2020 Dirty Rolex Authorised Dealer Tricks Exposed | Rolex Submariner Hulk Waiting List | Paul Thorpe

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welcome back to the channel guys today I'm joined by Paul Thorpe and Paul is going to introduce a subject that we're talking about today how are you Paul and good evening that you made absolutely fine thanks very much for having me on well as you know we did a video together and it will collaboration the other day that appeared on my channel and it proved to be quite a popular video it's a very serious subject and during that video we alluded on more than one occasion about authorized dealers and how the world of watches are going etc etcetera now I think in the past we've all been subject to you know people saying oh you know you you say too much about authorized dealers or sometimes you know you say things and it's no definitive proof you say these things go on them we don't know but tonight thanks to you and one of your viewers someone contacted you after what in that video on my channel when they contacted you with a rather interesting towel to tell and I'm absolutely delighted to be on with you this evening revealing to the watching world but what we do tell you is in fact the truth and this is how it works a baby tell us a little bit more about the background before we actually get into the meat and bones of this video so this is one of my viewers he reached out to me on Instagram and he told me he's having a bit of trouble he's on a waiting list for a submariner Hulk he's been on the waiting list for I think about the year he's put his name in several shops so he got a phone call from an ad so he raced in India he got a phone call from an AP and they offered him a Hulk at the premium from a navy and then let me just let me just let me just stop here so before we even start this conversation we have an authorized dealer offering a retail client a Submariner double 1 double 6 1 hour LV our premium direct from the store which they're clearly not allowed to do yeah and then he got a second form from another ad and because he was so unhappy with the way he was treated in the first phone call he decided to record this one and I'm grateful that he decided to call this one and I think it's something something that we should mention as well diabetes a fact that this phone call actually originates in India now I know a lot of the European viewers out there and practice in North America also well that's India things don't work that way in the UK or in Australia and you sorry guys it does this is reflective of what happens right across the world with all face dealerships so for the sake of privacy and just that I'd be sincere in respects baby does disguise the voice is slightly you might have to excuse you know the way it comes over believers this is 100% genuine we've checked the salt is perfect and this is a genuine reflection of what happens right across the world doing every dealership obviously but in many of them this is how it all started after they interrogated him to make sure that he doesn't work for release and he's not flipper here is what they had to say about some owner well that this is a difficult task because they know Submariner being one of the most Amanda timepiece and the model that you've chosen is also the steam one difficulty they have along your cuckoo that's wrong a good waiting period open on two years so it's a very difficult time piece they acquire especially they cysteine won and the waiting list is about two years so if it's very difficult called why are they actually calling him they reached out to him if it's very why are you well there's your first clue is in there they're calling him about a watch that allegedly it's very difficult to get and there too so in a hearty away in list now in that case like you say why they even making the call in the first place this already will be in the first 30 seconds of the conversation to me has the snow of a cold call about it not it's a bluff just a minute preparing him there preparing such a hard to get watch but let's see what the silver lining is so if it's a two-year waiting list how do I get it there's your answer the Express waiting list we've got to say about the Express waiting list ball well my I eat and after spending this amount a year in the watch business something new doesn't often come around the corner but that's a new one on me the expressway in a list sure we call it the flippers waiting list it could be called the flippers waiting list couldn't it but people I almost well stick to the will stick to the fast track all right we'll stick for the first night let's see how we can get onto the fast track but therefore conditions to it very simple simply the condition that we have is that you don't have to pay a premium or something to be under the explicit list but people have to make an additional purchase so you don't have to pay a premium so he's a little bit method in the first one that called but you have to make an additional purchase and did you notice something there as well and may be just me being over suspicious but it strange that he got my in that you won't have to pay a premium like he already knew maybe the the guy I've been offered this watch with a premium and it turned it down I mean maybe that's just me being over suspicious but he knows a practice that upgrade that other abs are calling awfully measures further he said it there's always cash through the back door and that's been happening for a long time it's very hard it's very hard to to convince somebody that that's what's happened yeah like it like I said it's quite new to me and I'm sure this is the first time you actually hear it happening we were all aware of it but isn't here no we know it happens but gain definitive proof of it is something entirely different that's new territory really and especially being able to make that public live on YouTube and let's