Rockwood Geo Pro Review | Brutally Honest Quality Review after 6,000 miles & 11 states of travel

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previously on freebirds we announced the purchase of our 2020 rockwood geopro 20bhs which we've named the bird house since moving into the birdhouse and hitting the road three months ago we've logged just over six thousand miles across eleven states i am ben finch host of free birds and you are you and i am thrilled that you found us michelle and i did a rockwood geopro factory tour about a year ago and we were really excited about all the advancements in technology and materials since owning our previous rv a 2008 jayco t29m toy hauler we've now given our geopro a thorough shakedown covering about 6 000 miles 11 states interstates highway uh bumpy access roads up to campsites and even quite a few miles down washboard gravel roads which are some of the most punishing to an rv because it's just like a little shaking for a mile upon mile i'd like to share my experiences on geopro initial quality so let's get started on the review just to start off in full disclosure i'm not getting sponsored to do this video i'm not getting paid to do this video in any way shape or form i did buy my geopro from an rv dealer just like everyone else and paid their full asking price now it was not full retail price i don't recommend that you pay that it was actually an awesome sale price [Music] okay so one item on my wish list is i wish that the manufacturers that sold their products to the rv manufacturers would put a little bit higher level of quality or even just screwing things together a little bit better as is appropriate to the product that they're going into let me give you a couple examples here here we have our suburban oven and range top now this is a quality unit and i love it it works fantastic however this burner i had to put back together twice because while we were out boone docking first the this part came detached from the flame tube and then the flame tube itself became detached simply because the screws vibrated loose because they don't put loctite on the screws so here they're building a great product but because they don't put loctite because man these things are traveling down the road and vibrating constantly and that's even if you don't go on a gravel road if you do go on a gravel road then it's terrible anyway their good product is vibrating apart because they don't take that extra little step and i wish they would okay next example is this dometic refrigerator it's always kept stuff cool and man we've had this into uh temperatures that were like 105 108 with humidity and so yeah it's a product that works really well except for check this out so again keep in mind that every time you drive your rv it's like an earthquake so to hold this piece of decorative trim on this is the facing that goes right here on the exterior of the fridge in order to hold that on we have this piece of plastic trim and let me see if you can rotate it to where you can see let me set this down so i can point see these little plastic tabs right there those tabs engage in some slots right here and that's what holds the plastic piece of trim in and the plastic piece of trim holds this whole face on so twice we've reached our destination only to find this thing has come flying off and is lying down there because this plastic piece of trim popped off now if this were installed in a house this would never be a problem if this were installed in an rv that only rolled down the interstates this might never be a problem but it's installed in an rv that is a boondocking rig it's built for boondocking it's got an off-road package on it it's built for a little bit more rugged duty than just traveling down the interstates and highways and i wish they would put a little bit higher level of quality as is appropriate for the machine okay be quiet now do you want a broken camera mitch is inside the bathroom giving me stuff while i'm trying to film and that's not right okay the next thing that i wish was different was i simply wish the rv manufacturers would screw their product together better let me try to explain first example is i bought this rv stop it i'm filming gosh i bought this rv from um from fun town rv i drove it home right when i got it home this blind was laying down in the bunk it had fallen off first trip of like about 10 miles maybe 15 miles the reason why that is is because when they are screwing stuff together they just simply will screw directly into this thin wall board without drilling a pilot hole and they're doing so with a power drill gun power screw gun and so the result of that is it's very easy to blow out the threads of something you're trying to fasten so um i had a couple of holes blown out in the screws that were holding that blind in and it immediately fell apart and so if they would just take the time to drill pilot holes and then what i always do is i put some loctite red on those fasteners if they would just pilot hole them put some loctite on there and you can buy screws that already have the loctite on them we wouldn't have so many problems with stuff just falling apart a couple more examples you see how can you see how this there's a gap right here and you see how this screw is backing out that's backing out because this enclosure face has just simply vibrated this screw out over time and so now i need to put some loctite on it and put it back in there again because they don't drill pilot holes and they don't put any loctite on it on a machine that is constantly being shaken like an earthquake so let me give you one more example and do you see here how this was formally sealed let me back off just a little bit more so i think it's too close for to focus okay see how this piece has shifted this piece was formally right against this bead of seal but it has come unsealed and that piece has shifted because this screw has vibrated loose and that screw vibrated loose because they don't drill pilot holes and they don't put loctite on their fasteners so just a couple examples of