🔥 Best Rolex watches to buy 2021

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[Music] welcome back watch people and it's prediction time i am going to put my neck well and truly firmly on the line oh i mean this is nerve-wracking because if i get this wrong i'm sure there'll be a few people who would be delighted to come back and tell me but look at the end of the day it's just for a bit of fun um i've been looking at the watch market and i've been looking at uh what i think is potentially going to happen in 2021 and looking further ahead further on from 2021 now as you know i've done prediction videos in the past particularly where the rolex brand is concerned and today's not going to be much different i'm going to give you one or two other little tips as far as brands are concerned for 2021 but mainly this video is about what i think is going to prove to be the best rolex investment models um this year and pushing ahead looking further on i'm going to get the obvious ones out of the way first because look you don't have to be a genius to predict some of the what is that i've got to predict because everyone pretty much knows that they're going to eventually do okay so let's get those out of the way first so what i've basically done here is i've broken this down into a couple of categories we've got the no surprise category um and the category that i think maybe you guys might not necessarily have considered before today at least to be a solid sound purchase for the future um the obvious ones the green doll daytona um i'll what i'll do is i'll pop the reference numbers up on screen as well so that if you want to join any of these down you haven't got to keep replaying the video so the green doll daytona the eye of the tiger daytona the platinum daytona particularly with the baguette diamond doll um all three of those watches uh surefire winners for the future what do i mean by the future well even short term even like if you can buy that watch today um anywhere close to list you are going to be instantly into a profit um the big profits for those three watches i'm mentioning there in particular and there are other daytonas that we're going to talk about later on in the video that won't potentially offer you as bigger return as the watches i'm talking about now the three watches that i'm talking about now potentially could turn out to be stellar profits in four or five ten years time um the united tiger daytona he's definitely going to be a winner if you could get that list if you have to mull with your house to buy it do it and buy it a watch you won't regret it the green doll daytona is always going to be a very much sought after watch and is always going to see you make a profit and the platinum daytona or the baguette diamond doll again if you can buy that watch right now at least you're instantly into a profit but let's say you have to buy it slightly over list or whatever price you have to pay for it that watch is still going to return you a good profit on your investment in years to come years to come what does that mean i think to get the best out of that watch we're going to have to wait maybe five or six years we definitely want to see that watch discontinued uh the same with a grindel daytona the same with the either tiger daytona all of these watches anything that is current production um is is not gonna explode the explosion happens when the watches suddenly become discontinued as we saw with the rainbow daytona for an example let me i wasn't going to come to the other daytona's until later on in the video but i may as well whilst you're on the subject of the daytona i might as well get that all out of the way i think anything um on the noise strap he's going to do well daytona wise um any of them and again i'll pop some pictures up particularly ones with the more attractive files and what's going to separate the best from the rest in the future is without a doubt the dials and so the chocolate doll with the baguettes that's going to be a a real winner the paul newman black doll the gold sub bowls that's going to be a winner um anything with diamond doll is going to be a winner probably the least desirable one is going to be the oyster flex daytona with the champagne doll because it's a pretty standard doll but nonetheless it's still a great watch to one so looking at some of the watches that are perhaps not so obvious and one or two i've spoken about before um i've been saying this for a long time the james cameron both the mark one and the mark ii um are going to do well in the future i firmly believe that rolex is gonna discontinue that watch um any time soon i mean it could be this year it might be next year it might be two or three years down the line who knows but eventually that watch is gonna go um and for reasons that i've spoken about before it's an anomaly within the rolex watch world the first watch has never been made in the first place the bracelet really doesn't fit uh the head of the watch itself um it's not really the right size bracelet they they've changed that didn't they would have marked two but still it's still an anomaly it's the biggest rolex sports watch that they've ever made it's a stunning doll the mark two though in particular is absolutely gorgeous um and a little tip if you're not sure if you pick a james cameron deepsea up and you're not sure instantly whether it's a mark one or a mark two because unless you've gotten together and even then only to this trained away the obvious is uh the difference uh that are the differences uh more obvious but the thing to look for if there's a crown at six o'clock right at the bottom of the hole um if there's a if there's a crown between swiss made um it's a mark two if there's no crown between swiss made it's a mark one that is the quickest simplest and easiest way to tell the difference between the two now i think these watches one day are going to absolutely explode um i can't predict when um i'm not saying they're going to explode in 2021 what i'm saying is is that this is a watch that in 2021 if you can pick up i don't think that long term looking further down the rolex line that you can go wrong with that watch and i've been saying this for a number of years i've got people who bought um james cameron deepsea sea dwellers years ago on the back of my recommendation and they're already into a hefty profit and i still don't think they've fulfilled their potential yet that