1ST trip In Our New RV **Mistakes Ahead**

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crazy windy today and it's definitely cooler yesterday with some shorts in a t-shirt and now today I'm dressed like this we're getting ready for a trip guys for the wind I don't know how bad it's gonna be out here however I'm walking down towards the RV because we're going to go on a trip and there's a couple of things that I need to do before we even leave now we started putting stuff in this RV the other day and it started raining and we got caught in it so we just kind of threw the slides in real quick so we're operating with the slides in on the RV and we've got to do some fundamental things such as wheel chocks now you see these wheel chocks I used to use these here at the house although they do a good job I don't want to haul them around usually what I do whenever we're out traveling like when we went to Florida I'll throw these wheel chocks in the back of my truck and the only reason is this if you lose your drive shaft you don't have a way to put your truck in park because the way that your truck gets held in park is by the transmission and if the transmission on a two-wheel drive truck is not connected via the drive shaft cuz the drive shaft is you know broken the u-joints broken then you got to figure out a way to hold your truck in gear or at a stop of some kind and I'm talking about an automatic or a stick shift that doesn't make a difference so most people utilize their parking brakes or also known as emergency brakes inside however as most of us know that live in the Northeast there's a good chance if you don't use your parking brake every single time that when you go and actually try to use your parking brake after it's not been used for six months to a year that the rust might have set in and caused it to where you can engage it but it won't disengage so other than using your parking brake I use these wheel trucks now talking about the wheel chocks that I utilize you guys have been with me for an extremely long time would remember the wheel chock video that I did back years ago and I made my own wheel chocks to go in between the tires well as I suspected these tires appear to be a little bit closer than our old RV and not as much closer but definitely they're bigger in diameter so that means that the rod that holds our wheel chock together would have to be longer just so you can get a perspective what I'm talking about here's the wheel chocks and if you put them in the the rods not long enough I mean you can see it's definitely not gonna let that go underneath where it needs to be so I have to lengthen this right if you guys didn't watch my previous video all these are treated four by fours and I did unlike other channels I cut notches in here for it give something you know to grab the tire's tread and the reason is is because I don't want to have to really over crank these to keep the tires from moving against each other and this makes it to where it holds it a little bit better without you know the friction that's required normally of these two coming together and squeezing and pushing those tires apart I'll have to say that the positive effects of having these wheel chocks in between the two wheels to keep them from moving is better than having wheel chocks that are just on the ground to keep the tires from moving this keeps both of them from moving at all against each other in any way and it just feels a little bit more solid not a huge difference but I feel as if it's a little bit more solid from what I can tell and this was the cheapest way to do it now the fact that I'm buying new rod makes it a little bit more expensive but it was still cheaper than buying you know the ax trucks or anything like that now the one thing that I never did to these was I always wanted to paint these and they're starting to show some weather checking because I've had them now for four years and they've always been out in the weather but what I'm going to do is I think I'm going to go ahead and paint these with like a bed line Spray if I have any in there and that should make him look a little bit better from a distance instead of just a couple pieces of wood in between my tires and also hopefully to protect the wood from weather checking any longer okay so I didn't have to cut that rod at all there's a lot of excess up above I don't know if you can see this but yeah it's it's okay that's I can deal with that that's not too bad and you can see overall what they look like so that truck liner that truck bedliner I put on there dried up really quick and it's pretty hard I was surprised so we're all done with the wheel trucks and yeah let's get a little bit further so when go camp that's the next day this is camping day as you can probably tell by my voice you guys watch us a lot I am really congested but we've already made ready you know reservations and arrangements and Heidi's looking forward to it so I'm just kind of trudging along here trying to get everything hooked up he'll today high is 60 degrees and it's a little bit windy as you could probably tell by the flag golf ferrule up there we got our son's van done or he basically finished it up last night I had some hands on it but it just needs to be buckled up so I can be moved out of the way actually you can start and run it's just missing the airbox we have a lot of stuff I forgot how much stuff went into the RV here's here's where I get sidetracked we had a friend that we bought this off of just a resale and other than me just driving it through the yard it's only been outside one other time anyways we had to order new batteries for it and I was riding around hopefully I don't have to never have to use those for real but it was fun just riding it around and the way I feel Heidi