one thing that i wish the industry did better and it's industry wide it's not just forest river [Music] this next problem i actually discovered through the comments in my factory tour video as you can see from weatherherck1 writes that hey you might want to check the bolts and nuts that hold the body to the frame of the geopro he found four that were loose and also through the forums the forest river owners group forums he found out that this was a common problem the worst case that i heard of was through tommy z who writes i had this problem as well did you get a visual look at how the 12 bolts underneath and he had a 2019 19 fps are connected to the frame what backs them up i had a couple nuts fall off then the bolts actually started spinning stripping when you try to tighten them my dealer added a few bolts and nuts through the floor of the camper after it was obvious that the body of the camper had slipped moved forward on the frame so let me let me show you what i'm talking about here here's one of the bolts that's in question and this view shows how it's installed through the flooring onto the frame of the trailer and then the body is built up on top of that flooring from there let's go outside and i'll show you on my geopro what that looks like this guy right here is a frame outrigger connected to the mainframe and then this outrigger is bolting to the wood subflooring all this black stuff that you see here is the darko vapor barrier and so then this is the exact same type of bolt like we saw on the factory tour video the one we saw was close to the back of the trailer this one is just forward to the rear wheel but there's 12 of these six per side of the frame okay so the bolt goes through the sub flooring bolts to the steel outrigger the problem is because you're bolting to soft wood you can only tighten this nut so much before the head of the bolt starts to pull through the wood so they are tightening them at the factory the problem is is they're not putting on a good lock nut solution they're just putting in a lock washer which under a high vibration or like a high flex situation they're just junk they're just garbage useless and that's why the nuts are falling off people's trailer and like we saw in that one comment he even had the whole body shifting on his frame because the whole body is attached to this wood subfloor okay so what i did on mine is immediately upon getting it home i removed all the nuts oh no by the way i i did this myself i personally don't have a high degree of trust for uh with rv dealers now if i had one that i had a relationship with then i absolutely would um but just um in the area i had not developed any of those kind of relationships of trust yet so i wanted to do this myself make sure it was done right i removed all 12 of the original nuts i discarded the lock washer i cleaned the threads i put loctite red on the threads i then put the original nut back on i snugged it up nice and snug i put more loctite red on the threads of the bolt and i put a jam nut on each and every bolt and so not only now are the nuts lock tightened but it's double nutted as well which makes which makes a lock nut type situation if you were to do this repair yourself you could also use a single nylock self-locking nut that would probably be just as effective i mainly did this because some people report problems with this bolt turning as you're trying to tighten because see the the heads of the bolts are covered up by the rest of the structure now you can't get to them if you ever attempt to do this repair yourself and you have problems with the bolts turning just give me a comment if you have any problems getting this fix done and i can offer some helpful tips so i knew about the problem myself ahead of time it wasn't a deal breaker for me because it was an easy fix however if you are considering buying a geopro absolutely either plan on fixing this yourself or talk to your dealer have them fix it well there's two final things that i'd like to mention before moving on to the good and these are both things that are on my wish list they're not problems that i've experienced but they are improvements which i wish that rockwood would incorporate number one i wish that every single screw that penetrated the outer shell of these travel trailers was sealed because there's benefits to keeping every little tiny bit of water out of your rv even if you never see it as a drip secondly the geopro still has one weak link in relation to wood rot and that's the flooring for example on my toy hauler which was the 2008 jayco we had a leak that was really hard to track down it showed up as a soft spongy and kind of rotten spot in the flooring but in reality it was a leak up at the awning it was where the wires came through the wall and went down the wall for power for the power awning so the water was running through where the wires came through all the way down the wall and then went down into the floor and settled in the spot close to the entry door so man we had a hard time tracking that one down it took a long time the flooring there was you know virtually probably ruined by the time we figured that one out and so i bring this up because the geopro has a wood floor as well if you develop a long-term leak and that that water leak is there for a long time your wood flooring will eventually rot out now there are starting to be manufacturers keystone i'll show you a screenshot here they are experimenting with and using a new composite flooring that's lighter and it's completely rot and mildew resistant and it's got the same exact screw retention as wood so that's my final wish for the geopro is that they would incorporate that rock proof flooring so with that being said let's move on to the good and again i hate even sharing the bad because i absolutely love this geopro however competitive pressure or pressure brought onto manufacturers because improvements that need to be made that's how they get better and when they get better we the end user win so with that being said let's move on to the good [Music] the first item