How to beat the Authorised Rolex Dealers - * MUST SEE * Get discount off your AD | Omega | Breitling

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[Music] welcome back watch people now today I'm hopefully gonna make a video that is going to go down in YouTube history as being one of the most useful videos that was ever made that's the aim at least because the day guys I'm going to try and teach you how to buy your watch from your authorized dealer with a discount now let's be clear this video is not going to be the most popular in the world if you are an authorized dealer because it's the authorized dealers today that I'm gonna aim at in respect that you guys out there need to be aware of how they work and how much profit they are making from you when you potentially purchase a new watch for them now obviously the rules vary from brain to brain and there are always exceptions to the rule we all know who those manufacturers are but even with the most popular watch brands in the world Rolex Patek Phillipe etc Audemars Piguet yes they have what is within their range that you cannot even get from the shop window you have to go on a waiting list etc etc and we all know that you're never gonna get a discount from the world's most popular models however they only really represent probably about 3 4 maybe 5 percent of the wattage that are sold each year around the world directly from authorized dealers and it's those remaining ninety five ninety six ninety percent percent that I'm looking at today so the first rule when you walk into an authorised dealership is not to look too excited don't make it clear to the salesman that you have come into the store to purchase a watch because if he is a fully trained experienced salesman even gets a hint of the fact that you are not leaving his shop until you've purchased the watch you have just done his job for him so the first golden rule when it comes to buying a watch from an authorized dealer is to stay call by look too excited become and bunt look overly interested now the second thing that you need to know when you're buying a watch from an authorized dealer is the fact that the salesman is probably working on commission he is going to want to make that sell just as much as you want to purchase that watch so again be cool be calm and if you're clever enough and if you're if you play your cards right it will be ultimately him that needs to sell more than you need the purchase now the next thing to remember is is that the vast majority of sales people working in an authorized dealership will have a pre-set discount amount a pro's usually that's somewhere around five to ten percent depending on the brand but most salespeople are only given permission to give you a certain level of discount and as I say usually between somewhere between five and ten percent so to get any more than that you are going to have to insist that the salesman either contact his manager in some cases his manager will have to contact the area manager and in some cases the area manager may even have the contact height Q so it's not as simple as dealing with one individual you're going to have to be a little bit more persistent than there and when the salesman tells you that he can offer you five percent you need to make it clear that he's not even close now the next thing that you need to remember is that most salesmen are quite experienced at playing poker so don't beep off when you initially ask them they say no that is part of the game it's and and that's how you should look at it you should look at this as a game don't be embarrassed don't be shy they are very much used to people asking for discounts they are used to some people being extremely persistent even for the last ten dollars the last 10 pounds the last 10 euros so please please plays is very important you should remember do not be shy when asking for a discount don't think you're being a nuisance they are very much used to this and in fact if I'm honest with you most authorized dealership salespeople will be more surprised if youdon't ask for discount than if you don't so the next thing to talk about is the level of discount that you should ask for now let's bear in mind the vast majority of what is that you see in authorized dealers shop-windows have an absolute minimum of thirty eight percent martin sometimes fifty to sixty percent margin so depending on the brand will really depend on how much you are entitled to ask for let me give you a couple of examples so if you're buying a shop-window robles now what is a shop-window Rolex mean if you've watched my videos in the past you'll know exactly what that means but basically a shop-window Rolex model is exactly what it says it's a model that you can see in the window now if it's in the window it's not going to be from the so-called hot range if it was from the hot range it wouldn't be in the window I hope that makes sense so if you walk into an authorized for elects dealership and you are looking at a watch that is in their shop window in their display you are totally within your rights to ask for twenty percent discount now I'm not saying that you are gonna get twenty percent discount but that would absolutely be my starting point because it's like everything else when this sort of thing comes into question you can always aim high and shoot a little bit lower of course other brains will be different brain such as Tag Heuer or I would start off at thirty percent maybe even thirty five percent let's see how much that salesman wants to make that sale let's see how busy that particular ideas been let's see how much they need to meet a target this month you can go in as high as you want and if they say no you can always move along to the next door now it might take you a week or two before someone ultimately says yes but trust me ultimately someone will say yes and again it really depends on the watch and the watch brain not only the watch brain but the model with that watch brain the more popular they are they less discount you can expect to achieve so this bargaining technique will particularly be relevant to what is if you're buying a watch that it's a