say you know what okay fair enough I'm in the mood of being generous right I'm being generous alright I'll buy my wife or watch maybe I'll buy my wife and rollnick stay just or I'll buy her even if I'm cleaning ultra generous I'll hire a nice day date but this is what they say wait Lucas Oh completely stop and see cannot be another lumix it cannot be another Rolex and if I tell you the list of brands that they have offered him it's absolutely they've picked the harder feeling brands you had a shop yourself yeah the hardest selling brands let's not slay any and then they offered him the hardest selling models of these brands brand yeah for example let's let's say they offer them again I'm not selecting the brands but it's the models of these brands that they offer them sure are long jeans think they mention Zenith which actually sell quite nice watches but yeah yeah they sent him well models made and all other brands like Graham and so on and chorim and they kept referring to these brands as exclusive right man will raymond will but then if these brands are exclusive they are also offering him percent companies brands if they're so exclusive why your friend ease watches at a discount so ultimately what we've really got here is a case of a salesman calling up a client they're really working them on it from a psychological viewpoint encouraging them to spend money on goods that they don't want they don't need from brains that let's be honest they're not the gray sell it in the world and even if we look past the fact that these brands aren't the most popular in the world they looking to sell you what is that a right at the very bottom rung of the ladder when it comes to popularity within those brands and that is how you get onto this express flipper or waiting list or wherever you want to describe is wherever you are the face and let's just get a better idea of what they are actually offering him because they they have their own strict rules so you would think like maybe I'll just buy another cheap watch yeah that will throw me on there so yeah mine using five on the queer thousand-pound and Louisville yeah but this is the criteria called up and ordered maxima leader you have to make an additional purchase of two and a half at and for a green Submariner you just have to make an additional tool or PHARMAC so for a black Submariner you have to pay the equivalent of around two and a half thousand pounds so UK Sterling pounds and ray green Submariner the Hulk you have to spend around five thousand pounds on the side so they're even defining them by models so it's not there okay we just need you to buy something else to prove that you're a yeah yeah yeah ending on how hot what you want is you have to spend extra money how much with I have to spend to get at Daytona ten grand but it listen it's a great business module which there because they're already making thirty eight and a half percent profit on the roll ace and then they go and make another forty percent plus on the second sale as well but I think look it's absolutely ridiculous and again I just can't put emphasis on it we're all aware of this but here in it firsthand it's like a work of a genius it's like we're walking inside of a casino and they're preparing you mentally before you start lashing out at the big box you're one of your main points was are these watches even there yeah do they actually physically have the watches and I think this little clicked I'm about to play now hundred percent on your question yeah let's hear it the chances are that you may get the watch in this one for me before the month ends because we are expecting the waters the child is gone yeah the chances are and you will get the watch around this month or so because we're expecting the watches yeah yes good enough is it that is not a physical that is not a physical watch and I think that's your answer there and then just looking at the comments on your video Paul I saw some people saying something on the lines of well if you've bought it and paid for it and you have a receipt if a company goes bust right you have a legal claim that you they or your watch will go try claim that watch that they don't actually have yeah how I've even spoken to a legal adviser about this just to get a better understanding things are not black-and-white when you have to fight with another debt collector that trying to edit ins a mock black and white they file from it and that they can it's always the the average you know Joe Bloggs consumer that is going to be the first to lose out because any company's creditors that you know they'll staff at the very top and work their way back downwards and the ordinary guy on the street is always going to be last in the queue but I think ultimately I mean look they're going to be some people watching this tonight they're gonna think well what are you guys trying to prove what point are you making what a point that we're making is very simple we made that video together the other night and I think that video actually went down quite well because I think it opened a lot of people's eyes as to what is going on in the watch world what potentially could go on in the unprecedented times that we find ourselves in but of course that's just me and you talking Talk's cheap but when you are able to then follow that up with definitive evidence as to what's going on from within authorized dealerships that really puts there it gives it complete credibility and that pleases me that it pleases me that we can bring our topic a little bit more credibility exactly I mean we were actually quite lucky to have somebody reach out to us with the real donia again the only reason he recorded its own call is not to attack anybody it received several phone calls and he was starting to get annoyed well the phone call that he received before this one was not recommended was was not recorded but this was a thena offering him the Hulk with a premium direct to