that i absolutely love about the geopro is actually a combination of things that all adds up to one awesome result so it is asdale composite sidewall material combined with block foam insulation combined with aluminum framing combined with vacuum bonding to hold it all together and what is the awesome result of that the awesome result is that i never have to worry about rot mildew or delamination let me show you a couple pictures and show you what i'm talking about in the first photo we have an older outback fifth wheel i think the owner said it was a 2006. if you'll look up top at the the nose there you'll see how it's caving in and it's all wavy so what's going on there is there's been water leakage the wood framing has rotted out and the fiberglass skin has delaminated next up we've got a 2015 rockwood sierra fifth wheel it's a nice rig it was parked next to us in fort worth anyway looking at it from this angle at the back of the the rig looks just fine right well let's look at it from another angle look along the bottom there just above the bumper you see all the waviness that's delamination that happened because the air conditioner runoff water would always run down the back of the trailer in time the seal failed along that lower black strip of trim allowing water in and then the fiberglass composite soaked up water and delaminated and um you know if if this continues on its current course which it probably will the whole back wall is going to be losing its structural integrity so these things will not happen with the azdel and the block foam and the aluminum framing and the vacuum bonding as dell isn't exclusive to rockwood or to geopro if you go to you'll see a list of other rv manufacturers who are using it the second great quality thing about the geopro is the dexter torflex axle it may seem like a small thing but you have no idea how many rvers have got nightmare stories about their leaf spring axles coming unglued on a trip now the the leaf spring axle design and it's old as the hills tried and true and proven however they can have once you start getting up there in years or mileage on your trailer you can have problems with them so my story was this on my jayco toy hauler i had tried to maintain my axles as well as i could i greased the hubs i had the brakes serviced i even put a wet kit on the um on the leaf springs that's so you could grease them keep them lubed keep them from wearing out and i was inspecting all the attach points like where the shackles attach the frame so on and so forth trying to stay on top of it as much as i could we were in wendover utah i was filming a video at the bonneville salt flats actually i'll post that up here the day that we were leaving wind over to head south down to los angeles i noticed some cracks on my leaf spring structure they were just hairline cracks then and i thought oh i've got a problem i'm gonna have to address this but also it was saturday morning not a good day to try to be getting your trailer worked on so that well we'll take off we'll keep an eye on it i kept an eye on it throughout the day or as the day progressed by noon though noonish i think it was 1 p.m it was pouring rain we were close to eli nevada we had stopped at a rest stop i inspected my axles they were literally about ready to fall out from under the trailer it was that bad so we limped it into eli fortunately we found a father-son team a weld shop father-son they agreed to open up for us they we brought us in they got the axles all reset underneath the trailer re-welded them uh beefed up the structure at the points where it broke got us on the road with the the dexter tour flex it eliminates so many of the parts that break on leaf spring and virtually eliminates all of those worries love the dexter tour flex gives me a lot of peace of mind and the third big thing that i absolutely love about the geopro is that whereas yeah there's been a few things that have vibrated loose because of how they are fastened for the most part the bones of the interior are really good and solid because of aluminum framing pocket drilling and pocket screwing of the core structure of all the cabinetry and then where it's appropriate they also glue stuff together combined with screwing and so what the result of that is is that after six thousand miles absolutely nothing with the core structure of my cabinetry or my dinette seats none of that has changed over 6 000 miles of being pounded going down the road because remember every trip is like an earthquake and some are even worse when you start getting out to these boondocking areas so let me give you a couple visuals of what i'm talking about okay we see here on the dinette that we've got a welded aluminum superstructure frame along then down in here we can see where they've glued the skin to the aluminum framing then in here on the interior of the cabinetry we can see an example of how this is pocket drilling and then screwing so the cabinetry is all held together with drilled and screwed fastenings instead of staples and that has made all the difference so those differences have radically changed our ownership experience from our previous rv so in our 2008 jayco we just we relocated from washington to texas and those just even 1200 miles our interior was falling apart in several places gaps were opening up between cabinets and walls yeah just a lot of stuff was coming unglued before our very eyes and with the geopro everything is just solid does there a screw come loose every now and then because of what i previously mentioned absolutely but the core of the cabinetry the core of all the interior is just solid no worries one quick sidebar about all my comments on our jayco toy hauler understand i'm not trying to get down on jayco or discourage anyone from buying one you know things can change radically uh from one model year to the next regarding quality on all the manufacturers and our jayco toy hauler was a 2008 a lot has changed since then and this one even was an old school stick and tin so just understand i'm only making those references because those were