says maybe you should take it with you we ride around the campground with it yeah that's cold I think it might be allergies and I don't know the the VA took a blood sample from me the other day before allergy labs so yeah I already got some of the stuff locked up inside there Heidi's almost loaded everything inside there and you know the nice thing about having a lot of new stuff is this fridge she turned it on and manthang got cold relatively quick quicker than we expected so I'm gonna move some stuff out of the way of course hook up then and I might try to hook up at an angle I know a lot of people have been asking about what happens when you're at an angle and you're trying to hook up to this I don't know if I'm going to but if I do I mean you can see this thing will turn I mean it's it pivots I I don't know how much more of an angle you know you need to to latch into but that's pretty much it right there I mean that's pretty darn sharp so yeah it's amazing how many people are confused about this the bars are no lower than what a normal weight distribution system would be I don't know it's funny it's just really funny I think it's because the majority of us have seen what other hitches look like and have used other hitches because they're readily available everybody's got them but if you would just you know get one of the hitches you would see that there there's no big mystery to them there they just work they just pulled on and they work so again I mean look look how low these bars are and I've got the jacks all the way down I keep those jacks could go up and up 10 inches if I had to so I just don't get it oh well yeah maybe I'll hook up at an angle so you guys can see that as far as when we go out to West Branch I'm not bringing my laptop I don't want to mess with that because I know that the Wi-Fi Ranger isn't going to pick up what the campground has to offer as far as Wi-Fi necessarily and I don't have any kind of cell data stuff you know mounted to this RV yet which that may change in the future but as of right now nothing like that and I don't want to fight trying to get videos uploaded so this video when you see it obviously it's going to be later then some of the stuff that actually happens of course well we'll be updating Facebook and our patrons already know you know they've already been notified a while ago that we're heading out to West Branch but yeah I I just feel so crappy that I just want to get a video up for you guys and so far this isn't very exciting so I got you guys set up underneath the hitch of the RV I think I might have to come up with the hitch maybe but we'll try this angle and see how it works out let me hop in the truck and back it up here now first thing will tell you is you got to make sure you're over the center latches are on this side of the yoke because that won't work if you hook up and then try to use the over the center latch it's it's gonna be on the wrong side of the yoke at this angle so let's see what happens this may or may not work [Music] [Music] [Music] just like that rain starts so you could see the angle that I've got it at looks like it might be a little bit sharper than what it wants to turn the truck was originally at a pretty good angle but I'm gonna pull forward again and I'm gonna back into this maybe it'll be a little bit of better of an angle if I straighten up just a little bit kiss I'm going in like this so it is a little tricky I still think it can be done though I don't see what the difficulty is okay I'm gonna set you up on the bumper I'm gonna take a reistad at the angle because right now I'm at too great of an angle it won't go any further than that so it must be over 87 degrees that I'm at right now so I'm going to pull forward hopefully the camera don't fall off the bumper here and we'll get a better shot well that's pretty much it I mean it's in there you just have to do the over the center glances now I don't know why people think oh you can't go at a weird angle and you've got to be on level ground and well my driveway slopes up my truck is facing down basically in this back here and I mean you can see the angle that I'm at the RV is relatively level I haven't really raised or lowered the jack I did take the stabilizers off but I mean that that's not difficult I think that the rumors and the myths and everything that are being thrown around out there they're just from people that's never used these things because I'm I was a kind of a believer of some of those myths I thought oh man how much of this things are real pain to hook up if we're in a weird you know campsite or something but I don't know I don't get it I just don't get it I'm assuming there's still going to be some sort of situation that I run into that might be a problem but to be honest with you I ran into those kind of problems with the old RV because it set so low or the site was so crooked I mean there's ways around that there's ways to fix that there's ways you can make it happen and still get connected and hooked up I just don't get it yeah let me go ahead and latch this thing up right so we're all hooked up I went ahead and put a little bit more bar on it this time I'm going to see if I get a rougher ride whenever we go to the campground I'm just curious what a little bit more attention would do I did add weight obviously in the front and of course we're going to add weight whenever we come back with the water like I said I'm going to come back with a full 60 gallons of fresh water and the freshwater tank I mean it's essentially you know right here underneath this drain is the freshwater tank so yeah all right I gotta load some more stuff up and still get a few more hours before I have to leave so we're on our way finally I had to help my son finish out his van he had a couple little