Real Vs Fake Rolex Submariner Hulk: 22 Things To Look For!!!

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Good thing Iโ€™ll never be in a situation where someone brings out a loupe to inspect my watch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Supra2017Fast ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm going to buy a loupe to bring to Jewish weddings in LA. It'll be fun to see responses.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/per-sieve-al ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hi guys! Just want to share this video. Its a comprison between a bad quality rep, a franken and a gen. It explains 25 things to look at to spot a rep.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Money-Virus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

From which factory is the so called โ€žfakeโ€œ in the video?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tobi__e ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The guy is calling non-bold โ€œsans serif.โ€ Sans serif means a font without lines at the end of it. Arial is a sans serif font. Times New Roman is a serif font. Just FYI, when heโ€™s saying โ€œsans serifโ€ he actually means โ€œnot bold,โ€ heโ€™s just using the term incorrectly.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/misshufflepuff ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone anthony fair here once again i am still the timepiece gentleman and today's video is going to be the first in this series on spotting fakes today with me is the rolex hulk so i have three watches here we're going to get into all of that here in just a minute but before we dive into the education i want to go over a few points that is going to be about how this video is laid out so throughout this video i'm going to be referring to my computer i've got a lot of notes on here and i've actually got about 25 different points i've identified between these three watches that i'm going to teach you to look at so please excuse me as i double check with notes i just i don't want to miss anything i want to make sure you guys get all the education you can another thing i want to say is as i'm teaching you these things it's going to be a lot to learn but one important thing to remember is when you're spotting fakes or you're trying to identify whether a watch is fake you never just want to use one tail and as i'm going to teach you here between the fake the frankenstein and the authentic watches i have on my desk using only one tail is going to get you in trouble using two three four when you can identify two or three things that are wrong you'll have a better understanding that the watch is probably fake now throughout this video i'm going to use the term roughly finished a lot and i want you to remember that because if you browse through the rolex website and you read the catalogs or any of the books that are out there the term roughly finished is not in any of those so it's not going to apply to the quality of a rolex now rolex is known to strive for perfection but i will say they get close but they're not perfect at the end of the day humans make these watches and humans make mistakes so i've got plenty of instances where and you can read about instances where watches will have a misaligned re-hot they have a date wheel that's not exactly centered maybe they have a bezel that's not click into place perfectly that's okay it's understandable i've actually bought a watch one time i bought a precious metal factory stone piece that was well over a hundred thousand dollars that had a misaligned crystal now from first glance someone seen a picture of it the first thing they would think is that there's something wrong with this watch but it was just a simple mistake we sent it back and got it fixed so the point of that is to say you never want to use one tail and that's why i'm going to show you 25 different things to look at so as you're going through it you know one thing may be good two things may be good then one's a little bit off well then another thing's a little bit off and then there's another thing that's a little bit off that's what's going to raise a red flag one thing i've noticed is that a lot of these videos online people do a very good job of creating really high quality video they edit the photos they edit the video to where it looks perfect and it makes for a nice video but the problem with that is it takes away from the reality of what you're actually going to see when you're holding one of these fakes in person so once we get into this most of the video and the pictures i'm going to be shooting are going to be done right from my cell phone so that you see it in the the actual quality or what's what you're actually going to see if you're ever in that scenario to spot one of these so the other thing is the terminology i know that even myself in my early days when i was watching these videos i would be listening to them talk about a watch and all they do is show a picture of a dial and they're talking about one part and since i don't know the terminology i may be looking at one part of the watch while they're actually talking about another so i'm going to be scrolling through a bunch of pictures on my phone zooming in getting real close and kind of explaining stuff is the best i can so that you can understand what it is i'm trying to point out and talk about lastly i do not condone wearing fakes i will not wear a fake i will not sell a fake i will not tell you where i got these these watches were provided simply for the educational aspect of this video so please don't bother messaging me you know i've done a few of these videos on instagram and every single time i do i get a number of messages asking where i bought these if i'll sell them and i don't do that i don't condone it i don't support that industry buying fakes if you buy fakes and wear fakes you're supporting an industry that actually hurts the real industry and i don't condone that so please don't ask okay guys now that we're in this step one is going to be getting yourself a jeweler's loop so fakes nowadays have gotten so good that if you don't have a trained eye and you're just getting into learning about spotting fakes you're