our experiences uh since then i've actually seen a couple of jaycos that i liked my sister-in-law is currently shopping for a hybrid travel trailer uh there's a couple of jayco j flights that i've seen that looked pretty good got aluminum framing and and vacuum bonding on the side walls even so anyway yes i'm not trying to bad mouth jayco at all just sharing my experiences here's the bottom line of my geopro ownership experience as it's compared to my previous rv which was the jayco so with the jayco i had issues with water leakage um i had cracks around the structure around where the slide moved in and out they were continuously growing worse there was nothing you could do about it we had the interior falling apart we had axles that almost fell out on route in a trip and so i'd think about those things as i was laying there at night this is what it was like [Music] but then this is what it's like with the geopro this is how i sleep at night [Music] so that pretty much sums up my ownership experience are there things on the geopro that could be better absolutely there's improvements to be made but overall and it's a great rig if i was uh faced with making the same exact decision today i'd probably buy another geopro for our current lifestyle i don't think there's anything out there that's a better fit or is uh at a good of a level of quality for the money as the geopro i'm going to make a quick run through through everything on on the rig here and tell you if we've liked it or if we haven't liked it and kind of like a thumbs up thumbs down type thing and also uh if we've experienced because we have had a few other little problems but they're just problems that come up on any rig so anyway buckle up i'm gonna run through the whole rig top to bottom front to back and i'm gonna do so quickly so here we go okay well we'll just start with a big picture of the roof the roof membrane is a quality tpo material and i've had zero issues with that the sealant they lay on very liberally which is a very good thing immediately upon taking delivery i inspected the whole roof to see if any areas needed touched up none needed touched up and the ceiling has been perfect we have had zero issues with leaks none whatsoever one thing i'll mention is i love the the sharply crowned roof because i've got no issues with standing water anywhere on the roof if water tends to stand on sea sealant constantly and this especially can happen when the air conditioning is running in the summertime then it weakens the life of that seal quite a bit let's start at the front here we'll see the razer tv antenna can't comment on that because we don't use it or really watch our tv at all but it does not leak and then moving back to the air conditioning unit we did buy the 13 500 optional unit which is i'm not sure how much how many btus the standard one is but this is the the the larger upgraded one i do recommend this it's a small trailer however if you're going to get out in the heat it really comes in handy we were in some pretty solid triple digit heat a lot this summer and even with the optional 13500 btu ac it got a real workout but it has worked flawlessly next to that is the gopower 100 watt solar panel and that has worked perfectly as well and we've had zero leaks from that or where the wires enter the roof and then right next to that is the sky 4 wi-fi ranger router i absolutely love that router man it's that's a nice little item and then moving back from there uh we'll see the skylight that's inside the shower it's been a good unit no leaks no issues right next to that is the max air vent cover so the the max air fan comes standard with this vent cover because it's built in so the two go together we've had the bird house in some torrential rains we always have that max air vent open and that vent cover has always kept the rain out even when it's torrential and it's very easy to remove with four stainless clips to get to it for cleaning okay let's start at the front work our way back the lippert components power drive electric tongue jack works fantastic flawless love it that combines the uh the tongue jack and the um jacket let's go arrow bike wing bike rack which it comes standard with which i don't have installed right now those two fit together so with that being said let's talk about the bike rack um we initially ran with that unit but it came into contact or actually the bikes were too close to the bed topper on my pickup and it would come in contact with that and so we opted to not use that bike rack although we didn't keep it so that's another story in itself you'll see what we went to when we get to the back of the trailer okay so the two stabilizing jacks those have been wonderful and flawless a lot of small trailers don't come with double 20-pound bottles but this one does have double ones i am sure glad that it does because it is really nice and um as always with double bottles it's got the auto transfer changeover valve that's underneath the plastic cover here i'm just going to say kind of one blanket statement the entire gas propane gas system has worked flawlessly there is the windshield that's actually broken you can't see it from here but i'll show really quickly what that broken windshield looks like from the inside and front nose cap has been great and combined with the ceiling um 100 keeps the water out of the front and we never have to worry about delamination up that up there that's been a big problem area for delamination in rvs in the past okay so here is the left-hand side of the pass-through storage you know just a basic storage compartment it has been great uh i have had one screw that was stripped and has rattled out it did it to me a second time after i locked added it so i will probably re-drill that in a new spot where it fell out other than that and that whole area has been solid and no problems that's the outside view of the water heater again it has been flawless there's a shore power connector i love having it like this how they do this keeps bugs from getting into your rv instead of having a cord go through the wall