things that he was still hooking up in whoo I'm this cold is just kicking my butt so on we go hopefully hopefully everything works out okay I'm gonna try my brake yeah try my brake controller I want to make sure that was okay yeah let's get out of here it seems strange because the RV is definitely bigger than the old one definitely takes up more space on the road and such get over the curb just the bit there we go and a bit of a bounce turn at the traffic light continue and annex that's right [Music] and it have the weight distribution Jack's a little bit on the stiff side I wanted to try that just to see what would happen oh that's right school skin now I forgot and I got to make sure that I definitely put water in the tank when we get there it's something you know we normally get a full hookup site when we go out but it's been so hard to get a site out there for the last couple years that you have a full hookup unless you reserve really early and even then it's not a great arm until a 20 to 21 and a 20 I think it's awesome I don't know if you guys can see oh I don't have you turned around [Music] gotta love it doing that job I suppose all right so we're heading out this campground stand by I might take the longer way just for some road feel and not going down a bouncy road to I mean I've talked about that in the past for all you guys been around for a while the campground back way to the campground from where we're at is definitely bumpy and it is the shortest way all right never love all these cups out here today you're trying to get it well here we are uneventful as always which is a good thing I did stop and tighten up my weight distribution bars so I can tell that because of my truck height and the coupler height being relatively close in height to each other whenever you put on this pro pride and it drops it to where the stinger actually goes in about five and a half inches that I need to have a little bit more angle on my bars not much but basically I'm gonna have to put some more washers in that tilt pen it took a little bit more of an angle and it's not that I have to it's that I want to so I'm gonna go ahead and get this thing parked in its spot and I am just running out of energy guys I'm barely hanging on here even talking to you guys so I told Heidi gets me some allergy pills it's just horrible this is horrible okay guys talk about a learning curve and doing it when your head is all foggy my head was foggy it's still foggy I'm so tired I should not have come camping oh my gosh I feel like crap okay so let's show you all the things that I did wrong normally I would have caught all this on video but my head is just growing so I come into the site and it's a it's a straight sight I mean if you look like I got that hitch you look the situs perpendicular to the road there's no angle you can see where a lot of people have run in already here whenever they're pulling in and pulling out well I got it in but the very first time I lay it lined it up I got it in perfect I pulled in so far I got it kind of where I wanted to be then I pulled straight out and then the second shot it was perfect as I got back quite a ways about where it is now I thought oh yeah I didn't get water so I had to go ahead and pull back out go down around this loop here all the way up and go to the dump station and get water that was kind of a routine because I did have to throw the hose underneath the RV the hose barely reached and it took a while for sixty gallons to load up in there alright so back to some more of the fun stuff the funny stuff so then when I come back the second time wasn't such a straight shot and look at that isn't that crazy now this part here is not mine this one mines that one up there that's why the muds over top of it so it's not like people haven't been doing this often because they have and of course that's not mine down there at all but again there's no real angle to these to get them you know in so sight number 85 we ran it and raped about this one on a previous video and that's definitely a downfall let me show you another downfall as I was backing it in the second time I was keeping it real close to this edge now I didn't want to but I thought I'll go ahead and put it real close and then pull it out and back it in again oh look who's coming it's Heidi and our little car thank god she's got a little car she can just squeeze right in here say hi Heidi so now as I'm backing up the second time I'm getting kind of close here and everything looks really good and I'm moving extremely slow very quiet it's really quiet there's no noise going on here at all and as I'm backing up really slow just barely creeping I hear a crumbling sound and I'm like what is that so I stop I pull forward a little bit and I come out and there's absolutely not a single mark on the RV anywhere however I rubbed that little piece of bark that's right there because the tree leans in and you can see how many people have been hitting it so so I just barely peeled back that little piece of bark and it didn't even I'd looked all over the RV and there's like not even a mark nowhere so yeah I'm an idiot all right so it gets better let's keep on going with the fun so I go ahead and I get it lined up the way I want to over up against the edge like we always do and I get it all the way back to the curb to give us lots of room for Heidi's car so she can pull in when I went back it was a little bit too far back I had to pull forward a little bit and that leveled it out perfect from side to side so at that point I put the wheel chocks on on both sides locked him down I went ahead and disconnected the truck pulled it forward I put down the steps which you can see there's a little bit of a thing with the steps we'll talk about this it's not too much of an issue I