the authorized dealership and you would think at a time like this you would say you know what maybe they're desperate just to make as much money as possible and I can sympathize alright maybe they're desperate to make as much money as possible to cover their expenses and things are not you know things are not great in general right now but personally I think their approach is so arrogant you know it's like oh this watch is so exclusive why don't you just be honest and say look we have to watch here but they don't actually have it or we have the watch or we expecting the watch in a month or two kind of are you happy to pay so-and-so and stop trying to push other things baby this is the thing you you you work as I watch the you know I worked as I watch the you know and we both know that one of the things that you must or two of the things that you must sustain throughout your watch daily craze that you must sustain your your customers respect and you do that through transparency this is not transparent and exactly and to go on to arrogance I mean they're they're pushing all these all these schemes on it and I was so confused Paul I have to listen to this multiple times in order to actually comprehend to comprehend it I have to actually put physical notes on paper to understand yeah how hard what purchase have to be you know well one wonders what Rolex in Geneva would actually make of this exactly and we know what yeah well we know what their reaction to be if we was to be so crass as to reveal the authorized dealerships are involved we wouldn't do that because we're not that type of person but they would be already imagine they're going to be red carded it's as simple as that I don't believe that Rolex in Geneva will play any part in this personally it's not what they want to do it's not the way they want their brand represent it most importantly exactly and not only they're giving you all these funky schemes you can do this and that and so on but the audacity to treat you as if you're not good enough let me just explain exactly what I mean because we have to take your profile details the professional details along with your watch finalization in the secondary process we have to compile the defense and to a management for a coup would sell itself it's a much better deal than the deal that already knows and you also know that green some wax and mineral are not available anywhere in the market weight is two and a half years my viewer asked when do I expect the watch well there when I told them is often you've made up your mind which second watch you want to buy we will put your proposal forward to management and then they will approve you and once you're approved we will go ahead so-and-so and agree on a delivery date so not only they are pushing all the watches on you they're making you believe that the service you'll receive and is so exclusive it has to go through management but personally what I think is they will do this this is what I think they will do this with several customers right and then the customers that choose the hardest and the most expensive selling watches on the side as a second purchase those are the ones that get priority so yeah all of this funky scheme they're still not able to promise your watch yeah yeah and it still doesn't guarantee you will watch it doesn't guarantee your watch even off the you've pain and you would think to yourself you know what I'm not down I'm just not down for this can I go can I just stay on a normal list this is what they had to save him and one company does not approve you know more bookings for these models so the list has gone too long and our company would not approve more names for this model basically they've it there same what we pretty much already know is that these lists are pretty much phony in any case because the vast majority of these I mean look there are people of course that get calls from the list I'm talking prior to the current situation the world finds itself in yes there are people out there they get a calls but they're in a minority the majority of these waters are going to prefer clients who have bought their way a fast track ticket or who are known flippers approved flippers that's how it works again just to keep the video short what we did is we actually cut it out there's a lot more info in between them that will kind of expand on everything that you're hearing there's a they actually were explaining like a primary list and then another list and then the Express list so there's actually three lists there are three lists I won't have only had one list well it leaves you wondering if you are an average everyday individual that walks in off the street into a branch any branch I guess of all four ice data ships around the world what chance do you really get what chance do you really stand of getting the watch thing that you want you know that you're after unless you're prepared to play their games exactly and I think if if the watches are actually very the chances of you getting in an honest genuine manner is actually second to none and the fact that they're saying they're expecting the watch is goes head-to-head with exactly what Paul said all the watch is even there well this is the secondary points of this video value as a follow-up to the one that we made the of annoy and this is actually you know the the the bits that we've just done I suppose in some ways you can look at it a little bit jovial you know this is a business trying to get some money in etc etc but the point the real serious notes of this is where are they this is my question it's you the other night where are these what is where have they come from exactly two years I even exist exactly two years waiting list yet if you buy something else it will just pop out of nowhere but we are expecting the watch it's just so confusing is it is not very not bear is it yeah is it just as simple as buying a lot of watch it's so confusing