those of you have who have had an older rv know what i'm talking about fresh water tank fill right there outside shower love it works great we use it for dog washing i use it for rinsing sand off things while i'm camping on the beach comes in really handy there's your city water connection and this this antifreeze inlet is very very handy it makes winterizing so very easy cable and satellite connections here as well i have never used those once probably never will there is another view of the frameless windows and how they're hinged uh the slide-out does have two little slide up and down single hung windows in them but we usually don't open those it's we found it's not really necessary over here is one exterior problem that we've had this is the left-hand fender on the slide-out and basically they under-engineered this they they skipped a step there's this part which hangs off the end and it goes flutters just like this when you're going down the road and anything that flutters in time will fatigue and then break so hopefully you can see it so where that fastener goes that is broken and then it came unsealed all along here starting up seat being unsealed up into here and in time we'll probably start to see this crack and break so i have got another fender on order in the meantime i'm going to go ahead and they did not fully engineer this if they did fully engineer it they would have mounted that little stub of the fender actually on the body of the rv instead of letting it hang off so i trimmed this off flush and re-glued it on it's been fine ever since now i could have gotten this fixed on warranty i deemed it was not worth leaving the trailer down there for a couple weeks okay so down here we've got the sewer connections and those have worked 100 flawless now they are in different locations on different sized trailers on mine the fresh water tank is all the way in the front the gray tanks here and the black tank is here but it has worked just fine uh see the little v-shaped things right there those come in handy i have used those once on a on a steep driveway where we're coming into an rv park and those drug protecting my plumbing good design the little door leading into the bunk area has worked flawlessly and also no leaks and there's the window to the upper bunk no leaks anywhere [Music] the ladders on geopros are very solidly mounted to the trailer with some solid structure and this one has been great been very solid good sturdy ladder no problems whatsoever now on the back um you see we have lights got a couple stop tail turns back here all the lights on the whole trailer have worked flawlessly no problems whatsoever now back here you can see what we did you can't really see the hitch that we put on because it's tucked up underneath the frame but we put on a frame mounted hitch receiver hitch and then we bought a kuat bike rack and this bike rack can also fit on the hitch of our pickup truck so when we're not wanting to haul the bikes on the trailer we can put it on the pickup truck love that kuat bike rack i'm probably going to do a separate video on it [Music] well let me just pause right here because i forgot all about the black tank flush this is the first rv that i've had that's had one and i absolutely love it really helps to keep the black tank from getting so nasty and uh that and all the rest of the plumbing on this rv has functioned perfectly so this is the suburban propane griddle that comes standard with every unit and we absolutely love this thing man it is good times to fire up the griddle get the music going grab your favorite beverage and life is good at that point um out here one exterior power outlet that's worked great oh by the way the uh love the lp quick connect for the griddle we also have a a gas-fired campfire that we i put the correct fittings then we can plug that in there as well if you look right up under there that's where the spare tire is mounted i love that because it keeps the spare out of the weather that has all been great okay so let's talk tires and tire pressure monitoring i've experienced two problems one with the tire the other with a tire pressure monitor oddly enough they were both on the right hand wheel which we're looking at right now so the tire experienced some ply delamination in the sidewall and i've got some video of that which i'll show you right now i that happened on the travels back from washington state back to texas i saw it i monitored it all along the way and because a bubble formed which you can see but it never got any bigger i opted to keep running the tire it did not blow in travel and then back in fort worth i contacted lion's head which is the company that supplies the tires and the wheels and that was a warranty situation their warranty process was very simple i um you go online you read their warranty instructions you send them you fill out their form you send them all the required stuff they replied very quickly they shipped me out a replacement tire which i'm going to use as a second spare just keeping it in storage for now and uh they are supposedly mailing me a check for 30 for the cost to have it removed and replaced okay so that problem was solved and then number two also oddly enough on the right hand wheel when i first went to connect the tst tire pressure monitor to the sensor that's an internal sensor that's mounted to the wheel i struggled to connect it so i contacted tech support at tst they gave me a tip on helping it to connect which was to put the monitor right up close to the tire it's it's all part of the pairing process and that allowed it to pair but then also shortly after that this sensor stopped working completely so i contacted them and they they said hey it sounds like a sensor has gone bad and so they shipped me out a new one and a band which around a stainless steel band kind of like a hose clamp band but it mounts the tire pressure sensor on the inside of the wheel so they sent me both of those because they said hey we've had a few of those bands fail i bet that's what happened sure enough that is what happened because