actually put those big pieces of wood there and they don't necessarily need it I just don't want to overextend the steps so anyways I put the steps down and I don't have the stabilizers down yet but the truck is disconnected it's turned off and I go ahead and I step in the RV and I'm like alright looks like this some stuff moved around inside here let me go ahead and put out the slide do I need to do anything outside for the slide and then I laughed at myself and this is why here's the photo yeah so this is our first RV with a slide so I just backed this in like I have a thousand times with the other RV and guess what if I back the RV all the way up the slide can't come out because of the pedestal so guess what I did then I took the wheel chocks off REE hooked up the truck put the steps back up and then pulled it forward and now the RV is unlevel so then I have to go ahead and put wood underneath this side here and got it level and then again these steps they'll reach it's just I would rather have them up on those pieces of wood yeah so that's that's all the idiot stuff that I did yeah tonight tonight's gonna be a little bit cool but not like yesterday all right Heidi got some junk food for me trying to get me well so we can shoot some video for you so that's what we're gonna do eat on YouTube it's day two of our camping extravaganza whew what a nightmare this cold has become and unfortunately all I'm doing is just sleeping it's 8:30 this morning I I finally got up I did get up around oh I don't know must have been around six I guess but then went back to bed honey of course went to work she'll be home home she'll be back to the RV a little bit later and I've just taken all kinds of pills trying to get rid of this cold yesterday whenever she came back I told you about the whole packing incident just getting in here it was kind of funny that with this many times as I've traveled with that other RV the learning curve that was needed for this one even though it's not much bigger it was just little things and I don't know if it's because I'm in a fog or what usually I'm right on top of those things without any fault you know I just think about it prior but yesterday so you see I'm kind of relegated to staying inside the RV today I'm gonna go back into bed I've taken all kinds of pills I do the neti pot thing so I'm just recovering and hopefully I can enjoy a little bit whenever Heidi gets here so what I'm gonna do is just waste all my time that I can in bed trying to recuperate and then when she gets home back to the RV she can hopefully you know have some kind of company here not that she wouldn't mind some alone time herself but maybe I can actually converse what they're a little bit it sounds like I need to do the neti pot thing again - well I didn't make it outside wait and thought I'd show you guys at least the campsite instead of just the inside of that camper I can only watch so much Maury Povich and what's even funnier is in between the commercials that are played I've never seen more medical lawsuit commercials for more product in my life I mean everything there's a trail that runs in between our two sites here and you can kind of see this trail here ties into it and basically that takes you to the shower house there's a shower house over there but I haven't been back here since we did that video a couple years back if you guys haven't had a chance to check that out we pretty much walked through all of these sites you know kind of giving you an overview of them yeah I haven't been back here I don't have the clothes on for this it's a little bit chilly but that trail takes you down to some kind of ravine and is so tranquil here this is definitely one of our most favorite parks and you can see why I mean there's just this just a nice layout everything about it is decent except further trying to back in well I definitely feel better than I did earlier I took a little nap on the couch even though the couches are very long if I propped my feet up and put a pillow over here to where my head's up kind of like a hammock um so anyways yeah I got some sleep so feeling a little bit better but not very much looking forward to my next dosage of zyrtec I'm gonna try to attack this as if it's a allergy issue because even though I haven't been diagnosed with allergies since I was a kid tree pollen has been extremely high in this area there psy.d so I'm assuming that there must be something to do with tree pollen I don't know hopefully it's not something you know a cold or something like that but one thing that I've learned is you know feel like the little kid who's home sick from school you know can't go outside or you know can't go out and play with your friends or something but this RV sure does make it a lot better and when I'm sitting here watching all kinds of woodland creatures running around and in the trees and it's something I couldn't have done in the old RV it's it's kind of relaxing I've got the one of the maxxair fans on low and the window is open so there's a slight amount of air coming in what a fun trip at least I'm not at home sick I mean I am definitely enjoying myself here just would be so much better if I wasn't ill and that be key here anyway is Wednesday and we are camping and Michael's under the weather so he told me I had to make it a do a video or an update today so not much going on I just worked my ten-hour shift and then came out to the campground and made some dinner yeah we're just kind of relaxed and unfortunately there's gonna be some hail coming in tonight or tomorrow and some rain imagine that rain when you're camping so anyway just checking in and like well he's coughing his head off I hope it's allergies and not anything else but so if he doesn't get any better by Friday he's going back to the doctor's