it's just transparent not clean enough and I don't think that's how a Rolex want their agents to behave no absolutely not and I'm not for one moment blaming Rolex in Geneva themselves whatsoever this is their authorized dealers getting out of hand just like I got out of hand with the retention of the warranty card I think they'd be like I've got I've got videos on my channel going back months and months and months long before thankfully they're all times stained so I can't make a video today and upload it six months ago on YouTube people can go back and watch some of the videos where I've preached about the way to authorized dealers have tree people in the past not all of Michalski there are some very good particularly the smaller family-run authorized dealers they really care about the business they really care about their business so let me let me be absolutely clear about that one sadly they are a dying breed because Rolex over the last few years have been eat you know why at these smaller family-run long-established some of them go back almost a hundred years and I'm afraid that these are the very caring dealers authorized dealerships that have been family owned for many years they've but actually gone by the wayside and what I'd like to see it so I'd like to see the reintroduction of some of these authorized dealerships that our family-run where you know someone's father sold my father a watch and now I do understand they've got a history and a tradition and a love and a caring and attention not only for the business but for the what he's and the the items that they're actually selling I'm completely with you you know I can tell you just a very short story of you know an experience with a family-run ad allen was just walking by and Alan is the owner of watch collectors so he was walking by and then he saw a submariner in stainless steel on display right and at that time I was actually after one so he was going to basically buy it and then I would have just bought it off him not a problem actually yeah yeah for me yeah and he he goes in and he says just in a bit of a rush and going for lunch and have a meeting can I place a deposit on this and pick her up in like a half an hour over an hour or so they said yeah sure so I say he left him I think would like a couple of hundred quid they've taken his name and address and so on and prepared you know to prepare the paperwork and then when he came back and they politely very politely took him to the back office and said we're really sorry sir and we've looked up your name and we've noticed that you're a dealer and we just can't risk it here is your money back and thank you very much but it's just we can't risk losing agency yeah yeah Alan was completely respectful of their approach the fact that the back yeah the fact that they didn't accuse him of being a flipper or anything he did again just pawning this for my son-in-law but it was they told him sorry we can't risk you and I and I completely oppression early another me and the only reason I actually believed them it's because it wasn't done through a phone call that watch was actually in the shop window which means they weren't doing a priority list first-come first-served yeah as simple as it was yeah me respect them and just the last thing Paul before people think okay because I mentally was like a 14 15 minute phone call before people think that we montage this and took the juicy parts out and that's what we're using that's not the case it would have been a very boring video to play the whole thing but even the dealer themselves understand that they're doing something wrong this is just a proof that we did not montage this phone call just to show you where the intentions of these dealers are and here is they literally the last thing they said to the customer just listen to this I'm sorry I need that we require on what I bought Rolex or any waiting period or anything that you wish to know I would just say this you sir please give me a call instead of what's I believe because you know where X is respect we can discuss much thank you so much I do sir so any details you require in regards to this or any waiting list item please do not contact us through whatsapp or email phone call only yeah as relics are very strict on this yeah so they know they're breaking their own rules they're breaking their own rules so this is just just our proof that this was how the phone call went we just shortened their yeah as well to be fair we had identities to protect I mean we don't want to get the old phrase the you know rate card if we don't want to certainly don't want to get your viewer in so any into any trouble so we had identities to protect as well but you're perfectly correct I've at the end of that conversation and he's his party and shot completely proves the entire point and that's the only thing we're trying to put across and I think Paul did an amazing video on this channel and I think it goes hand-in-hand with this one and we were very lucky and I think again the viewer that reached out to me he said I'm really glad you guys do this for other people to view and if you want to bring more awareness here is my story absolutely and I think our message to all the old feistiness across the world out there it's a sign to buy as it's been for a very long time just show people respect that they deserve exactly behavior being transparent behave yourself be professional be transparent and you know I'll say it again mate for the risk of sounding boring you know we have no ax to grind with authorized dealers but so I will say and maybe you don't want to say this but I will is that I did never give me any favors so why should I do any to that forth for them they they did leave a bitter taste off secondhand watch dealers when customers went and asked them questions very much so yeah I mean event met the kind of thing is just no no no no think your message to roll next is you've got a