when i had the tire replaced i had the tire pressure monitor uh replaced as well or i'm sorry the tire pressure sensor replaced as well and that is what had happened because the you could tell the tire pressure sensor had been bouncing around in there the stainless band was broken so anyway you know had to work through a few issues on getting this done but everyone honored their warranty and the process was pretty simple and the process was pretty fast it is kind of a longer conversation so i'm not going to get into it here but this uh this trailer came with load range c tires these westlake tires that's a good quality brand so i opted to stay with that same brand and the load range as supplied from the factory we were within that load range i'd like to have margin whenever you have margin you have higher reliability so even though the tires were within the specifications of the load range meaning i was not exceeding that load range i had the option to buy a load range up so i replaced my brand new tires which were load range c with load range d tires and that bumped my load range up almost about a thousand pounds giving me more margin and more reliability i've always done that on all of my trailers i have gotten the heaviest load range tire that i could buy and i have never had problems with blowouts ever and i've always bought a good quality brand so um that has been the experience i've had with tires took a little bit of shaking down and working out some problems but we got them worked out and we are reliable now oh and by the way i turned on my tst tire pressure monitoring and it has booted up now it is reading the pressure of the two tires as we speak here is the vent for your range hood fan outdoor speaker rarely use that again sounds like a total tin can just your window for your kitchen and there's the air inlet and hot air outlet for the furnace these are called step above steps by mo ride and you know what there's advantages and disadvantages to having interior mounted steps however overall we we really love these because they're such a good stable platform to get in and out on and they're just a lot more adaptable to the surfaces that you find while boondocking so we give it a thumbs up and we've had zero problems so combined with this factory installed grab handle it makes getting in and out really easy even for people who are a little bit physically challenged the door here has got tension adjustable hinges i believe they call it a no slam door that door has been great been worked flawless and we we like it uh this got an accordion blind here we usually leave that one closed that one gets opened very rarely but it is nice for privacy that's the other side of your pass-through and then also here's the side port for the solar panel rated up to 20 amps we'll probably take advantage of that here at some point in the future okay so from here let me set up my tripod let me show you the one and single only problem i've had with the power awning i do love this full length awning man it is awesome for good water runoff these are adjustable and i'll show you what that looks like here's the adjuster just loosen that kind of pull down and then i'll try to get that tight sometimes it holds sometimes it doesn't like a gust of wind comes and just barely push it against it and see it it slips it doesn't hold that's been the only problem um that we have had with this awning other than that it's worked flawlessly so i'm actually going to try creating a hack for that on how to fix that so that those locks really grip well so that they always hold tight and don't slip i'll be posting that in another video let's do a walk around on the interior that's the electrical outlet two usbs and a couple outlets there for 110 volts ac i call it the tower of power it is wonderful we absolutely love that uh option uh we have had one little problem with that and that is down underneath here this is all held tightly by a plastic nut and over about a couple thousand miles that nut vibrated loose i did figure out how to tighten it up though without taking everything apart thank goodness if you'd like to know that trick just drop me a comment and i'll maybe include it in a future video okay so what i'm going to do here here we have a window and that's the emergency exit we which we have got a couple of those here in the uh in the birdhouse i'm just going to make one blanket statement that we love the frameless windows they are super easy to clean they work great they keep rain out well we've even had them open in a hard driving rain and no rain got inside the rv so we do love them so these windows combined with the max air fan still allow plenty of air flow if it wasn't for the fan they wouldn't get they'd kind of block the cross breeze because of how they hinge at the top as you can see but combined with the max air fan they are good to go because the max air fan you crank that sucker up it moves some air uh so this is just your basic storage area that has all been flawless uh it's a very handy area and we've had zero problems with it so here we have the front window i'm not going to open that shade number one we've got our heat shield on so you can't really see out of it number two that windshield has been cracked and broken i covered the inside up with duct tape with black duct tape gorilla tape actually which is why you can't see through it just because i haven't replaced it yet that didn't break from a manufacturing defect it broke i think because we drove down quite a few miles of chip sealed roads out west this summer okay so the uh the tv which is also a 12 volt powered tv and it has a built-in dvd player that's all fine and well however we usually do not use it at all we do entertain ourselves with tv occasionally but it's usually always via ipad so we have not watched the tv at all however i am thinking of putting in apple tv but that's for down the road once i do that i'll probably start using that tv more however it has been solidly bolted to the wall and it has not fallen off so ding ding ding it's a winner uh here's the switch