is yet to come um i think any wimbledon dull datejust will do well uh so again another watch for the future that you can purchase still relatively sensible in 2021 um look for what is i think really probably best with the fluted bezel um bracelet doesn't really matter um metal combination i think the best ones are going to be the steel models they're probably going to do best in the in the future um but i think the bi-metal models will also do well because again once that doll is discontinued the prices are definitely going to go up and they're probably going to go up quite significantly now another watch um i'm going to go back to daytona as i missed this one another watch that has still gone under the radar to some degree it's not as much under the radar as it was the last time that i recommended it people are starting to take notice and they are slowly but surely beginning to be sucked off the market and prices are rising but it's still not too late to invest in a bi-metal or even an 18-karat gold zenith daytona these watches in the future are going to fetch a considerable premium um my tips right now if you're looking for a bi-metal or even a solid gold zenith daytona is conditioned you you've got to look for the condition paperwork etc that is a bonus and a very good bonus at that but you're really looking for condition i say again condition condition condition is everything for me and that is what will determine the value of your watching future years along with paperwork if you can find one with paperwork so much the better but if you find the right watch in the right condition with a proven history and it's definitely 100 genuine don't let the paperwork worry you too much it's the watch itself that counts um let's move on to some surprises or what is that maybe people will go oh really i never never thought about that rolex day two two one eight three four eight that's uh a watch that uh i think he's gonna pick up in 2021 quite considerably if it hasn't already i haven't checked the prices of that watch lately if i'm honest but gem set day dates as well i think the high end this year in 2021 is probably going to do better than the lower end and the reason i say that is a lot of people have obviously suffered financially due to the coverage situation but the people that already have money well they're still going to have money in 2021 and i think in 2020 we did see a considerable increase in the amount of high-end watches that were being sold with ease and that's not always been the case sometimes high-end watches have been they've always moved but they haven't always been so easy to move and there hasn't always been um a large amount of customers out there for them but that that kind of changed in 2020 and i think 2021 we'll see a continuation of that trend where the higher end what is continue to do very well now as i say unusual dial gem set day dates i think they're going to do well um the oyster perpetual 41s now look imagine if rolex discontinued any of those colors just imagine what's going to happen to the price of that color particularly if people have been following my advice and there won't be many of them because not many people will be able to do this but if you've been out there trying to secure a full set uh and you're the green doll short of the full set or the yellow doll full uh short of the full set how much are you going to be willing to pay for that dull combination that dull color to make up your full set now i have a sneaky feeling that rolex might just do something like that it would be a little bit wacky but it wouldn't surprise me at all to see them discontinue one of the colors or maybe even introduce another one whilst dropping one but keep your eyes on that oyster perpetual 41 especially um the unusual colored dolls those are the dolls that are really really i think going to do well this year um and again look i've got to reiterate i'm looking further ahead from 2021 on i'll say it again these are watches not all of these watches i'm going to say are going to explode and do extremely well in 2021 well i'm saying 2021 could be the time to buy them for the future uh and and the future means is a different period basically for every watch that i'm talking about now i think one of the big tips i'd have for this year involves a watch those really to a large degree being undervalued at least up until recently um has gone under the radar again and that of course is the explorer both the seven 16570 and the two one six five seven oh now the uh one six five seven oh for me for a long time has been a watch that he's uh available at good money it's a it's a still remaining an entry level rolex and it's a sports watch so these what's what's the dislike um obviously we have the two one six five seven oh now which i actually think is a great looking watch it's a better size for me at least um but this year of course is the 50th anniversary um of the explorer now or the explorer too i should say now here's the deal what will rolex do this year we're almost certain i mean it's almost written in stone isn't it that they're gonna introduce an anniversary explorer two now if they do are they gonna discontinue the two one six five seven oh as we know it or will they run the anniversary model alongside that i think it depends on the aesthetics the differences in the aesthetics if they were to just add something to the bowl i.e 50th anniversary or just maybe you know change the color of the uh of the text they might still keep the current um line in place if that makes sense the two one six five so no they might not discontinue it but here's something that you can guarantee the anniversary explorer two is going to be hugely sought after and it's a watch that i would suggest that you speak to your authorized dealer about right now i know they're telling us there's no lists etc but register your interest for the anniversary explorer 2 right now today because when that watch comes out you are going to be instantly in a profit if that's what you're looking for and if you're not in the future it's definitely 100 gonna be a watch that you simply must have in your collection and certainly you want to have it in your investment portfolio if that's what you do but it's got there's a knock-on effect isn't there because um the 16570 all of a sudden kind of become falls into that proper vintage category doesn't it it makes it even older it makes it it puts it