not going to be able to tell what you're looking for just from looking at a watch in person but after you've gone through this training and you see everything i'm about to show you this little baby right here will reveal everything you need to know now personally i always like one with the light on it because lighting situations are not always going to be ideal when you get up close on this and you're examining the dials and the hands and the markers and everything a light's gonna bring it up and you're really gonna be able to see and you'll have a better understanding after we get done with this so grab one of these i'll post a link in the description below pointing you to a couple of them that i really like and then i use on a daily basis all right step two is all about buying the seller so nine times out of ten when a seller reaches out to you or a buyer in this matter reaches out to you and you get this gut feeling after a little bit of dialogue back and forth always listen to that gut feeling you know a few simple questions to the buyer seller will let you know if this person's legit or not some of the things i always ask them is i'll ask them to change the hands to a specific day and time if there's a date will on the watch i ask them to change it to a date maybe set the watch down and provide a picture of it with their driver's license in there what that does is it tells me whether this person won has the watch in their collection i'm sorry possession and two if they're going to be compliant someone trying to sell me a 10 20 30 000 watch but doesn't have time to take a picture of it it's probably a scam so the next thing you want to think about is how and where did you meet this person did you reach out to them or did they reach out to you are you meeting on a reputable site like chrono 24 ebay or something geared more towards local in-person cash transactions like craigslist back page offer up those are a little bit shadier you need to proceed with a lot more caution and always again always listen to your gut instinct two more things about that is pricing everybody has access to google these days even if you don't know watches you know how to google green submariner and see that prices are anywhere from 18 to 25 000 so when someone calls me and they're offering me a hulk for 11 000 or 8 000 because they just don't know it's a scam i can promise you you're not that good you're not it's not your lucky day don't let greed and emotion get you into making a bad decision the last thing to watch out for when it comes to buying the seller is listen for the story all scammers have a story most common being they've inherited the watch from a deceased family member they were in the military and they're buying they're getting this gift from overseas so they're for another relative or a friend yada yada there's always a story and they start to get consistent so be mindful of that you know example whenever i call someone to sell them a watch i don't tell them what my kindergarten was like i say here's what i have here's the specs here's the price do you want that's what you need to remember so pricing story where how you met this person and just your overall gut feeling all right so step three we're gonna start looking at these watches and what i have here is i have a fake a frankenstein and an authentic watch okay guys so here we have three watches and these are what i'm going to be going over with some pictures but i wanted to show you these on a video real quick side by side so what we have here is the fake watch is going to be the one to the far left in the center you have the frankenstein which is a hyper clone and then over here you have the authentic one so throughout the video and these sets of pictures the first watch i refer to was always going to be the fake the second is always going to be the hyperclone or frankenstein and third is always going to be the authentic so i'll give you just another second real quick to see these up close sorry in the lighting guys it's kind of tricky right now but anyway let's dive into some pictures and let's get learning we're going to jump in i'm going to use a bunch of pictures so here is again the fake and i want to scan i want you to scan around it real quick and just see if you notice anything and don't don't worry if you don't notice them right now at the end of this video you will definitely know what you're looking at i just wanted you to see real quick so you can kind of see how far along they've come now here is the hyperclone which if you're not familiar with the hypercloner or frankenstein what it is it's actually a fake watch that they've incorporated real rolex parts on to fool you so it is still a fake watch but it does have parts of it that are authentic so i will show you those as well and then lastly here is the authentic okay so we are going to hop straight in now the first thing i always look for when i look at a watch and i'm scanning is the hands and when you look right here at the mercedes hands in the baton and the sweeper hand as you look around it you see that rough finishing all over it which you look like speckles and poor machining and it looks like these things were very roughly cut out of a sheet of metal then you hop over here to the fake and they are a little bit better but as you can see right around that mercedes hands you can still see that rough machine you can see these little chips right here you can see the center pivot where these are all fixated that's rough it's not correct and then you compare it to the authentic which is now these are light reflections right there but you scan around these and they're absolutely perfect so first thing i always look at is the hands but you want to be careful too because one of the things that they are doing on fakes nowadays is they're replacing the hands with authentic hands so this goes back to not only using one tail second thing i like to look at is the pearl now first thing when you immediately look at this is you notice how messy it is if you haven't ever seen this and studied it you won't you won't be able to gauge the depth of the pearl but the size of the pearl is incorrect if you look at this machining and the paint inside