so anyway maybe I'll give you an update tomorrow tomorrow's my day off hey YouTube it's day three and I don't know how many days for me having a call and now I have the cough yeah Heidi's got the coughing now so it makes me think that maybe I've got a couple things going on pneumonia or no doctors I do have a little tidbit for the West Branch State Parks though Dan told me yesterday that if your site is muddy you just have to call up to the office and the bring in some straw we always bought our own yeah Jay super super Jim he was here at West Branch and he said he got a dry sight but yeah there's a lot there's a lot like this at West Branch but one of our favorite spots for the full hookups they the water runs through it quite a bit so we had some rain that moved through Wi-Fi here or the Internet as far as the cell data for t-mobile at this spot is horrible and I don't have that booster yet so that's kind of an issue I mean I I have an RV booster but I don't have the new RV booster and it's a little bit stronger and I hate to drill and mount the old one when the the new one doesn't mount the same way so we'll have to cross that bridge whenever we get to it and it's gonna have to come relatively soon it's obvious one of the things that we were that's kind of been different we're really appreciating all the space inside our RV compared to our old one and the fact that you know we're not 30 foot we're almost 29 feet and nine inches to be exact it's really nice that we have that CD because like yeah last night I was watching TV I was in one of the rockers and I was actually kind of turned and I had my feet up on the other rocker and Heidi she was laid out on the couch but anyway some she was on the couch covered up sleeping good takeoff yeah we had the window cracked open and one of the maxxair fans on so it was pulling cool air into the RV was comfortable yeah obviously yeah I mean it's lazy snored and I was just thinking that if we would have went with that 2608 which we liked one of us would have been sitting in the dinette or in the bed because obviously I was stretched out watching TV and Heidi she was stretched out watching TV now I know if there's gonna got that recliners set up we could have both been in the recliners but then again we want to have that pullout bed that that couch offer so I I think we made a good choice going with this one that's for sure and you know me being sick most the time I spend outside when we go camping but in this case yeah you could I snuck inside you have several places done yeah I guess I can lay down on the bed for a while I can get up and sit at the dinette if I'm coughing too much I can lay down on the counter said at the couch kind of relaxed I could sit in the recliners I mean it's just nice to have all those options and it's something we're not used to I mean before it was you know at the dinette or in the bedroom at the dinette I could have kind of laid it down sort of and I have whenever I've had it at videos I was letting to produce maybe I fall asleep but yeah it's it's just nice having that extra space I definitely need to get organized with where everything needs to be if we're boondocking or stopping somewhere for the night I'm not crawling over the dinette to get to cabinets if I don't have to yeah so I need to just make sure that I have everything organized for what to slide in with the slide in and just make it easier for us anytime I should say I'm so much in a fog I forgot to bring the blue tank yeah so he made me take a shower at the shower house yeah I told her I said we've got enough for one more shower each it's no big deal let's bring shower houses are very antsy and the reason is the tank levels are so inaccurate I have no it said right away that the freshwater tank was down a third and the gray water tank was at two-thirds I mean almost immediately and luckily because of us having the same size gray and black tanks we know that that's not the case however I was trying to remember how much how much water I was running in the shower when I was trying to adjust everything so I I just told her I said well better not do a shower just in case and we'll be able to do one tonight so that's our update for now we'll see what happens a little bit later it's a nice day it's gonna be a tea saying I mean it's will have roller on later it's nice now yeah right now it's pretty good we'll close this out and we'll pick it up later guys so the breeze has been kicking on and off today we heard a twig at the top of the RV I have to go up and see what that looks like it was a twig though and yeah I just got to go to work tomorrow she don't go in until a little bit later but still 10:30 10:30 yeah that you have will have to kind of get this stuff all together and ready to ship out tomorrow we're supposed to have some rain yet tonight I'll tell you though the rain was although it was constant for a lot of the night last night it they were talking about storms and we didn't get any storms at all so how was your first trip in the RV you liked it the one thing that we keep climbing yeah that's it one thing we keep on coming back to as we're sitting in it's like wow all this extra space I mean you guys get to remember how small our other one was and this one just it's there's just so much more space we can okay let's put it this way that's the first time ever that I used the bathroom and Heidi was in the camper she in the other one there wasn't enough room for me to really go to the bathroom sit down to go to the bathroom so I had to kind of open the door and every couples a little bit different but we're not that couple that we go on you know the bathroom together she's in the bathroom and I'm are in front of each other yeah we're not we're not those type of people the cold how do you think