tighter hand on your abs because I'm sure that's not how you want your brand represented and I'm telling you I was asked less questions when I bought my house then when this customer is trying to buy a watch yeah yeah it should be as simple as here's my name here's my credit card can i buy the watch that's well I want to know more about this new idea of an expressway in a list I mean what is all this about is will it baby the question is is this something that's emanating maybe from the UK after what we've been seen in recent days is it something that's going to start abroad and then find its way into the UK because the the car retention is started here but very quickly spread worldwide because these authorized dealerships very much seem to work hand in hand poorly you know what surprised me a little bit at times of hardship when you would think these people are doing all these schemes in order to get as much money to survive at times of hardship they are still playing funky schemes of pushing other watches on you and play in an emotional game with you imagine how bad it was when customers were in higher demand and had more money to spend Yeah right two and a half to five grand what was it when people were actually ready and yeah and four different models as well I can only imagine that the hierarchical Rolex would be I think there be fuming to be honest exactly and again the last thing I want to say is this is not to leave a bitter taste of ADEs there's a lot of good honest abs and they operate in a very professional manner like how they dealt with Alan but and this is just to bring awareness of what's going on I still don't feel like it's a safe way to operate I highly advise that if you've been contacted especially by phone not by email no written evidence I would not go ahead with any purchase this is my personal piece of advice and I think it's okay to say so because I'm not mentioned in any company maybe this is over overall it was it's a calm and watch your anything it's you know something David I don't miss much usually but you just picked up on a very good point there the fact that he's asking him to call as well there is no paper trail there's no you know not even whatsapp so there is no written communication whatsoever it's all verbal I think come on exactly and to sum this whole thing up and I'll give you a chance Paul to say whatever you want but there is one sentence I use in your video and I think it's the best thing you can say your only safeguard when you're buying watches especially in these times is your common sense not your bunk not your credit card common sense all I can say all right lights went to that he's is to sincerely thank all of our viewers right across the world that make both of our channels a success and for contacting yourself and I get lots of messages myself you know I get a lot of juicy stuff that I'd like to run with but I'm a professional way I like to make sure that anything we put forward has been properly checked and verified and on this occasion you was able to do that and I'm happy with it but thanks to everyone thanks to everyone for what in and for listening to us and don't after everyone's a title on board everything we say and believe every word that we say but at least we bring another aim for you to consider thank you guys for watching thank you for following our channels and leave a link to Paul's channel in the description below so please go check out his videos as well and if you have any story that you think can benefit other viewers please feel free to contact myself or Paul and we hope to see you soon in the next video take care spiced life guys take care of yourselves and your families so just before we end the video I had one of my viewers contact me after seeing the teaser for this video on Paul's channel and he contacted me with a very relevant story to share so for maybe I'll do a brief phone call with him and get him to share his experience with one of the 80s that he's been dealing with so high and what can you tell us right the same very very after the watching the teaser contacted you just to say the 80s over in India are very corrupt you asked what any model doesn't matter anything from very basic to anything like Daytona they're in steel they say yeah we got them in stock we can let you have the watch but you have to give us X amount of money on top depending on the Mortal to immortal and if you know that and there has to be in cash so you have to go big blatantly tell you over the phone or over the counter so yes we got this one is X much money but we want xima money basically as cash just to the do the transaction okay just to clear one thing we can't say all the dealers are corrupt but the ones that you've had experience with there I have not treated you in the best manner what did they there is a monopoly of should I say a dealer group there so my experience is basically I've only contacted two different dealers over the past four years and one of the dealers every single time every single contractor ever made has to be the same experience the same and they have multiple shops and they won't cash on the side in order to punky on the list that desperate yet so basically the last time I inquired about Daytona in black Daytona and they said yet no permits all you can have it today but you have to give me at that time they asked me for basically just over five thousand pounds in cash sort of equal into the Indian rupees converts it so so that well there was a request well now just to clarify one thing as well you're based in the UK but you don't base in the UK you go to India quite often and you've bought a few watches in the UK here yourself where you've dealt with honest fair bit of honest 80s because we don't want to select everybody you've dealt with a fair bit of honest ABS that have treated you well and you've bought quite a few watches but also you did say that you know even in the UK here there