for the wi-fi ranger and again uh we absolutely love that unit it has been fantastic and here is the uh furion oh i don't know i'm just going to call that the the entertainment center i'll i'll post uh here i'll post it right here what the number model number of it is basically it works fine got an hdmi input got a usb input got an aux input i always just connect to it via bluetooth however i do not listen to it that much at all and normally let's use this guy right here my bose speaker why because the bose sounds great and this unit here sounds like a tin can i do plan on putting a small little powered subwoofer right up here which i'm hoping helps the sound okay so now let's just kind of do a general sweep of we're just kind of talking cabinetry um drawers cabinets the bones of the rig the structure now i've already mentioned the the screws that loosen up most of them i have already tightened up fixed loctited etc etc i've only had one that's being stubborn this one that i showed you earlier on the microwave is being stubborn see how loose that is it's about ready to fall out because that hole is completely blown out i'm going to have to fix that i'll probably end up either redrilling that hole because it's drilled crooked or i'll put a plug in it put it you know anyway i'll just repair it no big deal other than the problems that i have already mentioned on screws being loose in the interior the only other problem that we have had is this drawer right here refuses to stay closed in transit because the self locking feature of the two drawer slides does not is not quite stiff enough so i could replace those slides i probably could have even done it on warranty but because we live in our rv getting warranty repairs can be a little bit of a pain in the neck now i'm willing to do it if it's something big or very important but for a drawer opening up yeah not too worried about it in this case i just did a little hack i put in a couple of eye screws whenever we're getting ready to travel i use this uh piece of paracord and i tie it right through there holds it shut voila problem solved love hacks so anyway um on the whole entire structure of the uh the rv that is all that we've had wrong this thing has held together very well and man i gotta tell you um these machines just absolutely amaze me because they get beat to death imagine your house what would your house be like if your house was bumping down the road what would fall apart what would break anyway the uh just i could go on and on but the geopro is a very solid unit right here is the switch for the 1000 watt inverter we are actually running on our batteries right now because we're mooch docking at my son's place i actually i think i already said that didn't i uh the inverter is underneath the bed right in here we love it it has worked absolutely flawlessly got a little drawer in here and underneath the bed on the other side is the water heater and the water filter both of those have worked absolutely flawlessly now let's talk about the slide out ours has been 100 reliable and we absolutely love it the previous slide on our jayco was one of those that operated it was kind of like a worm drive track thing on the bottom and there was nothing up top that kind of helped to drive the slide in and out and so you know it was floppy the thing it would flop back and forth if someone kind of sat down wrong it'd kind of shift a little bit so yeah we really like this slide it's deep it sticks out a lot as you'll see when you're looking on the exterior and like i said the operation has been flawless and uh this this trailer has not been babied it's uh it's seen a lot of boondocking and rough roads already everything else in here uh this drawer except for what i mentioned windows yep everything in here has been good um and there is some storage areas underneath these seats also i already showed you one of those uh down under here is where the slide controller is located at that's why you can't open this with a screwdriver but it does not technically open okay moving on um windows here cabinetry all have been great um furnace is down here and the thermostat for that is up here we haven't used that a lot but we have used that a little and it works great heats it up really well up top we have the air conditioner and again that has worked flawlessly 13 500 btus got two filters here you have to clean out every couple weeks because they work really good they filter the air well sometimes when we are in a noisy location and we don't necessarily need the cooling we just run it on fan for the white noise kind of helps to cover up a uh a noisy campsite okay this is all stuff i put up put up a magnetic knife block just put up a little uh seasoning holder there and this is the i need to get some more light going here so this is the go power solar controller it has worked flawlessly as well as the um the solar panel up on the roof and the main thing that i can say about this system is i'm glad i bought it with it because it's a good starter system what i mean by that is if you're doing some boondocking with some light power consumption you know charging iphones um charging up laptop we even surprisingly were able to run a coffee maker off of this outlet here the inverter has enough oomph to do that however it does drain the batteries down pretty fast but anyway if you are just weakening with this rig and doing light power consumption this solar setup is probably going to be all you will ever need now we would like to get out and do some extended boondocking so we're definitely going to be looking at a few things to help do that including putting in lithium batteries stay tuned for that okay here's a range hood and we love that we've we've had a rv before that did not have a range hood and it is a pain when you are cooking without a range hood because you get a lot of condensation building up in your rig that's hard to get out there is the cooktop and the gas oven we are very happy ourselves that we chose that option because you can get either the gas oven oven or a cabinet there we're happy