little bit off the radars a little bit quirky that perhaps is a little bit unusual the more unusual the watch the bigger the discount that you can expect now of course there are some boutiques and some stores for an example if you go to somewhere like carrots or Selfridges you are almost certainly not going to get the discounts that you might get from a smaller more local authorized dealer and the reason being is that they are almost certainly governed by faster it to rules and it's a lot harder to get up the chain of command and I think the biggest problem for what's in fuse yes around the world is they often feel embarrassed to ask for discounts they often feel slightly intimidated when they walk into an authorized dealership but what you must remember and this is very very very important is the people working in these authorized dealerships in general and I'm not saying this across the board because there are some very nice very well-educated authorized dealership salespeople but I would say the majority of them I'm not particularly what in fuse yes they might like there what is but they're not incident what is probably like you and I would be it is their job and their job is to sell what isn't to get as much for those watches as they possibly can look at it in the complete opposite you are a professional buyer and it's your job to get that watch for as less as you possibly can it's just a game now I once made up video that proved to be very popular and it was called something like the poker face walk away method of buying a watch and it's very important that you watch that video but if you haven't or if you can't watch it right now I'll tell you very briefly that really the golden rule when you're buying a watch as I said right in the very beginning is not to give too much away don't show your hand too early and don't look too enthusiastic about buying that particular watch one than a tricks that I will use will be to say that look this isn't really your first choice of watch what you really want is something completely different but you maybe could be swayed if the price was right let the salesman think that you're interested but you're not overly bothered you're not that fussy maybe even more count make them an offer give him your telephone number for you to contact them tell them you'll be in town for the next hour at the most make the offer leave them your business card leaving your number and say look I'm going to go for a coffee I've got a little bit more shopping to do and then I'm out of town now that salesman there's then got a decision to make do I want to make this sell today or shall I just leave it but I can guarantee you in some instances that you will receive that phone call with an offer that is better than the one that you were initially given in store now I want to make it quite clear that I have nothing against all four ice dealers thank God that there because if there was no authorized dealership there be no watch industry but I have to say the aisle for ice deal is nothing whatsoever after years and years and years of being in the watch business and suffering at the hands of some of the BS that authorized dealers would say about my only myself but about independent watch dealers in general for me this is just a little bit of karma I'm they they were never shy in warning customers never to buy a watch from a great dealer never to buy a watch from anywhere else ever an authorized dealer well I'm retired now guy so I'm afraid that I always turn on you a little bit not in a nasty way not in a vindictive way but I think the watch buying general public is in their best interest to know exactly how are you authorized dealerships up and down the country and indeed around the world how they work now a big problem with a lot of what's branches at the moment that you buy them as soon as you walk out the door you have lost a huge chunk of money and that leads me to something else is that like you know I'm always suggesting that you invest your money into a watch that is going to have good value retention but for an example it's hard to buy let's say a tag heuer or a Bremen or a Breitling with huge or great value retention in it because you are losing such a large chunk of money the second you walk out the door because it becomes from any gut it's like a car it goes from being brand-new it's have been secondhand then it's a big difference in the price there will however if you are a lover of any of these brains if you want to buy a brain if you want to buy a brimmin if you want to buy a tag heuer it's absolutely fine go and buy the what is but try and buy them with a discount because their value retention then you're not chasing your own tail and I hope that makes sense so that guys I hope you enjoyed that video it might be a video that you need to watch more than once but the number one tip that I could give you is please please please do not be shy don't feel that you're being that you're degrading yourself don't be embarrassed to ask for a discount as I said that the dealers and the salespeople don't work they will be very much used to this and also remember that the rules I'm teaching here and the things that I'm telling you here do not necessarily apply it so independent dealers because they haven't got the Martins in the what is that the authorized dealers have it's a whole different world is a whole different market hope you found that useful guys thanks for watching a more speak again soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 53,524
Rating: 4.8745518 out of 5
Keywords: saving money on watches, how to buy a rolex with a discount, where to buy discounted rolex, cheap rolex, where to buy cheap watches, rolex wholesale, wholesale rolex watches, rolex at trade prices, trade price watches, trade price rolex, cheap Breitling watches, cheap tag heuer watches, discount watch brands, where to buy rolex cheap, why is rolex so expensive, why are rolex so expensive, how to buy a rolex cheap, Authorised Rolex dealers, Authorized Rolex Dealers, IWC
Id: 88vNEDFKhu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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