the triangle on a real rolex that's infused with platinum and it's supposed to have this very fine sandpaper really look where this has a rough coarse sand look and then again you look at the triangle look around the edges and see how rough it is hop over here this is the hyperclone and while it is a little bit better that paint almost looks a little bit better and that triangle almost looks a little better done it's still very rough overall the pearl is still too small hop over here and we're going to compare that it's night and day beautiful fluorescent pearl that sandpapery white paint clean sharp edges so when you compare the two you can see that okay next thing you want to look at is the bezel markers again here on the fake remember that term i used roughly finished look at the insides of this look at the look how filthy it looks look at the paint there's no platinum infused in this paint so it's hard to keep a consistent texture the poor machine around it overall it just looks rough and dirty you hop over to the hyperclone now what they've done here is they've actually used an authentic bezel it was just poorly put on so you can still see some rough machining around there and they didn't quite get the paint correct then you hop over here and you compare it to a real bezel platinum infused paint is perfect the lid the edges are clean and crisp and sharp and the depth is correct next thing you want to do is you want to look at the date well now here's where one of those things are going to fool you is this is the fake watch but this is a real date will if you hop over to the hyper clone they have also used a real date will compare it to a the authentic watch a real date wheel so if your only tell was to look and see on splotchy paint now i'll pop a picture up here right now showing you an example of splotchy paint on this thing this is an obvious giveaway if i were to see this but when you're dealing with these watches what i recommend you do is flip through the date will look at all the numbers and look at a multitude of them one set of numbers might look good but if you if it is a fake date wheel you are going to get to them where the paint is splotchy and it's a good tell next thing you want to look at is the crown pop the crown open and turn it first off turn it like you're gonna power the watch up is it rough and grainy feeling or does it turn smooth like a rolex a rolex especially a new one like this should turn buttery smooth and not have any grinding noises or resistance against it now one thing i caution you on is that if a watch has been very poorly treated and damaged it may have some rough grinding it's in need of a service again don't ever use one tail but here what we're looking at aside from twisting the crown is when you look at this gasket and you look at the ridges right here you can see how rough again rough machining you can see how uh on the rivets down here the dips in the crown i'll show you these later from a sideward view but those those mountain tops they are the valleys in them if you look at these as mountains and valleys the valleys down here go way too low they come way too close to the base of the crown uh on the authentic crown it's about half that size but you look at the machining on the gaskets you look at the machining or the finish on the gasket and it looks real rough it looks like it's been scraped and again roughly finished now we're going to hop over to the hyperclone same thing very rough finishing the ridges are way too deep you can also look on those triangles and see how uneven they are again very rough poorly made gasket compare it to the new perfect now you can see how those uh table are those ridges in the mountain tops go only about i'd say what is that two-thirds of the way down where on the fake and the hyper clone they were almost touching you look at the gasket it's very clean you look at the rivets they're very smooth you look at the lines in these mountain tops and these v's and they're straight and they're consistent now here what we're looking at is the dial you see this green texturey it's kind of messy and wavy this is a fake right here and the the green is too bright now if you don't have something to compare to it's going to be a lot harder to tell so what you're looking for is if you're looking at this right here alone it's going to be hard to tell but then when you're comparing it with those hands in front of it if you've got dirty hands like this and you've got this very messy looking dial that's a good sign now compare this to the hyperclone this is indeed also a fake dial but you can see they got the green a little bit more rich or richer however you want to say it but when you compare it to the authentic look at how rich this green looks and you can see those straight lines that perfect even texture throughout the dial versus this and this all right on to the next thing so here what we're looking at is the markers better known as the numbers so this rectangular right here this circle these are called markers now again if you haven't studied these things and you haven't looked at them you're not going to know the appropriate size but that ring around it that's silver you see that's called an index on a an authentic watch these are made of white gold they're going to have a look of white gold they're also going to be filled out and shaped perfectly as you can see these have rough finishing on the edges the inside triangle i'm sorry the inside rectangle it's kind of rounded on the bottom one but then it's more squared on the top that is not consistent with an authentic here again same thing look at the poor machine on this it's the wrong paint the indexes are actually a little too small to be able to tell but without a comparable it's hard to notice that then you look at these two right here it's got the obvious look of white gold if you're familiar with seeing this the paint infused it's a thicker index let's take a look at this okay guys the next thing i want you to look at is the font now one thing i want to point out is fonts are getting really good but one thing they haven't managed to perfect is the difference in dial variations and for the hulk specifically there's three