about the gas oven because we use it regularly once or twice a week and it works great and we love it besides the screws that vibrated loose we have had no other problems with that it amazes me that we're able to get by with a sink this tiny but we do you just get by you have to be really efficient with your space you can't leave stuff lying about because we'll often use this area here for our cook prep you can see what i do here we we do that all the time we use that for dish drying yeah you just get by it's probably a good thing you don't have a big sink because then you'd be wanting to use a bunch of water all the time but anyway yeah this uh this kitchen is very very small efficient but functional okay up here slide controller awning controller uh your electrical switches for water pump water heater water heater electric tank heater we have not used the tank heaters yet i'll be testing those soon because it's starting to get cold outside um here's your light controls so and then here's your all your level controls for uh for your your holding tanks uh there is a battery uh switch there you can check your level but also your gopower uh unit you can you can tell your battery life with that as well you can set it up couple ways you can have it i'm right now i'm just having a read a percentage you can also have a read voltage so anyway this is much more accurate anyway all these things have worked well even uh even our holding tank levels are pretty accurate i just have to keep my tanks clean and and they work good next microwave has worked flawlessly and again same with fridge and man we have done um quite a bit of rving in temperatures that were around 108 110 degrees and that has always kept our stuff cold and the freezer has stayed frozen as well um this is your little power distribution center it also has a cooling fan in it that has worked flawlessly and this is a gas detector down here and that actually works well oh and it's also the carbon monoxide detector actually the the gas detector did save us once what we did was when we came in the rv to use the restroom and the slide was slid all the way in and then you have a narrow passageway to walk through one of us bumped one of these gas valves for a burner turned it on the inside of our rv started filling with gas we went into the store got some groceries came back out the alarm was going off and so that notified us that we had a problem opened everything up and shut the electrical off and uh evacuated the rv of gas problem solved [Music] so yeah just uh there's pantry storage here a little pantry down there a little pantry down here that cabinetry has been flawless underneath the bunks we have storage underneath here again all that structure all that cabinetry has been perfect nothing falling apart and these are the two bunks for the grand babies and we love those and they love them too and all that except for that one blind falling off but i've already told you about that everything else has been fine moving on to the small but functional bathroom so everything in here has functioned flawlessly no problems at all nothing falling apart really really love the max air fan let's get some less light going on here so yeah i really love the max air fan that works well really moves some air when you crank it up the shower is small but very effective i am six foot one and i need this skylight my head is up into the skylight a little bit whenever i shower by the way the dometic toilet is a porcelain toilet so yeah it's a good solid little uh little toilet one thing we were impressed with is often in small travel trailers like this between the plastic toilet and the not so solid floor you know you sit down on the thing and it feels like it's going to break because it's flexing this one between the porcelain and the solid structure underneath is nice and solid um shower has worked really well no problems whatsoever and we love the oh what's that called again shower miser i believe little gizmo that when you're boondocking allows you to warm the water up you're actually recycling the water as it warms and it's not wasting and then when you're when you're when your water is nice and warm then you turn the diverter off it starts coming out the shower head nice warm water and also no water wasted we did replace the shower head with an aftermarket one the original one worked fine but we wanted a more easily operated on off switch and we wanted just a different spray pattern actually it was an experiment as well i was hoping to save a little bit of water i don't think this one saves any water though above the factory one well my friends that is a wrap i hope this video has been helpful to you especially if you're on the hunt for a new rv yourself if it has been helpful or if you've enjoyed it please click that thumbs up button below also it'd be a huge help to us if you could subscribe to our channel just look for the freebirds birdcage and click on that to subscribe well i'm not quite sure what we're gonna post next uh actually next up for michelle and i is we are going to celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary and we are headed down to st augustine florida to do that starting tomorrow so i will figure that out we'll get something posted here soon stay tuned thank you again so much for watching and if you've got some travels coming up yourself and i wish you happy travels and happy adventures and i look forward to seeing all of you soon
Channel: Crowd Free RV
Views: 250,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeBirds, FreeBirdsFlock, rockwood geo pro, rockwood geo pro 20bhs, rockwood travel trailer, geo pro quality, travel trailer reviews, travel trailer reviews 2020, geo pro 20bhs review, azdel rv walls, azdel travel trailer, dexter torsion axle, dexter torflex axles, dexter torflex axle review, forest river reviews, geo pro problems, tst tire pressure monitoring system for rv, go power solar for rv, rockwood geo pro problems
Id: g0dNRyqKXjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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