the RV to the stuff that you want to see and that's not it so we might be changing the way this light shines somehow maybe something that's more of a porch light that has more of a downward angle and really the light doesn't do anything underneath here at all so I wish that there was a way and I'm sure there is that if I flip this switch on not only does it turn on the light to illuminate everything here but maybe you turn on a light underneath here so I can see these valves easily you guys knew I'd probably complain about this jack at some point because I really love that husky Jack that we had before the one thing that I don't care for though is my old husky Jack had a limiter a shutoff limiter so when I got to the top of the jack it just didn't bury the motor and what I mean by that there's nothing to shut off the power to the motor and it just stops it it just torques it till it stops it puts the motor at its limit instead of having an a limit off switch that says okay the jack is all the way up shut off power that would have been nice and it's the same with the stabilizer Jack's too they really should have added that to where when the stabilizer jack comes all the way up one sits to the top that the powers cut to the motors to let it know we're to the top quit jacking on us this one we're gonna stand back a little ways those AC units that are up on top the profile is very bulky I don't know how to describe it it's not very aerodynamic it's very tall and I know that they make much smaller much slimmer air-conditioning units and I really wish that this one would have that too I mean you could gain at least two inches as far as the height of the RV and being able to go under a bridge if you just had a low profile unit up there okay you guys have been waiting for this one of the reasons I might hate these steps the only way that you can put steps up or down is have this door darn near all the way open because this has to clear whenever it goes up so here's the big negative to these steps the awning cannot be out at least up for this door that door is not a problem but this door you can't do it I know it's really dark in here but right now all we're focusing on is this TV set and this was an option the same with the TV set that's in the living area which is a little bigger they're both the same brand however on a 2020 model and this isn't a cheap model this is a middle-of-the-road model I find it amazing that they do not make these that are powered by 12 volts these are still plug in the wall regular household AC TVs now they are low-power LED TVs and they are 1080 quality but they're only 1080i quality but they're not 12-volt and I'm really upset that they aren't 12 volt for the fact that if you're boondocking guess what you're going to be running off a battery and a 12 volt LED TV wouldn't draw that much from your battery however running a converter and having a way to power the electricity inside the RV that will make it to where it's a little difficult and you may not even want to watch TV the other thing and this is getting into a money thing this TV here was a five hundred and ninety dollar option this is a 24 inch TV it's not very big and it's an insignia brand I could buy this TV for roughly $90 on Amazon so is that a four hundred and ten dollar bracket that's holding it to the wall or is that another $50 item and it was $400 for the labor I'm not sure but that seems like an awful lot for an option and again the one in the living room is also an insignia and that one can be brought for roughly a hundred and ten hundred twenty dollars on Amazon so I wish they would have stepped up and given me a 12-volt tv that would have been nice okay moving into the bathroom there's just a couple of things here they give you a towel bar and they also give you a toilet paper mount and they don't mount it for you some people may not like that I don't have a problem with it it's not a disadvantage for me however if you're not handy with finding out where stuff is supposed to be mounted based off studs and stuff like that you may like it if they would have done the mounting for you but moving a little bit further into the bathroom there's a couple things I want to point out I wish this would have had a shelf of some kind on it to keep things from falling off when you're traveling now in our case we have these little plastic posts we've had these things forever we're going to go ahead and secure them up there to where they they won't fall and we can put stuff in there that will stay up there while we're traveling it's not going to be hard to do maybe some velcro or something to keep them there but I wish that would have been thought out a little bit better also this space here they could have put another you know hand towel over here I guess or it made the medicine cabinet bigger I just wish it would have been bigger there is space here that can be used for something maybe we'll end up hanging some sort of a shelving system here but yeah the medicine cabinets fair but it's not even as big is the one that we just in our old RV with that little tiny bathroom now let's talk about something as simple as this right here well we use this in our old RV and basically this is for Heidi to put in her contacts or do her makeup or whatever the case may be and it goes on the mirror of course we can't put it on this mirror because you know this opens but here's the thing we had a lot of stuff that we used in our old bathroom that were hanging being supported used however you want to say it by suction cups basic suction cups like these that lock into place and they do a really good job well if you look in here other than that mirror right there this countertop has a marbling to it and there are some grains this has some sort of marbling to it some kind of a texture all this glass is all bumpy the whole inside outside it's all bumpy so we can't put it on anything there we can't put it on the walls like we did the old one because all this is bumpy this is textured it has a texture to it these are of course you can see have lines in them it's textured inside here although smoother on the outside it's bumpy there's bumps to it and we can't get a suction cup to grab man we can't put it on the walls so it's kind of crappy that there's so much bumpy material here I mean even the floor is kind of textured it's got dimples in it to help with you know you sliding around so that's something I wish they would have changed out made it to where there was a couple of smooth surfaces somewhere to mount stuff now it's not a big deal you know they make that command hook stuff and double-sided stuff that can handle water and all that it's just the matter of it would have been easier if we could just use our old suction cups so looking at the furnace here there's zone 1 and zone 2 and that's mainly for the air conditioning part because zone 2 is just that heat strip and I already talked about that heat strip how good it does Zone one of course controls the furnace it's not really just the zone 1 heating it heats the whole RV if you've got the fern turned on and the reason is is because you can't close any of the vents there's heating vents that's underneath the slide here there's three of them if it's hot