known dial variations and that is the mk1 the mk2 and the mk3 now i got my information from a website called the manifest online and i'm going to link that below and it's a it's a great resource on these different dials on the different submariner dial variations so i want you to read up on that and you'll be amazed at how precise this is and how much you'll learn just from looking at this dial but the quick tell on this for me is this font is replicating that of an mk1 dial however if you notice it's all in bold and the bold didn't start till the mk3 dial this font the font is correct i'm sorry the style is correct but the font should be a sans serif font you hop over here one thing you notice is that the f is a little bit larger than the t however over here it's pres it's it's definitively larger and this is the correct font for this it's just you've also got a mixture of sans serif and bold so click on that link below and i want you to study the fonts and you'll see the difference in spacing the boldness and the layout of this the next thing i want you to look at is the laser etched crystal now here's where i want you to be careful is you see this crystal right here when you're looking at the picture if you look at the stems of this all the dots are pretty perfectly in line they look good the circle at the bottom the little loop it's it's not too definitive it's not overbearing it's about the right size hop over to the next dial and you look at this as well all the specs are just in line all the little dots are in line same as the last one and then you look at that circle it's a perfect well that oval it's a nice size oval but not too big and then you hop over to this one and i'm sorry i caught that picture with the marker in the background so it's kind of blurring the top of it out but look at those two left stems see how splotchy looking that that is and it's kind of uneven and looks very poorly done this is actually a real one this is the real uh laser etched laser etched crystal but the fake watch also has oh i'm sorry the hyperclone also has an authentic crystal so you have two authentic crystals right here this one looks almost perfect and nearly matches the one that is indeed fake but then when you look at the other authentic it looks nothing near like what the other authentic one is so again you got to be careful on that all right on to the next thing we're going to hop down we've already talked about the bezel markers once but i want to just show these again this is the six o'clock 30 minute marker on the bezel and you can just see how terribly done this is poor machine quality paint coming up chipping again a little bit better but still obvious very very poor quality hop over to the real uh it's it's just perfect it's night and day and then look at that green rich texture around it when you compare it back to this on this one you've got fading see where that dark green fades to a light green around the rim of the bezel and then here it's just a dull tone it's just too flat all the way around it okay the next thing i want you to look at is these ridges along the bezel now on a fake again roughly finished poor table tops one common thing you're going to see is on these table tops right here on the points they're either going to be too rounded or too too sharp you run your finger around them and it's going to feel sharp but another thing to notice is at the bottom of these concaves you can see the distance between the bottom and the edge of the bezel it doesn't match right here hop over here looks a little bit better yet you can see how rounded these are again rough machine rough machining around it the whole way and then if you were to look at the size of the table tops they're not the same then you compare that over here the size of the table tops are identical the distance between the bottom of the concave and the bezel are all perfect the texture in the concave is correct the finish on the bezel is smooth all across the top of there so that's another thing to look for okay guys now we're going to get into looking at the re-hot engraving so used to you could tell because it was very sloppy and very poorly done but what you're seeing right here uh this is a laser engraving when i'm sorry a laser inscription when the authentics do an actual engraving like this now here on the hyperclone they did an engraving it's just not as deep uh this is the correct oops sorry so this is the correct if you look around the edge of the letters you can see that they're perfectly and i'm sorry on the blurriness of the video but when you're scanning around this the letters are going to be straight and not sloppy if you hop over here to this fake you can see how poorly looking they are and if you can tell the difference between a laser etching and an actual engraving you can immediately tell it's just just on the surface of the metal whereas these two this is an engraving it's just not correct it's not straight this one is an engraving it's done in it's dug into the metal the lines are sharp and crisp uh one thing i will notice and they're pretty spot-on about it but if you're looking at the re-hot engraving and you look from the 12 o'clock to the six o'clock side the x is always going to line up perfectly with the hour marker and when you go from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock the r should always line up perfectly with the hour marker okay on to the next thing so we already talked a little bit about the crown and about how you should unscrew it and give it a turn and kind of gauge it from there but i wanted to talk here about those mountain tops so you see those mountain tops and then the valley that goes in them look at how it goes all the way down to the bait to the bottom of it to the crown then you compare that over here and then to here see how this only goes these concaves only go about halfway and what i'm talking about is that little tabletop that v that you see right there it doesn't go all the way down to the base here it does next thing we're looking at is flip open the clasp now this is the fake and the clasp was actually the lockable part of the clasp was it fell off but what we're looking at is this little indention