she's got it so maybe it's a cold that's all I'm not talking about I'm tired of this freaking thing but it just keeps on lingering oh and we met one of our viewers Jim Jim from North Royalton so Jim how you doing glad to have met you and a Knope your vote didn't blow away yeah he he has an RV but he brought his boat up just today and the wind has been stronger than other times we've had some pretty good gust and you know how it is in a boat going in one direction it's okay but coming back you better have a lot of engine if it's really windy so Jim we hope that you did okay out there today but yeah the the RV did pretty well overall and we're definitely enjoying the extra room I mean right now it is really messy inside there and the thing is is we have a place where everything we just we're trying to find where the best place is so Heidi's moved dishes around a couple times and the breads and chips and stuff she's moved that around a couple times now yeah so things have been moved around a few times but it's good it's there's there's a lot of room in there so we'll pick this up tomorrow most likely tomorrow morning because I can't imagine much going on tonight as I'm thinking about taking some antihistamine to make me a little tired that will make me tired I should say and then we'll hook up the RV and and head home all right yeah yeah sounds like more twigs falling on their RV maybe I'll climb up on the roof and take a look nice thing is there's a ladder there [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got the Morning Sun peeking out and slowly illuminating this tree-covered sight and it's time that we get packed up to go home good morning YouTube Heidi's uh getting herself together she's got to go to work in a little bit a little bit yeah I can help you oh that's okay it's not very difficult okay then I'll leave right after we're done with this all right she's gonna leave soon we're done with the video I was telling her that she could enjoy herself but instead she'd rather just leave so I have to get back on the roof and sweep the little stuff that fell off again because that wind kept up for a little bit we had visitors later into the evening last night if you guys are watching thanks for stopping by is Michael Scott and his wife they chatted with us for a couple hours it was a lot of fun and the place is really quiet I don't think as they pointed out I don't think that a lot of these sites these people are actually here I think that they just reserved the sites so they had the weekend they had it available for the weekend because these people that are over here have you seen them yeah there's like three or four men over here so I'm thinking maybe they're working they all had Yellow Jackets off oh well that would make sense because I haven't seen them I never seen him so we're going to slowly button up the RV I got to get to the dump station and play that whole dumping game and flushing the tanks and hopefully I got hose that's long enough to reach the other side of the RV to flush the black tank but yeah that's it's gonna be a process now we're just gonna head back home we have the site until 10:00 does that checkout time something like that but yeah maybe it's later than that even but I'm fun I'd kind of like to get there a little earlier because I think that there may be some people that are coming in and they're gonna make them wait yeah they're gonna be at the dump station too that's traveling up because a lot of these sites there's not very many full hookups so all right that's it did you enjoy yourself yep we'll have to get out again we definitely have to get out again but in the meantime let's make this the this trip a successful one by getting home and backed in okay which may be a little bit of a trip like you're getting better I think so a little bit I can breathe a little bit better but I do have to go blow my nose now all right guys we'll pick this up later how do you say bye for this video I have a full freshwater tank so 60 gallons of fresh water and of course a lot of that's on the front of the truck and so far so good everything seems to be riding really good I think I got the edge dialed in we'll see what kind of acceleration we have here on this on-ramp there's a lot of traffic out Memorial Day weekend of course so we're go ahead and hammer it suited us here for 35 that is really good with this truck on the back of surprise and this trailer on the back I'm surprised it jumps up right away this is drive-by-wire throttle though I've never gotten used to that quite doesn't make much sense to me but yeah it does a good job we're going up a little bit of a hill and around the corner yard you can see maybe I know the sun's really killing it here but spilling at 70 know if I want to run 70 I mean this is it initial voyage and I don't like the fact that the tires are the rating that the the trailer calls for I like to run my tires you know one rating higher so I can run maybe a little bit less air pressure and have a little bit smoother ride and also of course drive a little fast but yeah this is doing pretty good I'll bet I could deal with this let's get back home I'm tired nothing can be simple Michael Scott remember what you said about hey maybe I should get maybe I should have got the cap with these big windows it'd have been nice to make it to where they vented you know yeah well keep on listening to this part of the story so I got home okay we hide he went to work the drive home was excellent I shot a little footage there you saw on the expressway and I went ahead and went up the street here to get my truck wait at the speed scales and everything weighs 1,400 listen to me I'm still in a cloud 14,000 I think was fourteen thousand seven hundred was the total weight with a full water tank so the RV