in the living room maybe the dining area is a little bit warmer than over there you can't turn off the vent you can't flip a lever and close the vent it's pretty standard on most RVs but I find it kind of funny that that vent for the bathroom this vent for the bedroom in addition to the three vents that are in the living area cannot be turned off they can't be closed nothing so if you've got the furnace running you're going to be heating the entire place now I'm sure I could just throw a rug or something over one of the vents and that would help out but I just don't like that I don't know if there's a reason behind that if they're worried about overheating tanks or not heating the tanks enough or something I'm not sure I know that air flow has to happen for those tanks to stay heated down there but again I'm not sure what the reason is forced wherever gives you this really nice envelope that's in the refrigerator whenever they ship it to the dealer and it covers all kinds of stuff I mean there's a lot of manuals in here but a lot of is just sales jargon nothing that's specifically telling you step-by-step how stuff works now there are exceptions to that too like the cooktop the furnace the refrigerator of course the stuff that runs on gas they definitely want to tell you exactly how all that stuff works some of these manuals they do give you like in this case for this radio that's kind of hidden back there you can't see it this is probably one of the poorest manuals I've seen it's just confusing it's very very confusing but more importantly than that and more that I dislike than that is my 1992 Terry going back to their own RV had a really nice owner's manual just like a car manual it told you all about the RV what you should do what you shouldn't do one of the things was that I found in that old 92 RV manual was how much tongue weight you could put on the terry max and if I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to do that generator mount thing I could have easily gone over and the same with the weight distribution bars it said on that Terry I can only put 750 pound torsion bars or weight distribution bars on that Terry channel that I had on there it said that if it was a four and a half or a five and a half inch channel see Channel you could only go so far and it listed a whole bunch of other stuff basic information for most people that may not know anything about our V's that's why they give cars owner's manuals so you can read through it and have all the information you need well there is no owner's manual for this RV yeah they need to put a big thick owner's manual covering this thing talking about how much weight we can put in the slide when the slide is in if it's an issue if you step on this and what you should do instead I mean there's just all kinds of things that could have been addressed in a manual I'm moving back here while it's dark to show you these lights these are right above that your head and I know you're not gonna be able to tell but maybe you can that will blind you that is way too bright for an over the bed light I'm assuming that's like a reading lamp where we have to do something about that because that puts a blue dot in your eyeball right before you fall asleep that's crazy - the air conditioners whenever I pulled this open to take a look up inside here at the filters and what it looked like overall in general I cannot believe how much foam spray that was used for insulation and sealing off this big thick 4-inch foam roof insulation that they used and it boost out and it actually was blocking the air conditioning vents it was blocking the return air back up into the unit so I had to take a knife and just trim around I got a couple of photos of that I couldn't believe I mean it wasn't crazy but for something that needs to run as hard as it does whenever you get into some serious heat you would think that that would have been looked at or thought about so as you know whenever you get done camping for the day or the week or whatever it is and it's time for you to empty your tanks you pull your RV up to the dump station but almost all of them have the dump valve on the driver's side of the vehicle so now you're going to put your hose on your dump valve and you're gonna go ahead and run it over to the hole that's going to be the place that you're gonna dump everything into and you're gonna go ahead and go through your routine at that point you're going to want to flush your black tank so let's look for the black tank flush well know that's where the city water goes in no that's for antifreeze Inlet that's for you to winterize it and no that's where I fill my freshwater tank no that's where you hook up your cable well I don't want to take a shower maybe later after I deal with all this septic but but not this one and no that's what so wait a minute I want to flush my black water this is a of a black tank flush I've got the hose here now at the RV park and and it's for rinsing off everything but also there's an outlet there that I can hook up to and do my tank wash oh wait a minute [Music] that's right they're gonna put it over here where you might be cooking food this is a food prep thing here I don't like to mess with anything black tank related that's anywhere near me except over on the septic side and I understand that the sprayers that are built into the tank are probably on this side but why don't they just run the plumbing so that you could hook it up over there so now I'm in the situation where I've got to get another hose a longer hose and I got to hook it up to the flush at the dump station and I got to throw it underneath the RV and connect it over here so I can flush my black tanks from over here I don't understand that one at all that just doesn't make any sense so did I cover everything what do you think I am picky it's one of those things that it just is something that could have been a little bit better in my case some of them are more serious than others but I love the RV I want you guys to realize that I love the RV I'm sure you're saying yourself how could you love anything you just picked out all that stuff that was wrong now I love the RV yeah great RV but those are all my dislikes and I hope I've chopped this down as short as I can feel free to comment if you've got something on your RV that you don't like I know a lot of these things can be addressed and fixed on my own but you know what I'm gonna just run with it the way it is right now I just want to tell you about the things that I don't like about this RV yeah that's right you cannot like some things and still love it overall I appreciate it guys and as always hope see out there bye you [Music]
Channel: RVdaydream
Views: 70,705
Rating: 4.3034382 out of 5
Keywords: rockwood, 2604ws, forest, river, ultra, lite, flagstaff, rv, camping, full, time, vlog, camper, travel, trailer, fifth, wheel, motorhome, nomad, work, camp, outdoor, parks, campground, fleetwood, terry, empty nest, living, on the road, camp site, travel trailer, workamping, camp host, f150, 250, 350, tow, towing, retire, drive, modification, remodel, fix, repair, update
Id: 3HtnqXAps3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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