right here so when you look at that and then you compare it to this and then you compare it to this you see how much deeper and how much wider that one is so that's that's to tell right there is that the size is just too small now there are some people that will tell you to look at the finishing and if you were to look at the finishing on this watch compared to the finishing on this watch compared to the finishing on this obviously terrible fake i'll tell you don't ever use the finishing as a thing because i've seen very good polish jobs on fake watches and i've seen very bad polished jobs on real watches next thing i want to show you is the so this one again like i said it's missing the rolex clasp but i want you to look at the crown now this is on the hyperclone this is on the authentic again look at the machining quality of the metal is the first thing they polished it looks like they tried to polish this to match the clasp whereas this has its own uh satin finish the other thing i want you to look at is look at the circle at the base of the crown very tiny very dinky and this is a nice oval that goes uh that fits well and and just matches and looks right the other thing you want to look for is a lot of times these fakes have cut this crown out of a separate sheet of metal and their the process of attaching it to the clasp is just simply welding it on so when you get your loop and you start looking around the edges of this crown you'll start seeing very uneven uh what looks like weld marks so i it's i don't have it sideways to show you that but you'll know what i'm talking about if you ever get under it and look at the loop but the main thing to notice is look at how this is look at how they tried to polish this crown to match the finish of the clasp okay now i already mentioned about the polish job this is the polished job on the fake and what i would point out here is that it's very unleavened textures it's very different or it's different depths of thickness and but you can't use that as a tell because i've seen very bad polish jobs on very real watches and then again you see rolex is perfect all around next thing you're going to look at is flip the client flip the clasp open and again a very poor laser etching you look in you scan all the way around don't just look at one part you got to scan all the way around if you scan in here you can see how rough and uneven it is these little ridges are all uneven the letters are not properly lined up and come to square points that e it looks just it's very poor same thing here just very sloppy looking [Music] and then you get to this one and it's an actual engraving and it's perfect again these are gonna these are gonna come down to seeing them time and time again and being able to spot the difference in a laser a cheap laser etching and an actual engraving next thing i want you to look at is look at the geneva swiss made mark first thing you should be able to tell right here is the the v and the a and geneva are much smaller and they're a little bit higher than the rest of the word so if you were to draw a straight line under each of these words the v and the a would sit high same with the swiss made out here if you look at this correctly it's actually positioned almost in an upward angle you can see on the first at well on the s's in swiss made you can see the bottom hoop of it or the loop of that is is larger i'm sorry it's smaller than the top on all three of those s's you flip over here and it's the reverse the top of the s's are smaller than the bottom so you've got an uneven s again you have that va that's the a is too high it's too small for one and it's too high then you hop over to the authentic again laser etching also too thin laser etching that's bold it's it's bolder to match it but the straightness is not correct you hop over to the authentic it's a perfect engraving if you were to draw a straight line or put a ruler underneath that all those letters would sit on a topley look at the hoops on the s all of them are even hop over the next thing again very poor quality uneven letters let's see this is an engraving you've got very very thick engraving on the rolex sa too thin very cheap looking the the letters the x is too short now we're going to take the bracelet off and look at the clasp now here's one thing an old tell used to be that they are only doing a laser etching on these where the serial number and the word stainless steel go in the case but now this is an actual engraving but one thing i'll point out on this engraving is unlike this see how thin and perfect or thin and straight these lines are here they overcompensated because they thought well this person is going to pop the bracelet off and they're going to see that this is actually engraved and it's going to fool them because you don't know the correct thickness of this but this is this is an actual engraving but it is too thick here is a laser etching that was cheaply done it was the right size and everything but it's a laser etching and not an engraving here is the correct one here it is again up close so you can see once you once you're able to spot that that uh well you may not be able to spot that the thickness is too wrong but look at the machining around the rest of it it's almost as if this watch were 40 years old and it's less than eight even if it even at its oldest again here's just another view of that laser etching that's very poorly done and the authentic which is the correct height look at the machining quality and the edges around there whereas on the first one you can just see how rough and beat up it is all right now now we're going to get into the movement so here is a fake movement and if you have never studied a movement you know the first thing you're going to see right here and a lot of people that do not know the movements of these watches and haven't seen it they say yes this is a real watch and i'll tell you why because they're looking around the dial and they're seeing different colors they're seeing multiple parts they're seeing all this texture right here on the balance which is right here and it fools them because they've never studied these watches but the tell on this fake and i'll explain