doesn't weigh that much because I know the truck weighs 70 100 pounds so we'll talk about that in a little bit or maybe I'll figure that out on a later video so whenever I pull in the driveway here I came from the other direction and pulled it in went down the hill here and parked the truck and then went over here and grab the fire ring and moved it out of the way my son we called ahead of time and had to put his van out there so it wasn't in the way and that way I could pull the truck forward and get a clear shot moving into my spot when I came back I shut off the truck and when I came back around the side of the truck I was walking out this way looking at all this here that you can see obviously the gravel maybe I need to rake it out a little bit better I heard this popping noise and this noise and that happened I have no freaking clue how that could have happened this is my best guess the fact that I have these weight distribution bars torqued up all the way and right now the weight is being redistributed through the truck frame to the front tires and of course back to the trailer too and the tongue weight is probably close to I don't know it's got to be close to 900 pounds at this point because it does have a full freshwater tank up there usually when we do maneuverability with the old hitch system we always loosen our weight distribution bars just because they creak and they could Bend you know there's could be issues but this one the way it pivots it doesn't make that much difference so anyways again this is my best guess it's hot out today I don't know what the temperature is currently it is let's see it's 75 degrees the sunshine has been shining on this truck on this side of the truck for the last 20 miles or so coming from Ravenna it's about 20 miles and the trucks black the cab's black I'm sure it's hot back there everything was closed off back there the fact that the frame is right now tweaked because of the weight distribution and the weight that's on the back and truck frames are made to twist they are made to twist and the bed I'm sure is twisted to some extent even though I'm looking at the body lines the body lines look pretty darn straight to me maybe the beds twisted and if the bed is twisted because it's mounted to the frame you now have a fiberglass cap that is secured to the top of the bed rail which I mean it's pretty solid don't get me wrong I'm sure there could be some kind of movement going on here but I doubt there's that much not only that but now you have fiberglass that could be flexing and the window itself is up against a seal that is relatively tight now that would allow it or make it to where the window would not move freely on this seal now I'm gonna lubricate this seal from now on with some kind of a slide lubricant like we use on the RV for the rubber slides just so if it's in some sort of a bind there's not an issue but you can see there's kind of a bow here to the design I mean it's more compressed here and more compressed here than here and the glass I think is curved for the most part but you could see there's movement here and I'm wondering if that caused it to break I mean it's the only thing if if I open this you're going to hear I'll try to do it without the wind you'll hear the seal becoming uh Nadine to it listen I don't know if you could hear that but there was a stickiness that was happening there and the glass has got a curve to it but I don't understand how in the world that thing could have popped and the fact that I mean it is warm out don't get me wrong it's warm out but it's not crazy hot it's not ninety degrees it's not 120 you know Arizona Sun hopefully this isn't a reoccurring theme because from what I gather from the dealer talking with him these things aren't cheap the number six hundred dollars was thrown out there so I don't know if that's going to be the case or not but now I have to go through the painstaking problem of removing this glass from our new gravel driveway without taking up too much gravel just so I can get it parked and I still have to get this stuff off the frame and now I have to put some sort of protective coating over the window so the truck can sit outside and it can rain and it's not going to be an issue this is just a nightmare he's back in its spot and I'm lacking some gravel in the driveway you can see it disappeared there's kind of a bare spot there good thing there was quite a bit here for a base and the reason is is because the shopvac got it so what's going on with the truck now in this short amount of time well good thing we have some greenhouse plastic I mean it's thick UV plastic I made a couple of cross braces in here and Gorilla Tape it in this plastic just give any ideas what's on our porch and I expected it to not last but just about three years and it's been up there for at least ten or eleven years so this stuff will do for the time being we'll give you an update on it in the meantime as you can tell by my throat I am I am out I am so out of out of everything energy time rains moving in I just mowed the lawn it was a little bit on the tall side and that's it as always we hope to see out there by [Music] [Music]
Channel: RVdaydream
Views: 44,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rockwood, 2604ws, forest, river, ultra, lite, flagstaff, rv, camping, full, time, vlog, camper, travel, trailer, fifth, wheel, motorhome, nomad, work, camp, outdoor, parks, campground, fleetwood, terry, empty nest, living, on the road, camp site, travel trailer, workamping, camp host, f150, 250, 350, tow, towing, retire, drive, modification, remodel, fix, repair, update, west branch state park, superduty, propride 3p, hitch
Id: IlB5gSMoZEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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