seems to be the whole mess around about we need well you need to prove your loyalty by buying other watches and so on that's there is something that you've experienced even here in the UK as well isn't it yeah that is correct you have to basically probably use this that you have to buy the kind of lie or pieces different one just to kind of to get a good one so and then limits you how many good ones you can have as well per year but different companies so as you know in the past appropriate laughing in a joking matter in the past they used to keep the the warranty card for a year so you can sell them went back on and as you know some of the companies were doing it I had had like a one occasion way inquire about watch where they say yes that's fine the warranty card will be only held for six months but when you go back you have to take the watch back again as well as to remove it you still have the new still have the watch here now this is laughing in a joking matter as everybody has last few days are things a couple of last videos you guys had about the water system in contracting different people offering them different pieces I'm one of those people I have been contacted yes I had bought a piece off then now as it like I supposed anymore family and friends and everything in the past they only kept your warranty card for a year now they gotta keep the watches for a year before they let you get I mean look as long as you've done your due diligence you should be fine but and just wanted to ask you one thing because you seem to have dealt with quite a few a days here because I've had a brief chat with you before we started recording the phone call and has this happened to you in the UK at all whatsoever the whole idea with cash on the side a lot not never never never had experienced everything like this you can never I thought like of course you've been refused from different 80s over the years you know when I starting off my collection but I was very naive was going to like different 80s different 80s asking but some watches not even saying like really like a I'm wasn't going out there and asking for Daytona so every shop I was asking for you know this as you build of your collection I'm not trying to double up any pieces of course you know they did they kind of 4p off says no they said the other the Lord's who goes wrong way you gotta be but to start the loyalty has to buy a piece and I wasn't prepared to buy well basically you know like something oh I'm never gonna you know something I'm not passionate about because I'm a collector if I don't see a value in it I'm not passionate about it I can't see that on my wrist why would I buy one just the kind of you know start off like somebody else's or basically their pocket watch it'll on their pockets you know I'm a collector I like certain things is not always all the hype stuff but it's something that makes me happy plus you shouldn't really be you shouldn't really be forced to prove your loyalty clear if anything you're not actually proving your loyalty by buying another word from them you're just make basically make in their pocket bigger that's all that's happening you're not actually proven anything it's just the word that is used I think personally that's what I think but I mean it seems to be that a lot of the deal is that you dealt with here in the UK have treated you very well and you've been you know quite lucky to deal with the right people and I think again I have nothing against ATS and there's a lot of eighties that our family-owned and even big ones that deal in a very professional manner and in this case you've purchased quite a few watches from very honest people that treating you well now that's okay like I you know I have been very lucky looked after I'm very grateful to it you know my collection has grown because its birth and they have looked after me really really well so you know I can't be you know even the times like this and been expecting nothing at all even a message from them or cope from them hey you know you've been on a list and Nico the watch in respect of a I'm a true collector and I'm a very fortunate position where I can basically literally just go out there and buy watch and I was grateful they contacted me with with a watch so for me you know it's a win-win situation so I can't really I'm not negative person not gonna think this as a negative it builds my collection and you know if I kind of fall to have one one day or I can't afford to keep another one then of course sadly I will you know reduce my collection for the minute we grateful to the 80s they helped me to to kind of build my collection of course you'll do what you need to do but again I want to thank you for reaching out to me and I think the more information we have the more people I have reaching out to me or whoever you want to reach out to do that has a platform that can make other people aware of what's going on it gives people a you know more knowledge in order to protect themselves when they're out there to buy their own watch so I wanna thank you again for taking my call and just want to say stay safe look after your family and if you have any more experiences feel free to reach out to me no no no thanks for listening to me and it's the same again stay safe sure thank you very much take care
Channel: David Khalil
Views: 143,543
Rating: 4.7376065 out of 5
Keywords: Rolex, Rolex Scam, Rolex Dealers, Authorised Rolex Dealers, Authorised Dealers, rolex waiting list 2020, rolex 2020, rolex waiting list, Rolex Bubble, beat rolex waiting list, Rolex Price Down, baselworld 2020, Should I buy a rolex, when to buy rolex, rolex market, rolex watches, where to buy rolex, should i buy a rolex now, rolex authorised dealers, paul thorpe, buying first rolex, rolex submariner, rolex watch advice, buying rolex, hodinkee, David Khalil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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