it here a little bit better is the balance what you see are these two forks coming out from where that jewel is that makes this a traditional balance and the 3135 is not a traditional balance it's a free sprung balance which means it is only going to have a single fork like this now this is the hyperclone watch but what you are looking at is in fact an authentic 3135 movement now why this is wrong is that this is a ceramic date model that comes with a 3135 movement but the ceramic date models came with the blue parachrom hairspring see that little blue spring right there i'm gonna get in there i'm gonna show you a video here in a minute so you can see it in action but you see that blue spring under there this is also a 3135 movement but this is the newer updated this is the older one so this is likely from a datejust model but if you know your movements and you've studied it and you open this case back up and you know that the ceramic is supposed to have a blue parachrom hairspring not that silver one then you'll understand why that this is wrong and then taking a look at this here you go now one thing i want you to pop back around actually i'm going to flip to another video and i'm going to show you this but again here is that traditional balance so the first thing you see those two forks coming off that's already wrong but then scan around the rest of it and you're gonna see like they've tried to uh replicate the finish out and the texture along these but you can see how these circles aren't completed they're it's very rough it's very poor machine around all of these even as the fake movement it's very poor machine around that again here is the real movement it's just the wrong balance for that it's the wrong movement for the for the current watch but here you can see this has the silver hairspring this has the blue parachrom hairspring now here what i'm looking at is the 3135 stamp looks great it's nice and thick problem is on the real watches it was not thick you also notice that this has a yellowish color it's thin and has a yellowish color as well as the authentic very thin font has a color of yellow but you flip back over to this one it's way too thick and fat and it's like a cheesy orange so there you go again that comes with knowing the watch knowing the models let's hop over here so right here first glance you're seeing all these shades of white gray and black that's just rough uneven machining when they were filling in this texture they don't have precise machines they don't take their time it's just kind of a turn up as many of these as you want and that's why you get all these different colors or these different shades of gray on there you look at this one this is an older movement so you can kind of start to see where there's a little bit of difference in there but overall this is a clean looking watch and the font is correct and then obviously you get to the thick the texture is all even the lines are perfect you don't see all those different shades of black and gray again here is the same fake watch from another angle you can see all these different all this different texture when you zoom in if you were to look at this movement through a loop look at that circle look at how much damage there is around the circle and how how rough they were when they were putting these things together this is an authentic movement it's just a little bit older from a datejust so it's got some normal wear but you can see that the lines and the texture are still consistent and then here is the obvious authentic one other thing that i will show you is that the jewels right here these purplish looking things if you're not familiar with them the jewels are played set in place to kind of counteract with balance and magnetism here they match the same they're the same colors and they are actual jewels hop over here to the fake these are just pieces of metal that were painted and you can see they're two different colors here's all three of the watches next to each other but i'm going to flip over to another one so here here they all are three in next to each other running i'm gonna zoom in real quick just so you can kind of see them in action again first glance i'm sorry it's a little bit bright but just very rough very poor looking put together here this is the correct movement but you can see that it's again just a silver hairspring not the blue parachrom hairspring and then here it's excellent quality with the blue parachrom hairspring here's the fake again you look in there you see how they kind of they tried to replicate the texture but they did it here is the authentic it's just the wrong hairspring and the authentic all right guys i hope you got a lot out of that video and are now uh feel like you're more aware of things you can look for that maybe you didn't know before i want you to rewind back to the beginning of this video and take a look when i was first showing you those watches and see if you can spot some of this stuff now that you know some things to look for and then going forward if you've got access to authentic watches maybe you've got friends that have them that you can look at or maybe you have some of your own start looking at these dials and the bezels and everything under a loop and start training your eye in your mind to see what perfect looks like and what's gonna happen is the more of these you see when you do come across a fake you're instantly gonna say something looks off and you're gonna start scanning around and you're gonna know right away so start training your mind like that and guys if you like this video don't forget to hit the like button and the subscribe button i've got a lot of great content planned in store for you i've got more fakes coming up i've got a daytona paddock 5711 and a couple aps that you're gonna be amazed to see so see you next time guys
Channel: The Timepiece Gentleman
Views: 167,519
Rating: 4.8228145 out of 5
Keywords: Fake Rolex, Fake Rolex Submariner, How to spot a fake, How to spot a fake Rolex, Fake rolex hulk, Fake watches, Fake Watch, Is my watch fake, how to spot a fake hulk
Id: 3nqpmFpWPiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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