even further back in the history of the explorer too and i think the introduction of an anniversary explorer ii will have a knock on effect financially on um the 16570 and the 216 570 um so i think all of those watches are potentially looking at a pretty um substantial increase later on this year uh when we get the rolex anniversary explorer released and i'm i'm sure that's what they're gonna do now anyone that's interested in that um i watched a fantastic video that adrian over at bark and jack put together um i'll pop a link up on screen to that one and down in the video description i would honestly recommend you go over and have a what have watched that video adrian does a grand job of talking about the 50th anniversary in the explorer 2 and he also has some uh mock-ups i'll just pop them up on screen as well now but i won't steal the thunder go over to adrian's channel um and have a look at that video as i say it's really worth a watch so what about the hot waters that are out there right now what about the models that have done extremely well in the in previous years in 2019 2020 what can we expect for them in 2021 so i'm talking about the pepsi gmt the batman the batgirl the hulk um i have a feeling that they'll kind of settle down this year i think they've probably seen their current day heyday if that makes sense and let me explain a little bit more if it doesn't by current day heyday i mean right now in the here and now um i think that those watties have probably pretty much peaked um yes they will rise again in the future as we go along uh the historical road that is rolex they will increase one day of course everything increases in time with inflation but i said some months back that i think the hulk will settle around 14 and a half 15 grand by about february march april this year i think that's where they're probably going to be um there's the pepsi gmt um the starbucks submariner et cetera i think they're all gonna settle um and and the madness will kind of end for those watches because i think they've kind of peaked in the current time and i really hope that makes sense if i'm wrong i'm sure you guys will be the first to come back and tell me but i don't think i'm going to be too far away with those so lastly for now what other tips would i have for 2021 well a couple of brand tips um and i've given this quite a bit of thought and consideration before um i put put me big foot in it i think that um all the marpigo royal oak models this year will have a blinding time and i tell you for why because ap and patek um are kind of like vying for this position in the watch market right now but i just think you're kind of getting better money um with the ap and they're probably just a little bit easier to source now when i talk about um the royal oak range i'm not necessarily talking about the offshore range i'm talking about the standard royal oak range both the chrono and the non-chrono versions um the also the new uh ultra thin is it whatever they call it i think that's gonna that's gonna do well uh too um and i think fp jean are in for a good year not anywhere let's put it this way they're not gonna break into the uh the everyday man on the street market but i think with the higher end buyers i think fp jean could have a stonking year um and they fully deserve that too look making these predictions is not simple it's not easy and some of these predictions as you're rightly pointing out are pretty obvious and uh it doesn't take a an expert to name some of the watches that i've put forward today i think it's all a bit of fun um and i want you guys to take it in the spirit and that it's meant i would never really want you to rush out and spend your money just on my safe so do your own research um one or two of the watches i've mentioned long term in the future you know like i said you can put your house on the ioda tiger uh daytona for sure if you can buy that at this price you're always always always going to make money on that watch the same as the greendoll daytona same as the platinum doll uh platinum daytona with a diamond doll those are watches that you set you can safely almost put your house on um as long as you're buying them at least and they're all watches that if you have a decent relationship with your authorized dealer that you should be talking to him about because they'll only come up really once in a lifetime for you and if they do become available you don't want to miss out and i guess lastly lastly what do i predict for the watch industry as a whole in 2021 well i think it'd be pretty much as you were from 2020 as we eventually find ourselves uh pulling out of the covid pandemic which unquestionably we will i think that uh come the spring things are going to look a whole lot better hopefully and please god they're going to look a whole lot better um and i think it will pretty much be as you were um i don't see any huge changes in the market beer up or down of course we still have um the small print to read in that brexit document and as soon as that has been done um i'll bring you a further update and a further report so um what i'm saying to you right now is subject i must say it is subject to sort of getting that final brexit document defined um and getting the definitive answers with vat questions import export etc uh that will be a whole different video all by itself hope you enjoyed that as usual guys if any of you out there are cheating on me and watching my videos without clicking the like button or the subscribe button please please please that's all i ask of you in return for my efforts and my time just please hit that like button please hit that subscribe button and together we grow stronger thanks for watching we'll speak again soon [Music] you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 137,546
Rating: 4.8861456 out of 5
Keywords: best auction for rolex watches, Paul Thorpe, Rolex bubble, Rolex prices gone mad, Why is Rolex so expensive, Why are Rolex watches so expensive, Does my Submariner, Rolex dealers near me, How to sell my Rolex, Jenni Elle, Rolex latest models, rolex watches 2020, new Rolex releases, 2020 Rolex Submariners, Sell my Hulk, Buying a Rolex Hulk, Pride and Pinion, pride&pinion, Rolex2021, Rolex price increase, Rolex 2021 prices, January Rolex price rise, Rolex going up again, IWC
Id: OdYzCNHD1_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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